Hampton Neighbourhood Association Inc | Community organisation
Hampton Neighbourhood Association Inc
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25.01.2022 HAMPTON NEIGHBOURHOOD ASSOCIATION INC NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING TAKE NOTICE that your Committee has convened the 2020 Annual General Meeting of the Association to be held on:...Continue reading
25.01.2022 REMINDER 7.30 Tonight HAMPTON NEIGHBOURHOOD ASSOCIATION INC ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING We hope you can join us tonight for the HNA AGM on Zoom tonight at 7.30pm... The link for the meeting is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89413620650 This is a fairly short meeting. Your attendance will help us achieve the quorum needed for the AGM. Please note the Meeting will be recorded The meeting agenda will include: Annual report of the committee of the activities of the HNA during the preceding financial year. Election of the Committee for 2020/2021. I Hope to see you there Tony Batt PRESIDENT DATED19 November 20
24.01.2022 UPDATE 1115/427-455 Hampton Street, Hampton VCAT Reference No.: P2349/2019 HNA representatives and local residents appeared as objectors at this remote VCAT Hearing over the last few days.... Although the Applicant already has an approved development for a 5-storey building, they were applying for an additional level with two penthouse apartments, which would be two levels above the preferred height at this location, as specified by Bayside planning guidelines. Given the significance of this, your committee fielded an especially strong presence, both in an objecting and observing capacity. Bayside Council put up an excellent case, and this was complemented by submissions made by local residents as well as a comprehensive submission made by HNA. HNA thanks local residents Paul Novacco, Ellen Cresswell and Jennifer Hayes who made excellent submissions and gave up two days of their time to support the community’s opposition to this proposal. We also thank HNA committee members John Balmer and Gino deBiase for making the extra effort to appear in their own right, independently of your committee, on behalf of the local community. We await the decision which should be available in the next couple of months, and will, of course, keep members posted.
24.01.2022 Hampton Farmers Market - https://mailchi.mp/9295129116be/hampton-farmers-market
24.01.2022 Hampton Neighbourhood Association - January Update - https://mailchi.mp//hampton-neighbourhood-association-janu
19.01.2022 February Update - https://mailchi.mp/82b3d769e497/february-update
19.01.2022 11-15/427-455 Hampton Street VCAT Application For An Additional Level Resulting in a 6 Storey Building in a 4 Storey Preferred Zone Many thanks for the sensational response to the VCAT Application Ref P2349/20 to construct an additional storey to the approved development on the land between the Hampton Bakery Building and the Steller site on the corner of Holyrood Street, resulting in a 6 storey building in a 4 storey preferred zone...Continue reading
19.01.2022 IMPORTANT 11-15/427-455 Hampton Street Application to amend Planning Permit No. PP18/01155 VCAT Reference No. P2349/20 ...Continue reading
17.01.2022 28-34 Service Street, Hampton - https://mailchi.mp/522ad4b9224a/28-34-service-street-hampton
17.01.2022 28 - 34 Service Street - Leader / Herald Sun Article The objection group for the planned development at 26 - 34 Service Street have received some great coverage in the Leader and Herald Sun Newspaper. Members may remember the proposed development is for for the construction of a 3 storey, 39 dwellings development with 2 rooftop swimming pools and which would involve demolition of the 4 significant homes and gardens and removal of 24 established trees.... The total frontage of the proposed development is 70.7 metres, which by comparison is wider than the Hampton Street frontage of the abandoned Steller development on the corner of Holyrood Street. The article is available for viewing at the link below, with Herald Sun subscription, or in photo form below. https://www.heraldsun.com.au//6b852fdbd5e04f3ce00560981900
16.01.2022 APRIL REPORT ON CURRENT MATTERS We hope that all our members are healthy and safe in isolation. It is apparent that residents in many pockets of our community are looking out for each other and in some cases have created online groups to maintain contact. If any good comes out of this lockdown it will be the increased awareness of and concern for our neighbours. Meanwhile development doesn't stop and several planning applications have continued to engage HNA as follows:...Continue reading
15.01.2022 78 ORLANDO STREET, HAMPTON PLANNING PERMIT - APPLICATION No. 5/2020/107/1 This is an application for a permit to construct a 3 storey building with 8 apartments on a mid-size single block adjacent to the Orlando Street Heritage Precinct.... HNA has reviewed the advertised plans and they can be viewed on the Council website at www.bayside.vic.gov.au/view-planning-documents and insert the Reference 107/2020. We have also considered neighbouring members' concerns. We regard the proposal as a significant over-development of the site. Insufficient setbacks, excessive bulk and overlooking, together with issues relating to pedestrian safety, waste management, floodplain management and the front fencing make the proposal highly non compliant with the Bayside Planning Scheme. Council has advertised that it will not decide on the application before 25 May, but a decision will not be made until it is referred to a Planning & Amenity (P&A) Committee meeting. The next P&A committee meeting is scheduled for June 9. Any members concerned with the proposed development can lodge an objection online at www.bayside.vic.gov.au/object-to-planning-permit, or in writing by post to PO Box 27, Sandringham/ by hand delivery to 76 Royal Avenue. A submission should set out reasons for objection together with how either you or the community is affected by the development. There is no fee payable. Your committee will be lodging an objection on behalf of HNA members with Council, and so asks you to advise us if you do not agree with this course of action. If you lodge an objection on your own behalf, please send an email to [email protected] letting us know that you have done so, in order to determine which members our objection is made on behalf of.
