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25.01.2022 Hello Just doing what everyone else is doing. Fixing my blocked posts. I wondered where everybody had been! This is good to know. It's ridiculous to have 1667 friends and only 25 are allowed to see posts. I ignored this post earlier because I didn’t think it worked. It WORKS!! I have a whole new news feed. I’m seeing posts from people I haven’t seen in pop Here’s how to bypass the system FB now has in place that limits posts on your news feed. Their new algorithm chooses th...e same few people - about 25 - who will read your posts. So hold your finger down anywhere in this post and "copy" will pop up. Click "copy". Then go to your page, start a new post, and put your finger anywhere in the blank field. "Paste" will pop up and click "paste". This will bypass the system. If you are reading this message, do me a favor and leave me a quick comment...a "hello," a sticker, whatever you want, so you will appear in my newsfeedIt WORKS!! I don’t know how many friends I have. I just want to see all of your posts that I have been missing. We shall see.....hello. Might as well have a go . Because all I see now days is advertising rubbishearlier See more

24.01.2022 Remember we are more than a mind within a body we are powerful beings within a Spirit...a strength we see mirored back in our horse

23.01.2022 To know our self through the eyes of the natural world is to ‘know’ ourselves as spiritual beings...Holistequine

22.01.2022 I see this in my herd...their love is unconditional but so is the discipline.

22.01.2022 Next Holistequine 5 day retreat November 8th to 12th

21.01.2022 The energy of your Spirit is so much stronger than the energy of your emotions...holistequineThe energy of your Spirit is so much stronger than the energy of your emotions...holistequine

21.01.2022 Can anyone help out with an industrial size washing machine as I have around 30-40 horse rugs ready for donation to the bushfire appeal but they need to be washed first ?

20.01.2022 The Wisdom of the Herd. Holistequine is a collaboration of esoteric teachings, an understand of holistic and vibrational medicine together with 30 years in horse human communication resulting in practical programs to help us understand the changes happening in our lives We all share Mother Earth as ONE consciousness, all connected by the same threads of Universal intelligence. On a practical, emotional and philosophical level the animals will increasingly provide the tools to help humanity with the changes in play through this new "End Time" shift in reality

20.01.2022 In Sonney I see a reflection of myself, I see a mirror not only of my human insecurities and the part that "spits and bites" but I also see a mirror of my potential for unconditional lovewe are ONE and I cannot separate him from me.

20.01.2022 While our Cooroy retreats have been cancelled until further notice our 'All of Life Coaching' course and our Practitioner Study Courses are still available online. Predicted current event although painful are triggering a positive change in human consciousness. End times may be here but new beginnings are just around the corner...Be ready

18.01.2022 Our philosophy...Horses cannot successfully work in any form of healing with humans unless they themselves are first healed. Because we work through frequency healing it is why the first principal of Holistequine E.A.L.C is to 'Give Back'... As the horse’s ‘love’ frequency gains strength the relationship then becomes mutually healing. Many of you have probably reached the same level of deep love with your own horse and are now ready to give back as a team.

17.01.2022 In a world of mediocrity our children’s future is mostly shaped by expectations from the ego world. The unique expression of their spirit gradually being shaped by 'inside the box' thinking in preparing them for the future and the material world we now live in and while material things, experience and earthly wisdom are all valuable tools in life children should equally be allowed to express themselves as Spirit, they should be listening equally to the gift of their own intuitive wisdom which carries the code for each child’s unique potential...Holistequine Children’s programs.. Building Future Leaders... (Maximizing human potential through the spirit of the Horse).

16.01.2022 In the School of Life every animal is here to teach us something about ourselves... we just need to tune into the right frequency... holistequine

16.01.2022 True empowerment comes with loving the little child in everyone we feel has wronged us, blamed us, hated us or abandoned us. Only in doing this can we love the little child within ourselves...Holistequine

16.01.2022 Why social distancing is dangerous to our mental and emotional health...We 'communicate" or receive information both verbally (through the left logical mind) and non-verbally (through our intuitive creative right brain). Human beings are a social species that also relies on this subtle non-verbal interaction to survive and thrive. The Holistequine horses demonstrate how this 'sharing' of energy fields works and how our love and emotions interact within these frequency fields to help us learn and grow.

