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The Little Owl
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25.01.2022 Its : . . The time is ! . . What is your brilliant idea?... . . This card show us a raven on the top of a scroll that symbolises written knowledge of the higher things. Nearby there are some keys meaning there are energy, solutions, answers, raw potential to be unlocked. Not everyone around you will like these ideas but this Ace says to cut through the heart of the matter - use you intuition and determination - and the will to succeed assure your victory. . . My crystal is citrine. You can buy with confidence as well from Avalon InLaKesh . . The deck? . From my See more
25.01.2022 Domingo Dia de cuidar-se a si mesmo, e a nossa dica mgica de hoje vem da maravilhosa Fada Verde: . .Na natureza h renovao constante . .Verde a cor normalmente conectada cura e crescimento. Esta carta fala da cura em andamento, da necessidade ou da capacidade de direcionar a energia de cura para voc ou para os outros.... . .Sente-se na natureza, na floresta ou em um jardim, se possvel. Inspire esse verde profundamente em todas as clulas do seu corpo e traga essa cor para a sua aura. Ao expirar, cante o mantra "YAMMMM". Repita trs vezes. Medite com essa cor at sentir la dentro de que voc terminou. . . Assim como e crescem, seu corpo, mente, emoes e esprito tambm podem crescer saudveis e fortes. . .Tome cuidado com suas plantas ou plante uma hoje. . . O cristal na foto o quartzo rosa, uma energia agradvel, muito suave e amvel no chakra do corao e a erva alecrim. . .O sino pode ser comprado em Mar Profundo (loja online - itens escolhidos de forma intuitiva) . "O baralho pode ser comprado na Tarotopia(eles so rpidos e maravilhosos de se lidar) . Rosa Quartzo que comprei na Avalon InLaKesh (loja muito abrangente e adorvel com ampla variedade) . .No um anncio pago, apenas a minha experincia pessoal nesta jornada espiritual. See more
24.01.2022 The magical thought of today is: . . Opportunity - The world is full of opportunities waiting to be discovered. Tap into your inner wisdom. Ask your guides to remember you on your dreams. . . The crystal is Tigereye which brings prosperity, protection, courage, vitality.... . Book a healing session today to facilitate your way on another day! . . Oportunidade - O Mundo est cheio delas a espera de serem descobertas. Pede aos teus guias que te faam sonhar com elas. . . Cristal e Olho de Tigre - facilita prosperidade, proteo, coragem, vitalidade. . . Marca a tua sesso hoje para facilitao de abertura do teu caminho. . . . #witchlingsdeck #paulinacassidy #taropia @tarotopia #usgamessystemsinc #opportunity #thelittleowl #oraclecards #oraclesofinstagram #lightworker #healingjourney #healingmessagesfromabove #naturalwitch #crystalhealing #crystals #tigerseyestone See more
24.01.2022 Nos estamos prontos... e tu? Manda mensagem para marcar. . . A mesa radionica expansiva e um poderoso instrumento de cura quantica com um potencial ilimitado onde se pode indagar sobre todas as areas da nossa vida, porque permite desbloquear, anular, transmutar toda a energia que esteja a impedir a vivencia na nossa propria essencia. .... . A simbologia contida na mesa permite a conexao com os Anjos, Arcanjos, Guias pessoais e Mestres Divinos. . . Aps a terapia, este processo vai facilitar a abertura de novas perspectivas na sua vida. Se abrir o seu corao as mudanas, far escolhas mais conectaras com a Luz e sobretudo mais ajustadas ao seu propsito mais puro - a sua essncia . . #mesaradionica #quantumhealing #corujasabia #anjos #seteraios #desbloquear #transmutarenergia #aberturadecaminhos #crescimentoespiritual #radiestesiaeradionica #radiestesia #gaiaonline #gaia #tratamentosonline #online #terapiasonline #vamosprafrente #fora See more
23.01.2022 .While some are waiting to be told how it is going to be - others know how it already! . .Which one of them are you? . .Youre the owner of this life, be brave - read, imagine, recreate, action your story and you might be surprised how the hell you magic that!... . .Share this page with someone you care you might shine some light with someone you need! . .For Therapies from The Little Owl by appointment See more
22.01.2022 ? . . Appreciate the nature, the necessary changes and be grateful. This moon in Pisces is a mystical one calling for a balance between our inner self subconscious world versus reality. Day of put in practise your forgiveness towards anything or anyone that might had upset you even yourself. Meditate and take time for yourself to allow the mystical moon energy to ‘charge’ you. . . Will you allow these changes? ... . .#mooninpisces #energyiseverything #energyhealing #positivevibes #moonlight #moon #psychicsofinstagram #psychicmoonblessings See more
