Hindmarsh & Fitzroy Physiotherapy Clinics in Hindmarsh, South Australia, Australia | Physical therapist
Hindmarsh & Fitzroy Physiotherapy Clinics
Locality: Hindmarsh, South Australia, Australia
Phone: +61 8 8346 2000
Address: 281 Port Road 5007 Hindmarsh, SA, Australia
Website: http://hindmarshphysio.com.au/
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25.01.2022 The marathon world record averaged running at 21 Km /hr These people gave it a try.
25.01.2022 Have you tried the Amaze Board. Great for kids and adults alike- try to get the silver ball through the maze We often incorporate various equipment into our consultations with patients in order to get them moving and feeling back to normal as soon as possible. ... The balance board helps improve proprioception (perception/awareness of the position and movement of the body) after injuries or surgery involving the leg. It also helps strengthen stability muscles, as well as building concentration. We also have them for sale for the dedicated ankle rehaber!
25.01.2022 Unlock your ankles! Fitness experts say we should aim to have at least 15 degrees of DF to be within normal limits. Decreased ankle mobility can limit your ability to squat, get out of a chair, or walk up or down stairs, and can also increase your risk of injuring your knees, hips, and even your lower back. ... Use these tests to assess whether or not your ankles are stiff. Simple 1. Here’s how: Sit down in a chair with both knee at a 90 degree angle and foot flat on the floor. Slide in chair so that knees are just past the toes. If you can’t keep your heels on the ground then we now that your achilles tendon is too tight. Detailed 2. Weight bearing lunge test This test is done against a wall using a tape measure. Place your foot in such a way that an imaginary line drawn through the heel and big toe are aligned on the tape measure on the floor. A vertical line is drawn on the wall in line with the tape measure. Lunge forward until the knee touches the wall (vertical line). Your heel is required to remain in contact with the floor at all times. The foot is moved away from the wall to the point where the knee can only make slight contact with the wall, while the heel remains in contact with the floor. This puts the ankle joint in maximal dorsiflexion. You are allowed to hold onto the wall for support. The maximum distance from the wall to the tip of the big toe is recorded. The distance is measured in cms with each cm corresponding to approximately 3.6 of ankle dorsiflexion Compare sides Hows your range? Experts say we should aim to have at least 15 degrees of DF to be within normal limits thats 4 cms! See how you go...
23.01.2022 Moon Boots Did you know we stock Moon Boots ONLY $75.00 Moon Boots or CAM Boots are commonly recommended following ankle, foot and lower leg injuries.... Injuries that can utilise these boots include ankle, foot and shin (tibia or fibula) fractures, ankle sprains, achilles injuries or calf muscle tears. Your doctor or physiotherapist may recommend a walking boot to you if they feel that this is the most appropriate treatment. Why are These Walking Boots Recommended? These Boots provide you with more mobility than a traditional cast. Many times a person who suffers an ankle, foot or lower leg injury will benefit from a walking boot and will help immobilise it in order for proper healing to occur. The intention of a walking boot is to keep you as mobile as possible, while still protecting the injured structure. Specific advice should be directed to your doctor of physiotherapist.
21.01.2022 If you are a runner- an interesting read on some common running myths..
21.01.2022 November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month If lung cancer is found at an earlier stage, there is more chance of a better outcome. It’s important to know the symptoms of lung cancer as although lung cancer occurs mostly in people aged 60 and over, it can affect people of any age. New and constantly evolving treatments such as immunotherapy are likely to continue to improve outcomes for people affected by lung cancer.... What are the symptoms? coughing up blood a new or changed cough that doesn’t go away chest pain and/or shoulder pain or discomfort the pain may be worse with coughing or deep breathing trouble breathing or shortness of breath hoarse voice weight loss loss of appetite chest infection that doesn’t go away tiredness or weakness Many conditions can cause these symptoms, not just lung cancer. Anyone can get lung cancer, even if they have never smoked. If you have any of these symptoms and they are persistent, talk to your doctor.
