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South Australia Scouting History in Port Pirie South | Youth organisation

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South Australia Scouting History

Locality: Port Pirie South

Address: Mary-Ellie Street 5540 Port Pirie South, SA, Australia


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25.01.2022 I joined the 6th Port Pirie scout troop when I was 11 years old in 1944 with about 25 members at Mary Elie Street. Scout masters over my 8-9 years were Arthur J...enner, Lance Elliott, and Bill Lowe. I became a scout master when 21 in 1953. As a scout I attended a camp at Wirraberra Forest approx 1944. I also attended a jamboree in Melbourne 1946/47 and became a rover and attended a Rover Moot in Sydney 1950-51. Some of the scouts I remember were Bozo Huddy, Pud Demarco, Frank Dite, Morris Ford. I remember there was a troop in Risden Park with Wilf Ellery as Skip. I can only pick out from a photo on the scout history in Pirie site, Nick Theologu (front row, 2nd right). Photo below Im with my sister Daphne Holt (ne Castle) who assisted for a short time with the Cubs group. @History of Scouts in Port Pirie plus @Allan Castle See more

24.01.2022 1st Callowie Troop. - 1914 The work is progressing satisfactorily, and we have to report that Tenderfoots Jones, E. Jones, H. Both, Corporal 0. Frautschy, and Patrol Leader E. C. Both have passed their tests for the second class. This was completed on Saturday, August 22, when the signalling and scouts pace were completed- On Sunday afternoon there was a church parade at St. Marys Church of England, when an intercessory service was held. Scoutmaster Both, Patrol-Leader Both, and Corporal Frantschy have qualified for the "cyclist" badge.

23.01.2022 Venturer Scouts in South Australia - Started off at the Adelaide Showground in January 3rd 1997 Day One - Friday 3 January The first day of the Venture will be your opportunity to explore Adelaide and to say Gday to the city hosting MEGA10. After breakfast you will be briefed on the details of the days activities. You will start with afoot rally discovery tour. Your expedition Unit will be split into two or three groups with around twenty people in each group. At the desig...nated starting point and time you will be given a map and a number of questions which can only be answered by visiting the points of interest shown on the map. Your departure time will be recorded and the winning group will be the one that makes it to the finishing point in the quickest time with the greatest number of correct answers. The finishing point will be Lights Vision where you will also be given what you need for lunch. Your time will be yours until 2pm (1400hrs) when you are required to be at Victoria Square in the heart of the city. You should report to your Contingent Leader who will be located at a clearly marked place on the square. The great march will commence at 2.30pm and the entire Venture will parade from Victoria Square to Elder Park by the banks of the Torrens. For the great march you will be in your state or national contingent and you should wear your contingent T-shirt for the day. At Elder Park the Venture will be officially opened by The Governor and Chief Scout of South Australia Sir Eric Neal, AC CVO. After the opening ceremony buses will be available to take you back to the campsite. You are free to stay in the city and make your own way back to camp as long as you are back in time for dinner, which is being served between 6pm and 8pm. From 8pm buses will start to leave for the gaol house rock. Prepare to party. Buses will start returning to the campsite from 10.30pm but the gaol house will keep on rocking until lam. The next morning each Unit will leave for its expedition at a different time and you will be advised of your departure time individually. The earliest departure will be at 2am so make sure you know when you are leaving and organise yourself accordingly. If you miss your expedition bus it will be a very lonely time for the next four days. See more

23.01.2022 6th Port Pirie Sea Scouts circa 1966

23.01.2022 PORT PIRIE SCOUTS. - 1926 A guard of honour of local Boy Scout met Capt. S. A. White (Chief Commissioner for the State) on his arrival to-day. The boys were under Scoutmaster R. E, Turner, and there was a good muster. Capt. White was welcomed by the District Commissioner (Lieut.-Col. R.E.Leonard, V.D.). A gathering took place in Dunn Hail to-night, when the Governors prize to the Kings Scout was presented by Capt. White.

22.01.2022 QUORN BOY SCOUTS 1924 RADIO CLUB... On Saturday, August 16th, a Boy Scout Radio Club was formed for the purpose of wireless instruction and for experiments with other experimenters in the State. Patrol-Leader Ralph Laidlaw was appointed minute secretary, Patrol-Leader Frank Patten chairman, and Scoutmaster Noble hon. secretary. It is hoped to have the receiving station working by next meeting, August 30. A transmitting station will be erected at a later date when experimental work will start with music and speech.

