Creature Speak in Bathurst, New South Wales | Medical and health
Creature Speak
Locality: Bathurst, New South Wales
Phone: +61 407 940 903
Address: 23 Rose St 2795 Bathurst, NSW, Australia
Likes: 771
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25.01.2022 Another Billie video-chasin roos!!! #chasingkangaroos #kangaroo #rooswin #run #chase #funandgames #running #bordercolliecrossaustralianshepherd #petsitterlife #mobilepetvisits #dogs
24.01.2022 Learn BodyTalk Access for Animals & People! At Home! Online! Australian Time Zone! Anyone Can Do It! A powerful course giving you life changing and life saving tools for everyday use on yourself, loved ones and pets naturally supporting health, happiness and transition through illness.
24.01.2022 Group Cortices (Brain) Balance using BodyTalk for Animals Technique including kisses from Summer & Ted...
23.01.2022 Mopsy the bunny making friends with the newest member of the flock Hey Hey... #willyoubemyfriend #gettingacquainted #bunny #isabrownsofinstagram #rabbits #pets #whereanimalscometolive #animalrefuge #chooksofinstagram #petrabbits #rescuepets #livinginharmony #bestlife #animalsanctuary #zoo #circus #bodytalkforanimals #balanced #balancedpets #wellbeingjourney #life
23.01.2022 Louie just wanted to let you know we're fully booked for in-house & mobile caretaking! Resting now in preparation
23.01.2022 A conversation could save a life...
23.01.2022 Dinosaur... #nahjustkidding #beardeddragon #bri #pagonavitticeps #daughterphotographer
23.01.2022 Rescue animals need time. Some more than others...6 months our rescue kitty has been with us & just this week she felt comfortable enough to get on Mr Creature Speaks lap. Even with all the BodyTalk therapy she receives its still taken that amount of time to reach this level of comfort... Does your pet need help integrating into a new environment? I can help. #time #rescuecat #theyneedtime #space #decompress #love #kindnessmatters #balanced #balancedpets #wellbeingjourney #bodytalkforanimals #help #pettherapy #animalintegration #patience #adoptdontshop
22.01.2022 This is just after a group BodyTalk Access Balance. Perhaps Beaus snoring is hypnotising them though...? #hypnotized #snoringdog #loud #snoozefest #bodytalkaccessforanimals #bodytalk #bodytalksystems #bodytalkforanimals
22.01.2022 The face behind the humour and talent
21.01.2022 Theres a creature in this pond....Billie. Playing games with this fella for a few days #playtime #mobilepetvisits #mobilepetnanny #petservicesbathurst #caretaking #play #dogsittingadventures #bodytalkforanimals
21.01.2022 Geez I thought our place was a zoo....
20.01.2022 Meet our 5 week old chick....We need help naming her (we hope she's a her...) That's her Mumma: Smokey. Throw your best chicken names at me!
20.01.2022 Well I couldn't NOT share this...!
20.01.2022 Happy healing review about BodyTalk for people #bodytalk #energymedicine #alternativetherapy #letyourbodytalk #womenshealth #mentalhealth #menshealth #noneedtotalkmuch
20.01.2022 Zoe & house guest Pippa playing last night #hideandseek #blanket #game #playing #sillybuggers #funnygirls #bodytalkforanimals
19.01.2022 Freedom is possible...unveil your unique mind map with BodyTalk Systems Therapy for People
18.01.2022 Team Creature Speak. Topaz is an integral part of in-clinic BodyTalk balancing & healing sessions for people. She supports sessions with her quiet presence & song. Always up for a chin scratch too . .... . #bodytalk #bodytalkforpeople #petsastherapy #bodytalkforanimals #cattherapy #herhighness #petsinsessions #animalsupport #pethealing #animalsinrole #innate #wisdom #worship See more
18.01.2022 A little bit of rain isnt stopping Honey the Beaglier from thoroughly enjoying her morning walk #specialistpetcare #animalservicesbathurst #naturewanders #springrain #beaglier #beagle #cavalier #walkies #stayingwithnanna #dog
17.01.2022 Pippas catching flies while Beau chillaxes...then the rest come out! #catchingflies #dogsandflies #flies #insects #fungames #herecometheothers #stirredupthegang #jump #overnightpetstays #petminder #doggymotel #joy #bark #chilling
