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24.01.2022 Friday November 13 2020 Drop your maps and listen to your lostness like a sacred calling into presence. Here, where the old ways are crumbling and you may be t...empted to burn down your own house. Ask instead for an introduction to that which endures. This place without a foothold is the province of grace. It is the questing field, most responsive to magic and fluent in myth. Here, where there is nothing left to lose, sing out of necessity that your ragged heart be heard. Send out your holy signal and listen for the echo back. Toko-Pa Turner Even as the outer world turns bringing big news and potential breakthroughs, if you’ve been increasingly offline energetically, wrapped and rapt in your own inner world, suspended in a weird form of stasis, you are not apathetic, disenchanted or lost but engaged in deep and necessary High Heart healing. Because your shifts are no longer coming through Mind, you may be feeling lost, dispersed, scattered or fragmented. Your old control and command centre is being disabled. You are making a personal and collective rite of passage from an old way of life which has now gone dark to a new era not yet born. This is the liminal space between no longer and not yet. Take heart! Potent magnetic healing medicine is available now as Jupiter and Pluto merge for the 3rd and final time, as planet of life force Mars slows to turn forward at the Super New Moon of Resurrection in Scorpio -as we are tumbled through an eclipse tunnel. The crucifying brutality of this Black Swan Year of Saturn and Pluto, although leaving you flattened, ragged, bereft, raw, heartbroken and exhausted, has stripped you right back to your essence so that you now know, beyond any shadow of a doubt, what really matters. This process, this astrology, is not head stuff - it's somatic, physical, integrative. So, as a very different Aquarian landscape beckons, don’t try to jump straight into the Next before you experience the Now. New! Sign up to my December 5D Report: The Return of the Aquarian Time Lords- a once in 800 years midnight chime of the Great Bell of Time and Karma. Get: Your Body is Taking You Along for the Ride- - the signs of personal and collective physical embodiment Get: 2021-2030 The Next Big Leap for Way Finders, Sensitives, Mavericks and Creatives All availablein the Shop at: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk
21.01.2022 Y O G A Baby <3 Term 2 Offerings <3
19.01.2022 Vulnerability is the most likely hangover of the dreamy Libran full moon. She who invited us to a fresh union of opposites, in order to come into right relation...ship with all that lives outside of us. Of course that is a tall order when, like most all living through this post post-modern revolution, we are still working on internal reconciliation. Enter Chiron, the wounded healer with the salty fingers, who has always been more interested in how we rise than what knocked us down. Today he takes tea and sympathy with the Sun in Aries and their conjunction is the next step in the dance. Tenderly does it. Our world is finally, if glacially, moving beyond the shame and shutdown two step. It is engaged in a searing series of excruciating conversations that are hard to have, and so overdue. Healing is borne of listening in a world that would still rather point fingers and shout. But nothing that is routinely ignored can be made better by disavowing it. We have all got really good at armouring ourselves up. Less so at re-learning how to let others in. Safety first is a truism and there is no moving beyond trauma without its necessary protection. Like a band-aid, it gives what is bleeding beneath it time to knit scar tissue. But that plaster has to be ripped off or the wound will fester again. It needs exposure to the elements, and eventually to the world itself, to forge its healing. The dance between armour and vulnerability requires courage. Buckets of it. Solid self worth that holds your internal balance. Absolute trust in yourself and your instincts. Boundaries as biomimicry that ensures scar tissue stays intact and can morph into a beautiful demonstration of grace and strength. As Chiron and the Sun shine fresh light on old wounds, today is yet another Aries initiation point. You can forge a new relationship to your past by shifting your focus into the futuristic present. And how you rise. And how you dance. I am blooming from the wound where I once bled ~ Rune Lazuli @irisvanherpen collab with the Dutch National Ballet, dancer @maojingjing193 Words c. Kerrie Basha 2021 www.bohomofo.com
