Holistic In-Home Care in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Medical and health
Holistic In-Home Care
Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 3 9352 4315
Address: 400 bell street, pascoe vale south 3044 Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Website: http://www.holisticinhomecare.com.au/
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24.01.2022 Light education!
24.01.2022 Everytime I see this video I want to cry. Its incredible how music is forever stored in this 95 year olds mind. Music is so special. You must choose what you l...isten to wisely or else it will get stored in your mind forever. This is deeper than muscle memory. Thank you @morrisontrumpet Follow Piano Around the World
23.01.2022 Must Watch Video!
23.01.2022 Happy New Year to all our Holistic Clients, family and Community! Filled with JOY, Roaring with LAUGHTER and Full of LOVE.
22.01.2022 Identifying Australian Banknotes Australian banknotes can be identified by sight and by touch. In Australia the notes become longer as they increase in value. The five-dollar is the shortest note. The one hundred-dollar note is the longest.... Individuals who are blind or vision impaired, can obtain a "Cash Test Card". The Card is provided through Blind Citizens Australia by the Reserve Bank, at no cost. If you would like a Cash Test, please call the Blind Citizens Australia office on 1800 033 660, or Email [email protected] and they will be post one out to you. for more information visit www.hihc.com.au or www.bca.org.au
21.01.2022 How many conversations do you have in a day? A wearable device might soon be able to tell you. RMIT researchers have partnered with Bolton Clarke to develop the CaT Pin. It tracks the wearers conversation and sends alerts to family or carers at signs of social isolation.... The technology, which can be worn as a lapel pin or brooch, monitors baseline conversations and word count throughout the day and prompts social contact if levels drop too low. The health consequences of loneliness and isolation are dramatic and can include disrupted sleep, high blood pressure, increased depression, lower immunity and generally lower overall wellbeing, Bush said. The team said the device, which won the Telstra Designing for Aging Well Challenge, can be personalised for each wearer by designing around existing jewellery or items like medals or textiles. Credit: RMIT (Photo), Dallas Bastian (Writer) https://www.agedcareinsite.com.au//brooch-to-track-conver/
21.01.2022 Nicks story Someone sent Nick a text claiming to be from Medicare. The text asked him to update his personal details to get Medicare rebates sent to his bank account. The text had a hyperlink and directed him to a fake Medicare website. Nick clicked the hyperlink and went to the fake Medicare website. He entered his Medicare card number. The website looked real and asked for his personal details and doctors details.... Nick gave his information. Then he got worried something wasnt right, so he called our Scams and Identity Theft Helpdesk. We confirmed it was a phishing scam text. Our staff advised Nick on how to protect himself from this scam. PHISHING SCAMS These scams are one of the most common online scams and come through text, email or social media. These fake websites will often copy the format used by myGov, Medicare or Centrelink. Some other warning signs are the: text or email asks you to update your details by clicking on a link or attachment text or email contains errors and spelling mistakes website address doesnt look like the URL you normally use. If the text or email seems too good to be true, its most likely a scam. CONTACT Scams and identity theft helpdesk Mon Fri 8 am 5 pm 1800 941 126
21.01.2022 Driving with a Disability Cars can be modified to enable many people with a disability to drive. People can drive without using their feet. Other modifications let people with limited movement to drive. Driving provides many people with independence, says Rosslyn. Its opened up real possibilities, she enthuses. Many people in regional Victoria particularly rely on their cars.... Rosslyn remembers using the early Ross system of controlling a car. The driver would raise a lever to accelerate and push it down to brake. But Ross controls had to be replaced because they did not conform to increasingly demanding Australian standards. Fortunately, Rosslyn much prefers her new system. She pulls the control towards to increase speed. She pushes away to brake. Its less tiring than trying to hold your arm up
20.01.2022 DO YOU HAVE AMBULANCE COVER?! Ambulance costs for one trip can range from A$900 to more than A$5500 if an air ambulance is necessary. You can avoid these high fees by becoming a member of Ambulance Victoria ... https://www.ambulance.vic.gov.au/membership/ Membership with Ambulance Victoria will cover all ambulance service costs throughout Australia. Membership fees external link vary and can be paid quarterly or through different yearly memberships. Another way to avoid high ambulance fees is through private health insurance. If you have private health insurance it may cover part or all of your ambulance costs. Private health funds set their own rules and may only provide restricted ambulance cover such as one emergency transport per year or only cover costs up to a certain amount. Please check your policy for coverage details.