17.01.2022 This afternoon I had the honour of working alongside ex racehorse Joe, with purpose to lessen his overwhelm, sadness, insecurity & lethargic disposition. It was quite an experience for Lee (his person)& myself to watch him transition through the energetic repairs- standing stationary but shifting weight from one side to the other, lips visibly trembling, eyes softly closed and lots of tummy gurgles. A good few minutes of this and then he opened his eyes & wandered off to graze happily without his usual mate, returning for a head rub to say thank you #animaltherapy #BodyTalkforaninals #horse #exracehorse #emotionalhealing #behaviourist #petrehabilitation #therapist #wellbeing #balanceoverwhelm
17.01.2022 Sun & blue skies for Honeys walkie today. Im taking her out for her wanders while she stays with her Nanna. She luuuurves them! #beagalier #honey #premiumpetservice #walkies #spring #stayingwithnan #wellbeing #sniffwagwander #stimulation #health #bodytalk #bodytalkforanimals #Cortices
16.01.2022 I have been remiss to share the Creature Talk contents in the Bathurst City Life of late - my apologies. Happens fortnightly now, just so you know. This week is about dogs & heat (not dogs on heat...;) Link below to the whole publication or read on.... Hot Dogs & Paddle Pools... I like my hot dogs in a fresh bun with real butter & tomato sauce. Not the panting, overheated, furry variety. So let’s visit what temperature is too hot for dogs & how we can ensure they’re safe & comfortable with the hotter months coming up? When it comes to exercise, most pooches live for it & don’t think about their own limits when I comes to heat. A good rule of thumb is if it’s over 25 degrees, rethink going out. Especially if your dog is elderly or has health issues. Whilst humans can keep cool via sweating, dogs pant to regulate theirs. If they are too hot, panting will increase & it will become increasingly difficult for them to cool down. Early morning or late evening are the best times during the Summer for a ramble, but please check the surface on which you plan to walk, the paths & roads retain heat well into the evening. Place the back of your hand on the surface, if it’s too hot for you it’s too hot for their paws! For dogs who are designated to outdoor living there are a number of things to be diligent about. Making sure there is plenty of fresh water & shade are the top two things. If shade is limited, access to a cool laundry or investing in some shade sails is ideal. When the mercury is hitting temps of 35 degrees plus, please consider letting them inside into a cool area of the house. If this is absolutely not possible here are a few ideas to help keep them cool & comfortable. -Cooling mats or wet towels for them to lay on, however make sure they are able to move off of them when they need to. -A shell pool with shallow water is a great option now that water restrictions have eased. -Add some ice cubes to their drinking water supply to keep it cool & encourage their intake. -Frozen treats are good too & crushing them up a bit ensures they don’t choke or damage their teeth. -If you suspect your pooch has heat stroke, take them to the vet where they will act to lower the dog’s body temp, administer fluids & monitor their progress. Signs of heat stroke: rapid panting, lethargy, depression, vomiting, diarrhea, a bright red tongue, red or pale gums, thick & sticky saliva, dizziness, shock or even coma. In in doubt just give your vet a ring & they can advise. With these few things in mind we can ensure our best mates are cool as cucumbers.
16.01.2022 Christmas Gift Idea BodyTalk Therapy for People - In person or Online! The gift of healing could be the best thing you do for another or for yourself. ... Single session vouchers available or customise a package to suit. Discounts apply for bundle purchases! Single session - $80 Session Bundle of 5 -$380 Session Bundle of 10 -$720 *All prices are for in-clinic or online sessions. Can post. House calls available-please enquire for pricing. Square digital payments for convenience.
15.01.2022 Join with me LIVE on Wednesday when I spin the virtual wheel to pick a winner of a FREE BodyTalk session :) You're in it to win it if you left your details with me at the Living Wellness & Psychic Expo - Good Luck!
15.01.2022 Feedback Friday! Some lovely human clients share how they feel post BodyTalk sessions...
14.01.2022 Big mornings mean snoozy afternoons... #snoozefest #dogslife #rescuedog #tired #doghouseguest #bodytalkforallcreatures #adoptdontshop #mates #friends #playmates #pack #dogs #petmotel
