Holland Performance Personal Training in Adelaide, South Australia | Fitness trainer
Holland Performance Personal Training
Locality: Adelaide, South Australia
Phone: +61 439 880 806
Address: Holland Performance, 65 Boothby Street, Panorama 5041 Adelaide, SA, Australia
Website: http://www.hollandperformance.com.au
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24.01.2022 It’s ok, life doesn’t always go as planned. Accepting this can make life life a little less frustrating. @ Adelaide, South Australia
24.01.2022 There is little to no load on your glutes at the top of your squat. Thrusting your hips forward and hyperextending you back, wont increase the load placed on them. It will place more pressure on your spine, and setup you up in a poor position to initiate your squat.
23.01.2022 Same meal, same size, different distribution of daily calories. It’s ok to save room for later, or eat less because you ate more earlier or to simply eat less because you’re not hungry. It’s ok to adjust to fit your day, being flexible goes a long way to increasing your consistency and sustainability.
23.01.2022 Still far from perfect, hopefully doing a little better though.
23.01.2022 Are you looking to lose weight, but you struggle to stick to your diet? Maybe you want to get into an exercise program too, but you're just not sure where or how to start? Maybe you're pretty good at both, but you'd like to get bigger, stronger, or tone up? ... I can help. No gimmicks, no fad diets, and no cookie-cutter approaches. I will provide guidance, education, accountability, and support. And I will LISTEN to you. Click here for in person and online coaching. https://www.hollandperformance.com.au/3-month-online-coachi
22.01.2022 This means using lower intensities for longer duration or specifically designed intervals, not the typical HIIT found on social media.
22.01.2022 We all make bad choices, the important thing to remember is, you always have choice.
21.01.2022 When you get frustrated about your weight heading in the wrong direction after the weekend, only to wake up the next morning 1.3 kilos lighter, smashing your birthday goal 10 days early. This is why you should weigh yourself daily and compare your weekly averages. Your weight naturally fluctuates daily due to sleep, stress, training and food.... Weekly averages prevent knee jerk reactions (like reducing calories), to small weight increases caused by water, not fat. Collect the data to make informed discussion.
21.01.2022 Exercises are just tools. So choose the right tool, but also choose the right size and setting.
21.01.2022 A simple way to know what you should be contracting is to lie on your back and perform a lying leg raise, this will provide direct feedback for contracting the rectus femoris.
21.01.2022 Whether you count your calories or not, they still count.
21.01.2022 Heel elevation is a fantastic tool and can still be useful even if you have good mechanics.
21.01.2022 Simply put, a sub-par aerobic system will limit your performance during a set and impair your ability to recover between sets. Dont neglect your aerobic system.
20.01.2022 If youre performing a tonne of sets to get a stimulus, you may be perform a lot of non stimulatory volume and may benefit from: 1. Pushing closer to failure, this will increase the stimulus of each set. 2. Assess your setup and technique, this will maximise the stimulus of each rep.
19.01.2022 Before you eliminate a food from your diet due to digestive upset, try these 4 tips Over indulging any food in a single meal or even across the day can upset your digestion. Chewing is a part of the digestive process, dont skip it in a hurry to get food down.... Unconsciously eating in front of technology can easily lead to points 1 and 2. Movement aids digestion, plus walking is easy and unlikely to upset your digestion like more vigorous activities would directly after eating. Bonus, walking directly after a meal can help you manage your blood sugar levels, if this is something you need to be concerned about. @tet63 thanks for the post inspiration
18.01.2022 Im all for full ROM, but that doesnt mean you should ignore anatomy and bio mechanics. Full active ROM is what you really looking for. Know what you want to train and make sure how youre training matches.
18.01.2022 Alternatives will most likely taste different. Different doesn’t mean bad, it’s simply different and could taste nice in its own right. Yes it doesn’t taste the same, it’s not supposed to, it’s different and at most it’s going to taste extremely similar. ... If you expect it to be the same, you will set yourself up for disappointment, rather than appreciating the alternative for what it is. If you have genuinely tried an alternative and don’t like it, that’s ok. If not, you may be missing out on the key to a more sustainable diet.
17.01.2022 If youre experiencing wrist pain during push-ups, placing the wrist into less extension may help. Here are a few implements you can reduce wrist extension: - Dumbbells - Push Up Handles... - Trap Bar - Barbell @ Holland Performance Personal Training See more
17.01.2022 I feel no guilt or shame about enjoying these foods, as theres nothing bad about them. Eating them doesnt make you a bad person, nor does avoiding them make you a good person. Theyre just food.
