Holdfast Training & Nutrition in Weston, New South Wales, Australia | Fitness trainer
Holdfast Training & Nutrition
Locality: Weston, New South Wales, Australia
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25.01.2022 MUM ACHIEVES A MASSIVE 16KG WEIGHTLOSS AND DEADLIFTS 100KGS! When Bec first started training at Holdfast she had a goal of reaching her pre pregnancy weight. For this to happen Bec would need to lose OVER 16kgs. ... Initially Bec thought it would take around 2 years, but 10 or so months later she has achieved a goal that has been over 8 years in the making. The really incredible thing is that she did this by attending three group training sessions per week, tracked her food and began moving enough to get 10,000 steps on her fitness tracker.... The thing is not only did this incredible mum achieve 16kgs of weight loss but she went from having never deadlifted (properly in her life) to pulling an incredible 100kgs during her deadlift 1RM test. I am super proud of Bec and I cant wait to see what she achieves in 2021! Interested in taking control of your life? Do you have a goal similar to Bec? Want to learn how to exercise in a safe, controlled manner? Tired of "yo yo" and restrictive diets? Send me a message to get started. #health #weightloss #fatloss #deadlift #fitness #bodybuilding #holdfast #Kurrikurri #weston #cessnock #workout #calories #fitfam #personaltraining #personaltrainer
25.01.2022 A bit of training with my little shadow. He seen me doing these bad boys towards the end of my workout and thought I was just playing around and he could easily do it as well. Also his favourite exercise is doing intervals on the rower. ... Who else thought he made it look easy? #holdfast #healthlykids #exercise #fitness #xanderryan #forearmtraining
25.01.2022 Investing in my hobbies so I can improve my mental health! Over 2 years ago I was told to get a hobby by @lukeleaman, something that had nothing to do with work or education around work. I tried a few things but honestly I didn’t fully embrace it. I didn’t really invest into it. This year I was going through a lot of mental health issues, a feeling of inadequacy, dealing with imposter syndrome and I actually gained a lot of weight because I wasn’t taking proper care of mysel...f. So I started actually doing what I had been told and what I tell my clients to do. I invested into a new camera, not the top of the line but something that suited me and my needs. This year for Christmas all I wanted was a new camera bag and a new tripod (Skyi broke our last one), well I couldn’t be happier with what I received. I even managed to grab a bargain in the Boxing Day sales with a new lense, something I have had my eye on for a while. Slowly I have been learning different things about photography and how I want to take my photos. 2021 will be a year of exploring my creative side and I can not wait! #hobbies #canoncamera #photography #camera #health #lifestyle #amateurphotography #growth
22.01.2022 Merry Christmas! I hope you have had a wonderful Christmas with your family and friends, and ate all the food! Thank you for the continued support through 2020..... ... 2021 is just around the corner so if you’re ready to take control of your health, nutrition and training then drop me a message.
21.01.2022 Steamed Beef, Garlic and Chilli Dumplings for lunch. Yeah these are absolutely amazing Drop me a comment or send a message if you would like the recipe!... #nutrition #healthyfood #healthyeating #holdfasttrainingandnutrition #coaching #foodie #yummy #personaltrainer #fatloss
21.01.2022 Beef Stew with Lentils! Omg I’ve spent all day salivating over the smell of this cooking! At approximately 350Cals a serve and being full of flavour, it’s always a massive hit when dieting!... Give me a more please in the comments if you would like a copy of the recipe! #holdfast #food #eating #dieting #fatloss #weightloss #healthy #diet #dietsimple #bimarmy
20.01.2022 If you knew you could ONLY have one car for the rest of your life you would take better care of it right? You wouldn’t take it to dodgy mechanics, you wouldn’t let the tyres go bald, you would only use the best oil in the engine and never ever miss a service. Then why is it different when it comes to your own body? ... You reach for the fad diet, the weight loss shakes, you completely eliminate whole food groups, train yourself into the ground and remember fruit makes you fat! The quick fix never works! It’s never to late to start taking care of yourself. Forget about what you can achieve in the next 12 weeks and focus on what you can do in the next 12+ months. #health #exercise #workout #fatloss #mindset #weightloss #healthy #lifestyle #healthylifestyle #exercise #personaltrainer #screwfaddiets #bimarmy