16.01.2022 Replace shop brought tags with eco tags this Christmas, they're free, don't need to be recycled and best of all the kids spend hours in Nature collecting them

15.01.2022 Epigenetics understanding how junk DNA is working WITH Nature in understanding the new frontier of Earth sciences...Holistequine Covid-19Experts struggle to explain quirks of potentially fatal virus Qld infectious disease expert Dr. Gerrard said it is unclear why this Covid-19 virus affects patients so differently. On a patient with conflicting symptoms he stats It is possible this man had viral DNA litter detected (also called junk DNA) which sometimes remains in very small quantities that will not be detected on every swab making it very difficult to distinguish recent infection from detection of this litter (J. Sinnerton Courier mail 21-6-20)..

14.01.2022 In these confusing times of false news and misinformation my life coaching horses have taught me the most valuable lesson in life, that is to use my logical side to gather informatio but to only trust my intuitive wisdom (non verbal communication) to know what is right for me in the moment.

13.01.2022 Who do you believe in a world of "fake news" and emotional manipulation? Trusting is a huge ask in today's world because when someone says "you have my word" or "trust me' it often means very little because as we have seen many of these people have their own agenda in manipulating the outcome. We now cannot always trust the "authority figures' we were told would have our best interests at heart. So while verbal communication is important we should be relying as much on our ow...n truth, our inner voice of fairness in doing what is in everyone's best interest I believe after years of working in life coaching with my herd that one of their greatest gifts to my growth (and our clients) is that each one of my horses have held me to a position of being true to myself. I learnt that I could not say one thing and mean or do another. I had to earn trust because I could not "say" through my ego what was not in my heart..the two had to be congruent. Holistequine has created a new model so we become congruent in recognizing both forms of communication equally. See more

12.01.2022 Everyday our Holistequine horses teach us to be strong but gentle, compassionate and disciplined until we can hold the resonance on our own and take into our day to day life

11.01.2022 Wherever forests have not been mowed down, wherever the animal is recessed in their quiet protection, wherever the Earth is not bereft of four-footed life that to the white man is an ‘unbroken wilderness.’ But for us there was no wilderness; nature was not dangerous but hospitable; not forbidding but friendly. Our faith sought the harmony of man with his surroundings; the other sought the dominance of surroundings. For us, the world was full of beauty; for the other, it was a place to be endured until he went to another world. But we were wise. We knew that man’s heart, away from nature, becomes hard. Chief Luther Standing Bear, Oglala Sioux

11.01.2022 Holistequine is frequency medicine. If uses the higher vibration of horses (love) to pull the lower frequencies (fear, anger) through. It's been effective with clients for years now we just need the "scientific" proof

10.01.2022 Throughout history our Kings and Rulers would consult with wise men, philosophers and astrologers to provide them with a broader view of earthly events. From the Stone Age to the Agricultural and Industrial revolution we maintained a connection to the harmony within Nature and were able to tune into something greater than where did it go so wrong? To me everything started to change with the discovery of the microscope when "science" stopped seeing the human bod...y as part of Nature and part of a greater whole but instead began to see the body more as a machine it could divide up sending us to individual 'specialists" to heal each organ or system. Of course we need the dedicated people of medical research and science but we also need the balance and guidance from men and women that look to the stars for a vision of our human potential ...Holistequine "Maximizing Human Potential through the Spirit of the Horse" See more

10.01.2022 A timely reminder

09.01.2022 Sending LOVE and positive thoughts to all those who are struggling during these challenging times. To all the people who get up every day to serve our needs, to the ones who have lost thier jobs, to the politicians who, although we often don't agree with their decisions, we need to remember that everyone is doing the very best they can and to see if we ALL sent this positive heart felt frequency out to the world we will experience the shared love and sail thought this with ease together

08.01.2022 I love this photo of my herd as it shows the positive differences between the male (focused mind/ i.e. Sonney in the lead and focused on the goal) and the female (multitasking) function of my head mare India, behind, trusting him but also aware of "where the kids are". In a herd this unity is essential for survival where BOTH qualities of masculine and feminine principals are honored and respacted as equal. The Holistequine horses show us a new model for this respect and trust