15.01.2022 28-34 Service Street, Hampton Interim Heritage Protection Developer Modified Residences You will recall that these properties above are subject of a VCAT application by the developer to review Council’s decision to refuse to grant a permit for 39 apartments on the site. The hearing is to commence on 23 November.... They are also subject of Petitions by Bayside Council and up to 1500 local residents to the Minister for Planning seeking interim protection orders over the properties, pending the outcome of permanent heritage control processes. Workmen arrived at the properties after 7.00am this morning and began ripping out heritage windows at the front. As per the photos below. The residents’ objector group mobilised urgent support and 30-40 neighbours assembled at short notice, and media including Channels 7 and 9 arrived before 10.00am. Interviews were conducted with several residents and they may be screened on the 6 O’Clock news services this evening. In the meantime, the residents have organised a vigil to watch goings on and attempt to avoid total demolition, if that is the developer’s intention.
14.01.2022 JULY REPORT ON CURRENT MATTERS We continue to live in a strange and difficult period with an isolated case of the COVID-19 virus detected in Hampton, emphasising the need to heed health warnings and maintain social distancing guidelines. Further to our last general report in April, we provide the following update on various planning and ancillary issues occupying our attention....Continue reading
13.01.2022 URGENT 28-34 Service Street, Hampton Interim Heritage Protection Petition As well as opposing the developer's permit application at VCAT, the objectors group is pursuing interim heritage protection for the 4 properties under threat.... A petition to Council requesting it take urgent action to seek an Interim Heritage Overlay is to be considered at the meeting tonight, with a Recommendation that Council undertakes an assessment of 28, 30, 32 and 34 Service Street, Hampton for their local heritage significance. If the properties are determined to be of local significance, the delegated officer is to then submit an application for interim heritage controls to the Minister for Planning. In the meantime, a separate online Petition has been launched on Change.org requesting the Minister for Planning to urgently impose Interim Heritage Protection over the properties and protect the 4 valued period homes from destruction. The goal is to reach 1,000 signatures within a week and over 750 have been obtained already. You can read more and sign the Petition here:http://chng.it/rBYcwNNP Please also share the petition with local family and friends to support the neighbourhood and help maximise the prospects of success.
10.01.2022 510-512 Hampton Street (Ian Marks Liquor site), Cnr Littlewood Street On 9 December 2019 Council granted a permit for construction of a four storey apartment block comprising two shops and 15 apartments at 510-512 Hampton Street (currently the site of the Ian Marks drive through bottle shop). The permit granted had a number of conditions attaching, some of which HNA successfully advocated for. The applicant has appealed this permit to VCAT to try and get a number of the permi...t conditions removed. If successful, this would result in a higher overall built form, reduced parking provision, additional overshadowing of residencies to the rear of the site and a style of building which your committee believes is not well suited to its location. Your committee intends vigorously to contest the applicant’s appeal at forthcoming Final Hearings, which will take place on 20 August. If you do not agree with this course of action, please let us know by email to [email protected] The cutoff date to make objections to VCAT has passed (being 28 April 2020). If, however, you lodged an objection to the applicant’s appeal with VCAT (in the form of a Statement of Grounds) prior to this date, please advise us at [email protected], so we have a complete picture of the situation for the Final Hearings. We again thank all members for their continued support and encouragement and stay safe and well.
