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HMAS Sydney IV 30Yr Reunion World tour 1990, Gulf & Red Sea 91/92 | Website

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HMAS Sydney IV 30Yr Reunion World tour 1990, Gulf & Red Sea 91/92

Phone: +61 406 359 477


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25.01.2022 For those that just did the Red Sea deployment, what gong and clasp did you receive?For those that just did the Red Sea deployment, what gong and clasp did you receive?

25.01.2022 Gent's just a quick one I've just sent out a block email to all regarding our reunion shirt orders, final payments for the harbour cruise phase of the reunion, VIP lanyards, along with updated planned meetings I have in Sydney this week to shore up details for our reunion. Ongoing fund raising via the general HMAS SYDNEY community and club grants RLS NSW. We are getting to the tail end and very exciting to bring the reunion altogether for all of us will be almost 3yrs in the making. As always thanks for your support Cheers Radar

24.01.2022 Gent's Please find the details for The Macleay Hotel for your booking and discount. Once again hope this helps. Kindly advise the crew looking to book accommodation to quote HMAS Sydney IV when calling or emailing to book.Please visit our web site on for detailed information on the hotel and services provided. No obligation do your own research and reviews but the offer is there

23.01.2022 Gent's I'm still going to try for a Microsoft Teams meeting on the 7th Nov 2020 but will just be running from home as I have a busy weekend with my eldest daughter baby shower to assist with on the 8th. Will advise time in the few days. Then start a new job down South on the 9th weekly running and home each weekend. The committee should have an update to our March date. Cheers Radar

22.01.2022 To all give me a day or 2 and I'll send a block email with payment details for the final payments for the harbour cruise which will include bank details and your respective order number. Also the links for accommodation again no obligation as there maybe be better deals around. Standby

21.01.2022 For the WA Crew Service will be conducted at Bassendean RSL

21.01.2022 Gent's,There has been a number of questions asked given the current circumstances with this dam virus which is understandable. I have already received notification of non attendance due to travel and respect that. I have emailed the Captain Cook Cruise lady asking numerous questions to help going forward, I have informed her that our final decision will be made at the End of August on how we are sitting and will advise accordingly. It's not a good situation for all but I feel... if we stand fast, wait until mid August re-access going off all the available information we as a group can make a firm decision then. Will see what reply I get from my questions and if any other news comes forward from the company in the coming months I will be sure to advise everyone. I can assure you I certainly won't be dropping the ball, I will still get all the shirts and VIP Lanyards organised regardless, Hope this helps Take care to all. Cheers Radar See more

20.01.2022 Ok troops our short run in Sydney is almost to an end and very productive. I've meet with our Captain Cook lady finalised with just a few minor details to complete shortly before the night, caught up with the CEO of the Rose Bay RSL and went very well sorting out our smally eats menu and so forth setting up for our memorial service for our boys that have crossed the bar. The setting and deck lounge will be a great spot for the evening so looking forward to it, I've also invit...ed both CEO and the Sub Branch Pres for drinks on the night to thank them given we have the room hire for nicks. Got a tour of the Bayswater hotel with one of our discount hotel chains and the rooms are pleasant for a couple of nights stay, in a great location just off the main drag in the cross. Was hoping to catch up with Robert Ridge from Five Dock RSL to pass on our sincere thanks for their ongoing support and the extra $1000 to assist with the harbour cruise phase, all in all the reunion is coming together well. Now taking orders for both styles of the reunion shirts along with final payments for the reunion. Full cost per head is $115 if deposit has been paid remaining to pay will be $65 per head. I'm still in fund raising mod with more shirts for the general HMAS SYDNEY IV community along with designing one for the SYDNEY III boys and hopefully get a few more Club RSL grants applied for in April. All Reunion shirt orders and payments etc via our email address: [email protected]. I think that's it for now will keep everyone posted. Thanks to all take care Cheers Radar See more