22.01.2022 Quorn scouts - 1919 QUORN, August 2.On Wednesday evening, in the Quorn Town Hall, a childrens evening was held, arranged by the Quorn Boy Scouts. There was a large attendance. The Mayor (Mr H. Thomson) occupied the chair and was assisted by Messrs. G. J. Middleton and S. James. Musical items were rendered by Scout Heaslip Mesrs. L. GIuvas, and Keith Slurp, and a step-dance by Miss Middleton. The dance music was supplied by Miss M. Huddy and Mr C. Moore. Mr A. Wingate supervised the dancing during the evening Supper was also provided. The Mayor extended a hearty welcome to Ptes. Wilcox and Kennealy.

21.01.2022 Ascot Park Scout Group - 1980 trip to the Flinders Rangers

21.01.2022 WALLAROO SCOUT HALL - 1937 HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL OPENING. Fine weather favoured the opening of the new scout hall at Wallaroo on Saturday, August 7th. The local troop of Kings Scouts, Scouts and Cubs under the command of Assistant District Commissioner Favilla lead a guard of honour when Chief Commissioner H. W. Rymill accompanied commissioners Bond, Kilgour and Piper (for Cubs) arrived punctually at 3 p.m. They were received by District Commissioner A. T. Harbison, and Assistan...t Commissioner Fayilla. Following an inspection of the guard, Commissioner Rymill unfurled the flag and the Nationals Anthem was sung. Vice-president W. J. Williams, in a short speech, welcomed the visitors and gave a brief report of the work of the group committee in obtaining the hall. He paid a tribute to Mr C. Nulty, who had held, an option over the building before its removal to its present site. This he had willingly withdrawn so that the committee could purchase it. Apologies for non-attendance were received from Cr. A. G. Warmington and the secretary of the Ladies Committee (Mrs V. N. Smith). Mayor Harbison briefly supported and congratulated the committee on the results of their labours. Prominent visitors were members of the Wallaroo Council, Mr L Bennett (President Moonta Committee). Dr. -T. C. Kohler (president Wallaroo Committee), and representatives from Kadina & Moonta. Mr Rymill, called upon to open the building, congratulated the Scouts on having acquired such a fine home. He felt isure they would know how to use it. Mr Bond was called upon to lead the boys in "firing a rocket," which they did very effectively. Mr Favilla then handed Mr Rymill the key, and the buildiagwas declared open. Then there was a rush by the young people to the various stalls. The tea tables were daintily decorated in orange tones by Mrs E. F. Newbery. The stalls did good business, and many partook of afternoon tea. The treasurer (Mr G. A. Hudson) stated that the financial results exceeded expectations, more than 12 being raised. Assisting at the stalls were Mesdames W. j. Williams and Newbery (produce and home-craft), McDonald, W. G. Phillips and E. Prosser (confectionery), and T. Crook, W. Paull, A. Ross, J. Marsh, T. C. Kohler, G. A. Hudson, Olsson and Gill. See more

21.01.2022 Wolf Cubs - Tailem Bend 1914 newly formed Pack of Wolves Cubs of the New Young Scout Branch

21.01.2022 INTERESTING SCOUT BADGES - 1950 Mr Tom Noble, group scoutmaster at Whyalla has been a scout since 1910. In 1940 be was presented with the Medal of Merit by the then Governor, Sir Malcolm Barclay-Harvey, on behalf of Lord Gowrie. Mr Noble has been to many jamborees including three in Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide and at Broken Hill, where he was a foundation member of the Scout movement. Among his many souvenirs are some badges given by a Hungarian scoutmaster who lived at Mr No...bles home at Delprat terrace for five months. These were collected at the Mittenwald jamboree in 1947 and were exchanged by displaced scouts after the war. Many of the badges were kept by " the owners, while in German prison camps. Among them are the Lithuanian, Jewish, Hungarian and American badges. The Jewish is in the form of the Star of David, Is surrounded by a laurel wreath and has the scout badge in the centre. The Hungarian is made of a copper substance and has a crown on it See more

20.01.2022 Wirrabara Forest - 1946 The HQ Travelling Commissioner. Mr Burns opened the Wirrabara Forest Scout den.

20.01.2022 Oldest Scout In Australia - 1941 Mr W. ELLEN JOINED MOVEMENT IN 1909 Mr W. Ellen, who at a meeting of parents and other interested persons on Friday night last was elected sectary of the Port Augusta Boy Scouts Association is believed to be the oldest member of the movement in Australia.... Mr.Ellen linked up with the Hempstead Heath troop, in England, in 1909about a year after the late Lord Baden Powell founded the organisation. The latter was a regular visitor to the Hampstead Heath troop. Mr.Ellen has attended jamborees, etc. in various parts of Australia and has not encountered any person with a longer period of service. In recognition of his outstanding work, the Governor of South Australia at the time (Sir Winston Dugan) conferred on Mr.Ellen the title of District Scoutmaster. Mrs.Ellen is also interested in Scouting and while residing at Quorn had the biggest Cub Pack in the State under her care. See more

19.01.2022 BLYTH Scout Troop Formed - 1931 BLYTH - A Boy Scout troop was formed at a meeting at Blyth, with the following officers: Scoutmaster, Mr. L. V. Harmer; chairman. Mr. J. A. Pratt; secretary, Mr. H. D. Magor; committee, Messrs. L. G. D. Palmer, C. E. Dodd, A. W. H. Neumann, E. Rowlands, Mr. and Mrs. T. Williams, Mesdames J. A. Pratt, W. J. Chambers, and G. E. R. Kemp. An address was given by District Commissioner Rymill.