19.01.2022 Two things.... Firstly, how cute is this groundhog eating broccoli ? and secondly, how thoroughly do you chew your food? ... Do you unhinge your jaw like a snake and swallow it or do you chew it to a semi-liquid state and then swallow? This here is simple game changing advice! #holdfasttrainingandnutrition #chewyourfood #health #fatloss #weightloss #nutrition #animalseating
17.01.2022 Yes it was worth it because I know it wont ruin my long term results and I WILL still achieve my goals! Around about now you start to sit there thinking what the hell has happened in the last week to have the scales jump up a few kilos or those jeans being a little bit tighter. Well Christmas happened, you ate a lot more, probably moved a bit less and the thing is, it’s not a bad thing!... Recognises it, own it and move on! That one week of excessive amounts of food hasn’t derailed the hard work you have put in and it won’t ruin your long term results! #holdfasttrainingandnutrition #health #truthtalk #coaching #fatloss #christmasweightgain #weightloss #exercise #fitness #strongwomen #bimarmy
17.01.2022 Mango, Chilli & Lime Marinated Chicken Breast w/ Carisma Potato Chips & Garden Salad! Simple, delicious, visually appealing and nutritious. #healthylifestyle #healthymeals #healthfood #fatloss #yummy #bimarmy
16.01.2022 So here is today’s workout! The thing is I added a little twist to it. I halved the rest period for the A, B and C series of exercises and completely removed it for the D set of exercises. This is a simple way to turn a really solid workout into a solid metabolic workout (basically a lot of huffing and puffing).... What did you train today? #workout #exercise #fitness #training #fatloss #weightloss #coaching #bodybuilding #cardio #squats #deadlift #bimarmy
14.01.2022 Its days like today when all the long hours are worth it! Back in May I put up a post showing how Bec had finally achieved something that she hadn’t been able to do in over 5 years, which was weigh less than 80kgs. Well today she achieved another milestone on the scales having achieved a total weight loss of 10kgs and managing to reduce her total body measurements by a massive 38cms.... Bec has followed (almost) everything I have given her. The simple stuff, 3 training sessions per week, increase her daily activity (steps) and track her food. Then focus on sleep and stress. Heck she still has a small whiskey every night. Now being the numbers nerd that I am I checked her average weekly weight loss and it worked out to be 343g per week. Now you might sit there and go that’s not a lot and you’re right its not, but over time the scales have continued to go down and we have are yet to have a plateau, and the amount of training is still very minimal at only 3 sessions per week. We still have a lot of room to move when we eventually hit that plateau. We have moved away from a specific scale-oriented goal to a dress size goal, meaning the scales will still be used but only as data and Bec now has to focus more on how she wants to look in her clothes. The big focus for Bec will be ensuring that whatever weight loss she continues to achieve, can be maintain LONG TERM. One regret Bec has is not taking starting photos so if you’re going to start any kind of journey ensure you take starting photos. #fatloss #weightloss #health #exercise #fitness #fatlossforwomen #coach #personaltraining #weightlossjourney #bimarmy @ Weston, New South Wales, Australia
14.01.2022 Gotta love when the last of you birthday presents turn up! Only 21 days late. Nah in all honesty we waited for this to come back in stock and it has been sold out since early June! Can’t wait to fry up some wicked meals that are healthy and maybe a few that aren’t ... If you have any go to recipes let me know in the comments or send me a DM #airfryer #food #nutrition #healthy