16.01.2022 The further your hips move away from your centre of mass, the more hip dominant and less quad dominant it becomes. If glutes is you goal, go for it, but if its quads keep those knees forward.
16.01.2022 Exercise doesnt always have to be about looking better naked, not that there is anything wrong with that. You can also use it to improve your health, it literally does what the most commonly prescribed medications are designed to do. (This post is in no way recommending you stop using prescribed medications, always consult a medical professional.)
16.01.2022 Finding the appropriate intensity, for the desired duration is important to the ability to be consistent throughout the entire duration. Shorter the duration, the more intense changes can be. Longer the duration, the less intense changes can be.
15.01.2022 Box jumps are about putting force into the ground and landing with relatively low force. Performing a backwards jump after this, defeats the purpose. Once you have jumped onto the box, simple step down and repeat for the desired number of reps, which shouldnt be many.
14.01.2022 Intuitive eating sounds like a good idea. Then you realise the reason you’re not in shape is because you have been intuitively eating all along. For intuitive eating to work, you need to weigh, measure and track your food until you acquire the skill of being able to estimate your calories based on portion sizes.... This is why tracking calories even for a week, or periodically throughout the year, is a good idea to figure out where you are to increase awareness, and determine what adjustments you need to make.
14.01.2022 Progress doesnt always have to be more. Sometimes you dont need to more reps, sets, tempo or weight, sometimes you just need to get better at what youre doing.
14.01.2022 There are no top 3 best exercises, just better or worse choices for the individual and their goal.
14.01.2022 Sometimes people just like doing something because it feels good, even if the return for investment is low. Who am I to say no to the good old placebo effect if theres no negative repercussions, just dont let yourself waste to much time on it. The majority of issues people attempt to solve with stretching, foam rolling and other forms of self massage can resolved by moving the body more regularly, by moving through all planes of motion and performing movements through their full range of motion especially when under load.
11.01.2022 It’s ok to enjoy the food you love and have a drink, you just don’t need to go crazy. @ Adelaide, South Australia
11.01.2022 You can either choose exercises that already load the muscle in the shortened position: - Glute Bridge. - Leg Extension - Reverse Preacher Curl.... - Majority of back exercises. Or you can modify exercise to unload in the lengthened position: - Reverse Bands - Bands
10.01.2022 Exercises are chosen to suit the individuals anatomy, biomechanics and to provide the biggest return on investment for them to achieve their goal.
09.01.2022 4 key differences between barbell and dumbbell presses to consider when choosing which is better for you program, where to place them in your program and whether or not you have someone to spot you. @ Holland Performance Personal Training
09.01.2022 As the continuum above shows, as you decrease the amount of knee bend, so does glute involvement and the subsequent increase of hamstring involvement. In the case of glutes, the deadlift might not be the best choice either. If you have access to a leg press, place your feet high on the platform and minimise knee flexion, while maximising hip flexion, this will most likeable the better option. ... This will provide a more focused load, decrease systemic fatigue (back muscles) and lower risk of injury. Check out tomorrows tip for how to get more out your glutes and hamstrings when performing various deadlift styles.
08.01.2022 If you want to target the hamstrings, your going to have to keep those legs straight and let the bar travel away from you (keep it over over the centre of you feet). Want to target the glutes more, let your knees bend a little and the bar will remain closer to your legs (still over the centre of your feet).
08.01.2022 Looks like kids have gotten slow since 2005. Thanks to @justinntate for finding this, it’s nice to think back to when I wasn’t to bad at running.
08.01.2022 Leg Press, Romanian Deadlift, 45 Hip Extension, Glute Bridge and Lunges aren’t the only exercises that train the glutes. But, with the appropriate set up, they’re the most bang for buck glute exercises available. If your thinking, I know what will make these exercises better, adding a band around my legs, please don’t.... I know bands are all the rage, but they simply create excess sensation in the stabilising muscles, by forcing them to perform a movement outside of their primary function, stabilising the joint. The direction of force also detracts from the glutes primary function, hip extension, not external rotation.
07.01.2022 Proper setup should be the first intervention. When things dont look right or even hurt, it doesnt mean theres something wrong with you.
07.01.2022 Understanding what youre actually training makes it easier decide where you place exercises.
06.01.2022 Aggressive calorie deficits can lead to uncontrollable hunger.
06.01.2022 If youre so sore from training that you cant function in your day to day life or its so hard that you dont want to show up, adjust your training to a more appropriate level. This doesnt mean you shouldnt be sore or find training challenging. Simply set your training to an appropriate level, one that wont interfere with your ability to be consistent.
