Holistic Coaching & Rehabilitation in Kangaroo Valley, New South Wales | Gym/Physical fitness centre
Holistic Coaching & Rehabilitation
Locality: Kangaroo Valley, New South Wales
Phone: +61 432 177 206
Address: Osborne Park, 179 Moss Vale Rd 2577 Kangaroo Valley, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 Hey guys! Nothing like a bit of twin power to move some weights #kangaroovalley #kangaroovalleynsw #twinlove #gettingstronger #gettingfamiliar
25.01.2022 Hey guys! Lateral power band work!! #exercise #exercisebands #kangaroovalleynsw #kangaroovalley #thekvgishere
25.01.2022 Hey guys! Hope your school holidays are going great!! Last laps before bed, to set up a great day ahead! #holidays #energy #ourtribe #activekids #kangaroovalleynsw #kangaroovalley
24.01.2022 Hey guys! I always find it such a tough part of the KVG, having to limber up with such a view tis a glorious morning #kangaroovalley #kangaroovalleynsw #morningstretch #thekvgishere
24.01.2022 Hey guys! Special bin quad workout that has been a secret for hundreds of years.Kept by the bin monks so long only to be revealed for the first time! #bintraining #quads #kangaroovalley #kangaroovalleynsw
24.01.2022 The KVG says hi and see you soon for training #kangaroovalleynsw #kangaroovalley #twinlove #exercise #community #thekvgishere
23.01.2022 Hey guys! Cone head air time with power cleans at the KVG (140kg)! Power cleans are a magnificent exercise and one of the elixirs of youth! More to come on this in future posts#powerclean #fasttwitchmuscles #coordination #functionalfitness #functionaltraining #conehead #kangaroovalleynsw #kangaroovalley #thekvgishere
23.01.2022 Hi guys! Hope everyone had a great Christmas! Just a reminder, we reopen next Monday, Jan 4th (KVG hours to be advised). If you’re a private client and would like to start back (as opposed to when term 1 starts Feb 1st) then please contact me ASAP as I’m currently doing the January (holiday period) timetable. ...
23.01.2022 Hey guys! The mighty Gav Just come from milking to get a special chameleon rope workout done !! #matchingshirtmatchingmats #ropeworkout #kangaroovalley #kangaroovalleynsw #thekvgishere
23.01.2022 Hey guys! Big Kev 65 years young and I tackling a 200 kg concrete trough! Thanks dad! #strength #strengthtraining #longevity #bigkev #succulents #heavytrough
23.01.2022 Hey guys! A wonderful piece of old school equipment to get the posterior kinetic chain activated. This particular action crosses over beautifully into the full spectrum of movement, from athletics to casual walking. It will help you to move better!
22.01.2022 After a few adjustments we locked in and made it to the Ute! That was number one, the next is much heavier stay tuned for the next pot lift with the big Kev! Thank you Grundy’s for your beautiful succulents #65yrsyoung #deadlift #strength #longevity #strengthtraining #kangaroovalley #kangaroovalleynsw #200kgiveaway
22.01.2022 Just a quick reminder that the gym is open today from 4-7pm. Come and get your last workout in before we close for a week. Reopening Monday 12th October (usual hours). If you’d like to renew your membership for another term, it’s $180 as per usual for the 10wks of unlimited gym use (classes not included). ... Happy holidays!!