13.01.2022 Today is R U OK? Day. Before you ask the question to someone, jump on over to their website, watch the video and explore the resources, just in case someone says "No". Also, before asking someone and after checking out the website, ask yourself, "am I ok?" ... Remember what is said during a flight safety brief, You have to fit your mask before assisting anyone else. If you're not ok, take the advice you'd give to someone else. Seek appropriate help from a professional or a trustworthy person in your life. This is a question we need to ask more often and we need to give honest answers. - Luke If you're in need of help contact Emergency - 000 Lifeline - 13 11 14 Beyond Blue - 1300 22 4636 Kids Helpline - 1800 55 1800 Suicide call back - 1300 659 467 Mens Line Australia - 1300 78 99 78
11.01.2022 I wrote a beginner program for Skyi, just something to get back her training mojo. To help her out I have been doing it with her. Well as it turns out, if I do this program at the weights that challenge me I end up in a sweaty, tired mess. As you can see this is a very basic workout. ... Simple exercises that can and will be progressed as the client gets stronger and more confident. Programs don’t have to be complex, they just have to be executed correctly. #holdfasttrainingandnutrition #exercise #workout #fatlossprogram #coach #personaltrainer #healthy #sweaty #bodybuilding
11.01.2022 Leaving 2020 in the past with a sneaky last minute transformation! This is yours truely! I’ve mentioned in a few posts how I have struggled mentally this year and the repercussions of that had me achieving my heaviest weight in my life. ... In July I weighed in at 95.8kgs! Trust me this isn’t bragging, I’m extremely embarrassed by these before pictures. I was even hiding how I truely felt by Joking to my partner that I should carb-a-polooza up to triple figures! Not happy with how I was I had to do somethings about it. I started by locking in on what would be my daily non negotiable tasks! These were hitting 10,000+ steps, training 3 times per week and tracking my food. I planned out my training and my food. I even made it fit with all of our holidays and events and I got started! Since July I have had a 9kg weight loss and I’m down by 50cm in my measurements. Today, the last day of 2020, I am feeling a hell of a lot better both mentally and physically. I remember trying to go for a run in July when I first started and it was horrendous, everything hurt, I struggled to walk, wanted to , well I ran today and I feel amazing! To be honest I probably have another 8kgs of scale weight that I would like to lose, however I have changed my focus towards performance and that’s were my next milestones will be. #holdfasttrainingandnutrition #coaching #inspireothers #positivechange #fitspo #careforyourclients #health #fatloss #bodyfat #caloriedeficit #patience #weightloss #healthfirst #focus #positivemindset #noprickspolicy #GetFit #Cardio #FitFam #FitLife #Fitness #FitnessMotivation #FitnessAddict #fatloss #transformation #goodbye2020
11.01.2022 I wonder what this could be Hit me up in the comments what you think I just purchased for my garage gym #garagegym #exercise #skierg #rowerg #bikeerg #newstuff #concept2
11.01.2022 FOCUS! Lately I have had my eyes on the prize so to speak. I know what I want, I know what I have to do to get it and I am putting one foot in front of the other to get there. ... I have been in a massive rut and to be honest, at the time I didn’t even know I was there. It took some severe internal assessment to start to make my way back. In the words of @lukeleaman, I had a coming to Jesus talk with myself. This was probably the hardest part because I couldn’t lie, I couldn’t just tell the other person what they wanted to hear. It was quite confronting because I laid it all out on the table. My mental demons (we all have them) are still there but instead of hearing a loud voice I can barely hear them whisper. We all showcase the good times with our social media accounts, it’s our highlight reel.... from now on I will be using mine to show both the good and bad. #mindset #healthy #deepconversation #truth #honesty #coach #realtalk
10.01.2022 #Repost @coach__carroll with @make_repost One of the main reasons why most people fail in their dieting attempts is simply due to a miscalculation. That is, a miscalculation of their readiness and what is required to change. While you may want to diet, whether you’re truly ready is a different story.