16.01.2022 Why the poppy on Remembrance day ? The Flanders poppy has long been a part of Remembrance Day. During the First World War, red poppies were among the first plants to spring up in the devastated battlefields of northern France and Belgium. In soldiers' folklore, the vivid red of the poppy came from the blood of their comrades soaking the ground. The significance of the poppy as a lasting memorial symbol to the fallen was realised by the Canadian surgeon John McCrae in his poem... In Flanders Fields. The poppy came to represent the immeasurable sacrifice made by his comrades and quickly became a lasting memorial to those who died in World War One and later conflicts. Today we pay our respect to those who have died in the service of our country.
15.01.2022 The festive season is just around the corner- good incentive to watch your weight now. A small bit can go a long way! Did you know that a mere 10% reduction in body weight can ease joint pain by up to 50%? Even more good news? Basic exercises can help manage the aches and improve function. You have a solution that could help you get movement back and reduce the pain.... See our Physios or exercise physiologist to help you start to exercise to help with weight loss and pain reduction
15.01.2022 Stiff Back? Our 5 minute MID back workout http://bit.ly/5minute_midback1 Mid back or Thoracic back pain and stiffness is common throughout life and is usually prevalent without any serious underlying cause. ... However there are some conditions that must be excluded so it is important to see a health professional if it is sudden, persistent or severe. There are any many factors influencing Thoracic back pain. For example there is a higher prevalence for thoracic back pain in children and adolescents, and females more than males. In children and adolescents thoracic back pain can be associated with: Postural changes, musculoskeletal symptoms, participation in specific sports, chair height at school or difficulty with homework. In adults, thoracic back pain is often associated with: Concurrent other musculoskeletal symptoms, difficulty in performing activities of daily living, lower management male office work and upper management female office work. The mid back has a predisposition to stiffness and so these exercises are more specific to target this area. Put 5 minutes aside each day to help your mid Back strength and movement. If you missed our Oct Update let us know and we will send it to you. See more
15.01.2022 YES- YOU can run This is the best time of year to be a runner. Why not give it a go Let us know in the comments if you would like a 12 week step by step beginners guide.
15.01.2022 Why it is important to rehabilitate before returning to exercises Many people will have rested injuries over the xmas break but not rehabilitated their injury When pain or injury causes limitations to movement, you may find it increasingly difficult to keep active. ... Restrictions in range of motion lead to weakening of muscles and bone, and make keeping cardiorespiratory fitness difficult. Our Physiotherapists understand the frustration of restricted movement and will help to break the barriers you have to being physically active. By addressing the correct approach to strengthening and stretching, and safely increasing activity, we can help you get back on track more effectively.. Injuries improve at different rates and are determined by the type of tissue injured (muscle, tendon, joint or bone) and how severe the injury is. Although most rehabilitation goes to plan, specific problems can occasionally delay a return to exercise. Muscle injury Rehabilitation following injury of muscles can often progress at a quick rate, with return to modified exercise within two to three weeks. That said, muscle injuries that occur at the tendon junction or within tendons found in muscles can take much longer to settle. Exercises to regain muscle strength and flexibility, followed by speed and agility, are important in preventing re-injury. Tendon injury Injuries to tendons (tough fibres that connect muscle to bone) can be slow to diagnose because in the early stages the pain often reduces as you start to warm up, allowing you to continue your sport or activity. Monitoring the tendon symptoms and gradually increasing exercise can take several months, but is essential to regain tendon health. Joint injury Joint injuries are common, occurring in the knee, ankle, wrist, shoulder and elbow. After the acute inflammation settles, it can take a few weeks to several months of focused effort to regain normal function and limit further problems. Our physiotherapist knows the common problems associated with specific injuries and can measure them, provide exercises to correct them and re-measure them to ensure your risk of re-injury is minimised. (adapted from APA)