19.01.2022 NDIS PARTICIPANTS Victoria statistics as at 30 June 2018 42,204 people in Victoria benefiting from the NDIS 39,180 participants with an approved plan ... 3,024 children supported through the ECEI gateway 24% growth in the number of participants this quarter NDIS in metropolitan Melbourne Please use the following map to find out more about when the NDIS is arriving in your area. Clink on the link below for more information https://www.ndis.gov.au/about-us/our-sites/VIC.html
19.01.2022 Today the Minister for Health, Jenny Mikakos, officially open the new Acute Stroke and Neurology Ward at The Royal Melbourne Hospital City Campus. With the generosity of Victorians who support us via The Royal Melbourne Hospital Foundation. Monies raised from the RMH Home Lottery funded the build and new equipment for the unit; while the ongoing operational funding comes from the Victorian Government. With capacity for 31 beds including eight high acuity beds for patients... who require increased monitoring, as well as a dedicated rehabilitation space, the new ward is truly the last piece in our comprehensive stroke service. For those who want to know more about our new ward you can watch a short video here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=na57n4QOrkE
19.01.2022 If you asked people in this country what theyre most proud of, I reckon one answer would be at the top. Medicare changed everything for so many Australians. It meant every person, in every corner of this nation, got access to the same world-class healthcare regardless of what was in their bank account. It meant getting sick wouldnt send you broke. It saved lives.... These days, it just feels part of our DNA but it wasnt always that way. Whitlam and Hawke fought to introduce universal healthcare, and they were opposed every step of the way. But they persisted. They prevailed. And thank God they did. Because Medicare is precious. Medicare is ours. And we must never take it for granted. Credit@danandrews
18.01.2022 Help for people who need essential medical equipment Essential Medical Equipment Payment If youre eligible, you can claim $157 per year for each piece of qualifying essential medical equipment or medically required heating or cooling.... You dont have to pay tax on this. If youre eligible, youll continue to get it every year while you stay eligible. You can get this if you or the person you care for either: needs heating, cooling or certain equipment for their medical needs has a Commonwealth concession Card pay for running costs. Find out more by visiting https://www.humanservices.gov.au//essential-medical-equipm
17.01.2022 Are You Eligible For DISABILITY SUPPORT PENSION?! Financial help if you have a permanent physical, intellectual or psychiatric condition that stops you from working. Eligibility basics... between 16 years of age and age pension age have a permanent medical condition that stops you from working meet residency requirements meet income and assets tests find out more: https://www.humanservices.gov.au//disability-support-pensi
16.01.2022 Surfs UP for people with disability, thank you to Mashable.
16.01.2022 ECT - ELECTROSHOCK TREATMENT STIFGMA lifting the lid on a highly stigmatised treatment which is changing patients lives in all sorts of ways. Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), also known as electroshock therapy, is used to treat people with conditions like mania, psychosis and severe, treatment-resistant depression. ... In Australia, the number of ECT treatments has almost doubled in the last ten years, with just under 30,000 sessions taking place in the last financial year. The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists says ECT is a highly therapeutic procedure with a strong evidence base". Most people dont suffer the extreme memory loss that Natalie had, but short term memory loss is common. ECT can also have a high relapse rate, and many patients need maintenance ECT" just to stay on an even keel. The prevalence of ECT treatment in Australia While we dont know the exact number of people who have ECT, we do know that the number of treatments has almost doubled in the last ten years, with just under 30,000 sessions taking place in the last financial year. Here are the figures Insight obtained from Medicare.