20.01.2022 Gent's just an update to Reunion shirt orders close off dates and Payment for the Harbour Cruise close off dates - Block email sent out as well. Last orders for the Reunion shirts (both versions Min Qty order is 15) will be Friday the 28th August 2020 these will take 5 weeks to complete production and plan to start postage delivery end of Sept/first week Oct to ensure delivery is on time for everyone. Email orders to [email protected] I plan to send out ever...yone's VIP lanyard at the same time including partners Last payments for the Harbour Cruise this will be on Friday the 9th Oct Cost per head - Single $115, Couple $230 if you have paid your $50 deposit for yourself and or your partner remaining total will be $65 Single, $130 Couple. Hope that is as clear as Mud. As always any questions email, messenger of inbox via this fb page Check on the list for your mates see if they wish to come etc - Seating arrangements will be tables of 10 so if you wish to nominate a table group by all means do so. Dress Code - Neat Casual, Semi Formal, Mess Undress, miniature medals to be worn if you so desire - all I ask is be mindful of the Reunion Shirt if worn on either night - Thanks Those that may decide at the last minute that they wish to attend after the payment cut off date the 9th Oct 2020 shouldn't be an issue however I won't be able to supply you any shirts or VIP Lanyards

20.01.2022 Gent's,I've forward the reply to all emails from our Captain Cook lady as I've mentioned previously we will stand fast until mid August and as a group make a decision on the then current advice at hand, I will again advise Angelina that we will re-access in Mid August to give her a firm decision at the end of August. Worse case scenario is we can defer until next year but lets just see how we go either way our reunion will go ahead. I feel to many of us are really looking for...ward to it and will be a great moral booster for all. Keep the reunion shirt orders coming in I just may need a few days to sort out as the laptop I've been using has shat itself hopefully will get all my important files back at least to transfer to this new one. Numbers are still good to attend as always will keep everyone abreast of any updates or changes. Take Care to you and your families reach out where needed we have a great network not only with the HMAS SYDNEY Assn Australia Wide but our Navy network at large. We are HMAS SYDNEY - Thorough and Ready See more

18.01.2022 Hey Gent's think I have the MST thing sorted again not mandatory just quick check in and see how everyone is going. As for the Reunion with all our earlier work done everything is still in place in Sydney just a couple of phone calls and we are set. End November early December we can make the call or changes on how we go forward. Fingers cross all will go well.Take Care to all Cheers Radar

18.01.2022 Ok Gent's, After much discussion and to trying to get a happy medium we are going to plan for the 12/13th March 2021 - Friday evening the 12th at the Rose Bay RSL for our meet and greet and service for our fallen shipmates, Saturday evening the 13th our Harbour Cruise evening. We will revisit the status mid December 2020 to see how it's panning out on the East Coast. My suggestion for bookings be it flights or accommodation would be to hold off as long as possible until we ca...n be positive all is well and we are going ahead with the March 2021 dates 100%. There have been some suggestions of further dates to the right EG: 2022 but would the interest subside in a big way if this was the case?? so let's stick with March 2021 of the 12/13th re-access Mid December. If the March option fails again then the only option I feel is to cancel and we wait until this debacle is finally over. To be fair to everyone we can not be constantly changing date it's just not feasible, we all have lives be it retired, semie or still working. Although I have much demand on the 80th along with my involvement with the Association Aust Wide this will not deter any commitment I have to our reunion, it's proven it's worth how important this is to everyone and the much needed connection for all of us. I will pursue the option of a Zoom drinks for Oct 24th standby to standby on what I might be able to pull off lol. I've sent an email to our Harbour Cruise contact and awaiting her response Re - Our March date proposal once a reply is received I will convey. As for the 80th it has never been my intention to combine both runs as this will deflect the importance of our reunion, and certainly not cost effective for many. My intention was just to be mindful of the dates if we choose to move right that far and November 2021 won't be an option. So I hope this alleviates any confusion on this matter. Once again thanks to all for your constant support and take care to all. Cheers and Kind Regards,