22.01.2022 You may be reflecting on your situation and wonder if it is all worthwhile. The message of this card is to keep going, even if youre doubting yourself or your goal. You have what it takes. Evaluate your achievements and trust that your projects youve set in motion can now move forward under their own momentum.Take your cues from synchronicities, hunched, impulses.... there is much more to come as you charge into the future. ... is a crystal of wellbeing and can be used for many things. Aids in eliminating obstacles. Excellent to heal past traumas, Great in allows you to understanding the way of unconditional love as it works on a higher spiritual level. Promotes the opening of 3rd eye when used with frequency on your meditation. Let us all benefit from this time out before moving on next chapter after Covid-19. Stay Safe - Stay Home
20.01.2022 We are officially open.... . . . For this magic potion we used: a few drops of patience, a few drops of love, a whole vial of fairy magic and a little drop of technological desperation. And that is because technology has a complicated relationship with me !... . . Give a browse, there is no much stock of each as I want to bring often lots of variety. . . More items will be added as soon as I can produce them - that will be a surprise for later! Stay tuned and happy shopping:) . .#shopthelittleowl #craft #theowllovesbooks #booksbooksbooks #bookstagram #tarotcards #lenomard #incense #thelittleowl #energyhealing #mysticowl #mystic See more
19.01.2022 May this be a blessed Thursday
19.01.2022 . . . The spirit of serenity brings a calmness to the connectivity of all that is. The more serene you are the brighter your thoughts will be as you allow the energy and divine vibrations come to you. . . Will you allow your cloudy thoughts to go away? Its not easy. Requires a lot of mental strength, persistence, patience and positivity on a daily basis but you can achieve. .... . Ive draw this card today and decided to share, for reminding me this week of this I also laid down on my flower of life and created a simple crystal grid. The blue crystal is blue Kyanite commonly known as sword of Archangel Michael as brings us protection. The other crystals are clear quartz to reinforce the idea of clear thoughts. . . What crystals do you use that bring you serenity? . See more
19.01.2022 Voc pode refletir sobre sua situao e se perguntar se tudo vale a pena. A mensagem de hoje de continuar, mesmo que voc esteja duvidando de si mesmo ou de seu objetivo. Voc tem o que preciso. Avalie suas realizaes e confie em que seus projetos que voc colocou em movimento - agora podem seguir adiante no seu prprio momento. Siga dicas de sincronicidades, pressentimentos, impulsos ... ainda h muito mais por vir no futuro. ... um cristal de bem-estar e pode ser usado para muitas coisas. Auxilia na eliminao de obstculos. Excelente para curar magoas de vidas passadas. Auxilia que voc entenda o caminho do amor incondicional, pois ele trabalha em um nvel espiritual e vibrao mais alta. Promove a abertura do terceiro olho quando usado com frequncia em sua meditao. Vamos todos nos beneficiar desse tempo de espera antes de prosseguir no prximo captulo depois do Covid-19. Mantenha-se seguro - fique em casa
18.01.2022 Tip for Tuesday: . . Be Bold - try something new, take the risk, be creative! When you do this you will feel alive, happy. Once you produce this vibration the Universe provides his feedback based on the vibrational wave. . . . What will you create today?... . . #becreative #positivity #lorewhite #thelittleowl #crownchakra #renewyourmind #takerisks #artistsoninstagram #tiptuesday #oraclereadersofinstagram #flowersofinstagram #flowerwitch See more
17.01.2022 Today only (2/4/2020) radiestesy consultations with 10% off - * conditions apply, more details in the comments* Book your healing appointment (limited available times) - send a message. .Be Free.... No matter what you experience today should keep you caged .... ....Open the Window of your: Inner Wisdom Inner Truth Inner Spirituality How to do it? .... close your eyes... 1 - keep an open mind by setting aside concerns, stereotypes, self judgement; 2- focus in finding a joyful memory in a place you really enjoyed; 3 - Allow yourself to stay there for a few moments and let any sensation come in to your physical body; to be continued ...Thank you for keep reading this post...