16.01.2022 In the final two days of the first hearing of the royal commission we heard from the people affected by the system itself and had a summary of the proceedings to date. Kaye Warrener described to the commission the near two year wait her and her husband, Les, have endured when waiting for assistance from My Aged Care. Its hard to watch your loved one I mean, weve been married for 56 years to watch their health deteriorate. And I just feel with the extra support financia...lly we would be able to help perhaps delay some of those onset things that are happening with age, she said. She also spoke about the loneliness a home care package engenders, saying there is no scope for companionship. On the final day of the hearing, council assisting Timothy McEvoy spent over an hour summing up the thoughts from the eight days of evidence. He identified several factors affecting the provision of aged care in this country. Pointing to; - population growth - increasing dementia levels - increases in demand for home care - workforce issues - difficulty obtaining public health services in aged care and the economic sustainability of the system itself. As we said in opening, part of the problem is cultural. Older Australians are valuable members of our community but all too often we do not value the contribution they have made. If we do value their contribution, the way in which we care for them does not demonstrate that we value it, he said. The next hearing will be held in Adelaide, starting on Monday, 18 March 2019. It will focus on home care and the community. The following round, focussing on quality, safety and dementia, will be held in Sydney on May 6th. Credit: Margot Harker. (Pictured) - James Elsby (Photo) Full Story https://www.agedcareinsite.com.au//the-final-days-royal-c/
15.01.2022 Something to think about... a great life lesson This is Jim Thorpe. If you look closely at the photo, you can see that hes wearing different socks and shoes. This wasnt a fashion statement. It was the 1912 Olympics, and Jim, an American Indian from Oklahoma represented the U.S. in track and field. On the morning of his competitions, his shoes were stolen. Luckily, Jim ended up finding two shoes in a garbage can. Thats the pair that hes wearing in the photo. But one of th...e shoes was too big, so he had to wear an extra sock. Wearing these shoes, Jim won two gold medals that day. This is a perfect reminder that you dont have to resign to the excuses that have held you back. So what if life hasnt been fair? What if life has dealt you not a very nice hand? What are you going to do about it today? Its not the hand thats dealt to you but how you play that hand. Its a new day, new month, new year. Dont let it stop you from running your race. Besides, you have no chance of winning if youre not in the race. You can experience more in life if youll get over the excuses and get on with living. If youll just count your blessings rather then focus on your lacks. So, put your shoes on and get on with it.
15.01.2022 Christopher Reeve (Superman) had it all. On memorial Day 1995, the world held its breath. Reeve had been thrown from his horse in an accident that broke his neck that left him unable to move or breathe. Superman had become quadriplegic.... In the years after the accident, Reeve not only survived but thrived - "When a catastrophic happens, its easy to feel so sorry for yourself that you cant see anybody around you. But the way out is through your relationships, the way out of that misery or obsession is to focus more on what your little boy needs or what your teenager needs or what other loved ones need. Its very hard, but that is the answer to the dilemma of being frozen, at least its the answer I found" - Christopher Reeve Find out more and raise awareness Holistic in Home Care - www.hihc.com.au https://www.spinal.com.au
14.01.2022 Have you ever completed a first Aid Course? Would you know what to do in an Emergency?
14.01.2022 Impact On Being a Carer Challenges of caring Caring can be very demanding and often restricts the lives of individual carers and their families.... Carers Victoria believes that our society relies too heavily on the care provided by caring families. We advocate for practical reforms that will help protect carers from the problems too often associated with caring. Financial hardship Health and wellbeing Social isolation and relationships
12.01.2022 Sending our support and love to Majak and his Family. If you or a love one is struggling with stress or notice a deterioration in Mental Health, you are not alone. Help is available. Your mental health is important!!... Problems with mental health are common, and not a sign of weakness. In fact, it can take courage to admit theres a problem, and to find some help. Your mental health is like your physical health the earlier you get onto it, the better Where to get help If you are interested in seeking some advice about your mental health, a good first step may be to see your doctor, a psychologist or a counsellor. There are also many excellent organisations you can contact for help. If you are having a personal crisis: - Lifeline (anyone having a personal crisis) call 13 11 14 or chat online - Suicide Call Back Service (anyone thinking about suicide) call 1300 659 467 If you want general mental health support and information: - MensLine Australia (online counselling and forum for men) call 1300 78 99 78. - Dads In Distress (peer support for separated dads) call 02 6652 8113 - SANE Australia (people living with a mental illness) call 1800 18 7263 or chat online
12.01.2022 APPLY FOR A CARERS CARD To be eligible for a Carer Card you must be a resident of Victoria and either: - The primary carer of a person with a disability, severe medical condition or mental illness, or someone who is frail aged or in need of palliative care - A foster, kinship or respite carer.... You can confirm your eligibility by: - Providing your Centrelink Customer Reference Number (CRN) or your Department of Health & Human Services Vendor Number if you receive a carer payment or allowance - Having a medical professional verify your eligibility. Professional carers that receive a wage for providing care are not eligible. Eligible carers are welcome to apply online or you can download the Carer Card Application Form To find out if you are eligible or to be sent an application form contact the Carer Card team by email on [email protected] or call 1800 901 958. https://carercard.vic.gov.au/apply-card