19.01.2022 November 12 Jupiter has featured prominently in the astrology of 2020, forming a trio of heavy hitting planets in Capricorn that has included Saturn and Pluto.... Capricorn is the sign of manifestation and our manifested world. It's structure. Matter. Physicality. It's also power, ambition, and verticality. But what we've learned in 2020 is that our structures are a lot more vulnerable than we realize. If 2008 the year that Pluto first entered Capricorn started a process of breaking down something that no longer worked, then 2020 made swift work of getting it done. Honor this process of transformation. We're not the same people we were at the start of 2020. And with Jupiter joining Pluto for the last time in 12 years, we're not going to be the same people tomorrow. After all, pressure, heat, and time turns carbon into a diamond. For more on today's #astrodaily, go to my website, empoweringastrology.com. And don't forget, you can book a consultation with me! Click link in profile to learn more about my services. If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, this forecast applies approximately for November 13. #jupiterconjunctpluto #plutoincapricorn #jupiterincapricorn #saturnincapricorn #scorpioseason #suninscorpio #marsinaries #marsretrograde #novemberastrology #empoweringastrology #katiesweetman #astrologyplusconsciousness #holisticastrology #astrologyforecast #soulalchemy #thesoulsjourney #modernmystics #astrology #astrologie #astrologia #astrologer #astrologue #astrolog #astrologersofinstagram #horoscope #horoscopes #astrologyposts
18.01.2022 Yoga in Willawarrin <3 Please share if you know anyone who is interested. This is a 10 week program - with first class free and then a sign up for the 9 weeks. <3 Contact me to discuss - 0413540276... Helen Eakin @spaceholderholdingspace @Nesheta8
15.01.2022 The Sun meets up with Chiron in Aries, touching on an old pain point or story of suffering that we keep returning to. If yesterday's full moon put the spotlight... on partnership and connection, then how will we have the bravery to stand up for ourselves, move forward? We all have something that makes us suffer. It could be a lack of self worth or a difficulty in being heard. Maybe it feels like its shapes and defines us even though it's not who we really are. Chiron represents our personal traumas, the experiences and emotions that leave a mark and wrap tightly around us like scar tissue. Although Chiron is often referred to as a wound especially a wound that doesn't heal, something I disagree with it's more like a knot that we have to lovingly and diligently unwind so that we can free ourselves. This can only happen when we realize that our sufferings are traumas are a shared collective experience. It's not our pain or our lack of self worth, but something that all of humanity feels. When we heal ourselves, we heal the collective. So, today we're feeling our knots, our wounds, our emotional pain points. But it's not ours alone; it's the suffering of humanity that has to be healed. And since the Sun and Chiron are conjunct in Aries, we have the bravery and courage to take action, to set a new course. Mars is in Gemini on the Nodes; we're at a crossroads with our healing. Chiron also talks about healing at the level of the soul, something that I talked about in my webinar, Chiron: Healing the Soul. You can watch a clip of the introduction in the link below. Mercury also joins up with Neptune in Pisces, an aspect that can make us feel more intuitive, psychic, mystical, and spiritual. It's a day to find compassion in addition to our Chiron work. I'll be talking more about Chiron as well as yesterday's Libra Full Moon in my weekly live look at the astrology on Facebook. You can watch the replay on YouTube, IGTV, or listen on Spotify. Read More: Libra Full Moon: Scar Tissue https://empoweringastrology.com/libra-full-moon-scar-tissue On Chiron, Suffering, and Knots https://empoweringastrology.com/on-chiron-suffering-and-kno Chiron in Aries: The Wounds of War https://empoweringastrology.com/chiron-in-aries Webinar Clip Chiron: Healing the Soul https://empoweringastrology.com/webinar-clip-what-is-chiron Mars in Gemini: Sign by Sign https://empoweringastrology.com/mars-in-gemini-sign-by-sign Newsletter The Astrology of March 29-April 4, 2021 https://mailchi.mp/e/the-astrology-of-march-28-april-4-2021 Photo by Laura Chouette on Unsplash #mercuryconjunctneptune #sunconjunctchiron #chironinaries #chiron #theknot #librafullmoon #ariesseason #suninaries #marsingemini #march2021astrology #marchastrology #empoweringastrology #katiesweetman #astrologyplusconsciousness #holisticastrology #astrologyforecast #soulalchemy #thesoulsjourney #modernmystics #astrology #astrologie #astrologia #astrologer #astrologue #astrolog #astrologersofinstagram #horoscope #horoscopes #astrologyposts #dailyhoroscope #dailyastrology
