Hilton Travis, Redlands Division 5 Candidate 2020 in Macleay Island | Political candidate
Hilton Travis, Redlands Division 5 Candidate 2020
Locality: Macleay Island
Phone: +61 444 525 659
Address: 10 Alkira Street 4184 Macleay Island, QLD
Website: https://hiltontravis2020.blogspot.com
Likes: 130
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24.01.2022 You should see how many people over here are in that same boat? And Telstra has spent years ignoring our population, NBN still isn't deployed, and we've got mobile phone blackspots in way, way too many places for 2020.
24.01.2022 Coronavirus Fact Sheet for Parents. There's also some good information available at: https://childmind.org//talking-to-kids-about-the-coronavi/ and also at: https://www.npr.org//just-for-kids-a-comic-exploring-the-n
24.01.2022 For anyone who needs a helping hand in these tough, unpredictable times If you are in an emergency, or at immediate risk of harm to yourself or others, please contact emergency services on 000.
24.01.2022 This really needs to be looked into as this isn't really acceptable in 2020.
22.01.2022 UPDATED HEALTH ADVICE To help prevent any further spread of COVID-19, Queenslanders must minimise the number of people they come into contact with. O...nly leave your home if its absolutely necessary. You can do so with members of your household or with one other person who is not a member of your household. Permitted reasons to leave your home are listed below. For a residence or household, the number of people allowed to gather in that house is limited to the usual members of that household, plus two other visitors who are family or close friends. We strongly urge people aged over 70, anybody over 65 with a chronic disease, and Indigenous people over 50 to stay at home for their own protection. You are now only allowed to leave your home if absolutely necessary for the following permitted reasons. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in a fine up to $1,330 for individuals and $6,670 for corporations. > To obtain essential goods and services > Receive medical treatment or health care services > Exercise > Do work or volunteering that is essential and cannot be done from home (this is any type of work that is not restricted under the latest non-essential business activity and undertaking closure direction) > Visit another persons home, as long as there are no more than 2 visitors who do not usually live there > Visit a terminally ill relative or attend a funeral > Assist, care for or support immediate family members > Attend a Court or tribunal or comply with a Court or tribunal order > Attend a childcare facility, school, university, or other educational institution to receive instruction that is not possible to receive at home > Assist with an investigation by police or other law enforcement authority > All shared custody arrangements of children under 18 years of age, whether informal or court-ordered, can continue as normal. You are allowed to leave home to take children from one parents home to the other parents home > To avoid illness, injury or the risk of harm > To comply with directions of a government agency.
21.01.2022 I was unaware of this meeting as I was in an area of Russell Island where I had no Telstra mobile service. I advised the Returning Officer of this as soon as I received the email (after the meeting was held), and further to that, sent this reply: I think this is a very positive thing. I've been disgusted for a great many years at how Pre-Polling locations are managed across all levels of Government elections. The bullying and aggression at these, as well as at regular elec...tion venues leads to similar tactics being used by elected Councillors and Members across the country in their daily duties. It's time for a serious change. The reason I didn't do HTV cards in the first place was that I was concerned with the close contact and handling issues around Coronavirus not only for the voters , but also the volunteers, and I didn't want to put people at risk. Personally, I think the best way to display HTV cards is to have them laminated and listed on a wall that people can look at - there arena enough Candidates in and LG Election that people can't remember how to mark up small Ballot Paper. This would ensure that nobody needs to touch these at all. So, until I get to Cleveland and sign this, plead accept this as my complete and unwavering support for these changes. I would like to see changes like this implemented by ECQ for all future State and Local Government elections.