09.01.2022 Absolute legend!
09.01.2022 According to public health research and drug policy expert Dr James Petty, statistics show middle-aged Australians are more likely to die from accidental overdoses than young revellers. What I find interesting is the talk about young people being irresponsible and not doing the right thing, when the age bracket most at risk from fatal overdoses is actually Australians between 30 59, he told nine.com.au Middle-aged people account for almost 70 per cent of the countys acc...idental overdoses and they are not using drugs like MDMA. Organisers said they were The death of young people like Alex Ross-King, 19, at music festivals are tragic, although there is another drug problem we also need to address. Dr Petty said its impossible to know the exact number of accidental overdose deaths in real-time as State Coroners Courts only release findings every two or three years. However, the most recent statistics from the Pennington Institutes annual overdose report reveal 142 people die every month in Australia from accidental drug overdoses. There was a total of 13,471 lives lost in the decade leading up to the report, which put deaths from accidental overdoses ahead of those caused by the road toll. Dr Petty said one of the biggest killers for middle-aged Australians was the dangerous combination of prescription painkillers, sleeping tablets and alcohol a blend that slows down breathing to the point not enough oxygen is getting to the brain. We see someone being prescribed something legally like oxycodone and they already take something like Valium to help them sleep better. They then combine this with beer and wine a conjunction that sees them fatally overdose from legally obtained drugs, he said. A move by the federal government to crack down on the over-prescribing of opioids has upset GPs who say it risks unfairly targeting some doctors. Opiates are the leading cause of accidental overdose deaths in Australia. (AAP) Opioids a category that includes pharmaceuticals such as oxycodone and fentanyl, as well as heroin remains the main cause of accidental overdose death in Australia, taking more 1100 lives per year. About 30 per cent of all opioid deaths are from heroin, with the rest from pharmaceuticals - a trend is likely to increase significantly, he said. We need to have a coordinated national response to address the growing rate of these accidental overdose deaths or we are quickly headed toward a US-style opioid epidemic. Deaths involving amphetamines have also doubled since 2013, with the stimulant claiming 442 lives annually. Comparatively, MDMA, the drug believed to be responsible for the five lives lost during summer festivals, is only responsible for 15 25 fatal overdoses per year. Dr Petty called for increased access to drug treatment services and the ability for GPs to offer opioid substitution treatments as a solution.
09.01.2022 Happy birthday Joe!
08.01.2022 Everyday health professionals goes above and beyond to care for the the sick. This is an example....
07.01.2022 As our ageing population grows, we all need to understand what may come with age and what difficulties may arise. DEMENTIA - What is dementia? Dementia describes a collection of symptoms that are caused by disorders affecting the brain. It is not one specific disease.... Dementia affects thinking, behaviour and the ability to perform everyday tasks. Brain function is affected enough to interfere with the persons normal social or working life. Who gets dementia? Most people with dementia are older, but it is important to remember that not all older people get dementia. It is not a normal part of ageing. Dementia can happen to anybody, but it is more common after the age of 65 years. People in their 40s and 50s can also have dementia. UNIVERSITY OF Tasmania currently offers FREE online courses, one of which is .... Understanding Dementia is a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), offering university-quality education about the latest in dementia research and care. This free course provides an opportunity to engage with the perspectives of an international community, without requiring exams or assignments. Understanding Dementia is designed to be accessible and appealing to people from diverse backgrounds, including: Health professionals Community and residential facility support staff People in the early stages of the disease, their families and carers Social scientists Health policymakers Individuals with a general interest in dementia Find out more, click the following link http://www.utas.edu.au/wicking/understanding-dementia
07.01.2022 Travel around for Free with a "Access Travel Pass" If you hold an Access Travel Pass, you can travel for free on: Melbourne metropolitan trains, trams and buses... V/Line services Regional town buses Regional services that have a contract or service agreement with Public Transport Victoria. Free travel passes cant be used for NSW TrainLink, Great Southern Railway, airport services and tourist railways. Please check with the relevant operator before booking or travelling. Pass holders arent required to touch on and off, but must show the card to public transport staff when requested. You must carry your Free Travel Pass with you at all times while travelling on Victorias public transport network. Eligibility To be eligible for the Access Travel Pass you must: have a significant permanent physical disability, cognitive condition or mental illness be unable to touch on or off due to this physical or mental condition be able to travel independently on Victorias public transport network (without any assistance from a carer or companion) be a Victorian resident.