16.01.2022 Gent's, Myself and the committee have been working on our Reunion for nearly 4yrs to bring our gathering to fruition, with the constance debacle of Covid-19, small constant outbreaks and flash border closures we are now looking at revising our plans and to keep our Reunion Very Simple. Gent's this has been a bloody hard decision to make but however I think it's the best way to move forward. We have discussed at length what we hope is best for all of us, covering prospective t...Continue reading

14.01.2022 For those that missed the post on the HMAS SYDNEY Past and Present fb page To all, Ladies and Gent's the HMAS SYDNEY III, Escorts and Gun Line Crews from the Vietnam Era need our assistance and commitment of signatures to help push through this petition for them. Please find the link attached below, I know the SYDNEY III Escorts and Gun Line boys will be very appreciative hence why we have the HMAS SYDNEY Association and our FB page for things like this Remember regardless ...of which SYDNEY one served on We all are HMAS SYDNEY "Thorough and Ready". Thanks to all and your support. Could you, your team, and list of contacts please give the enclosed URL you considered support. URL As this issue affects all service persons with Vietnam service, including HMAS Sydney III and her escort ships, it does have much relevance where one generation of Sydney sailors supports those who served before them. I will forward the information contained below to those who have nominated themselves as the contact point for this occasion. I wish you well with your endeavors, I also hope you can support us with signatures of support to the enclosed Petition to the House. Sincerely Dr John Carroll President, HMAS Sydney Assoc. (Inc. Vic.) As always thanks Cheers Adrian Burns Radar

14.01.2022 Gent's just following up on my previous post Re: Microsoft Teams connection for Saturday the 7th November. If people can't do a group run at their local RSL etc this is no issue all can be done from connecting at you home computer or laptop. If the WA boys are interested in the PK run let me know so I'll continue with the plan if not again no problems as I can easily run it from home and my laptop. Also not forgetting the Fremantle SLSC HMAS SYDNEY II Memorial Service on Sunday the 22nd November 2020. Please pass on names if you can attend great turn put last by both HMAS SYDNEY III and IV crew will definitely be there this year regardless of my fifo roster. Ok thanks to all Take Care Cheers Radar

13.01.2022 OK Gents, I intend to do 1 more run of the DVD's before the get together in October. Please let me know if anyone needs oneOK Gents, I intend to do 1 more run of the DVD's before the get together in October. Please let me know if anyone needs one

12.01.2022 Hi Everyone. Secretary - Frags here. Please make sure you take the time to check up on each other in the safest possible way. Especially those with health issues. Particularly our Oppos who have anxiety, depression and PTSD. They will find it very hard to take all this in....Take care of yourselves, your families. Jase Diver - Jase Feruglio..

12.01.2022 Gents with the response thus for I was always positive everyone wishes to continue at a later date and we all need this reunion for a health and well-being factor let along just getting together after all these years. I fly out again on Wednesday morning so will post another update on our fb and block email on a new possible date for March next year along with plan B if that also goes by the wayside. Certainly think the Zoom connection is worth looking on Saturday the 24th Oct 2020 I already have an account so can easily flash it up again to make it happen standby to standby Gent's we will make this work. Again thanks to everyone for your solid support. Cheers Radar

12.01.2022 Gent's I've just sent through a block email for final payments for the harbour cruise phase of our reunion, with attached attendance list to get your order number, reunion shirts and accommodation discount flyers. To some you will get 3 emails as your mailbox size wouldn't except my initial email. Hopefully all will come through. Final payments for the harbour cruise will be COB EST Friday 9th October 2020. Alas if there is last minute attendees this will not be an issue. my apologies for mild extra final payment but I tried my best through the DVA grant system. I still have a couple more shirt sales to go for the wider SYDNEY IV and III community which will gain us more funds along with the RSL club grants system in April so will try my luck there again one can only try. Any questions do not hesitate to contact me. The wife and I are out at stupid o'clock in the morning for out run to Sydney and Melbourne looking forward to it Thanks again to everyone for your support and commitment to the Reunion will have more updates coming once I'm back home in Perth 4th March. Take Care to look out for each other and speak to someone if you need assistance Cheers Radar See more