19.01.2022 Human Touch 1924 Notes By Scouter In a southern suburb a baby had toddled from a house and sat in the middle of a shallow, but extensive pool of dirty water in an adjacent paddock. The mother appeared and became somewhat frantic. She begged the baby to come, but baby wouldnt budge. He splashed about, and yelled with glee. Just when mother was gathering up her skirts to go in and fetch the infant, a boy appeared. Hold on, Ill bring him. Bring me a rope, he said. In a few minutes, with a dexterous fling, the lad lassoed the baby and brought him safely ashore. The lady offered him a shilling. No thanks, scouts dont charge for good turns, he said.

19.01.2022 Scout War Service Test 1943 - Scout War Service Test Pirie TROOPS DO WELL... Results of the Boy Scout war-service test, week-end held in June have been received in Pirie, although figures for the State have not arrived. The competition, which was conducted throughout South Australia, provided for a complete examination of scouts in all branches of war service. The highest number of points gained by Pirie patrols was that of the Kangaroos (First Risdon Park), who obtained 154 1/2;. Kangaroo Patrol of First Solomontown Troop was awarded 121 points. For a group started only a few months ago," said Mr. S. R. Ford (district commissioner), "Solomontown troop had done exceptionally well. Its results in the examination are outstanding. Miss Starr and Mr. Margetts (troop leader) are to be congratulated." Results of the test in Pirie Were as follow: Kangaroo patrol, 154 1/2. First Risdon Park: Magpie patrol, 115 1/2. Solomontown: Kangaroo patrol, 121 pts. Sixth Pirie: Kangaroo patrol, 87 pts.; Magpie patrol, 108 pts.; Eagle patrol, 117 pts.

16.01.2022 Sir Robert Baden-Powell. - 1914 Advices from England state that the Chief Scout (Sir Robert Baden-Powell) leaves for South Africa for an extended holiday this week, by direction of his medical advisor. Sir Robert has been, actively engaged in a finance campaign, and it is gratifying to note that the responses to his appeal has reached 100,000. Owing to the outbreak of war the remainder of the fund will stand over until "brighter times.

16.01.2022 The last members of the 1st Risdon Park Sea Group, before the change of location & name change. This group started on 15th September 1931 as 7th Port Pirie Scout Group. in 1940 they changed to Risdon Park Scout Group. On 1st January 1990 they become Sea Scout Group. In 2010 they again become Port Pirie Scout Group - Photo Anita Miles

14.01.2022 1st laura Scouts - 1914 Planning to make a good attempt to hold the Kings flag for another year- We are proposing to start a pack of wolf cubs, and this will enable us to get more recruits for the troop.

14.01.2022 Blyth Boy Scouts. - 1932 A bridge evening was arranged to raise funds for the local Scouts and proved very successful. Miss Pratt kindly lent her dining room for the purpose, and about 3 was cleared.

13.01.2022 The badge for 100 years of Scouting in Port Pirie

13.01.2022 Explaining Lieutenant-General Baden Powells proposals - 1908 Sunday Times devoted a considerable amount of space to explaining Lieutenant-General Baden Powells proposals for the formation of a League of Boy Scouts. We followed up the article with a series of interviews, in which prominent officials warmly supported the proposal we made that patrols of Boy Scouts should be formed in Australia. THEY SAY... That the imperial Legion of Boy Scouts is a proposition worthy of consideration. See more

11.01.2022 The Chief Scout for South Australia Inspects Clare Boy Scouts - 1933 At 2.30 p.m. on Thursday last the Chief Scout for South Australia (Sir Alexander Hore-Ruthven, V.C.), paid a visit of inspection to the 1st Troop of Clare Boy Scouts.... The inspection was held at the Clare Drill Hall, where about 30 Scouts and Cubs were presented to the Chief Scout. Also present to welcome the Chief were Dr. G. Wien-Smith (president of the Scout committee), and committee members in Messrs. C. L. Colley, and S. H. Ayers, also assistant Scoutmaster, Mr. E. H. Tilbrook. During their stay in Clare the Governor (Sir Alexander Hore-Ruthven) and Lady Hore-Ruthven were the guests of Mr. Sidney Ayers at Warenda, Clare. Scouts and Cubs were presented to the Chief Scout. Scoutmaster A. S. Stickley spoke words of welcome, and the Chief Scout, in reply, addressed the boys, expressing his pleasure at being present.