08.01.2022 Appreciating all the inspiration and strength I get from my animals

08.01.2022 The Science of Holistequine Equine Facilitated Life Coaching The feel good hormone dopamine was once thought to be produced by the brain but in fact it is now known that only 5% is produced by the brain the other 95% being produced in the gut. Which validates what Holistequine’s research has always shown us... that the 95% intuitive capabilities or gut intelligence of our herd can be used as a mirror to balance our own left and right brain function giving us the ability then use our own creative and logical hemispheres equally What we feel or intuit about a person or a situation is usually the right call but how often do we override our wise other voice with the 5% logic. This ratio of dopamine production is the opposite in our herd which is why working with animals or being around them makes us feel so good. As we interact with our horses he/she shows us which side of our brain we are listening to and gives us the tool to reverse our old habitual mindset...We then know we are on the right track because this new experience gives us a deep sensation of peace and love See more

08.01.2022 Horses cannot successfully work in any form of healing with humans unless the horses themselves are first healed, this is why the first principal of Holistequine E.A.L.C is to 'Give Back'... the relationship then becomes mutually sucessful It is difficult to see horses with their spirits broken and in some cases once their trust is destroyed it takes many years of rehabilitation to reverse this, if it can be done at all. Similarly horses like Sonney who had never known cons...ideration and kindness and who survive their trauma by rebelling all while carrying incredible anger and resentment. Horses can also show resistance to humans they see as the enemy’ who by being in their Beta busy mind unwittingly drove them into their fight/flight mode in the first place. This is why the first principal of the Holistequine’s conditioning/training is...first.... for the human half of the equation to revert back to OUR Alpha original mode of communication i.e. for both horses and human to communicate through non-verbal ‘speak’ ....secondly by giving back the love and discipline it requires so that our horse partner is able to recognize the love they see mirrored See more

08.01.2022 Spirit to Spirit..Our Holistequine herd hold a frequency of love so we can align any imbalances between the head and the heart, the intuitive and analytical mind presenting a new model to live our lives. Practitioner training/ online course

07.01.2022 There is more to being healthy than fighting off viruses and germs. This poorly understood dark matter or junk DNA forms 90% of our human DNA but is overlooked by mainstream science. Epigenetics explains this elusive 90% giving us a whole picture of how our thoughts, emotions, attitudes and past programming influences not only our physical health and mental well-being but also the unique spirit potential within every human genetic coding.. our holistequine programs explore this potential

07.01.2022 Present YOURSELF a rose this Valentines day for all the loving and caring things you do for everyone else !!

07.01.2022 Wishing you all al Chrismas full of joy peace and happiness and looking forward to a great 2020

06.01.2022 Horse by nature are herbalists. During my Naturopathic studies l did my herbal research on local plants/weeds my horses instinctively picked to eat. These contained powerful active ingredients but they also included buffers that helped assimilate the herb into the body. While science and modern medicine are valid options we should also have a choice to use alternative medicine as the softer first line of defense. Last time I looked 'freedom of choice' was a constitutional right.

06.01.2022 Our group is a platform for sharing those special moments we have with our equine family. We are all ONE consciousness, all healing each other and all connected... by the same threads of Universal intelligence. On a practical, emotional and spiritual level the animals will increasingly provide the tools to help us with the challenges in our lives. By sharing these experiences we help others on the same path See more

06.01.2022 Experiencing the magic of our potential...When we work with "free energy" with the Holistequine horse we begin to understand how non verbal communication works (i.e. the other 50 % of our brain capacity). As we connect with the mind of another living spirit we experience the love, discipline and commitment it takes to create our own reality..

04.01.2022 Maximizing Human Potential through the Spirit of the horse.....We first started seeing "disorders" such as ADD, ADHD in the early '90's today this has escalated and we are seeing our children with "behavioral labels" such as "oppositional defiant disorder" etc, and my personal favorite--PDD-NOS, "Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified" !!! Children of every generation test boundaries as it is part of their job to challenge the status quo After 12 years working in children's programs it seems only our horses "get it"

03.01.2022 To our horses there are no labels !!

03.01.2022 The greatest change we will need to make in these challenging times is to find a balance in how we communicate with others, how we interpret the world through information received. To rely on ourselves to make good decisions we must be able to trust information coming from both our intuitive Alpha brain equally with information from our Beta logical mind. Our herd relies on nonverbal communication for survival; they can hear our words but they trust their instincts more. Mode...rn humans do the opposite, unlike their primitive ancestors we have now become so over analytical we cannot see the simple solution staring us in the face. As individuals and part of a community we now live in a constant left brain state of flight/flight (or monkey mind Beta). Now more that ever we need to tap into our higher mind waiting in the wings to be heard...Our Holistequine horses show us how to align both sides of the brain to achieve that....creating a new frequency model of self empowerment. See more

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