Holistic Thoughts in Kirup, Western Australia | Medical and health
Holistic Thoughts
Locality: Kirup, Western Australia
Phone: +61 412 102 329
Address: South Western Highway 6251 Kirup, WA, Australia
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25.01.2022 Yesterday in a discussion with friends, we agreed that we "eat our feelings". Successful weight loss is more than just eating less/healthier and exercising more. Understanding why we store excess fat is essential to removing it! Some common reasons for storing extra fat include: protection (especially after sexual trauma), feeling of lacking, or even depression or anxiety. Deal with these issues and see the flow on effect on all aspects of your life!
25.01.2022 Whatever you think or do regularly becomes a habit, a strongly conditioned pathway in the brain. The more you think about what can go wrong, the more your mind ...is primed to anticipate trouble. The more you lash out in anger, the more your body and mind are geared toward aggression. The more you think about how you might help others, the more your mind and heart are inclined to be generous. Just as weight lifting builds muscles, the way you direct your attention can strengthen anxiety, hostility, and addiction, or it can lead you to healing and awakening. -True Refuge See more
25.01.2022 The awakening touch of a soulmate may be that of your child, of a parent, of a sibling, or of a true friend. Or it may be your beloved, reaching across the cent...uries to kiss you once again and to remind you that you are together always, to the end of time. Love is eternal and is never lost. See more
24.01.2022 Science is finally starting to acknowledge the interconnections between the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of every person. Pain is a real problem, especially if there is no obvious physical cause. If you were able to deal with the psychological problems that contribute to the pain in a relaxed, comfortable way, would you be interested?... Talk to me about how hypnotherapy can help!
24.01.2022 A Quit Smoking session is less than a couple of packs of smokes! Why haven't you booked a session yet?
22.01.2022 Suicide doesn't take away your pain, it transfers it to those who loved and cared for you Please reach out to ANYONE if you are struggling - there are many resources and support services (lifeline, beyond blue, etc) RIP to all those who couldn't find peace in life
21.01.2022 Are you an Old Soul too? Have you explored your past lives yet? Even if you have revisited one or two, there will be others to visit! Book a session today
20.01.2022 I know I have been a bit quiet here lately, life has been, well, life! Other projects have interrupted Holistic Thoughts and kept/are still keeping me busy! Yesterday was R U OK? Day and I thought I should check in and see if anyone needs to chat or just listen to me during a hypnotherapy session! Please contact me if you need an ear to listen, or need to hear some advice
20.01.2022 Do you need to change your eating habits? Or just want to avoid overindulging during the festive season? Hypnotherapy and EFT CAN help you!
19.01.2022 Helpful info and links for anyone who needs it. If you just want to chat to me about your relationship even (if you aren't ready to leave) please drop me a line, or call - I would much rather chat with you at 3am than from jail, or even worse, attend your funeral!
18.01.2022 Was one of your New Year Resolutions to lose weight? Have you tried dieting in the past, only to have the weight return as soon as you stopped that diet? Have you tried the overpriced diet supplements, meal replacements or group "support" sessions - also to have the weight return? What if you changed your thoughts about food? About what (and how much) your body needs - not just dietary, but emotionally too!... Years ago I used to be size 18-20, and despite going to the gym 4 times a week, walking 10+km a week and what I thought was a healthy diet, I didn't lose any weight or slim down in any way. It was only once I changed how I think of my body that I managed to shrink down and stay at size 14. My body isn't perfect, I see many flaws in it (thanks to the media for conditioning me to see many physical imperfections), and some parts don't work as well as they used to (it happens - "wear and tear"), but it still gets me around. Some days I don't treat it as well as I should (incorrect food input, not enough physical activity, etc), but each day I am still grateful that it keeps working (and so are my family!!). So do you want (or need) to change your relationship with food and your body? Hypnotherapy can help Take the first step and change your life!