21.01.2022 What a fantastic visualization. #SocialDistancing -The one who stayed away saved all the rest.
21.01.2022 Just a reminder that this event is coming up this (and at least every future Covid-19 lockdown) Sunday at 4pm. :)
19.01.2022 Home Confinement Directive What are the new rules? The Government has strongly encouraged people to stay home and last night announced further cuts in gat...herings of 10 in number down to two. This applies for indoor gatherings as well as outdoor and includes private properties too. The restrictions apply to all indoor settings so you cannot have more than one friend over to your house. All public playgrounds, outside gyms and skate parks are also now closed. What am I allowed to leave my house for? The four acceptable reasons to leave the house: 1Shopping for what you need. 2 For medical care or compassionate needs. 3To exercise, provided it is in compliance with the gathering rules (no more than two people in a group). 4For work and education if you cannot work or learn remotely. What happens if I live in a household of more than two people? The two-person limit does not apply to people within your household. So your family of four, provided you all live under the one roof, can take the dog for a walk. But if you wanted to go for a run with a friend, it can only be the two of you. Can I go and visit a family member? Yes, you can. A family split across two houses can meet, so you can go and visit your parents or a sibling although common sense probably ought to be used, and the usual social-distancing protocols should also be employed. What will happen to me if I don't follow these rules? For Queensland the penalty for not reasonably complying with the Chief Health Officer Directive maximum is 100 Penalty Units ($13,345). Are there different rules for older people? There is strong advice that people aged 70 and over should stay home and self-isolate. The same applies for anybody aged over 60 with a chronic illness and Indigenous people over the age of 50. This does not mean they cannot go outside. They can go outside and be accompanied by a support person for the purposes of getting fresh air and recreation but should limit contact with others as much as possible. What about weddings and funerals? The same instructions put in place last week are still in place now. That means funerals are still limited to 10 people and weddings to five. When do these new measures begin? The two-person rule will be in place from 11.59pm on Sunday night 29 March 2020. CHO Directive: https://www.health.qld.gov.au///home-confinement-direction
18.01.2022 Purpose The Electoral Commissioner is empowered under s200I of the Local Government Electoral Act 2011 and s392I of the Electoral Act 1992 to give a Direction about how, where or when how-tovote cards and/or other authorised election material may be distributed or displayed at a polling booth for the 2020 quadrennial local government elections and Bundamba and Currumbin State by-elections. Rationale On 19 March 2020, the Electoral Commissioner issued a general Direction appli...cable to all polling booths in Queensland. As a result of the decision made by the National Cabinet on 20 March 2020, the Electoral Commissioner has issued a revised Direction about the distribution of approved how-to-vote cards or authorised election material to further minimise risks to the health and safety of persons caused by the public health emergency involving COVID-19.
17.01.2022 News just in from the Electoral Commission of Qld. (Just an FYI, mostly, but worth a read.) Dear candidate The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) recently wrote to you with an important update about the forthcoming elections. We wanted to provide some further information today in light of the Queensland Premiers National Cabinet Update. As per our previous advice, we also encourage you to keep an eye on our website, the media section and social media pages in particul...Continue reading
17.01.2022 Access to accurate information - Covid-19 your families guide to the information and contacts you might need. You can download a version from my website: https://www.kimrichards.org/useful-links
16.01.2022 Travel to and from our islands should be for island residents and community services providers for essential travel only. Changes in force today on ferry trav...el. Media Release 26/3/2020 Extra ferry services for SMBI residents An additional ferry service will be added for South Moreton Bay Island residents to access essential services. Transport and Main Roads Minister Mark Bailey said to promote social distancing, TransLink and ferry operator SeaLink will restrict passenger numbers to 60 per service, but bolster service numbers with an additional vessel between Redland Bay Marina and Russell Island. This additional ferry adds 9 extra daily services to the current timetable that runs on weekdays and weekends, Mr Bailey said. The local member Kim Richards raised this issue with me after listening to residents in her community, and Im glad that weve been able to work with the operator to deliver this outcome under the current health advice. Member for Redlands Kim Richards said ferry services were crucial for SMBI residents heading to and from work, the supermarket and other vital appointments. Public transport is an essential service and its important we continue to service the community, but its also important that we all follow the advice of health authorities, Ms Richards said. Its crucial that residents still have access to necessary goods, their doctor or pharmacy, and thats why weve sourced an extra vessel to help spread the passenger load across the vessels. This isnt an excuse though for non-residents to take a holiday or even self-isolate on our islands. This is about giving our community access to essential travel. Ms Richards thanked SeaLink for their help in sourcing the ferry. TransLink will continue to monitor ferry use closely and will respond to customer demands as needed. SeaLink Southeast Queensland General Manager Heather Truman said: It is important for us to continue to work with TransLink and the local communities to ensure a continuing safe and reliable service for people that live in the Southern Moreton Bay Islands. The Government continue to follow the expert advice of health officials and as advice changes, so will government actions. Head online to the TransLink website or call 13 12 30 to plan your journey.
15.01.2022 This is a good read. Australia still has some work ahead of us as we weren't fast enough to react to keep our numbers down.
14.01.2022 If you're looking for someone who has both Anatomical Pathology and Infectious Diseases experience, and who can lead Division 5 into the future, then I'm the Candidate you'd want to place a "1" beside. If you're looking for someone who has the community as their central focus, then I'm the Candidate you'd want to place a "1" beside. If you're looking for someone you can trust to bring Division 5 as far forward as possible in the next term (and beyond), and have the Lived Expe...rience of our residents be central to our plans for the future, then I'm the Candidate you'd want to place a "1" beside. If you want Division 5 and the Redlands to have a better Disaster Management plan and improve our Disaster Resilience, then I'm the Candidate you'd want to place a "1" beside.