09.01.2022 Ian Marks Site - VCAT Decision Update To Members - https://mailchi.mp//ian-marks-site-vcat-decision-update-to
09.01.2022 11-15/427-455 Hampton Street Application to amend Planning Permit (PP18/01155) to allow an additional, sixth level containing 2 apartments plus rooftop plant and services Further to our previous posts dated 30 January and 3 February 2020 on this proposal, the VCAT Practice Day Hearing for it took place on 7 February.... Ahead of the Practice Day Hearing 20 HNA members had lodged objections with VCAT (Statements of Grounds) and another 10 members actively wrote in support of HNA's objection, and we thank them for their valuable involvement. The hearing confirmed dates and times for the next stages of the VCAT process as follows: Compulsory Conference on 6 March at 2.00pm for three hours; and Final Hearings on 11 13 May, commencing each day at 10.00am All at VCAT’s offices at 55 King Street, Melbourne Those objectors who lodged a Statement of Grounds indicating an intention to appear and present a submission at the Final Hearings must attend the Compulsory Conference, either in person or by sending a representative, or risk losing the right to make a submission at the Final Hearings. HNA will be in attendance at the Compulsory Conference, and fully expects the matter to proceed to Final Hearings. Your committee intends to oppose vigorously this application, as it exceeds by two storeys the preferred height (per Bayside Council planning guidelines) of four storeys at its location, and as the applicant, having been granted a permit for a building of five storeys, has already benefitted from substantial discretion on the part of the permitting authority (VCAT). Accordingly we view the current application as excessive and unwarranted and will be seeking maximum support for our position at the Final Hearings commencing 11 May.
08.01.2022 URGENT REMINDER HAMPTON NEIGHBOURHOOD ASSOCIATION INC NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING We hope you will attend the HNA AGM on Zoom ... Wednesday 25 November 2020 @ 7.30pm The link for the meeting is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89413620650 This is a fairly short meeting. Your attendance will help us achieve the quorum needed for the AGM. Please note the Meeting will be recorded The meeting agenda will include: Annual report of the committee of the activities of the HNA during the preceding financial year. Election of the Committee for 2020/2021. If members are unable to attend the meeting via computer or smart device, we request that you complete the proxy form below and return it to the address indicated or by email to [email protected] If you do not have another member attending the meeting who can be your proxy, you can make the President, Tony Batt, your proxy. Hope to see you there Tony Batt PRESIDENT DATED19 November 2020
08.01.2022 28 - 34 SERVICE STREET, HAMPTON PLANNING PERMIT - APPLICATION No. 5/2019/662/1 Many members will now be aware of this application for construction of a 3 storey, 39 dwellings development with 2 rooftop swimming pools and which would involve demolition of the 4 significant homes and gardens and removal of 24 established trees. The total frontage of the proposed development is 70.7 metres, which by comparison is wider than the Hampton Street frontage of the abandoned Steller de...velopment on the corner of Holyrood Street. The advertised plans can be viewed on the Council website: www.bayside.vic.gov.au/view-planning-documents and insert the Reference No. 662/2019. While the Bayside Planning Scheme does not prohibit consolidation of multiple blocks, houses on the other side of Service Street are protected by Heritage Overlay and the proposed development would overwhelm the street and change the rhythm and character of the streetscape. Although the plans may appear to be largely compliant with the Scheme, there are numerous areas of concern and grounds for objection, including the following basic points: The proposal does not respect the neighbourhood character nor conserve and enhance its valued urban character and heritage places The total frontage of 70m+ represents an unacceptably extensive impact The height and mass of the buildings are excessive The upper level and rooftop decks with swimming pools will detrimentally impact the surrounding residential properties The street, side and rear setbacks are not fully compliant at all levels The development does not contribute to a safe and active street It does not maintain a strong landscape character with buildings set within vegetated front gardens and streetscapes The yellow notice displayed on the properties indicates that the Council will not make a decision on the application before 11 May 2020. However objections can be lodged and will be considered up until a decision is made, which will not be prior to the Planning & Amenity Committee meeting to be held 9 June 2020. HNA will lodge an Objection and affected members are encouraged to submit their own individual objections as soon as possible. Also a group of local residents has been formed to co-ordinate residents' objections to the plans as proposed and they can be contacted for information and guidance by email at [email protected] An Objection can be completed and lodged via the link http://www.bayside.vic.gov.au/node/2778 There is no fee for making an objection.