17.01.2022 Link to Alyxandria Fandel's page: https://www.facebook.com/aly.fandel?hc_location=ufi
17.01.2022 Jealousy poisoned the sisterhood~~ It creeps in and destroys friendships. It turns women against one another. It can strangle a mother daughter relationship and... instil a fear or hatred of other women. It can show up masked as something else- anger, a projection, disconnection, disgust, dislike, etc. We are on the same team, women. We don't have to compete, there is enough men and abundance for everyone. When you win, I win. When I win, you win. We rise by lifting one another up. Women are meant to be family to one another. If jealousy arises- have the self awareness to own it and work through it with transparency. Don't project on the other person, try to tear them down, copy or steal from them, or sabotage a sacred friendship, or another womans shining. We all deserve to shine, and most likely if she's shining she worked her butt off to get there. Honor that. Work towards that. Thank her for guiding the way. Thank her for showing you where you can love your self more. Lean in. Come closer. Heal together. If you turn away, keeping and believing in your own projections, the poison will continue to eat you slowly from the inside. It will keep you separate. It will ruin your next friendship. It will keep you down, and your sisters and your daughters down. This is our responsibility to end. It ends with us. We have all suffered from the suppressive program of unworthiness, and we are all breaking that spell, one thought, emotion and action at a time. We heal each other, and we heal ourselves. We thrive together and suffer alone. We are not meant to put all our energy into our individualistic lives and try to create a new future by ourselves. We are not meant to drown in our work or partnerships. We are meant to be supported and nourished by a tribe of women that have our backs. Women that are self responsible enough to own their shadows when they creep in, and devoted enough to work through them, together. We grow and learn from one another. Paving new pathways takes courage and humility, but it is what will bring us back to the royal garden. True sisterhood is our birthright, and it's time to claim in every way. With a lot of love. ~Naia Leigh
17.01.2022 Are you lonely? Do you have connection with your community? Do you spend time with your soul tribe? Hypnotherapy can help!... I can help you find a way out of depression. I can help you find your soul tribe. Book a session today
16.01.2022 Dealing With Stress and Disappointment You may nave noticed that I have been a bit quiet recently, well, that's because I've had some stressful things going on which didn't turn out the way we planned. And so I (and the rest of my family too lol) have been dealing with this stress and disappointment however we are each best able to.... For my girls, this has involved lots of running around screaming (which isn't so very different to any other time lol). For my son, he has retreated into the virtual world and has spent time gaming, talking, etc My husband has busied himself with work and retreats into the world of tv/movies to provide distractions. I have been venting my stress and frustration through mindful activities including exercise and listening to music (usually combined in the hr or so walking the dog each day - except for Monday where nearly stepping on a large Tiger snake seriously disrupted my mindfulness!!) So what do you do to ease your mind in stressful or disappointing situations? If you don't have any go-to strategies, book a chat to find out how meditation or hypnotherapy can help you
16.01.2022 How about just stopping smoking? Imagine how much healthier your lungs will be once you stop inhaling dangerous chemicals. Book your stop smoking session today
16.01.2022 Would the younger you be excited to see who you have become? Or would you be screaming at yourself in disgust? What about the older you? Would you be proudly looking back at your life? Or would the older you be telling you to change? But what would a different incarnation of you have to say? ... Do you want to change your life? Explore a Past Life Regression and find out the wisdom that You have to share with yourself!
16.01.2022 A Quit Smoking session is less than a couple of packs of smokes! Why havent you booked a session yet?
16.01.2022 Telling stories is one part of Hypnotherapy!
15.01.2022 YOUR SOUL IS MADE UP OF MANY THREADS THAT REVEAL YOUR ANCIENT DIVINE ROOTS~~ You can see your soul energy as a tapestry of divine experiences: a woven template ...made of threads that originate in multiple sacred realms. For example, you may resonate with the terms 'Earth Angel', 'Starseed', 'Goddess or Priestess', 'Wise One or Wizard'. You have connections to past earthly lives, and also experiences of being present in other dimensional realms, such as the angelic or star-constellations. When you awaken to your soul's truth, and begin the path of uncovering your spiritual heritage, it will always be a winding walk along a road that gradually opens you to your energetic template. You'll naturally and serendipitiously attract the experiences that you need to activate the Light that lays within the threads of your soul's tapestry. You'll encounter teachers (who sometimes present as challenging relationships in your life) who will press you into looking within yourself and seeking your true essence. You will begin to attract and work with Sacred Guides from your most treasured divine experiences. For example, if you have a strong link to the angelic realm, and are an incarnated angel, you'll most definitely link with angelic guides who can awaken your dormant or suppressed energies. This is the same for those who have lineages with the Goddesses and Priestesses, the Temple Healers, the Earth Wisdom Guides and many more. You'll somehow discover the teachers and guides (both earthly and cosmic) who can activate your 'soul threads' and open previously closed or blocked channels. It's not always a comfortable experience to awaken to your 'Tapestry of Light' within. You'll have to confront repressed emotions, most likely from being separated for so long from your Soul Families and your own authentic Light. Rest assured though, that when you agree on a soul level to recover your spiritual template, you'll be supported fully by the Universe - and everything that you need for your expansion will be sent to you.~ ~Sophie Bashford