15.01.2022 THE GREAT DIVIDE between the conscious and unconscious truth. The self, the conscious truth, only makes up 1/3 of the whole, the rest lies in the unconscious truth. The conscious truth can be toyed with to fit a persons life choices. The self knows when it is making choices contrary to a conscious truth, but can sway its own mental fiasco in order to create a wanted or unwanted outcome. To put a conscious truth first will have affect of bursting a bubble within the self le...aving open a point of entry. The ego is the predominate master and will starve off any attempt to change a way of seeing and doing. See the ego as the gatekeeper and a strong defender of the self. When the ego is the go- to, know that the conscious truth has become part of the egos mantra and therefore assumes control. The unconscious truth has a weight with it and overlays the self. You could say it is the devil but the self fights with in order to stay in control. The ‘Demon’ , the unconscious truth shadows the self putting it in harms way or in situations where it will keep getting the lessons which are pulling it in the egos direction. When the self/ego becomes the master of it’s truth, there in lies the knowing that the illusion it is living with and under will take precedence over everything foregoing the contract it came in with. The contract is the being. This is referencing one’s soul contract. It is very simple. The ego will stay within its comfort zone, and thwart any attempt to change, but it is the being who holds the key not the ego/self. The great divide the illusion and reality. The walls can only come down if the ego/self is willing to scrutinise and question the validity of its conscious truth. The end game is fulfilling the contract it came in with into being.The being. The ones most high. Channeled - by Alan Bentley. Image - @donniedarkofilm #clairvoyance #reiki #deconstruction #consciousness #unconciousself #ego #release #perception #seethisforwhatitisnotwhatyouwantittobe #getoutofyourmindalready #questioneverythingalways
12.01.2022 Sunday November 22 2020 Welcome to the Dream Factory.. This is set to be a week full of potential and you need to be ready to capture it all before it flies by.... First, we’re right in the seismic window of November 30th’s Lunar Eclipse at 8 Gemini/Sagittarius-the first in Gemini since 2002. As always, with these cosmic wild cards, be ready for what seem like random events outside your control, suddenly changing your trajectory-what I call sideways elevators. Lunar eclipses bring up emotions around endings along with nostalgia about times past. This Gemini eclipse downloads data- information bytes-for you to assimilate and turn into knowledge and wisdom at the Total Solar Eclipse on December 14th at 23 Sagittarius. The Sun now back in Sagittarius is about to cross a series of head spinning Black Holes on the way to the Great Attractor. Ideas will rain down like confetti straight from the Cloud, Source and the Noosphere. Adding to the dreamscape, Neptune slows to turn direct on Saturday 28th in his own sign of far seeing Pisces square the karmic eclipse Nodes of Fate across Gemini/Sagittarius. Venus tunes into Awakener Uranus and deep space planet Albion -midwife of the ending of huge cycles- revealing the scale of this collective Rite of Passage. It’s going to be so, so important to capture these flashes of inspiration- flickers of intuition, sudden epiphanies that come and go with lightning speed, fragments of conversations, dreams - by writing them down or drawing them and saving them in an ideas folder aka incubator. Once we hurtle through December’s future facing astrology, in January we come face to face with a cat’s cradle of reality checks about what needs saving, what can be repaired, what needs building in the wake of the emotional, political and financial trauma of this Black Swan Year.. That’s when those of us