22.01.2022 Hey guys! Try to keep smooth tension as you practice your lifts. Promotes control and the coiling of muscle filaments safely #smoothtension #eccentric #kangaroovalley #kangaroovalleynsw #thekvgishere
22.01.2022 Hey guys! A Sunday evening big boofer echidna wrestle! Give the quills a stroke and they will sit in your hand like a Bub #kangaroovalley #kangaroovalleynsw #bigechidna #sundayafternoon #sundayevening
22.01.2022 Good morning guys! #earlymorningworkout #earlymorningexercise #thekvgishere #kangaroovalley #kangaroovalleynsw
21.01.2022 Hey guys! Bin plyometrics !! More bin workouts to come #kangaroovalleynsw #kangaroovalley #bin #binworkouts #kvtennis #thekvgishere #exercise
21.01.2022 Hey guys! How are you spending your blustery Saturday evening? Hope the weekend is great #kangaroovalleynsw #kangaroovalley #coldwater #warmfire #fullspectrum #training #wimhof #nature #thekvgishere
21.01.2022 Hey guys! Happy Fathers Day to all the families and dads out there! A Fathers Day workout doing shoulder flow jujitsu floor work with a 55kg dead ball. Look forward to training with you at the KVG! Keep training yourself to be adaptable!!#jujitsu #deadball #flow #calesthenics #shoulderworkout #kangaroovalley #kangaroovalleynsw #thekvgishere
21.01.2022 Hey guys! A great and simple shoulder/scapula band exercise coming your way! This particular area has a huge effect on posture and functionality from day to day activities all the way through to heavy lifting #functionaltraining #functionalshoulders #scapularstability #kangaroovalleynsw #kangaroovalley #thekvgishere
20.01.2022 Hey guys! Holiday beach time ! A perfect setting for fun, exercise, throwing and flying. Keep your body moving over the holiday period
20.01.2022 Hi guys! Just a quick reminder that most invoices are due this Friday if you haven’t paid already. Thanks for your support
20.01.2022 It’s never too late to sign up as a termly gym member! You pay $18/week only for the number of weeks left in the term when you sign up. It’s week 2 - enjoy 9 weeks of unlimited gym time for only $162! ... Save time, petrol and energy and use your local gym right here in Kangaroo Valley. See you soon
20.01.2022 Hey guys! It was another intense bin training session tonight but the bin was freaking me out a bit! It’s getting ready for the 31st I think
20.01.2022 Hey guys! Hex bar band training! #exercisebands #exercise #kangaroovalley #kangaroovalleynsw
20.01.2022 Hi guys, the KVG will be closing early this Friday, the 4th (closing at 4pm) as we’ll be enjoying Xmas in the Valley with our wonderful community!
19.01.2022 Lost property is building up already guys. Anything familiar??
19.01.2022 Hey guys! Bicep band video coming your way!a great resistance change up tool to hit those arms hard and smart#kangaroovalley #kangaroovalleynsw #resistancebands #biceps #thekvgishere
18.01.2022 Hey guys! KVG back in action for the holiday period. Time to build your platform for a consistent effort for 2021. Let’s start the habits that are going to gravitate you towards success in your exercise endeavours and goals. See you there !! #kangaroovalley #kangaroovalleynsw #begin #exercise #exercisemotivation #makethechange #makethechoice #thekvgishere
18.01.2022 Hey guys! Some young warriors getting stuck into their cardio! #community #fitness #youngandstrong #kangaroovalleynsw #kangaroovalley #thekvgishere
18.01.2022 Hey guys! Flashback big fro time! Due to high demand for more photos of hair styles I thought l should include this one#kangaroovalley #kangaroovalleynsw #fro #sunprotection #frotennis
17.01.2022 Good morning guys! #kangaroovalleynsw #kangaroovalley #thekvgishere
17.01.2022 Term 4 starts today guys! Come and grab your memberships or 10 session passes! Look forward to seeing you at the KVG!
17.01.2022 Hello all! We are nearing the end of Term 3! Therefore, we are starting to timetable for Term 4. For all private clientele and group classes, please let us know if you are NOT continuing. ... If you dont contact us, your day and time will just keep rolling over to term 4. If you need to change your session time, please contact us ASAP and well do our best. Thanks guys!
17.01.2022 Hey guys! Time to do a drill that helps to build muscle control into your triceps #timeundertension #matrixsystem #tricepcableextensions #kangaroovalley #kangaroovalleynsw #thekvgishere
16.01.2022 Give the gift of health this Christmas! The best gift of all! Gift Vouchers available for tennis coaching, personal training, fitness programming, gym passes and fitness classes and more! Right here in KV! #supportlocal #kangaroovalley #kangaroovalleynsw #holisticcoachingkv #theKVG #christmasgifts #giftofhealth
16.01.2022 Hey guys! Power band training with the bell bag! #exercise #exercisebands #explosivetraining #kangaroovalleynsw #kangaroovalley #thekvgishere
15.01.2022 So privileged to have ex pro boxer, Mathew Kapetanios join our team at the KVG! Starting in Term 4 Tuesday night boxing 5-6pm... $143 for the 10wk term ($13/class + GST) Or $18/class as a casual drop in. Sign up now! Spots already filling quickly
15.01.2022 Hey guys! Sunday silly!#twinlove #synthwave #84fm#kangaroovalley #kangaroovalleynsw #dadof5 #ourtribe
15.01.2022 Hey guys! Another day in Valhalla /paradise #bifrost #kangaroovalleynsw #kangaroovalley #seasons #attheendoftherainbow
14.01.2022 Missing something? Our lost property is piling up! Please come and collect All lost property will be cleared out at the end of term. Thanks guys!