11.01.2022 WIRRABARA FOREST Scouts - 1943 A public meeting was held in the Wirrabara Forest District Hall on July 30 for the purpose of forming a committee to deal with matters in connection with the newly-formed Boy Scout Troup. The Committee was formed as follows: Mr A J Watt, president, Mr O Woodlands hon- secretary and treasurer. Other members were Mesdames Kay, Morgan, Woodlands, Messrs W Coleman, C B Kay, A. B. Curtis and V. Bellchamber. The Scout Troup has been organised by Mr J Morgan who was recently transferred to Wirrabara Forest from Mt Burr in connection with the Woods & Forest Department. Mr Morgan and family will be a valuable asset in the Wirrabara district. So far seventeen boys have enrolled in the scout movement and prospects of more joining.

06.01.2022 1st Wirrabara Scout Group - Dec 2010

05.01.2022 Wattle Day - 1913 THE BOY SCOUTS ASSOCIATION, (INCORPORATED.)... OFFICIAL GAZETTE. -Wattle Day. Scouts have been invited to form a guard of honour to the Governor at the wattle Day demonstration this afternoon. Troops wishing to take part .must parade north of City Baths at 2.30. Scoutmaster Spry will be in command. Full uniform and staves. Honours last 1st Riverton Troop.-Scout C. Pain, Kings scout; Patrol Leader, C.A. Calf, laundryman. Photo SLSA PRG-280-1-7-248- Two train drivers at Adelaide railway station with a locomotive decorated with foliage for Wattle Day - 1913

04.01.2022 The FIRST "Boy Scouts Gazette" - 1908 In our magazine section this issue will be found the first issue of the Boy Scouts Gazette, which will appear each week hereafter, containing a brief account of the work being done The FIRST "Boy Scouts Gazette" Sept 1908 (Part Thereof)... In view of the interest, our young readers have taken in the formation of patrols of boy scouts, on the plans laid down by General Baden-Powell, we have decided to devote a column or so each week to the progress of the work in this State and throughout Australasia. The boys of the Now South Wales patrols are invited to forward information as to their work every week, and any question they are in difficulties over will be answered in these columns if they forward them to: Tho Editor, Boy Scouts Gazette, c/o Sunday Times, Castlereagh-street, Sydney. WELL DONE, NEW SOUTH WALES. This State has been the first in the Commonwealth to form a patrol and to the Kangaroos, who have their headquarters at Mosman is the credit due for being the first complete patrol, in the field. We publish a photograph of the Kangaroos at work in the bush at Middle Harbor. This patrol is well on with its work, and should qualify for its badges this week. Yesterday they went out into the bush for final tests, and as they have been practising assiduously under their leader, C. Hope, the result is almost a foregone conclusion.

03.01.2022 Parents to Meet - 1954 A meeting to form a parents committee to assist in matters pertaining to the welfare of the Quorn Boy Scout Troop will be conducted in the near future The secretary, Mr J. Woods, said this week that interest in the last meeting was disappointing, resulted in an abandonment owing to lack of attendance. Mr Woods added that he would like the parents of scouts and projected members of the local troop to realise that the organisation of the meetings entails a considerable amount of work on the part of the secretary, and for this reason, parents should realise they are held to ensure the welfare of their children.

02.01.2022 15th September 1931 Scout Troop started with meetings held in the Risdon Park church hall. = (89 Years) 22nd October 1931 Cub pack started This group has had 4 name changes & 3 different location over that 89 years

02.01.2022 PORT PIRIE 1910 0n THIS DAY.......Sunday 28th - Archdeacon Samwell conducted services at St Pauls The morning service was set apart for a military church parade. There was a large muster of local forces under Capt. Pearce and about 100 of the Boy Scouts in charge of Scoutmaster Cilento The Excelsior Band provided music. The church was filled at both services

02.01.2022 The News this Day - 1946 Boy Scout Notes By SCOUTER... Headquarters Visits.The HQ Travelling Commissioner Mr J. B. Burns accompanied by the Lone Scout Commissioner Mr E. J. Mortess will visit Wlrrabara Forest on Saturday and Sunday. Mr Burns will open the Wirrabara Forest Scout den.

02.01.2022 Balaklava Scout Group REGISTRATION NIGHT 10 SEPT 2018 - Re starts First Started - 1st. Balaklava Scout Troop. Reg. No.56. 07/05/1910. 3 Patrols Scoutmaster: Otto Dieckman

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