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25.01.2022 / ? If you do - I hear ya - "but a lot of brands use the follow/unfollow method to increase their followers, so why shouldnt I do the same?"... Its simple, really, lets break it down: It fosters distrust It doesnt help to build genuine connections Youre likely not following your ideal customer If you unfollow after youve followed, whats to stop them doing the same? Ive always seen this method as pretty icky. Recently I had some * * brands follow me, only to realise they unfollowed shortly after I returned the gesture. At this point it became obvious that theyre either being super lazy and using bots, or theyre just not genuine. So, I immediately unfollowed, because lets be honest - Instagram is all about building and fostering relationships. If youre not willing to put in the groundwork, your followers will never become advocates, brand friends or even clients. Use smart (and genuine) growth marketing methods
25.01.2022 If you found and shared an image on Instagram, would you credit Instagram? Didn't think so When it comes to Pinterest, so many small - and big - businesses, entrepreneurs, creatives, photographers, freelancers, designers, artists (etc etc) spend a lotttt of time creating and sharing content, but they don't realllllly receive the credit when it's shared to a new platform.... Just like you (hopefully) would credit a reposted image you found on Instagram, please take the time to trace an image found on Pinterest. The credit is usually in the description, and if not? It's super easy to reverse-image search it on Google. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk @wanderforawhile
25.01.2022 Are you guilty of scrolling back through your feed, stumbling across a post that you no longer vibe with, and deleting it? If you are, By deleting your posts;... ~ all previous is then lost from that post, along with all the juicy that comes with it. No bueno However, by archiving a post, you hold on to all the data while still removing it from your feed. , ? 1 Select the post you want to hide 2 Click the three dots in the top right corner 3 Select "Archive" If you ever want to review this post, or even reinstate it on your feed, thats super easy too. Just head to your profile > select the hamburger menu in the top right corner > choose Archive > from the drop-down menu, select Posts > Click Show on Feed Easy-peasy
25.01.2022 - . We may all feel like we have to work over the weekend ~ and some of us genuinely will need to ~ but if you dont *have* to, then dont let guilt bully you into it Chances are, youre someone whos working overtime during the week, which we all seem to be doing at the moment.... Now, I dunno about you, but Ive found myself working well into the night lately, so I will be taking the weekend to give myself some downtime and relax and recharge my mind. Something else Ill be doing ~ and encourage you to do with me ~ is taking Sunday off from all social media. Trust me when I say youll feel renewed on Monday for a fresh week of socialising
25.01.2022 Happy Friday you lovely people I was thinking today about some of the amazing connections Ive made because of Instagram, and some of the incredible people who so generously share other peoples content to their stories and feed. I thought it might be nice to continue to spread the love.... If youre following someone who brings sunshine to your Instagram feed, please tag them below so others can experience their magic. @jasminedowling See more
25.01.2022 With your Instagram Posts, youre likely () tracking metrics like: Saves... Comments Shares When it comes to Stories, its just as important to be as you would your feed posts, so you know the type of content your audience is most engaged with. You can view your data by swiping up on your existing Stories ~ ? Impressions Reach Completion Rate Av. Views per User Replies Link Clicks Exists While not all of these metrics are available in the app, if you use a platform like @LaterMedia to schedule your content, these analytics are available to you. ?