17.01.2022 Were ready ... are you? Send message to book. . . The expansive radionic table is a powerful instrument of quantum healing with unlimited potential where you can inquire about all areas of our life, because it allows you to unlock, cancel, transmute all the energy that is preventing the experience in our own essence. .... . The symbology contained in the table allows the connection with Angels, Archangels, personal Guides and Divine Masters. . . After therapy, this process will facilitate the opening of new perspectives in your life. If you open your heart to changes, you will make choices that are more connected to the Light and above all more adjusted to your purest purpose - your essence. #quantichealing #radionics #radionictable #sevenhealingchakras #sevenhealingenergies #gaya #healingwithdivine #loveyourself #openforbusiness #opencareerpathways #openpathways #onlinetherapy #wiselittleowl #owlsofinstagram #thelittleowl #radiestesy #stepahead #movefoward #bekind #booktoday #healingvibrations #healingchakras #holistichealing
13.01.2022 Magical Card : . . . . . . .... . . #thehermittarot . . As I draw this card reminds me that rest and stillness are good medicine. As is important to socialize and listen others and everything that goes with that is equally important if not most to . Finding clarity in places empty of others thoughts and ideas is needed. . . Find your own mountain where the air is clean. . . Seek understanding from your allies during your time alone. . . When youre ready let the wisdom glow. . . #theherbcrafterstarot #tarot #tarotreadersofinstagram #usneaspecies #herbs #joannapowellcolbert #thelittleowl #themysticlife #themysticlittleowl #thehermitwisdom See more
09.01.2022 Tender Tuesday . The card of today advise that when we reverse the thoughts, we reverse the condition. Its easily talked than done, but definitively is something achievable. Choosing different thoughts requires focus and practise. If we continue to focus, think and believe as we have been, then nothing in our experience will change. . .The herb of today is Chamomile - best known for its use in relaxation and stress relief. Its calming qualities promote rest, pain r...elief. Be kind to you by drinking chamomile tea or perhaps take the extra length by doing a bath salt with chamomile, mint and Epsom salts. . . The crystals are Amethyst and Hematite. . . The Hematite crystal meaning is linked with its ability to absorb any toxic emotions holding you back from your natural state of joy and vitality. Clears away negative feelings from stress, anxiety, and worry. . .The Hematite crystal works to pull any stray negative energy in the aura to the root chakra where it neutralizes its harmful effects by balancing and aligning all seven chakras. . . If you suffer from insomnia you could try to put under your pillow an amethyst and at your feet an hematite (this last one just for a few minutes). . . . Enjoy your Tuesday wherever you may be! . . Be aware that this herb could have interactions with medications. Please get medical advice if youre taking anything or youre pregnant. . . #askanditisgiven #estherandjerryhicks #motivationaldeck #motivationalcards #oraclereadersofinstagram #thelittleowl #chamomileflowers #chamomiletea #chamomile #hematitestone #hematite #amethystcrystal #amethyst #amethystforsleeping #winddown #cupoftea #epsomsaltbath #tuesdaymotivation #tuesdayvibes #tuesdaythoughts See more
07.01.2022 . Put 3 small spoons of cinnamon powder in the palm of your right hand and go to the door, either at home or in the office. You will have to blow the cinnamon, but before blowing it, you have to repeat with a lot of faith and strength the following affirmations:... , . . , . . , !" . . Blow the cinnamon from the outside in, keeping in mind that prosperity and success will enter your home along with the cinnamon dust and wind, full of the energy that you put into it. . . Let the cinnamon powder stay on the floor for at least 24 hours (until the first day of the month ends). You can then vacuum it normally. . . Now all you have to do is wait for the results and be positive that they will come. . . Mostly you have to Believe! . . #cinnamon #magiccinnamonground #firstdayofmonth #primeirodiadoms #soprarcanela #simpatia #magick #magic #thelittleowl #littlespells #prosperitymindset #blessedlife #rightfoot #blessedbe #believe #changeyourlife #owlsofinstagram