13.01.2022 TO ALL CANDIDATES & THIRD PARTIES Please be advised that the following must be acted on by 9.00pm tonight.... All HTV/Election Material will be removed from Early Voting Centres in the Redlands. All A-frames from Early Voting Centres will be removed. As from 9.00pm tonight, candidate and third parties are to abide by the regulations stipulated in the Local Government Act 2011 including the 6m rule. You are reminded that obstructing voters or the voting process is deemed an offence under the Act therefore any complaints received from the public or other candidates and third parties forthwith will result in Police intervention. All complaints are to be emailed to [email protected]. Do not impede the Returning Officer or the ECQ Redlands staff from carrying out the election process by complaints or the like. As you may have gathered from this email, the Agreement reached last night has been breached many times today and so the Returning Officer, who warned all present last night, has been forced to take these measures. Please respect my staff from this point forth. Regards & extremely disappointed, Mandy Heinrich Returning Officer Redland City Council
13.01.2022 Queensland's electoral laws were modified at an emergency sitting of State Parliament late last night, giving the State Government the authority to suspend upcoming by-elections and council elections should the coronavirus crisis deteriorate. --- To me, this is a very sensible Law amendment to pass right now as a "just in case" measure.
13.01.2022 https://www.redlandcitybulletin.com.au//rates-relief-par/
12.01.2022 For as long as schools are closed, we're open. Starting today, kids everywhere can instantly stream an incredible collection of stories, including titles across... six different languages, that will help them continue dreaming, learning, and just being kids. All stories are free to stream on your desktop, laptop, phone or tablet. Explore the collection, select a title and start listening. It's that easy.
12.01.2022 If you're still finding it difficult to understand why we're going on about social distancing... https://thumbs.gfycat.com/AllSomberFly-mobile.mp4
12.01.2022 As we need to practice good social distancing to keep everyone safe we also need to keep an eye on our mental health. So how about we all head up the driveway for a distantly neighbourly drink on our own driveways and shout hello to our neighbours? Those of us with portable BBQs may also want to cook something up to enjoy ourselves...
12.01.2022 I just received this via email... Dear Registered Officer We wanted to provide you with some important information about the elections over the remainder of the early voting period and on election day. ... Scrutineers To assist with preparing and planning for scrutineering on Saturday 28 March 2020 and thereafter, last night our Returning Officers were instructed to get in touch with all candidates to request information regarding their intention to have scrutineers present at any location, and during the entire scrutiny period. The intention of this is to ensure that the ECQ can consider scrutineering in the context of the Chief Health Officers public health direction and all other advice emerging from the National Cabinet, the Queensland Government, and health authorities. We will also be in touch again today to provide an updated Scrutineer Appointment Form, and will be requesting these be returned by email ASAP. As you would appreciate, this is a very dynamic operating environment and the ECQ will be closely following health advice and direction to ensure there is a safe scrutineering environment and that vote counting is conducted with integrity. Given the exceptional circumstances that exist, this is very likely to result in some changes to usual practice and we seek your ongoing cooperation to achieve these objectives. How-to-vote cards and election material A reminder that the ECQ Direction applies for the remainder of the early voting period and on election day. Late night early voting A majority of our early voting centres are open until 9pm today and Thursday. We would be grateful if you could encourage people to get out to vote early. Telephone voting A reminder that telephone voting is a limited service for people who are eligible under legislation, such as those not able to attend a polling place due to impairment or disability, or those who have been advised by a medical practitioner to remain in isolation during the election period due to exposure to COVID-19. Regards Electoral Commission of Queensland
11.01.2022 To protect our patients and our staff, we are limiting the number of visitors to our hospitals. We ask patients to abide by these restrictions and for any visit...ors to the facilities to adhere to social distancing. Specific guidelines apply for special wards, including: - Inpatient wards 1 visitor at a time, limit of 2 visitors per day. - Emergency Department, Outpatients, Haemodialysis Unit, Transit Lounges 1 support person. - COVID-19 Inpatient Ward no visitors. - Special Care Nursery parents only, one at a time. Please avoid bringing children under 12 years of age to the hospital and ensure you wash your hands upon entry and exit of each ward or service area. Thank you for helping us #StoptheSpread
10.01.2022 A leader who understands this isn't an everyday event. Who understands that you need to take serious action early on. Who understands that early intervention is the only option.
10.01.2022 Thank you Woolworths. https://www.woolworthsgroup.com.au//woolworths-launches-n/
05.01.2022 I will be at Aunty Alice's Cafe (outside) from about 10AM until 10.30AM if anyone wants to speak with me from a slight distance about anything.