24.01.2022 W E L C O M E The one thing ALL my clients have in common? (Other than the fact they're amazing? ) They have H E A R T.... They genuinely care about their communities, and they give back where they can. And my newest client is no different. @TonyandMunro is an Australian-made skincare-meets-make-up brand for men They are: Ethically and Socially Responsible Cruelty-Free Sustainably Sourced Recyclable For YOU. They stand for acceptance and support. Through their partnership with the Alannah & Madeline Foundation, they have helped to: Reduce bullying in 1,800+ schools Support over 5,300 children affected by trauma Educate over 81,000 people on cyber safety and bullying Provide therapeutic support to 350+ children over the age of 18 THIS is what a business with heart looks like. Welcome to the family, Tony & Munro
23.01.2022 Why do you do what you do? Personally, I NEVER thought I'd work for myself. Sure, I always loved the idea of it, and growing up my stepdad and mum worked for themselves, so I grew up seeing the flexibility it offered, but also the late nights that came with it.... When I decided to take the leap, I can admit that it came from a place of just not being able to stomach the idea of working the rest of my life to someone else's schedule. But also (and more importantly)? It came from a place of loving what I was doing and knowing I could help many, many, maaaaany small biz owners instead of just one, if I just had the guts to try it. And since starting Holler Social, I've done just that. I've been lucky enough to work with incredible people in so many different industries, from finance to fashion, and what feels like everything in between. Okay now, enough about me, I'd love to know why you started
23.01.2022 ? You do? Great - because I have some exciting news Next week Thursday, as 12:30pm, Ill be hosting a covering all you need to know about utilising in partnership with the incredible team at @gigsuperau... Ill be covering all the juicy stuff, such as: Optimising your bio Mastering your insights Nailing your content strategy Creating killer captions #allthingshashtags Increasing your reach Little know Instagram secrets And a more. So ~ if youd like to join us and level up your IG game, wed love to see you there. https://www.gigsuper.com.au/free-masterclass-instagram-for- Will we see you there?
23.01.2022 ? I recently got asked what the is in having a feed pattern, theme or colour scheme. The lady I was talking to argued that nobody ever visits your profile anyway, and putting in the effort to align all your posts is a total waste of time... ... If youve checked out my profile, Im guessing its pretty obvious where I stand on this So, why IS it important? Lets break it down: Its the first thing potential followers see It ** determines whether someone chooses to follow you or not It showcases your businesses personality Your followers will immediately be able to identify your posts when they see them It makes planning easier It shows your followers that you KNOW who you are, and who your ideal client is It builds trust and credibility Honestly I could probably keep going, but Ill rein it in there. If you need help or pointers when it comes to creating a feed theme, slide into my DMs and lets chat
22.01.2022 Its almoooost time! And when I say almost, I mean this time tomorrow This is your last heads up for registering to my FREE webinar in partnership with @gigsuperau, where Ill be covering ALL things IG for Business. Liiiiiike:... Optimising your bio Reading and understanding your insights Content Pillars The anatomy of a great caption Hashtag Strategies The best IG Schedulers Engagement Strategies and a LOT more. Seriously ~ theres so much juicy info. If youd like to join us (and wed LOVE to have you!) you can sign up below: https://www.gigsuper.com.au/free-masterclass-instagram-for-
21.01.2022 For the next week I will be muting my account in order to help amplify the voices of those that need to be heard ~ you can learn more about this by viewing the hashtag #AmplifyMelanatedVoices I recognise the privilege of simply being born white, and my heart is heavy for those who suffer needless injustices.... I also recognise that I will never *fully* understand, but I will do my best to learn. I will still be here, but in a more passive way. I will be consuming content from more diverse accounts in an attempt to broaden my learning and understanding, and I encourage you to do the same. I see you. I hear you. I stand with you Here are some accounts to look into. @blklivesmatter @colourofchange @laylafsaad @rachel.cargle @ajabarber @privotoprog @andrearanaej @showingupforracialjustice For more information on the cause, head to @blackandembodied & @jessicawilson.msrd If youre following accounts I need to see, please tag them below. Until next week #blacklivesmatter
20.01.2022 The past 2 months have been for everyone, but some have had it harder than others. Im looking at you; parents whove had to home school, single parents, those who have been stood down, those who have lost their jobs entirely, or those who have illnesses that have meant they havent been able to see their closest friends and family for .... Next Friday, Ill be sending out a free gift to somebody who could use a little joy from the lovely @actuallyboutique_. I just need your help choosing who to send it to If you know someone who deserves a little pick-me-up, tag them in the comments below. It would also be lovely to read a little note about them, and what makes them so special
20.01.2022 After the longest week *ever* were finally at Friday. Woohoo Although this weekend looks like itll consist of working, theres just something about a Friday that spreads all kinds of good vibes ... With that said ~ have a lovely weekend, folks ~ in whichever house you choose from above For me, Im #2 all the way - partner and pets Which ISO house would you spend your weekend in?