06.01.2022 , . . . . #blackouttuesday #loveandlightforallhumanity #blacklifesmatter
06.01.2022 Breathe and Be Free on a deep forest full of mysteries and natural richness to be discovered. Would you step in or are you afraid?... What would you find there? Notice your breathing and calm your mind. Thoughts will come and youll find yourself in a special place. #meditateandbefree #deepforest #owlsofinstagram #ancientwisdom #thelittleowl #littleowladvice #meditationpractice #chakrabalancing
06.01.2022 Dica para Tera-feira: . A carta de hoje mostra que quando invertemos os pensamentos, invertemos a situao/ condio. mais fcil falar do que fazer, mas definitivamente algo vivel. A escolha de pensamentos diferentes requer foco e prtica. Se continuarmos a focar, pensar e acreditar como temos feito at ento, nada na nossa experincia mudar. . . A erva de hoje a camomila - famosa por ajudar a relaxar e a aliviar o stress. Suas qualidades calmantes promovem des...canso e alvio da dor. Seja gentil consigo mesmo - faa um ch de camomila ou a quem se atreve ir mais alm - fazer um banho de sal com camomila, hortel e sais de Epsom. . . Os cristais so ametista e hematita. . . O significado do cristal da hematita est ligado sua capacidade de absorver qualquer emoo txica que o impede de seu estado natural de alegria e vitalidade. Afasta sentimentos negativos do stress, ansiedade e preocupao. . . A hematita trabalha para atrair qualquer energia negativa dispersa da aura para o chakra da raiz, onde neutraliza seus efeitos nocivos ao equilibrar e alinhar todos os sete chakras. . . Se sofre de insnia, pode tentar colocar debaixo da almofada uma ametista e aos seus ps uma hematita (esta ltima apenas por alguns minutos). . . . Aproveite a sua tera-feira onde quer que esteja! . . Esteja consciente de que a camomila pode dar interaes com medicao. Consulte um mdico se estiver a tomar medicamentos se tiver alguma precondio ou estiver grvida. See more
06.01.2022 Magical Tuesday . . Whether you practise or not the truth is are all magical in our own ways, the difference between us is our level of connection with the divine, Universe, guides... whatever term suits you but basically means the source upstairs. . . How can you do that? ... . Tune your mood, silent your mind/worries and practise the meditation that youve seen millions and millions of info and posts from everyone lately. . .Yes, this is not only on vanguard but it is very important as we want to be the most possible balanced beings, and thank you to the latest happenings made us acknowledge that we are all one. . . It is free too, you are capable of doing yourself - I promise you will feel better. At first you can feel ridiculous, or a bit anxious that you might not doing in the proper way. Dont worry as there isnt a proper way. Youll know whats work best for you. . . The card of today talks about our Sanctuary - maintaining a calm, focused mind and enjoyment we create that special place for us. . . The herb of today is Mint - An infusion of the leaves will help ease most headaches, stimulate the appetite, and aid digestion. Magical associations are prosperity, joy, fertility, purification, love, and success. Also is said that mint aids on concentration. So good to have some leafs or essencial oil nearby your workstation or study desk. . . The crystal is Amethyst- connected with our third eye chakra helps us connections to the source in most effective way. Also is good for headaches, nightmares (put an amethyst under your pillow) as has a soothing calm effect. . . Be happy today & keep going .References: . "The Green Witch: Your Complete Guide to the Natural Magic of Herbs, Flowers, Essential Oils, and More" by Arin Murphy-Hiscock. . .#amethyst #thegreenwitch #amethystcrystal #thirdchakra #headache #healingcrystals #healing #thelittleowl #owl #witchesofinstagram #witch #witchyvibes #witchythings #witchlingsdeck @polly.fae #tarotopia #mintgreen #mint #cupoftea #aromatherapy #focus #amethystchevron #cactus