14.01.2022 As you get Older-Some hints before you start exercising When starting out in any exercise or sport program as an older person, there are some key principles and tips to adhere to. These include:... 1. Get a clearance from your family doctor and/or medical specialist. 2. If you have a chronic disease or condition or family history, get a referral to our exercise physiologist to undertake the ESSA Adult Pre-Exercise Screening System first which will assist you in making informed choices. 3. Focus on starting slowly with small volumes of training that gradually increase in frequency, duration, and intensity in that order. We can assist and monitor this for you. 4. Think about asking a buddy to join you. You are more likely to stick with your exercise plan if you share it with someone close to you. 5. Set goals or targets that are easily attainable aiming to meet the guidelines of 150 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic exercise per week AND strength and balance training twice a week. 6. Self-monitor what you are doing by keeping records of times or how you are feeling. 7. Breaking up an exercise program or doing exercise in intervals is a great way to include rest in your program. Remember, every step and repetition counts, and some exercise is better than no exercise at all. 8. Minimise the amount of time spent in prolonged sitting. Try breaking up long periods of sitting as often as possible with some movements and incidental exercises (e.g., checking the letterbox). 9. Get strong as part of your training. Research has shown that a lack of strength is a major risk factor for musculoskeletal injury in both young and older adults. Moreover, muscle mass and strength decline significantly after the age of 50 years and dramatically after 65 years of age. Our Exercise Physiologist can help with this aspect of your training.
14.01.2022 How to manage Ankle Sprains We have just about all sprained an ankle at some stage in our lives Here's the run down on what you've done and what you need to do if it happens again.
14.01.2022 Which is better- outdoor or treadmill? Last running post... But also applicable to walkers http://bit.ly/treadmill_running
11.01.2022 Did you know that Walking an extra 4000 steps taken in a day, reduces the risk of dying early from heart disease, cancer and other causes by about 50 per cent. Researchers from the US National Institutes of Health found that for an extra 4000 steps taken in a day, the risk of dying early from heart disease, cancer and other causes drops by about 50 per cent. Those taking up to 8000 steps a day when asked to wear a fitness tracker for a week between 2003 and 2...006 were about half as likely to have died from heart disease, cancer or any other cause compared with people totting up 4000 steps or fewer when mortality records were checked in 2015. So get walking- comment below if you would like us to send you our Walking logs to track your Kms
11.01.2022 Faster or longer - which is better If you want to get fitter: you can train harder than you’re currently training, or you can train more. Those two variables, intensity and volume, are the basic levers that all training plans fiddle with in various ways. But let’s be honest: two variables is still too many. We all secretly want to know which one is really the master switch that controls our fitness. Apparently its all about the mitochondria ... 2 studies came to the same conclusions- if you push either intensity or volume to sufficient extremes, you can probably more or less max out the physiological adaptations you’re capable of getting with either approach. And they also agree is that if youre looking for physiological change, doing the same thing over and over again will eventually produce diminishing returns. So mix it up
11.01.2022 In support of lung cancer awareness Month, heres our PDF on improving lung function https://bit.ly/Increasing_lung_capacity_1
09.01.2022 Its a Physio" therapy" dog ! Last day before lockdown we had a surprise visit from Bowser to Hindmarsh. Big thank you to Lucy for a great way to start what turned out to be a rather stressful day. But all good now, we are back in action from Monday.
