Hola Mama | Personal blog
Hola Mama
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25.01.2022 Looking back on my bump photos and found this one, when I was 5 months pregnant! So many gorgeous women and friends around me are pregnant right now, and it's got me feeling all nostalgic about having a beautiful bump to rub, and little kicks to feel! I'm not ready just yet to go again, but I might be soon via: Mr Castro #holamama #bumplife #pregnancyrocks
25.01.2022 [Hola Mama Flat-Lay] Working mama essentials right here girlies! @mamadisrupt @thedailyedited @maccosmeticsaustralia @specsaversaustralia
23.01.2022 Pretty much my life via: @hipster_mum
22.01.2022 I know what I want for Mothers Day (aside from 9 hours of uninterrupted sleep), lots of yummy stuff from the @thedailyedited
21.01.2022 Girrrrrl, he trippin'
21.01.2022 My two year olds self talk in the mirror post putting on her pyjamas when she knows damn well it's bedtime!
21.01.2022 "I can and I WILL bring these groceries into the house in one trip and one trip only!!!"
21.01.2022 TBT to the weekend at mine and Lola's cute sushi date
20.01.2022 IKEA hangs with this one! Lola was so well behaved, and couldn't have been a better helper, which was awesome because IKEA is such a bloody trap
20.01.2022 Damn straight it is!
19.01.2022 Just a touch of column A & B, ploooiiiise! via: @houseofwhite_
16.01.2022 Abso-bloody-lutely!
15.01.2022 [Boobies] Anyone who knows me will innately understand my passion and advocacy for breastfeeding, but I know that it's not an easy journey for a lot of mama's. Some don't get their milk come in, some struggle to get their bub to attach, sometimes the milk supply runs short, some struggle with mastitis, and some mama's just often don't want to breastfeed for a whole range of personal reasons that don't need to be justified to anyone. I've been lucky to have a smooth journey wi...th breastfeeding, and believe it or not I have a two year old that still has boob at night time! Yes, that's right. Make your own judgements or assumptions if you will. Other people's opinions of how I parent my daughter is none of my business, it's that simple. Believe me, I never thought I'd be breastfeeding a toddler, but sometimes the parent you think you'll be before having kids is worlds apart from the parent you evolve into. via: @bumpbox See more
15.01.2022 I’m baaaaaack! I’ve been bloody quiet here on the socials lately. Life has been crazy. People in my family have passed away. Some have been diagnosed with pretty aggressive cancer. We bought a house, packed up, moved, un-packed, and now my hubby is moving to Canberra for work till the end of the year; so to say that things around here have been busy, is a god dang understatement. With so much life stuff going on, I haven’t wanted to engage too much on socials, and frankly, i...t’s been nice to have a bit of a break. So, to kick things off I’ve started a new initiative at work that sort of compliments this little Hola Mama thang, and it’s called Super Women Collective. Or #SWC as I like to call it. It’s an interview series where I shine some light on incredible working mothers that work specifically in the digital, tech and marketing space. Have a wee read in the link below, mama’s! http://affix.com.au/super-/super-women-collective-series-1/
15.01.2022 Oh yeaaaaah, I've done this so many times! #holamama #mamalife #mumlife #motherhoodunplugged #raisingkids
14.01.2022 Shout to all the mama's out there who are wearing ALL THE HATS, feeding baby's, working, folding washing, cooking, cleaning and making sure that everyone else's needs are being met. Holy heck, we really do it all don't we? Big love, Mama's
12.01.2022 [Balance] Everyone talks about balance, but when you're a full-time working mama and wife, it feels like there's no space or time for any. I feel like every moment of my day is full running to he train, replying to emails, thinking about what needs to get done on my to-do list, have I called this person, have I shown my family some love, and then I look in the mirror and see a tonne of grey hairs that could do with some covering up! Eeeeek So recently, I joined the gym and I have been going in my lunch break. I had feelings that "I'm too busy, I have no time etc etc" and I've had to shift my thinking. I'm trying to reframe my thoughts to honouring that time to look after me, and do something that's just for me. Geez, it's hard especially when every decision I make as a working mama is just washed with guilt. Who else feels me?
12.01.2022 All the heart eyes for my girl squad! #holamamablog #holamama #girlgang #allthehearteyes #squad
11.01.2022 Lazy Sunday's marinating in all of my little girls goodness are just perfection!
11.01.2022 Don't tell my husband, but yeah, this is moooi!
11.01.2022 Oh you know it, girrrrl!
10.01.2022 When you realise your daughter is a mini YOU! Me & my Dad circa 1985 [My dad was a total spunk too, huh?]
09.01.2022 Just in case you forgot, mama via: @fatmumslim
08.01.2022 [Mummy's Put On A Few Kg's] Yep. Not going to lie, a lot of my clothes right now are tight AF and without getting on the scales I reckon I've put on about a kilo a month this year. I always bloody do this. I get to a size 9-10, love myself sick, buy ALL THE CLOTHES, then when I loosen up and start eating like a man with my husband the tucky arms show up and I'm 10 kilos heavier! #whooops #chunkybutfunky
08.01.2022 I know someone like this at dinner time!
07.01.2022 Sometimes, my name's not mama and I get to be silly with my work mates!
07.01.2022 Hey mama's, I know you feel this on every level!
05.01.2022 Mothers Day came early! @thedailyedited
04.01.2022 Laundry Comin' Outta My Ears!
02.01.2022 Oh, girrrrrrrl he crazy!
02.01.2022 [F Grocery Shopping] Ain't no working mama got time for grocery shopping, so I've gone and ordered @hellofreshau #toobusy #notimeforshopping #hellofresh