Holy Name of Mary Parish Hunters Hill | Community
Holy Name of Mary Parish Hunters Hill
Phone: +61 2 9817 5325
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25.01.2022 CHRISTMAS LITURGIES Reconciliation Service HNM Thursday 17 December 7.00pm Christmas Masses Christmas Eve: Holy Name of Mary... Mass 5.00pm Carols & Mass: 6.00pm (outdoorsdetails very soon) 9.00pm St Peter Chanel Carols & Mass 7.00pm Christmas Day: Holy Name of Mary Masses 8.00am, 9.00am & 10.00am St Peter Chanel Mass 9.00am See more
22.01.2022 BOOKING IN FOR MASS Because of social distancing requirements we are limited to 90 people at Holy Name of Mary and 75 at St Peter Chanel. If you wish to attend, you will still need to book in at the parish office on Ph: 9817 5325. You can also book in through Trybooking on: https://www.trybooking.com/BJUKE... Masks are recommended.
22.01.2022 NEW ALBUM FROM FATHER KEVIN We Have Seen With Our Eyes Father Kevin’s new collection of songs will be released soon. Pre-release copies of the CD are available for $25 each from the parish office or via the website: https://www.with-our-eyes.com/... You can place orders now. See more
21.01.2022 MANY HANDS MAKE LIGHT WORK We are in need of a few more volunteers to assist with the cleaning of St Peter Chanel. Feel free to involve your family and friends. The days and times are flexible. If you are available to help please contact Sharon Breen... 0403 189 018. See more
21.01.2022 An audience with Father Kevin On Wednesday the Year 6 Pope Francis Award candidates spent some wonderful time with Father Kevin learning about our parish commun...ity. They heard about the many groups and initiatives our parish supports and spent time working on ways that they too can contribute and be an ongoing part of the Villa Maria story. We also got to hear about Father Kevin's new album With Our Eyes which gave us inspiration for the future. Thank you Father Kevin for your time and talents! See more
18.01.2022 Good morning parishioners. Our first ever livestream mass will be happening soon at 10am. Link will be up soon!Good morning parishioners. Our first ever livestream mass will be happening soon at 10am. Link will be up soon!
18.01.2022 Our heartfelt thanks to Bobby Mackun for his superb assembling of recordings of our children singing the parish First Communion hymn used at our First Communion and other masses this week. For such a labour of love Bobby, thank you! Images used with permission.
16.01.2022 REFLECTION A SACRIFICIAL CHOOK! Quite a few years’ ago with a small group I visited El Salvador and Guatemala. At one parish church in Guatemala I remember especially the colourful, graphic statues depicting the martyrdom of saints and Jesus’ own death. The parish priest gave us an insightful reflection on the people of the parish, their piety and spirituality. He made the point that while many were committed Catholics, they ha...Continue reading
16.01.2022 REFLECTION HOLDING THE FAMILY TOGETHER We rely on certain social structures in order to live together in an ordered way. These structures are meant to provide safety for everyone within a society and can provide the basis for peaceful international coexistence. Being of human origin, these structures are not infallible and can be damaged by corruption, mismanagement and the abandonment of integrity. As the father of one of our senior Marists, Father J...Continue reading
16.01.2022 NEW PARISH IT GROUP PROPOSAL To enable us to make the best use of the new equipment installed at Holy Name of Mary, we are planning to establish a parish IT group. If you are interested you can contact Bobby Mackun on 0434 070 350, or Catherine at the Parish Office.
14.01.2022 REFLECTION I BELIEVE AND.? I believe in God the Father Almighty.. and on we go! The phrase I believe includes our own voices and is the voice of the whole Church proclaiming its faith. This statement of our faith is just the tip of the iceberg. The events of the wonderful salvation story which we proclaim, find their completion in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus and are our starting point. ...Continue reading
11.01.2022 We will be live at 10! Click on the link http://bit.ly/hnomhuntershill
11.01.2022 Phoebe and Sami Brownie ready to serve at St Peter Chanel last Sunday snapped by their mum. Photo used with permission.
09.01.2022 THOSE IN RETIREMENT HOMES As we know, great sadness and frustration is the lot of many families as they are unable to visit their loved ones in aged care facilities. We pray for the health of the elderly and for a blessing on those families, husbands and wives of whom great patience is being... demanded over these months. See more
08.01.2022 SAVE THE DATE! PARISH LENTEN RETREAT 6-15 March The Parish Pastoral Council is arranging a retreat for the parish during Lent next year. We have engaged the services of Father Richard Leonard sj to be the main presenter for the retreat. We plan some multimedia events as part of the retreat and some special events for our youth. Please bookmark these dates for what should be a stimulating and nourishing few days for... us all. See more
08.01.2022 OUR MUSIC MINISTERS Thanks to our music teams in the parish who are finding ways to lift our spirits and beautify the liturgy with their special gifts when community singing is still not possible. A heartfelt blessing to you all.
08.01.2022 Here are more highlights videos by our students from Term 3: Brigidine College, Randwick Blessed Sacrament Catholic Primary School Clifton Gardens Christ the King Catholic Primary School, Bass Hill Villa Maria Catholic Primary School Hunters Hill
08.01.2022 FIRST COMMUNION PREPARATION Full details of our program are available on the parish website. You can book for our program through Trybooking as follows: Trybooking link is the following https://www.trybooking.com/BLBQU , the registration was opened on 14th September at 1am and... closes on 30th September at 11pm See more
07.01.2022 OUR PARISH PRAYER Loving God, you are the home for our hearts’ deepest longings. We find our way as families and as individuals only in you, through our brother Jesus, encouraged by the breath of your Spirit. ... We thank you for all the blessings we enjoy in our parish family. May we continue to share our gifts of life and love with glad and generous hearts. May our world be somehow more alive because we have passed this way. May Mary our parish patron continue to inspire us as we give new birth to your Word in our turn. We make our prayer in Jesus’ Name. Amen. See more
07.01.2022 WE’RE BACK ONLINE! From this Sunday onwards weare planning to live-stream the 10.00 am Mass from Holy Name of Mary. It will also be recorded and can be accessed on YouTube. bit.ly/hnomhuntershill
05.01.2022 Today is the feast day of St. John Berchmans, the patron saint of altar servers. John wanted to be a priest from a very early age and when he was barely seven ...years old already had the habit of rising early to serve two or three Masses. In 1615, he entered the newly founded Jesuit College at Malines, and the following year became a Jesuit novice. He was sent to Rome in 1618 to continue his studies, and was known for his diligence and piety, impressing all with his holiness and stress on perfection in little things. St. John Berchmans pray for us See more
03.01.2022 Hello fellow parishioners and friends of Holy Name of Mary Hunters Hill. Our 10am Sunday Mass will be live-streamed in about an hour. Stay tuned!