05.01.2022 Looking forward to getting out of the house and seeing what's been happening around you lately? Why not take the opportunity to do it on your driveway, either by yourself or with a partner, in front of your neighbours? As we need to practice good physical distancing to keep everyone safe we also need to keep an eye on our mental health. So how about we all head up the driveway for a distantly neighbourly drink and some nibblies on our own driveways and shout hello to our neighbours? Those of us with portable BBQs may also want to cook something up to enjoy ourselves...
03.01.2022 A Candidate's walk is never done. (Though it's done for today...)
02.01.2022 This is an official update received through the Redland City Local Disaster Management Group. --- Today the LDMG met with Health who provided a presentation and... update. The most important action is to get the public to change current behaviour to stop spreading the virus. WHAT PEOPLE NEED TO DO * Not everyone is going to get novel coronavirus (COVID-19), but the aged are more at risk look after yourself by limiting exposure. * The best way to look after yourself, your loved ones and the people around you is by washing your hands often and properly, staying home if youre sick, and staying 1.5 metres away from people who cough or sneeze. * Avoid shaking hands it might seem rude, but avoiding unnecessary contact is a smart way of stopping the spread of the virus. * If you develop symptoms, first ring your doctor before attending the clinic to see if screening is necessary and also to limit the risk of passing the virus onto others. * We all need to act to slow the spread of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and reduce the chance of a large peak of the outbreak which will impact our hospitals. * There isnt any evidence that wearing a facemask will stop you from catching a virus like COVID-19, so if youre well, you dont need to wear a facemask. * There is no need to excessively stockpile anything, but its wise to always have some extra food at home and other supplies like medications and baby needs or pet food, in case you become unwell or need to self-quarantine. Emergency kits are good practice in preparation for any natural disaster or emergency situation. * Stay up-to-date with accurate, reliable information by visiting www.health.qld.gov.au/coronavirus. This site also has the current stats on the virus. Additionally the Australian Government has advised of new restrictions on organised gatherings. These include a BAN ON NON-ESSENTIAL: * Non-essential indoor gatherings should be less than 100 people * Non-essential outdoor gathering should be less than 500 people For more information visit the Federal Department of Health website. Check Councils events and whats on page for a list of community events that have been cancelled or postponed. Council also has a dedicated coronavirus website page that includes Q&A, downloadable resources and links to Federal and State information. Visit www.redland.qld.gov.au
02.01.2022 http://hiltont.blogspot.com///smbi-food-goods-options.html I did up a post with all the Island-based businesses and their current trading arrangements, as well as off-island businesses that deliver to the Islands. If you know of more businesses, or changes to any listed businesses, please let me know...
02.01.2022 How disgraceful and dangerous is this? https://www.thechronicle.com.au//staff-walk-out-o/3982925/
02.01.2022 Outside meeting at Hugh's Coffee Van on the empty block on the corner opposite Pub Paradise and Spar. Fresh air, coffee, and the ability to talk with me about anything. 9am - 11am.
01.01.2022 This from Lance Hewlett, Deputy Mayor. Local Disaster Management Group moves to Stand Up status as non-essential travel to islands is discouraged. The Redland... City Local Disaster Management Group (LDMG) and Redland City Council are encouraging people to reconsider their need for non-essential travel to the Redlands Coast islands. This includes North Stradbroke Island (Minjerribah), Coochiemudlo Island (Goochie mudlo), and the four Southern Moreton Bay islands of Russell (Canaipa), Lamb (Ngudooroo), Macleay (Jencoomercha) and Karragarra. The request comes as Chair of the Redland City Local Disaster Management Group (LDMG), Mayor Karen Williams, today moved the group to Stand Up status. Cr Williams said the citys islands had ageing populations and vulnerable communities, putting residents at risk of complications from the virus that is causing COVID-19. In line with Federal and State government messaging, we are strongly urging everyone to avoid non-essential travel of any kind, especially to our islands, she said. This will help slow the spread of the virus and protect our island communities. The LDMG has written to the State Disaster Coordination Centre to urge a decision from them on restricting non-essential travel to our citys islands. In the meantime, essential travel would include travelling for work, medical reasons, education, compassionate reasons and to deliver essential services and supplies such as groceries. Non-essential travel includes recreation, tourism, including camping, and general socialising with friends and family. We are asking everyone to help us slow the spread of this virus by staying away from our islands unless they live there or have a need for essential travel. This way, we help slow the spread of the virus and save lives. Cr Williams said the island transport was often crowded, particularly as thousands of visitors arrived on the islands at peak times, including Easter. This makes social distancing difficult, she said. The islands also have limited medical facilities, so protecting these communities is vitally important. I strongly encourage people to rethink their Easter holiday plans if they include the islands, and to contact their tourism or accommodation provider to discuss alternative arrangements.
01.01.2022 This is leadership!