who have been tuning into the near future, who have ideas to share and collaborations to build on will be needed to step forward as savvy agents of influence with an ever-expanding repertoire of responses to life, allied to freedom and to our innate evolutionary ingenuity. Get your free November 22-29 Week Ahead + Sign Forecasts at: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk New! We are now only 4 weeks away from the much-heralded Jupiter/Saturn Conjunction at 0 Aquarius at the December 21st Solstice. Historically, collectively, psychologically and astrologically, it’s a once in 800-year shift of a time cycle. This unique event is not only equal to but supersedes the enormity of the meeting between Saturn and Pluto on January 12 2020 and is one of the brightest astrological beacons we've had in a long time. If you’re a maverick, a way finder, a sensitive or creative, don’t miss out on my December 5D Report: Re-tuning to the Aquarian Frequency with strategies for transitioning to the incoming 2021- 2043 Aquarian Template. Sign up at : www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk The Gemini/Sagittarius Eclipses are coming on November 30th + December 14th! Get: Making Eclipses Work for You- 18 strategies for collaborating with eclipses available in the Shop at: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk
10.01.2022 A World Undone Channels for the collective. 21/11/2020... The Tsunami of change is coming... A world undone.. An action of completion set - you are indeed running out of imagined time. The set and forget will implode at junction points - opening up these dimensional pathways/parallels that transfer and morph into a new reality of being, not yet coded but felt - Not yet seen but known - like DNA engaged in being - the transactional time bomb of the greatest shift has been pulled. You are indeed in countdown. Most of you (many of you collective souls) will die. 2/3's of the world. (Corona came up here - but civil war, fighting - turning on it's self alla what we saw in Corona alla toilet paper and self-propagating which is the truth - the voice of the death echoing of the voice of within and humanity at large - it's time to go - a plane shot down hurtling towards earth I'm shown - metaphorical - the fear, anticipation etc before hand) Civil fighting - imploding syncopation of the known /unknown - the conscious and unconscious self - and all parallels connected. Pivoting becomes pivotal - not in merely a work sense or the human actualization of the validation, it unpins - in existence completely. Can you hunt for food? Can you make a fire? Can you be self-reliant? Self-sufficient? Where is your outsourcing putting you at risk of continued programming and what you believe? What do you believe? Beliefs are illusionary 'Things' are going DOWN. Stay still at your own risk. Remember you control nothing Deconstruct EVERYTHING. @jonnyenzyme #truthserum #yesyoufeltright #connectionsbetweenendingsandbeginnings #noimnotafraidtodieareyou? #channeling #reiki #reikipractioner #healing #thedeconstructionproject #channeling #psychic #corona
07.01.2022 "Don't get attached to any words. They are only stepping stones." Eckhart Tolle
05.01.2022 https://virginiarosenberg.com///11/15/new-moon-in-scorpio
02.01.2022 March 30th, 2021 A Waning Inconjunct between the Scorpio Moon and Aries Sun delivers an adjustment after the March 28th Full Moon. You need to pay attention to ...what’s happening behind the scenes. A secret, deeper issue or manipulation must be investigated. This may have come to light during the Full Moon and you’ll recognize it from the awkward contrast it makes with the raw, uncomplicated Aries energy that’s on the surface. Venus in harmony with Saturn indicates that relationships, finances or values are supported. Structure is easily applied to what you love and passionate new potentials are defined. This can be a commitment that happens naturally or an easy acknowledgement of certain rules. This energy favours independence and authority if you take responsibility for what you want. Overall, today is about slowing down and consolidating your power in the midst of impatient, aggressive energy - look deeper, apply some boundaries, get serious. *Waning Inconjunct between the Scorpio Moon and Aries Sun (10 deg) *Venus in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (11 deg) Painting by John Everett Millais: Esther
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