04.01.2022 Its Sunday Self.... and our magical tip of today comes from the wonderful Green Fairy: In nature there is constant renewal. . .Green is the colour normally connected to healing and growth. This cards tells of healing in progress, a need for healing or an ability to direct healing energy to yourself or others. Which is it for you? . . Sit in nature, in the woods or a garden if possible. Inhale this green deep into every cell of your body and bring this colour... out into your aura. When exhale sing the mantra YAMMMM. Repeat three times. Meditate with this colour until you get an inner knowing that youre done. . . Just as and grow, so can your body, mind, emotions and spirit grow healthy and strong. . .Today care your plants or plant one. . . The crystal for whos wondering is Rose quartz, very gentle and soft loveable energy into your heart chakra and the herb is Rosemary . . .The bell can be bought at @Mar Profundo (online shop - has unique items chosen intuitively) . The deck can be purchased @Tarotopia (theyre fast and wonderful to deal with) . .Rose Quartz I bought from @Avalon InLaKesh (Very comprehensive and lovely store with broad range) . .This not a paid advertise, just my personal experience on this spiritual journey. . . #fairywisdomoracle #fairywisdomoracledeckandbookset @amybrownart #greenfairy #healingjourney #healing #healingthoughts #plants #plantaofinstagram #greengrass #rosequartzcrystal #budhabell #heartchakra #heartchakrahealing #yam #mudrasandmantras #rosemary #tarotopia #oraclecards #oraclereadersofinstagram #oracledeck #oraclecardreading #potsandplants See more
03.01.2022 .Saturday mindful ... . Here we keep pretty busy increasing knowledge to share with you. . . We remain open by appointment only! Dont miss out.... . .#comingsoon #catwithahat #saturdayvibes #saturdaymindfulness #happyathome #radionictable #energyhealing #oracle #magic #tarot #catsofinstagram See more
02.01.2022 . . . - . . . " "....... . -? . . : " " " ". . . : . . : . . . . . . . . , . . . - ! . . ( ) - . . . , , () . . .
02.01.2022 Saturday Soul Day: . . The card of today tell us that we all have the ability to manifest the life we wish to call in. We just have to become the vibrational match for our desires. So look where your desires and manifestations are being seeded as we amplify our motivations - if it is driven out of fear - thats the message we are amplifying to the Universe; If it comes from heart it will be aligned with love. Instead of striving harder for something, cultivate the of already having what you seek. . . . The crystal of today is Green Calcite. Believes in storybook-endings, brings out the honesty to your mind from your heart. You may use when your heart is asking for something, but you blah...blah...blah arent listening. Call on the energy of Green Calcite to nudge that push-and-pull in the hearts favor. . . Live out your hearts desire . Let that shit in your head go .Let your energy flow . . Leave is a PM if you need our therapies. . . . Deck is from Tarotopia . Crystal holder from Stoned Crystals . . #thelittleowl #calcitecrystal #greencalcite #greencalcitecrystal #heartchakra #alignment #vibrationalhealing #vibrationalalignment #candlelight #beyondlemuriaoraclecards #izzyivyart @izzy_ivy_art #oraclecards #oraclereadersofinstagram #energyhealing #energyflow See more
02.01.2022 Have a Good Weekend
01.01.2022 Mama Witch is crafting... What will you do today?
01.01.2022 ............................................................. Blessed be
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