15.01.2022 Link to Alyxandria Fandels page: https://www.facebook.com/aly.fandel?hc_location=ufi
12.01.2022 Have you found your soul family? Book a Past Life Regression and see if you can find them!
12.01.2022 Wed like to wish everyone a belated Happy Solstice! The longest nights of the year are passing even now. We look forward to the gradual shift back to the light...er part of the year, and with it, our favourite festival here at Beautifully Haunted: Halloween! This years Beautifully Haunted falls a month before Halloween, so as far as were concerned, Halloween will be kicking off a month early Were pretty excited. Three months to go! Get your tickets here: https://www.bunburyentertainment.com/wh/age-of-the-phoenix/ #Beautifullyhaunted2019 #ageofthephoenix #BunburyWA BREC
11.01.2022 Anxiety is horrible. But it can be eased immensely with hypnotherapy
10.01.2022 How are you coping with the isolation? Are you OK? Your mental health IS important and I am still available to help you (appropriate distance between us!)
09.01.2022 Being present in the moment is a great way to focus and transcend the bounds of time!
09.01.2022 Do you know your soul family? Book a Past Life Regression and find out more
08.01.2022 With smoking being banned in many places, and socially unacceptable in many, many others, isn't it time for you to quit? Think of all the benefits - health, finances and social
07.01.2022 Have you felt a deep connection to someone like youve known them all your life? What if you could explore the other lifetimes youve been with that person? Or what if you have a fear or phobia of something? Or maybe you are just curious? Whatever your reason, book a Past Life Regression session and discover more of yourself!
07.01.2022 We'd like to wish everyone a belated Happy Solstice! The longest nights of the year are passing even now. We look forward to the gradual shift back to the light...er part of the year, and with it, our favourite festival here at Beautifully Haunted: Halloween! This year's Beautifully Haunted falls a month before Halloween, so as far as we're concerned, Halloween will be kicking off a month early We're pretty excited. Three months to go! Get your tickets here: https://www.bunburyentertainment.com/wh/age-of-the-phoenix/ #Beautifullyhaunted2019 #ageofthephoenix #BunburyWA BREC
07.01.2022 Do you need to change your connections to the past? Book a session today
07.01.2022 If you want to know more about the love language you (and your partner) speak, drop me a line!
07.01.2022 Epigenetics says traumatic changes can travel through 14 generations! If you need to heal generational trauma (or even just your own trauma) please book a session
06.01.2022 Control your emotions doesnt mean...
06.01.2022 With smoking being banned in many places, and socially unacceptable in many, many others, isnt it time for you to quit? Think of all the benefits - health, finances and social
06.01.2022 The Placebo Effect What you believe is healing IS contributing to your healing!
06.01.2022 Did you know that epigenetics also relates to trauma? Healing doesnt just make you better, it means your kids, grandkids and great grandkids dont carry the trauma with them
04.01.2022 Or you can just book a regular session with me! But hey, if you want to pay nearly double you can!
04.01.2022 What is missing in your connections that causes you to turn to addiction?
04.01.2022 Did you know that epigenetics also relates to trauma? Healing doesn't just make you better, it means your kids, grandkids and great grandkids don't carry the trauma with them
03.01.2022 THIS Do you get frustrated with your partner telling you 50 times a day that they love you when having them help you with little things means more than words?
03.01.2022 Shadow-Work While the term Shadow-Work may evoke ideas of conjuring the devil, black magic, or dancing under the moon and performing rituals, Shadow-Work is really just dealing with our own inner demons. The shadow can only be seen when there is light and the shadow is only a projection of what the light cannot destroy. Sometimes the brightest light creates the darkest shadows! But there cannot be light without darkness. Can you imagine a day without ending or a night without... stars? There must be balance for us to appreciate both the light and dark aspects of ourselves. Through hypnotherapy and EFT I have managed to tame my demons (grief, poor self-image, fears, depression, etc) although I still have days where my inner demons don't want to dance with me! On my really good days they remind me of why I should enjoy those times and on the dark days they remind me of how many other dark days I have survived. Recently some friends chose not to participate in a group activity I had planned because the activity meant dealing with their demons. Whilst I was disappointed by their decision, I completely understood because I know what it's like when the demons in your head seem stronger than you. This is in no way a criticism of my friends for not asking for my help as a therapist to help them tame their demons, but just a gentle reminder to everyone that there is always help available and you can only teach the demons to play nicely once you understand them!
02.01.2022 Do you have thoughts like these in your head? Hypnotherapy can help remove them! Book a session today
02.01.2022 Using Words of Affirmation constructively What love language do you use?
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