14.01.2022 Hey guys! A stretch before bed#kangaroovalleynsw #kangaroovalley #stretching #relax #relaxbeforebed #flexibility #thekvgishere
14.01.2022 Hey guys! There’s nothing like a bin to help you with your low volley! #tennis #bintraining #reflex #functionallunge #kangaroovalleynsw #kangaroovalley
14.01.2022 Hey guys! One for resetting the lower back and promoting functionality#kangaroovalley #kangaroovalleynsw #balanceandstability #lowerbackpain #lowerbackpainrelief #thekvgishere
13.01.2022 Hey guys! Early birthday present arrived from the USA today!! First one in Australia! Im looking forward to shredding it ASAP! Keep your movement varied and rise to new challenges, keep practicing adaptivity! #alterskate #kangaroovalleynsw #kangaroovalley #movement #skate
13.01.2022 Great night at the carols before we got rained out! This superb rainbow was the herald!#kangaroovalley #kangaroovalleynsw #carols #rainbow #community
13.01.2022 Hey guys! Little Raphael getting some iron time in! #kangaroovalleynsw #kangaroovalley #littleman #lifestyle #earlylearning #thekvgishere
13.01.2022 Hey guys! Last week we had 100 strong flock of cockies come and cheer on our local vet! Look forward to another tennis Tuesday! #tennis #lovetennis #holisticcoachingkv #tenniscoach
13.01.2022 Hey guys! The best way to hone your skills in martial arts is the lid of a bin. Your reflexes will improve out of site! #bintraining #martialartstraining #kangaroovalley #kangaroovalleynsw
13.01.2022 Hey guys ! Just checking in with you all on some important topics. Longevity and functionality#kangaroovalleynsw #kangaroovalley #longevity #functionaltraining #functionality #thekvgishere
12.01.2022 Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed the great outdoors on this beautiful day! Look forward to another great week of training! #springtime #spring2020 #springisintheair #outdoors #outdooradventures #kangaroovalleynsw #kangaroovalley #thekvgishere
12.01.2022 Raph, our little elf getting into the spirit of things! #christmas #twinlove #kangaroovalley #kangaroovalleynsw #christmasjig
11.01.2022 Hey guys! The trials of self motivation and the power of having a friend to exercise with #kangaroovalleynsw #kangaroovalley #motivation #exercisemotivation #exercisetogether #poweroffriendship #thekvgishere
11.01.2022 Hi all!! The term is nearing an end (Yes! Were in week 9). The KVG will be OPEN in week 1 ONLY of the school holidays. We will take a break in week 2 to come back ready and refreshed for Term 4! ... Holiday KVG hours: Monday 28/9 4-7pm Wednesday 30/9 4-7pm Friday 2/10 4-7pm As a thank you from us - all term paying members of the KVG may attend the gym in the available holiday timeslots at no extra charge. If you attend a private session with Mike and would like to have a session in the first week of the school holidays, please contact us! Also, if youd like a program session to get ready for term 4, please book in during week 1 of the school holidays. Thanks everyone for all of the amazing support!! What a great first term weve had in the KVG!
11.01.2022 Hey guys ! A bit of resistance cardio with a kettle bell will help get you in shape and good condition! This little number is the star jump KB swing #kettlebellworkout #kettlebellworkout #resistancecardio #kangaroovalley #kangaroovalleynsw #thekvgishere
10.01.2022 KVG January Opening Hours Mondays: 6am-12pm, 3pm-6pm Tuesdays: 6am-12pm Wednesdays: 6am-12pm, 3pm-6pm... $18/week unlimited sessions OR grab a 10 session pass for $100 ($10/session, valid for 6mths), or $15 for a casual session. Hope to see you there!