06.01.2022 Progress check! Maïté Petrement I’ve been training at Holland Performance for 6 months now and I never really realised, or admitted, how much it’s helped me as a mountain biker. This weekend was an eye-opener, when my friend, whose always been a much better, fitter rider than me and with whom I’ve been riding nearly every week for years sent me this message after our latest ride:... You’re a monster, woman! You’re insanely strong, it’s impressive and I need to lift my game! If you get any stronger, I’m in big trouble. It’s true that I can do much longer rides, more frequently and don’t hate climbs (so much) anymore! Well, my dear riding buddy is in trouble because I intend on following your programs and advice and I know it will continue to benefit my riding big time! Thanks Dave!
06.01.2022 Calorie calculators are just an equation. Theyre designed to provide an approximate ballpark for you to start from, based on the information you provided it. If youre not losing weight, ... - Make sure youre accurately calculating your intake, this includes things like the oil you put in the pan. - Make sure you havent over estimated your amount of physical activity, youre training most likely uses less calories than you think. - Make sure youre not unconsciously reducing your level of NEAT, consuming less calories can unintentionally make you less physically active throughout the day. If all of the above points are in check and youre still not losing weight, you will have to either: - Reduce your calorie intake, if youre currently consuming 2500 calories based on a calculator, you may have to reduce to 2000 calories to create a deficit. - Increase your calorie output, if youre currently consuming 2500 calories based on a calculator, you may have to use 3000 calories to produce a deficit.
06.01.2022 Unless youre a powerlifter, arching your back is unnecessary. Slightly elevating your feet or placing them up on the bench where you can maintain a flatter back stops you from adding additional fatigue to the lower back which is already fatigued from training your lower body.
06.01.2022 The Christmas fun begins...
05.01.2022 From 0-15, not bad @carla.morris.54
05.01.2022 My favourite way to foam roll. Bonus, its a great way to train your quads with minimal load on you hips and lower back.
05.01.2022 There’s a lot of information out there on HIIT and a large percentage of it consists of mostly body weight exercises and plyometrics. HIIT requires you to perform maximal force output. This means, if you don’t choose a exercise that allows you to perform with maximum intensity, it’s not technically HIIT.... This is why there are a limited number of exercises that can actually be used for HIIT. So no, body weight circuits are not HIIT and don’t provide the same benefits. @ Adelaide, South Australia
04.01.2022 Women love a nice set of glutes on a man. Probably as much, if not more than men love nice glutes on a woman.
04.01.2022 Don’t be fooled by the premise of healthy. @ Adelaide, South Australia
04.01.2022 If you’re losing weight, it’s a calorie, regardless of how you’re achieving it. @ Adelaide, South Australia
04.01.2022 Physical activity will have a larger impact on how your body feels and your metabolic health (how well energy moves through your body) than almost any other factor.
03.01.2022 If youre limited by your ability to perform a sufficient amount of volume, you may need to improve your cardiovascular system so you can actually accumulate an sufficient of volume per session, week after week.
03.01.2022 The way you impulsively respond to a stimulus is trained, therefore if your current response results in a negative outcome, you can train your impulsive response to result in a positive outcome.
03.01.2022 Those random 4 digit numbers are tempos. They can be used as a progression, to change where a movement is challenging, to emphasise what muscle is being recruited and where it’s being recruited. They determine the amount of weight you can use and how much time under tension you spend.... How do you read them? Let’s look at a 3210 tempo 3 Time lowering (eccentric) 2 Time pausing after lowering (lengthened muscle) 1 Time lifting (concentric) 0 Time pausing after lifting (shortened muscle) Used wisely, they can be used like a well designed map to guide your training. Used, you can be left wonder why your not reaching your desired destination.
03.01.2022 For example, if youre pressing and your elbows have to rotate in or out, or your shoulders tilt forward in an attempt to touch your chest, you have gone to far. Either reduce the range of motion to suit your body, or if youre unsure your technique is correct, have someone check it for you.
02.01.2022 Youre squatting and want to train your quads, your body will try and shift load to your hips alto make it easier. Youre Romanian deadlifting and want to train hamstrings, your body will try and get you to bend your knees a little and take the tension off the hamstrings. Youre doing push ups and want train you chest, your body lets your hip drops to take the load off your upper body and subsequently your chest.... If you let it, your body will take the easiest option, stick to the technique, train what you actually want to train. This may mean less weight or less reps to begin with, so dont let your ego get in the way.
01.01.2022 3 Generations in for their morning workout.
01.01.2022 You can easily create large amounts of sensation by jamming yourself into awkward positions. This limits how much load you can use, usually to an insufficient amount. Most importantly, it doesnt allow you to apply adequate mechanical tension to the targeted muscle.
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