18.01.2022 Being a solopreneur can be really hard and lonely, and some of the things I miss most are the in-office chats, people to bounce ideas off, and the countless inside jokes. BUT this isn't a *woe is me* post at alllll. In fact, it's the opposite. This gal here? I met her at my last full-time gig, and she's now ventured out on her own and is an amazing freelance graphic and web designer (you can find her at @studio.carly)... But more importantly? She's another small biz owner that I *know* I can always call up for support, ideas, a good old-fashioned work vent, or when I just need to ugly-laugh. You know the kind This is just a lil appreciation post that goes out to all the people that support us on our journey, and who just *get it*. I'd love to know who your small biz buddy is if you're feeling up to sharing and showing them some love
18.01.2022 One thing you should straight-up avoid? Rushed posting... I get it - you have a great idea for a post and you get really excited ~ so excited, in fact, that you open Instagram and type your caption natively in the app and then just... post. , ? That post you were super excited to get out? Its probably gonna flop Not because the post didnt have potential, but because when you ** a piece of content out into the world, chances are it doesnt fully align with your content plan or your audience. : Create content based on your Write your content with an in mind Use to direct your audience Plan content up to 2 weeks in Take time with your post, ensure that the language used is appropriate for your Spend time appropriate hashtags Check your insights - is this the best time to post? Read your caption. Then read it again. Then read it AGAIN. . Have questions? Feel free to DM me for a chit-chat
18.01.2022 After the year of March, April was over in a *blink* and I just dont understand The last month Ive been incredibly busy, not just with client work but also trying to organise @HollerSocial s processes and systems. At the beginning of each month, I like to focus on 1-3 things, big & small, to help from getting too overwhelmed but also to keep me on track.... Mays focus will be on: 1. Sprucing up my own blog (something thats been a little neglected) 2. Jumping on Stories more, and showing more behind the scenes of the biz. 3. Finally getting some of the freebies Ive had in the works out into the world. Baby steps Id love to know your May goals?
17.01.2022 I consider myself seriously lucky to work alongside some of the *most* amazing people Melbourne has to offer. My clients are the kindest bunch of people, and make my work a pure joy.... If youre interested social media management, web design or branding, Ive just had some space open up for July Get in touch at [email protected]
15.01.2022 ? Its easy to get wrapped up in posting what you like or want to post, but your content should always centre around what your audience wants to see. Before planning your content, its important to refer back to your and . ... If you dont currently have any in place at the moment, then what youre doing, and get that nailed ASAP. Your content pillars are content topics or themes, which can then be broken down into sections or pieces ~ but Ill do another post on that soon. [ , ] Okay, so to my original question. Your content should be created with your pillars and your specific audience in mind. : Where your audience lives What interests they have What their pain-points are What their goals are What their hobbies are This is a short list, but really understanding who you audience will make content planning a lot easier, trust me. And if youre not sure? Use the in your Instagram Stories to get first-hand info from your audience themselves.
14.01.2022 5 Have you ever found yourself caught with a serious case of writers block? I sure have ... And for someone who writes for 99% of her job ~ be it for social copy, blogs, email newsletters or website copy ~ it can be pretty debilitating. Last week I was struck with some B A D writers block, which meant what would normally take me 2-3 hours to write ended up taking days. Not one day, or two, but three So, from someone who experiences ~ and comes out of it ~ regularly, here are my tips. Do something ELSE creative. Draw, craft, read. Give yourself permission to write badly (you can edit later) Go for a walk or a run Pen 5-10 writing prompts Fill up your wine glass (this one always loosens my mind up and helps *immensely*) I hope some of these are helpful next time your mind is all blocked up. Now... please excuse me while I go fill up my wine glass
14.01.2022 Woo Currently celebrating the fact that @actuallyboutique_ s new website is now LIVE Georgia was after a website facelift, better website functionality and a cleaner shopping experience ~ a little while later, here we are.... Shes also let me know that shes celebrating with 20% off storewide for a limited time More info over on her page
14.01.2022 Recently, I had the ABSOLUTE pleasure of helping bring @littlegumnutco to life, which included all the foundation work ~ such as brand identity, account setup, and social strategy ~ as well as the reallllllly fun stuff, like stationery design and web design and development. The brief was simple; take an idea, a *feeling*, and create something from it. While this doesn't sound super simple, it's actually a lot more fun ~ and challenging ~ to pull something from nothing. To co...me to the table with different ideas, feelings, and vibes, and see which one resonates and sparks emotion. Swipe through for a quick look at the project, and head on over to @littlegumnutco to see all their stunning products, and meet the wonderful person behind the brand.