10.01.2022 Damn! How good are social media memories? Yeah I had major issues with trying to get my weight up. No matter how much I ate, and I ate a lot, i struggled to get my weight and keep my weight anywhere near 80kgs, as soon as I looked at the gym the scales would drop. I think I spent my whole Army career floating between 72 and 78kgs. ... Who else knows these struggles? Now i know what people on their fatloss journey are going to think, thats a nice problem to have or geez... I wish that was me but what you have to understand is that we are in the exact same boat, the boat of not being happy with what you see in the mirror. I think back to what I was doing then and it all makes sense. -I was working as a mechanic so i was doing a labour intensive job, -We did Army PT 3-4 times per week, -I trained in the gym during my lunch 5 times per week. -I was also training for my army units touch football, soccer, rugby league teams. -Skyi and I would walk for an hour almost every night -I had a 4yr old to chase around in my spare time So as you see there is a lot of output which was why my weight stayed where it was, now looking back, also being a lot better educated on nutrition and exercise I would make so many changes in order for me to achieve my goals. To be honest, if someone came in with a blanket weight goal, like i did back then, I would try and get them to focus on performance, the size of their clothes and girth measurements. #holdfast #health #skinnyguy #weightgain #fatloss #coaching #personaltrainer #bimarmy See more
10.01.2022 - Give it a go and let me know what you think Serves two: Calories: 396, Protein: 33.3, Fat: 10.9, Carb: 36.3... : 2 Scoops of Vanilla Protein Powder 90g Oats 1 Egg 1 Tsp of Vanilla Extract Tsp of Baking Powder 1 cup Milk 10g of Honey Juice of 1 Lemon Top with Frozen Berries and/or Maple Syrup : 1. In a Blender combine all dry ingredients and blend to create a finer powder. 2. Add wet ingredients and blend to create a smooth liquid. 3. Spray a pan on Medium heat with oil. When hot, pour enough batter to create the desired sized pancakes. 4. When slightly bubbling flip and cook for a further 90 seconds. These were made as a small snack for Xander and he loved them! ? Pancake batter can be separated and stored in the freezer. Make sure you let it defrost before cooking. Do not over-heat the pan. If you cook pancakes on high heat you increase the chance of the batter burning and sticking. #holdfastfood #pancakes #food #proteinpancakes #healthy #yummy #bimarmy @ Weston, New South Wales, Australia
09.01.2022 Way to many personal trainers try to over complicate what you need to do to lose weight! More often than not we need to apply the KISS principle - Keep It Simple, Stupid Here are 5 Simple Tips For Losing Weight! - aim for 3 weight training sessions per week. ... - I recommend using Cronometer to track food. This way you know EXACTLY how many Calories you’re consuming. - this is like a double whammy! It will fill you up as well as provide you with a lot of the nutrients you need for metabolic processes within your body. - sleep is essential for recovery. Aim for at least 7hrs sleep. - staying active is one of the biggest lifestyle changes I try to encourage. It’s one of the easiest way to increase the amount of energy you burn per day. These tips are the foundation for not only achieving weight loss but keeping it off long term! #health #nutrition #coach #weightloss #fatloss #bodybuilding #skinny #workout #healthtips #fatlosstips #personaltrainer #bimarmy #holdfasttrainingandnutrition @ Weston, New South Wales, Australia
09.01.2022 ! It hits your Quads and your Glutes, you also need strength and stability through your torso to maintain the forward lean because if you don’t have that forward lean you won’t target the Glutes as much. ... This is a staple in my program as an accessory movement on my squat days! You may notice I said stationary lunge. I rarely program walking lunges because they’re an advanced movement which is butchered by so many people. Also being stationary you can load it up with a lot more weight and just rip through the reps. Give it a go and let me know how you go! #holdfast #exercise #training #workout #legday #lunges #squat #bimarmy
09.01.2022 Eyes on the prize and I’m not going to let it rain on my parade! The weather has been terrible today and I could have easily spent it on the couch but that’s not going to get me closer to my goals. What are you doing today to move yourself closer to your goals? ... #holdfasttrainingandnutrition #neatup #workout #training #exercise #health #cardioishardio #fatloss #weightloss
08.01.2022 Have you joined the Holdfast - Healthy Community Forum. This group is a meeting place for like minded people to come together and discuss all aspects of Health, Nutrition and Training. Feel free to join and invite your friends to join this group if you think they will benefit from being a member
08.01.2022 Doing the work in my happy place! It’s been a long time since I’ve enjoyed the grind that comes with putting the work in to changing your body shape! It’s funny because I was talking to a lady today who asked me how do you get motivated when you don’t want to do anything... ... The best way is to find something you enjoy and do that. It could be yoga, BJJ, Bootcamps or even Zumba! Whatever it is just start, get your mojo back, gain some momentum and focus on eating healthy! #workout #healthylifestyle #training #fitness #happyplace #coach #coaching #fatloss #weightloss @ Weston, New South Wales, Australia
07.01.2022 This right here is why you shouldn’t compare yourself to anyone in a magazine, anyone who posts photo shoot images, anyone who competes in competitions or anyone who identifies as an influencer on social media! We need to realise that people only show their highlight reel on social media, it’s only ever to good photos, never the ones with messy hair or no makeup. ... BUT if you are looking at people who go to the extremes then you are comparing yourself to situations where they have dieted first several weeks, constantly hungry or ravenous, they use the best lighting possible, they use dehydration techniques to potentially look leaner, and then the photos are still digitally manipulated. I’ve seen and heard it time and time again! I want to look like this person or that person. The issue is a goal where you’re comparing yourself to someone else highlight reel isn’t going to get you out of bed on a cold morning to do that workout you’ve been putting off. Wanting to be fit enough to run around with your kids is a strong enough motivator on those cold mornings.