10.01.2022 Hey guys! Family tennis afternoon! Its a great thing to be able to rally with your kids. If you can have regular hits with them, it will pay off and they will be hitting it back to you before you know it! #tennisaustralia #kvtennis #tennis #playwithyourkids #keepingactive #keepmoving #kangaroovalleynsw #kangaroovalley
10.01.2022 Drax, our bearded dragon is slowly waking up after his winter rest. Have you also been hibernating? If so, its time to shed the layers and get active guys! #kangaroovalleygym #kvg #kangaroovalleyfitness #kangaroovalley #holisticcoachingkv #springhasarrived #timetohitthegym #getactive #warmerweather #beardeddragon
10.01.2022 Classes for term 4 - sign up now! Monday HIIT 6-6.30am Tuesday Zumba 6.30-7.30am Tuesday Cardio Tennis 9.30-10.30am ... Tuesday Boxing 5-6pm Thursday Cardio Tennis 9.30-10.30am Sat Womens Strength 7-8am Come and get fitter, make new friends & have fun!
10.01.2022 It’s never too late to sign up as a termly gym member! You pay $18/week only for the number of weeks left in the term when you sign up. It’s week 2 - enjoy 9 weeks of unlimited gym time for only $162! ... Save time, petrol and energy and use your local gym right here in Kangaroo Valley. See you soon
10.01.2022 2 incredible athletes with such great respect for each other. Rafa! 13 French Opens! 20 Grand Slams! The King of Clay!
09.01.2022 Hey guys! Another great bin session. If you want to get an edge on your fitness give it a try! #bin #binworkouts #cuttingedgeworkout #fittness #kangaroovalley #kangaroovalleynsw
09.01.2022 Hey guys! Bicep band video! #biceps #bandworkouts #angularmomentum #kangaroovalley #kangaroovalleynsw #thekvgishere
08.01.2022 Hey guys! Another great deadlifting Monday with the next milestone past!! (. 240kg x5!) instead of showing you the deadlift ,I thought it important to show a balancing exercise that helps even out the kinetic chains. Deadlift being posterior chain and this particular exercise is anterior chain. Keep being accountable to yourself with your goals!! #kangaroovalley #kangaroovalleynsw #balance #balancethebody #kineticchain #thekvgishere
08.01.2022 Hey guys! KVG turtle power! #ninjaturtlestraining #Thekvgishere #kangaroovalley #kangaroovalleynsw
08.01.2022 Hey guys martial arts session with my boys!! Holiday quality time! Keep your body moving #dkyoo #jkd #bjj #kangaroovally #kangaroovalleynsw #movement #summer2020
08.01.2022 Hey guys!! Just to let you know our phone seems to be playing up and were unfortunately getting text messages days after they were sent! If possible, could you please contact us on messenger. ... So sorry about this. Thank you
07.01.2022 Hey guys ! Just checking in with you all on some important topics. Longevity and functionality#kangaroovalleynsw #kangaroovalley #longevity #functionaltraining #functionality #thekvgishere
07.01.2022 Hey guys! Fresh bladder in the speed ball ready for the week ahead #boxing #kangaroovalley #kangaroovalleynsw #thekvgishere
07.01.2022 Hey guys! Holiday fitness with the kids and family at the amazing bateau bay skate park! A little ninja mega wall training #holidays #ninjawarrior #megawall #agility #skatepark #bateaubay
06.01.2022 Hi guys! Tuesday Boxing with Matt has moved this week to Thursday 5-6pm Sorry for the change and any inconvenience caused.
06.01.2022 Hey guys! The gang finishing strong at the end of term #movement #motorpatterns #motorcontrol #developinggoodhabits #kangaroovalleynsw #kangaroovalley #thekvgishere
06.01.2022 Hey guys! A nice one for opening up the spine and creating flexibility in the posterior kinetic chain #kangaroovalleynsw #kangaroovalley #loadstretch #stretching #functionaltraining #thekvgishere
05.01.2022 Hey guys! A KVG silly .#kangaroovalleynsw #kangaroovalley #thekvgishere
05.01.2022 Squat limber morning!! #movement #movementculture #kvgfitness #thekvgishere #kangaroovalleynsw #kangaroovalley
05.01.2022 Hey guys! New Power exercise bands are ready and waiting in the KVG to be used! These tools will help you get to the next level in your training. How do you use them?? Well I will show you in coming posts#kangaroovalleynsw #kangaroovalley #exercise #exercisebands #thekvgishere
05.01.2022 Hi all!! The term is nearing an end (Yes! We’re in week 9). The KVG will be OPEN in week 1 ONLY of the school holidays. We will take a break in week 2 to come back ready and refreshed for Term 4! ... Holiday KVG hours: Monday 28/9 4-7pm Wednesday 30/9 4-7pm Friday 2/10 4-7pm As a thank you from us - all term paying members of the KVG may attend the gym in the available holiday timeslots at no extra charge. If you attend a private session with Mike and would like to have a session in the first week of the school holidays, please contact us! Also, if you’d like a program session to get ready for term 4, please book in during week 1 of the school holidays. Thanks everyone for all of the amazing support!! What a great first term we’ve had in the KVG!