13.01.2022 ? In short? . In a little more detail? .... One thing you want to make sure youre doing regardless? Following and engaging with your ideal (AKA ) client. If someone follows you, I recommend taking a quick peek over on their page and thinking about whether their business / offering / service works well with yours. : You get from their content Youd like to build a with them You can see yourselves in the future You their page / vibe / aesthetic Theres no expectation to follow someone back, and it really depends on you, your business and the types of accounts youd like to see more of on your feed. ? @thecalilehotel
12.01.2022 ? Losing followers is *completely* normal In fact, its a great thing, and the bigger your account gets the more followers youll lose on a daily-basis.... ? Instagram is constantly removing bot (fake) accounts. Even if you dont pay for these (which I hope youd do) they can still find their way to your page. Someone followed you hoping youd follow them back. This is one of my *least* favourite growth strategies. Its icky and disingenuous. So if they unfollowed you, good riddance Your audiences interest shifts over time. This is normal human behaviour ~ can you relate to being on a sudden business motivation / inspiration kick, and over time getting tired of seeing them, so unfollowing? I know I can Of course, if youre losing more than a few followers here and there, there could be more to it than these reasons, but for most of us ~ this is what it boils down to. Personally? I lost 11 followers last week, and Im A-OK with that
11.01.2022 Some good vibes for your Saturday This mood board is from a project Im currently working on, and Im a little obsessed with the colour palette, vibe and all-round good energy this ones bringing to the table Tell me Im not the only one who thinks shes dreaaaaaamy
10.01.2022 Hands down one of the favourite parts of my job is having the freedom to be creative and have fun with the design side of things. Ive had the absolute *joy* of working with the amazing Georgia from @ActuallyBoutique_ on her new website (coming very, very soon ) and before I can sink my teeth into any project, I really need to *understand* the brand. So, I had the fun job of pulling together a brand identity which is perfect for giving direction and evoking feeling ...and emotion. I seriously cannot waiiiiiiit to share her new website for you - keep your eyes peeled folks See more
10.01.2022 Throwing it back to much happier times. AKA when I had internet Dramatic? Maybe. But accurate? Definitely.... If youve seen my stories youll know Im going on day two of zero internet, which is pretty challenging for someone who works 100% online. Were talkin Google Docs, Google Sheets, Facebook, Instagram, Later, Gmail... the list goes on. So instead of just wallowing while my partner [bless his soul] chats to every IT person on planet Earth, I thought Id pop on with some handy dandy IG tips while my 4G holds out Think of these as Instagram best practices 1 Know your ideal client. Know exactly WHO youre talking to, WHAT they want to know from you, and HOW you can add value to them. 2 Use Instagram Engagement Stickers in your stories. These are polls, comments, questions and the DM sticker. Encourage a connection. 3 Utilise your bio real estate. Make it super easy for your ideal customer to understand exactly who you are and how you can help them. Also use a link that shortens the customer journey and makes it easy to find what they want. 4 Use CTAs. What do you want your readers to do? For example, comment below, drop you an email or DM you directly. 5 Embrace Instagram Stories and SHOW YOUR FACE. I hear you - this is confronting. But your audience want to see you - the person behind the business These are only a few of what could be an endless list - but theyre a great place to start. Have any to add? Let me know below In the meantime, Im off to shout at our modem. Peace out peeps
09.01.2022 Time and time again youve heard what you be doing on Instagram, but what about when it comes to what you should steer clear of? Here are 10 of the I see people making.... 1 Posting links in your Instagram caption ~ stay away from this. Instead, create a link in your bio. 2 Posting *only* about sales ~ people dont like being sold to. Instead, build rapport with your audience first. 3 Following and un-following ~ this is a very inauthentic way to grow your account. instead, follow only who you genuinely want to connect with. 4 Using engagement pods ~ this limits your reach to almost only the people in the pod, and these people likely arent your ideal client. Stay clear! 5 Posting captions without clear paragraphs or line breaks ~ nobody wants to be met with a wall of text when scrolling the gram. Break your caption into easily digestible chunks. 6 Posting low-quality photos ~ Instagram is first and foremost a visual platform. Post accordingly. 7 Not tagging or crediting images ~ always always always credit those whos images make up your feed. 8 Posting for the sake of posting ~ whatever you post should be adding VALUE to your audience and should be relevant. 9 Posting and going MIA ~ you dont need to post every day, but staying active through Stories and engagement are critical - show up daily. Posting and ghosting ~ stick around to answer questions and comments from your community. Ideally, engage before and after you post. Hopefully these have been helpful, and Id love to hear if you have any more to add below.