12.01.2022 Re welfare matters. Hi everyone Secretary here - Frags. Jas Diver. I have been contacted by a fair amount of people seeking help re starting DVA claims and VRB etc, as ive been through to the review board myself, and have relevant background for crime victims advocacy and the justice system. Please feel free to contact me openly or discretely. There will be absolutely no judgement from me. I also have an understanding of the Statement of Principles from the Repatriation Medical Authority used by DVA, and have assisted my own advocate already. Especially leading up to the reunion. Take care everyone.

12.01.2022 Well got some feedback on today's 30yr Anniversary service at Bassendean RSL Sadly the only SYDNEY Crew member to show was Guido as usual I was shafted due to my fifo roster. 30 Gulf vets attended WESTRALIA, BRISBANE and SYDNEY so hopefully the WA SYDNEY crew can find the time next year with more representation.

11.01.2022 Gents our reunion shirt sample along with sizing chart. Also available in original bttb logo as well. $60 each including postage Australia Wide email orders to [email protected] Orders close 28th August 2020 with 5 weeks for production Cheers Radar

10.01.2022 Ok Gent's I've been a bit quite of late but time for a brief update. I was concerned with my new roster that I wouldn't be able to attend the reunion for the planned dates but alas my roster falls in perfectly which is great Gav now good to go as well along with Jas (frags) but we are all mindful of health issues etc regarding the Covid-19 which will be taken into consideration. As previously stated we will have a discussion with everyone at the end of August to see where we... are all at in availability and more importantly the status of this dam Covid-19 debacle. Our Victorian opo's are now confronted with a new out break which has now put the cat amongst the pigeons, in WA our borders are yet to fully open so questions will need to be asked and confirmed and if people are happy to travel etc, flights etc will be another issue. Sadly this has certainly been turned on it's head for us but positive we will get our reunion one way or the other. Shirt sales have still progressed with our kitty on the 10k mark with several full payments received. Hopefully at the end of August we can make a clear decision and the way forward. My apologies for the lack of updates been a very busy time for myself and lack of personal time with this 3/1 roster. Once we are all good with our dates be it as planned or changed to the right I will advise on orders for our Reunion shirts. Once again thanks to all and your patience it very much appreciated, Take care to all Cheers Radar See more

08.01.2022 Gents - After discussions with Radar and the crap which is going on at the moment, we have had to make a Captains call on the reunion dates for March. We are now looking at the weekend of 5-7 November 21, which co-incidentally is the 31st anniversary before we sailed for DAMASK 2 (albeit 1 week early). Radar is only available on weekends, so any issues, please drop me a line. Gav Calderwood

07.01.2022 To all Reunion crew and partners please find attached one of our discount hotel chains offers and location of their hotels. I've also sent out a block email to all I have checked the discount link and all works well again no obligation the rooms are pleasant enough for a weekend stay only great location in the cross area with a coffee shop next to the entrance and meal discounts available at the hotel for local businesses. Again do your own research but the offer is there.

06.01.2022 Gents, as we move forward with the reunion in November, I have burnt more copies of the Damask DVD's. Anyone who would like a copy/copies please email me at Gavin.calderwood with your details. Cost is $30 each or $40 for both. All proceeds go towards the reunion costs. Regards, Gav Calderwood.