14.01.2022 Sunday afternoon feels...
14.01.2022 Need a gift for someone that has everything? Contact me about a BodyTalk Gift Voucher - give Balance, Relief & Clarity! #giftvoucher #christmaspresent #giftideas #giftsforthosewhohaveeverything #bodytalk
13.01.2022 Integrating these @younglivingaunz pet oils into in-house pooch and client therapy this week. Especially for Joe the horses follow up on Thursday using Pet Care -which promotes new levels of emotional freedom and joyful feelings! Inner Balance -promotes healthy digestion & release of worms/parasites. Watch this space! . . .... #youngliving #younglivingessentialoils #essentialoilsforanimals #essentialoils #essentialoilsforhealing #holisticanimalcare #naturaltherapy #naturalanimalcare #bodytalkforanimals #alternativepets See more
12.01.2022 It's been a big day! Return in-house guest: Molly playing with Zoe, visit to Duramana to caretake Blitz, Flash & Chooks, a BodyTalk Session for Casper (the white fluffer) and morning feed & walkies with Shadow & Bingo! (not to forget a lovely human client session too!) #bodytalkforanimals #balancingpetsessions #petcaretaking #dogwalks #brainbalance #holisticpetservices #inhousepoochguests #mobilepetvisits #reduceanxietyinpets #bodytalkforpeople
12.01.2022 Again these weird flowers are popping up in the garden... #watchingmumexercise #oddflowers #pupsucculents #sunshine #springisnigh
11.01.2022 Spay and keep the strays at bay!
11.01.2022 Pretty kitty, chillin with her peeps.... #nodogsallowed #kittytime #alltomyself #allmine #catsarepawsome #catsofinstagram #purrr #rescuecatsofinstagram #adoptdontshop #therapycatsofinstagram #clientfavourite #smooch #rehabilitated #straynomore #thankyoubodytalk #bodytalkforanimals #animaltherapist #petrehabilitator #animalrehab #petrehabilitation #fromstraytobae #beautiful #stunnersoninsta #balancedsystems #happypet
11.01.2022 Cleo is our first guest to arrive for silly-season caretaking & will see out 2020 in-house with us. She's had a pack-play, general balance, a walk in the rain (whoops) & has now settled in for snug-time! #spoodle #cleo #smooch #dogminding #bodytalkforanimals #homeawayfromhome
11.01.2022 I like my new cave! Therapy kitty Topaz- come for a BodyTalk session to meet her! All people friendly & shell massage your toes #therapycats #catcave #snuggly #topaz #rescuecatsofinstagram #rescuepet #purr
11.01.2022 Dogs on holidays....Zoe is eager for lunch! Whilst barking at all the passers by... #dogsonholiday #drivethroughonly #barkatallthepeople #lunch #rain
10.01.2022 Pippa the Kelpie cross is having her first little holiday away from her people. Shes had a very busy day & is now chillin with the gang on the lounge. #pippa #kelpiecross #firstnightaway #specialtyanimalcare #poochparty #dogholiday #slumberparty #bodytalk #overnightdogsitting #petsitters #fridaynight
10.01.2022 UPDATE: He's home safe! If anyone sees Scooby in Kelso (View, Boyd St hopefully not the highway... rea) please let Bec or myself know
10.01.2022 Clearly I'm distracting Topaz from watching tele.... #catswatchingtv #cats #kittycatlove
09.01.2022 Amazing creatures
09.01.2022 This week's piece in the Bathurst City Life is 'The Importance of Grooming' Read it here:... "Now the weather is getting warmer, pooches coats are being clipped a bit shorter. However, for those doggy coats that have not been maintained throughout the cooler months their health, wellbeing & owner’s hip pocket could be at stake. A bundle of thick fur may seem protective & warm, but it can hide a myriad of potential health problems. Not the least of which are painful, skin conditions under a matted, unkept coat. Lack of air circulation can cause, hot spots, bacterial or fungal infections plus fleas, ticks, maggots & parasites could be lurking in the coat, causing further skin infections. Local groomer’s see this more often than they would like. Dogs brought in where the condition of their coat has moved far beyond a simple clip & tidy up - to a full-on shearing show! It is heart breaking for them to see these cases of neglect, let alone deal with their owners’ exasperation at the additional cost of the appointment. Which for the most part still doesn’t cover the extra labour & care required anyway. It’s painful for the dog to go through the process of having their coats removed, not to mention challenging & sometimes dangerous for both the dog & the groomer. In extreme cases the dog may need sedation & the work completed at the vet! Other problems that can get hidden are grass seeds & sticks. They get embedded in or pierce right through the skin between toes & other parts of the body. It can leave holes & weeping wounds. Seeds can also get into ears & even eyes which require a trip to the vet for their removal & possible medication. I have been told that one of the worst problems is the build-up of dried sleep near the eyes. It’s tedious to remove & leaves raw, sometimes bleeding sores. More owner’s need to be aware & accountable for their pet if they have higher grooming needs. Any think, long haired or curly, poodle style breed need a consistent brushing routine & regular grooming visits, around every 3 months. Even throughout the colder months. Sound advice & perhaps even an emotional plea from groomer’s everywhere is: if you’re getting a pup, please factor grooming into its life care!" I have permission for my used image
09.01.2022 Check out the Bathurst City Life this week theres a new contributor! Moi! Pg 9 to be specific View the article & full online edition here: Why not subscribe while youre at it
08.01.2022 The biggest & the littlest... #puppysnuggles #schmoozies #puppycuddles #residents
07.01.2022 Teds version of Dog Sitting.. #ivebeendoingitwrong #dogsitting #quiettime #fosterdogsrock #funnyfella #ted #cutey #quitehappy #lookscontent #whataguy #excusemygardeninghair #goinggrey
07.01.2022 Caretaking this cherub Tully for a week...little morning walk in the sun. #petcaretaker #petminder #dogsitter #animalguardian #tully #cutey #chihuahuax #petservicesbathurst #professionalpetsitter
07.01.2022 Creature Speak will be closed next week 13th-19th as the human creature's & one whacky, muppet dog are going bayside for some deserved RnR. Then it's full on caretaking for all my client's; fur & scaly. I will wind down the therapy whilst I'm busy being pet guardian, however if you or your creature's are in need don't hesitate to reach out - I know the festive season can be a difficult time for many & emotions run high. Our pets also pick up on the intensity so if a whole household balance is needed let me know & gift yourself calm...