07.01.2022 HNA - AUGUST REPORT ON CURRENT MATTERS Many issues have continued to develop since our July report and we welcome several new members, making a current total of 564. 28-34 Service Street...Continue reading
06.01.2022 HAMPTON HUB FUNDING UPDATE NEW BAYSIDE COUNCIL ELECTORAL BOUNDARIES We hope that members are in good health following the lockdown and that easing of restrictions will proceed successfully. In the meantime we report on two current issues that are affected by the COVID-19 crisis.... HAMPTON COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECT ASSESSMENT Council approved a process for progression of a masterplan and design brief at its February meeting. It is intended to determine future land uses of Council sites, potential cost of development of the precinct and options for operation of a centralised community hub. Tenders were advertised for procurement of a Principal Property Advisor and Community Engagement Lead but with the COVID-19 pandemic, funding previously allocated for the project has been redirected and the proposed stakeholder engagement cannot proceed. Accordingly at its Ordinary Meeting 19 May, Council noted the update but determined that a further report be presented on actions that can be progressed internally at the August meeting (rather than the December meeting as recommended). Those elements include consideration of a commuter car park at 4 Service Street (incorporating promised Federal Government funding), some community engagement, identification of potential public infrastructure projects and presentation of a draft master plan for the Activity Centre defining strategic objectives for Council land within the area. NEW ELECTORAL BOUNDARIES Council elections are planned to take place on 24 October this year with ballots conducted by postal vote. Also the Victorian Government has changed the electoral boundaries without consultation with local communities, and Council is only involved in submitting proposed ward names. Bayside has moved from the current 3 Ward structure to 7, with a single member elected for each ward. Hampton will be straddled by 2 new wards being: Ward C - Castlefield Bounded by Dendy Street and Marriage Road to the north, New Street and Beach Road in the west, Nepean Highway, Cummins Road and Bluff Road in the east and the railway line, Willis Street and Fewster Road in the south. Ward D - Boyd Ward Bounded by Willis Street and Fewster Road in the north, Beach Road in the west, Bluff Road in the east and Red Bluff Street in the south. Therefore Hampton's interests will be competing with Brighton and East Brighton in Castlefield and with Sandringham in Boyd. Also representation will be reduced from the current 3 Central Ward Councillors to 2 single ward members. As the election gets closer, HNA will engage with declared candidates in order to achieve the best outcome possible to actively protect and promote the amenity of Hampton. Thank you for your continuing support and stay safe and well.
05.01.2022 Bayside Council Election 2020 Candidate Analysis A large number of candidates have sought election for the Bayside City Council in 2020 and the Victorian Electoral Commission has divided the existing Central Ward (with three councillors) into three separate wards. The three new wards, named Boyd, Castlefield and Ivison, include the suburbs of Brighton, Hampton, East Hampton, Highett and Sandringham....Continue reading
04.01.2022 Hampton our place: Planning for people Community infrastructure draft Masterplan You have possibly seen notice boards placed around Hampton by Bayside Council relating to plans for a new centralised community precinct to consolidate current services and programs in one facility.... Council is seeking feedback from the community on 3 key aspects of the plan being: Inclusion of the Willis Street Playhouse; Sale of some public land (out of 13 identified sites); and Provision of a multi-deck car park between Service Street and Thomas Street (to include commuter car parking funded with pledged Commonwealth funds). The HNA Committee has reviewed the draft Masterplan and conferred with the Strategic Planning Coordinator and sees this as a once in a generation opportunity to replace deteriorating facilities and provide a vibrant precinct for preferred services and activities to be utilised by future generations. You can read HNA's Submission here https://bit.ly/3k5tElS Also you can obtain further information and ask questions relating to current community facilities under review on Council's website - Have your Say https://yoursay.bayside.vic.gov.au/hampton-our-place-planni We urge members to complete the survey and assist Council to determine community attitudes and progress the planning process. Let's make the community precinct happen and bring Hampton's facilities up to the standards of other Bayside suburbs. N.B. Consultation closes next Sunday 9 August 2020. HNA thank all our members for your continued interest and support and stay safe and well.
03.01.2022 8 - 34 Service Street Hampton VCAT Hearing 23rd November 2020 Members will recall this proposal to construct two adjoining 3 storey buildings, with 39 apartments with rooftop swimming pools, over a large proportion of the length of Service Street and involving demolition of 4 significant homes and gardens at the outer boundary of the Hampton Major Activity Centre.... You may also recall the developer this week removed heritage materials from the 4 significant homes which was covered in our previous email to members and was also covered by 7 and 9 News. Prior to Council’s decision whether to approve or refuse the proposal, the developer moved to appeal its application directly to VCAT. Pursuant to this, a VCAT Compulsory Conference (mediation) was held on 24 September, but settlement could not be achieved and a 5 day Final Hearing for the proposal has been scheduled, beginning 23 November. Your committee, along with Bayside Council and a large objector group of local residents, intends vigorously to contest the applicant’s appeal at those Final Hearings. If you do not agree with this course of action, please let us know by email to [email protected] The cutoff date to make objections to VCAT has passed. If, however, you lodged an objection to the applicant’s appeal with VCAT (in the form of a Statement of Grounds), please also advise us at [email protected], so we have a complete picture of the situation for the Final Hearings.
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