06.01.2022 And the bad boys..

05.01.2022 WA crew don't forget our run this Saturday the 6th March at the Port Kennedy RSL start time 11:00hr very casual I'll give everyone a quick update on a number of items and an idea of moving forward with the Association in WA especially for ANZAC Day next year. No doubt I'll upset the apple cart with the CDSFA but you get that time to modernise and involve all SYDNEY crews. Ok will leave it at that for now see you all on Saturday Cheers Radar

05.01.2022 Just a bit of hardware from 91.

05.01.2022 Gathering of troops for the 30th Anniversary of the end of the Gulf War 17 Gulf Veterans SYDNEY be represented by Patrick (Guido) Crosbie and Gary Mason. Thanks very much gent's. Justin the Vice President has advised he would like to make this a yearly Anniversary all going well a few more WA SYDNEY crew can attend next year. Well done Justin and the Bassendean RSL

04.01.2022 Gent's,It's with a heavy heart and after much consideration and discussion with the committee that we now need to make a hard decision, do we cancel the reunion full stop or look at alternative dates for our Reunion for 23/24 Oct 2020. As we all know the Covid-19 debacle has affected us all in some way or another and with the continued outbreaks across our states in different capacities I feel we can't drag the decision out any longer. Therefore we as the committee are lookin...g for your input. Do we cancel or go with new proposed dates for our reunion? If the consensus is to still go with the reunion at a later date then when would we consider an appropriate time? Next year? or 18months down the track etc, I really don't know as there is way too much uncertainty in the current environment. Then if 18months down the track we have the 80th in Geraldton WA and the Mass Gathering of all Ex HMAS SYDNEY crews! I sincerely apologise for those that have already made flight and accommodation bookings, and I can't emphasise this enough, I wish we could go ahead as planned but it's just not possible in these uncertain times. The constant changes to Covid-19 numbers, updates in social distancing, attendance group rules and so forth it's sadly not a feasible option to continue with Oct 2020. All of us aren't getting any younger and there are our own and family health issues we need to take into consideration. If we are to cancel we will only lose $300 from the harbour cruise booking which with funding we have raised we can easily cover that costing, for refunds on all deposits paid again no issue there either, it will take me a bit of time but all funds will be returned. All monies remaining after refunds we will look at either donating to one of the veteran programs or keep in the kitty for a later date. Lastly I wish to thank everyone for their constant support and purchases to assist with our funding, it has been exceptional. An important note: We still need to continue to look after each other and keep the contact going be it via phone calls, email, txt, messenger or by whatever means and look at being more a part of the HMAS SYDNEY Association in our respective areas where possible so we continue our bonds. I have thought of a big Zoom meeting option as this will at least give us a chance to have a drink and a laugh together, up to you to decide - definitely open to ideas See more

02.01.2022 Well few of the boys flashed up on MST and great to see everyone John Van Dyke, Mark Dougall, Jackie Love, Mac McCallum, Jason (frags), Sheldon Williams, George Reidy, Gav, myself, Lucas Skoufas, Lucy Loudon. Hopefully all will come together in March. Gav and confirmed we will suss it all out mid Dec and then put it to everyone to make the call. Once again thanks to all. Take Care Cheers Radar

01.01.2022 Ok Gents as promised now have received confirmation from our Captain Cook Lady harbour cruise booking now for Saturday the 13th March 2021. Fingers crossed we get there. Cheers Radar

01.01.2022 Gent's The time for our Microsoft Teams catch-up on Saturday the 7th Nov 2020 will be as follows for each State: AEDT WA: 16:00hr NSW, ACT, VIC & TAS: 19:00hr QLD: 18:00hr... SA & NT: 18:30hr Hoping the times are correct and align with each other. Apologies if this conflicts with any of your family time but it's the best I can run with at present. Basically it's just a quick catch-up to see how everyone is going, we are still yet to finalise our decision going forward as we will wait until the End Nov/early Dec as stated on previous emails and our Reunion fb page, there is still factors to take into consideration as it's still clear as mud on what's going on lol our overall aim is majority rules on the final way forward for everyone. See you all then in front of the computer sadly. I'll be sending through the link in the coming days hopefully I'll get it right. Take Care to all. See more

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