06.01.2022 Who looks after the creatures when the caretaker's away? Another super dooper, mad pet lady!
06.01.2022 Hopefully Im Yes & Yes. At the very least, the second Yes! #Ialsodrinkwine #lovepuppies #snortwhenilaugh
05.01.2022 10am Saturday morning (12th) appointment now available -yes tomorrow! Flick me a message to nab it! If youre feeling somewhat out of alignment...I can help! A BodyTalk session reveals what isnt lining up, communicating properly or is being effected by an emotion or silly thought - then we realign, reconnect, release & repair. Deadset easy! Just give me call or send me a msg for a non judgemental, safe & humorous healing session. 0407 940 903 - [email protected] #reconnect #realign #communicate #release #repair #letgo #promiseiwontsingfrozen #humour #safespace #nojudgement #doit #selfcare #youdeserveit #chooseyourself #yourtimeisnow
04.01.2022 Little foster Ted gives some seriously good snugs... #morningsnuggles #dogscarf #cuddlebuddy
03.01.2022 Happy Fathers Day to Mr Creature Speak and all the Dads today....he puts up with a lot at this circus #happyfathersday
03.01.2022 Sunday furry funday! Rundings at the dog park with these seven Phew.... #freerun #dogpark #packattack #zoomies #running #rundings #funnydogs #freedom #sundayfunday #wefilleditup #circus #mania #tiring #stimulating #learning #busy #crazy #bodytalkforanimals #awesome #offleashlife
03.01.2022 Happy Friday Evening To All! If you signed up to receive more information from me whilst attending the Living Wellness & Psychic Expo last Sunday - check your inbox's, spam included! ALSO keep an eye on my posts - I'll be going LIVE next week to draw the WINNER of the FREE session (for those who signed up) ... If anyone else would like to receive more info about BodyTalk for People, Animals or both just shoot me a message! Website link in the comments also :)
03.01.2022 Happy to tell you all Ive invested in becoming a practitioner for the WEBB method of healing silent pain in animals. Ill integrate this into my services to better understand & help your pets.
02.01.2022 Hell to the yes! Step up Australia....A pub in Oregon U.S where you drink craft beer and hang out with adoptable dogs
01.01.2022 Zoes hair has been worried.....yes. I noticed an area of this poppets hair had been thinning (yes hair, not fur as shes mainly Shih-Tzu and well, google it...) anyway it just happened to coincide with the tail end of her main person (my Daughter) being away for two weeks instead of the usual one week...her BodyTalk session revealed there was an imbalance of worry oriented to Darcys absence and it was affecting the natural consciousness of her hair - her hair needed to release the worry and receive a reboot to remember its full job description! Hopefully itll start to fill in again now, dont want her to look like a balding old badger...
01.01.2022 Visiting Blitz & Flash. Their relationship was a bit tricky for a while but after some time and BodyTalk balancing sessions they are getting alone just fine. Flash's back leg is also healing fabulously!
01.01.2022 Just a bit of light reading....the more I know, the better I assist your animals #anatomy #physiology #lightreading #learn #adulteducation #neverending #absorb
01.01.2022 We have the pleasure of Jack Jack staying with us this weekend. He's 14 years young & mostly deaf but has loved cruising around the yard, joining in with the pack. He's an unusual mix of breeds but so lovely #overnightpetstays #dogminding #lovelyboy #seniorpetsofig #overnightdogsitting #dogholidays #petguardian #petcaretaker
01.01.2022 Sweet muppet cuddles....
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