06.01.2022 Dont Put Yourself At Risk - Remember to Slip, Slop and Slap
05.01.2022 1 in 15 calls to Ambulance Victoria for chest pain turn out to be someone having a heart attack. If you or someone with you has chest pain, call Triple Zero (000) for an ambulance. The good news is the number of heart attack deaths in Victoria has fallen by 26.8% since 2007.... Many Australians die of heart attack because they dont know the signs or wait too long to act. Symptoms of a heart attack may vary from person to person, and can include: severe crushing pain in the centre of your chest or behind the breastbone you may feel this as a squeezing, tightening, choking or heavy pressure feeling pain spreading to the shoulders, arms, neck, throat, jaw or back sweating feeling anxious, dizzy or unwell a sick feeling in the stomach being short of breath symptoms that often last 10 to 15 minutes or more. Other possible causes of chest pain include indigestion and muscle strain. Aside from the heart, there are many parts of the chest that can cause pain including the lungs, oesophagus, muscle, bone and skin. There can also be referred pain from the abdomen. The most important thing to remember is if in doubt, dont wait. Call Triple Zero (000).
04.01.2022 Letter from Majak Daw To all our beloved fans and members, I just wanted to thank everyone for their love and support over the past month. The circumstances surrounding my incident have been extremely challenging for my family, friends and anyone that knows me for that matter.... Im making huge strides with my recovery, both physically and mentally. I have been blessed with a second chance at life. My attitude and outlook towards everything has improved. I hope to be back out there playing in the blue and white stripes soon. Thank you all for respecting my need for privacy and for giving me the chance to get better going forward. Majak Daw
04.01.2022 By being able to recognise when people are struggling or at risk of suicide, and knowing what steps to take to support them, aged-care workers can have a huge positive impact on the mental health of those they care for, THE COURSES ARE FREE!! The goal of these seven 30-minute modules is to help aged-care workers recognise and manage depression, anxiety and other mental illnesses in older people, and also to ensure their own wellbeing while in the workplace.... The seven modules in the program are: 1.Understanding anxiety and depression 2.Anxiety and depression in older people 3.Promoting the mental health of community aged-care clients 4.Promoting the mental health of aged-care residents 5.Identifying and responding to suicide in aged-care settings 6.Managing anxiety and depression in aged-care clients and residents 7.Looking after your mental health at work Click here https://www.agedcareinsite.com.au//free-online-course-lau/
03.01.2022 Everytime I see this video I want to cry. It’s incredible how music is forever stored in this 95 year olds mind. Music is so special. You must choose what you l...isten to wisely or else it will get stored in your mind forever. This is deeper than muscle memory. Thank you @morrisontrumpet Follow Piano Around the World
03.01.2022 To all those who celebrate, Holistic In Home Care would like to wish you a Happy Lunar New Year. We hope that the year of the pig brings you good health, wealth and happiness.
01.01.2022 A severe HEAT WAVE warning!! The mercury is expected to climb to the mid 40s in Victoria! Please check on those in the community, who are most vulnerable such as your neighbors, especially the elderly, kids and pets in particular... Be prepared for power outages. Some tips to stay cool and safe - Stay hydrated - Avoid spending time in the sun, stay indoors. - if heading to the beach, stay under the shade, Goto the beach early or in the late afternoon. - Close or Windows and doors Heat cramps, heat exhaustion, heat stroke may occur! Symptoms: Rise in body temperature Swollen tongue Dizziness Pale skin Shallow breathing Headache Nausea or vomitting Contact 000 or seek medical advice immediately While you are waiting, move the person affected to a cool shaded area. Keep them as still as possible, remove excess click thing and give them small sips of water if they are conscious and able to drink. Bring their temperature down anyway you can, i.e. soak their clothes with cool water, sponge their body or place cool packs/ wet towel under their armpit, on the groin region or behind their neck to reduce body heat. If they are unconscious, place them in a recovery position, check their breathing properly. If not commence CPR. More information please goto www.health.vic.gov.au
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