04.01.2022 Please read - holiday info Hi guys, thanks for a great year of fitness and health and for your support of us! This term will finish up this Saturday (19/12). ... We will be closing for 2 weeks over Christmas and new year. Term 1 2021 will officially begin on Monday February 1st. For clients, your current day and timeslot will just roll over to next year unless you advise us that you are no longer continuing or need to change your day/time etc. We will however be opening the gym and seeing clients as well in January if you are keen to keep up momentum with your training and rehabilitation. Starting Jan 4th, we will be operating on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays only and the gym will be open (times to be advised). If you’d like to see Mike throughout January, please let us know as soon as possible. Have a wonderful Christmas Mike and Kate.
04.01.2022 Hey guys! Bush time with the boys! #our tribe #thegreatoutdoors #mentoring #qualitytime #earthing #adventure #adventuretime #kangaroovalleynsw #kangaroovalley
03.01.2022 SO much lost property guys! Please collect or let us know and we’ll put it aside. ALL unclaimed lost property will be taken to the op shop at the end of next week. Thanks all #lostproperty #pleasecollect #endofterm #holidaysarecoming #thekvg #kangaroovalley
03.01.2022 This video reflects the hopes and dreams of what the KVG can be for the community- keeping you functional and able to engage in life’s precious moments
03.01.2022 A budding culture in the KVG! #kangaroovalley #kangaroovalleynsw #gymlife #gym #thekvgishere
03.01.2022 Hey guys ! An exercise to keep shoulders healthy! #rangeofmotion #rotatorcuff #shoulders #exerciseforlife #thekvgishere
03.01.2022 Hey guys! Christmas coming and the elves are busy! This is one of the exercises that they developed during the Christmas rush to get presents checked by Santa #christmas #elves #elffitness #turkishgetup #kangaroovalley #kangaroovalleynsw #thekvgishere
03.01.2022 Hey guys ! Scapula band video! This exercise has helped me and may it be of great service to you#scapularstability #scapula #scapulaworkout# #kangaroovalleynsw #kangaroovalley #thekvgishere
02.01.2022 Lost property is building up already guys. Anything familiar??
02.01.2022 Hey guys! It all starts up again tomorrow at the KVG! #kangaroovalley #kangaroovalleynsw #gymlife #healthyculture #strongculture #workingouttogether #thekvgishere
01.01.2022 Hey guys! School term almost over and holiday fun about start!! Tennis is a great exercise that challenges the mind and body on many levels. Come and have a hit with the kids and have some fun
01.01.2022 A great read guys! Starting out can be tough but it’s so worth it. Come and get started again at the KVG
01.01.2022 Well they were having fun.......#siblings #littlebro #siblinglove #siblingrivalry #onebighappyfamily #ourtribe #kangaroovalley #kangaroovalleynsw
01.01.2022 Hi guys! Just a quick reminder that most invoices are due this Friday if you haven’t paid already. Thanks for your support
01.01.2022 Want to get fitter and healthier in 2021 and have fun doing it? Sign up now to one of our exercise classes! HIIT Monday’s 6-6.30am... Zumba Tuesdays 6.30-7.30am Cardio Tennis Tuesdays 9.30-10.30am Boxing with Matt Tuesdays 5-6pm Cardio Tennis Thursdays 9.30-10.30am Women’s Strength Saturdays 7-8am Beginning Feb 1st Contact us for more details or to secure your spot
01.01.2022 Just a quick update on our opening hours as they’ve changed slightly. See you soon at the KVG
01.01.2022 Hey guys! A little morning tune in with the new board! #alterskate #kangaroovalleynsw #kangaroovalley #balancetraining #thekvgishere
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