05.01.2022 Solid technique shown by my client Bec. I’m a huge fan of Romanian Deadlifts, my clients spend a LOT of time practicing the movement. I like to use sets of between 10-15 repetitions because the higher number allows the client to nail the skills required to achieve the correct positions. ... Weight training is very much a skill, and the skill needs to be there before you start to really add any significant loads. When we add load we look for breakdown in technique which identifies possible weaknesses that we can then focus on strengthening. #holdfasttrainingandnutrition #healthy #rdl #deadlift #training #coaching #exercise #bimarmy #weightloss
05.01.2022 *** *** Hey guys I would like you to meet Rebecca. Rebecca came to see me because she was fed up with how she was feeling, having low energy levels, high stress levels, a poor diet and she wasn’t happy with how she looked. ... We had a good chat about where she was in the past, what she was doing in an attempt to maintain those results and how it had caused her to be in the current position she was in right now. To put things into perspective, Rebecca was training everyday, doing massive amounts of cardio and steps while eating very low calories just to try and hang onto what she had achieved. It was not a sustainable approach to fat loss! I’m blown away with what Rebecca has achieved in such a small time frame. The scales are down 3kgs and 20cm across her body measurements! We set a goal of around 300-500g per week and so far it is an average of 600g. This is what sustainable fat loss looks like. This was all achieved training 3 times per week, walking every morning and tracking her nutrition (often the hardest part) and reducing the stressors in her life. If you’re in a similar position to Rebecca and you would like to finally gain control of your life, or you want to achieve sustainable fat loss then send me a DM or comment below and we can get you started ASAP See more
05.01.2022 And it’s here! I lost count of how many times I checked to see if the delivery guy had turned up yet. Really impressed by how smooth it is and I can’t wait to get my lucky clients on it. ... According to Xander this is his new favourite toy #holdfast #cardio #concept2rower #garagegym #holdfasttrainingandnutrition #health #fatloss #conditioning
03.01.2022 !! . - The ONLY way to burn any kind of body fat is to be in a calorie deficit through diet while following a structured strength and cardio program. . - There are so many reasons to do cardiovascular exercise but you Gould complement it with structured strength training sessions. ... Remember Exercise should be aimed at the physiological change you are trying to achieve. Think about developing Strength, Speed, Agility, Endurance, Flexibility and Improving Health. . - Stretching cold muscles can actually cause an injury. To warm up you should do some light dynamic movement and then follow this with a few warm up sets of the big bang for buck exercise you are doing e.g. Squat, Deadlift, Bench Press. . - We think they are the devil right? The reason for this is because if we cut them out we see a quick change on the scales. I have already done a video of Carbs where I explain how we store carbs and water and how this is all you are losing when you cut out Carbs for a few days. We actually have a preference to use Carbs for energy, however there are some instances where it is beneficial to reduce carbs for a period of time e.g. Diabetes. #health #myth #fitnessmyth #coaching #fatloss #bimarmy #personaltrainer #weightloss #bodybuilding #exercise #Carbs #carbsarelife
01.01.2022 Ensuring I have everything covered for the safety of my clients, my family, their family and myself. I've still got a few vacancies for coaching so if you are reluctant to go to a large gym feel free to send me a message.
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