08.01.2022 Let US look at your shoulder You may be aware of asymmetry when you look in the mirror, with one shoulder sitting higher, or rounded and sitting forwards. Prevention of shoulder injuries can be helped by our experienced physiotherapists assessing your shoulder posture and function.... Weak and tight muscles, poor mobility and joint restriction of the shoulder, shoulder girdle and spine can affect your shoulder function and lead to shoulder pain Don’t let those niggles develop into rotator cuff tendinopathy, tears or impingement. By identifying and addressing the contributing factors early we can help prevent and minimize shoulder pain and injuries. If you already have shoulder pain we can develop a program of treatment to unload the painful structures and retrain your shoulder function. Call us on 83462000 or 83422233 for an appointment this week or visit our website at hindmarshpysio.com.au More info in our blog https://hindmarshphysio.com.au/blog/shouldering-a-problem
06.01.2022 We would like to personally thank all our patients and staff for their unwavering support of our clinics in light of the CURRENT Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation. It is much appreciated. https://hindmarshphysio.com.au/blog YES -We remain open : The government recommendations and new restrictions still allow for you to leave your home to attend medical and/or health appointments, this includes Physiotherapy. ... So as an important healthcare service within our community, we are remaining open, ensuring access to treatment to those in need of Physiotherapy It is really important to us that our patients do not lose access to pain relieving treatment while they can still visit us. If there are any changes we will keep you posted. We do not know if the Government will progress again to further restrictions on peoples movement and if private physiotherapy will remain considered an essential Health Service. Please make use of Physiotherapy while it is readily available. In the advent of our Clinics being closed or for those people self isolating we may provide online physiotherapy sessions so please contact us to learn more about this amazing service. This is an opportunity where we can help with appropriate advice, education, self management techniques and correct exercise prescription and progression. If you need manual therapy treatment please come in while we can still offer hands on treatment. Allied health professionals currently operating may provide routine and preventative care for individual patients. However, if you are feeling unwell (fever, cough, flu-like symptoms) or have been in contact with someone with any of these symptoms or recently visited any of the notified hotspots please contact us to reschedule your appointment to a later date, book an online consult or just a chat on the phone where applicable. Safety of our patients and small team of staff is our top priority, we are maintaining strict hygiene & cleaning standards and continue with implemented dozens of additional safety measures to ensure we all remain as safe as possible. Additionally or staff will be wearing masks and we request our clients to do the same. For your safety a temperature check may be required upon arrival. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact us via email at [email protected] or [email protected] or you can phone either clinic and your physio will be back in touch to help with your management. Hindmarsh 83462000 and Fitzroy, prospect 83422233. You are also welcome to send messages in the comments box of our online booking requests We understand that you and your family may be facing challenges of your own, and our team are accessible and ready to help. We want to reassure you we are committed to supporting our patients and are keeping the clinics open without compromising our standards or placing the community at risk. Thank you all once again for your support.
05.01.2022 After our last post if you need more info on resistance bands explained http://bit.ly/Bands_explained
05.01.2022 Heres a good link if you want to start exercising and looking for a no cost done for you program.
04.01.2022 Looks like we are open again ! As an essential service we are able to help our patients again from Monday. We will be getting in touch this weekend to offer those patients with previously scheduled times and those we had to cancel last week, the first option on appointments. We are sorry if we cant get everyone in but we will do our best. Crazy times hey
02.01.2022 Training hard now the weather so good Heres our blog on how to avoid overtraining injuries.
01.01.2022 Whether you walk, run, hop, jump, skip, bounce or dance exercising for just 30 minutes a day can have profound benefits to your physical AND mental well-being.
01.01.2022 To our Hindmarsh and Fitzroy Physio community Sadly we are required to close our clinics during the next 6 days lockdown period. All Allied Health clinics in the State have been directed to close due to the SA Health shutdown of the state, starting tomorrow. Our team are devastated and we will all be ready to help when we are allowed to open again hopefully next Wednesday 25th November... Current booked sessions from this date will remain in our schedules. If new information comes to light from SA Health that changes this, we will contact you as soon as we know. Should you wish to make changes to that or make new future bookings please feel free to leave a message on our voicemail on 83462000 at Hindmarsh and 83422233 at Prospect If you have an appt during the shut down our team will endeavour to contact you over the next couple of days and answer all messages. Unfortunately we cannot go into work but will do our best. We can pick up emails to [email protected] and [email protected]. Alternatively you can send a comment through on our website booking request page or via facebook messenger. We are so sorry to those people we contacted today, we were doing our best to stay open but this confirmation was only released very late this afternoon by our association. Until Wednesday, take care, stay at home and we will see you all soon!
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