09.01.2022 Do any of these sound familiar? You often compare your follower count to others in your industry You focus a lot on the number of followers you have You think - on some level - your followers determine your success... Well, lemme tell ya - focussing on that number isn't going to make it go up any quicker Your followers are not your worth, and, as I'm SURE you've heard before, it's better to have 100 engaged followers than 10,000 unengaged followers. BUT more to the point - take a step back and think of your followers as the real, living, breathing people they are. If you have 200 followers, imagine standing up and speaking in front of 200 people. Or 500. Or 1,000. That's a lottttt of eyeballs on you. And if you take a moment to nurture your audience, and appreciate the people you DO have following you, Instagram's going to be a lot more pleasant to be on.
09.01.2022 - You may want to save this one for later. Creating content is time consuming at the best of times, so dont create MORE work for yourself by failing to spread your content across multiple platforms.... Swipe across for some cross-platform content sharing ideas
08.01.2022 My heart is with all the small business who have once again had to close their doors, after what feels like ** opening them. If you can, please support your local businesses.... Buy takeaway food and coffee (without using UberEats), order online or even order to pick up. If youre not in a position to help financially, here are some ways to show your support. Share their social posts Engage with them on social media Tell your friends and family about them Dont cancel existing bookings ~ delay instead Leave positive Facebook & Google reviews (this helps so much! , ,
07.01.2022 I dunno about you guys, but last week was *the* longest week in history, so today Im taking it prettttty easy. Well... until mid afternoon when Ill be back in the office I spent the morning with friends in an actual cafe, at an actual table, drinking coffee from an actual mug - and it was *amazing*... Kinda made me realise how much I took for granted before Would love to know below how youre spending your weekend and what youll be getting up to See more
05.01.2022 Happy Monday you lovely bunch I hope your weekend was spent recharging with good books, good tv and good friends (over Zoom, obvs ) I had to do a little work this weekend, but in my downtime binged the new series of Normal People on @stanaustralia (its SO GOOD) and got through a new book.... If youre looking for inspiration, some of the goodies Ive read recently are: Where the Crawdads Sing (slow first half, but ultimately great) A Woman is No Man (so good) The Nowhere Child On my list are: A Tree Grows in Brooklyn When All is Said, The Prettiest Horse in the Glue Factory, and Olive, Again Id love to know if youve read a great book recently that needs to be added to that list
05.01.2022 Heres something nice and *chill* for your Thursday afternoon Every now and then, somebody asks me how I did something on Instagram ~ something that I take knowing complete for granted, and this was one of them Heres a quick tutorial on how to change the background colour on your stories, and Im choosing to share an image of my favourite mugs from @sugarhouseceramicco ... 1. Share a post (or start a new story) 2. Select the pen / drawing tool 3. Choose a colour from the palette below or use the colour picker 4. Tap and hold a blank part of the screen Easy as that!
05.01.2022 Im having the best time doing the branding pack for a gorgeous brand launching soon ~ @littlegumnutco Here are some (6 of 14 ) logo options. Weve narrowed it down and know which one were going with, but just out of curiously... ?... Swipe to see all 6 up close @ Melbourne, Victoria, Australia See more
04.01.2022 My face when they say " " [Ive had this super awkward photo milling around in my camera roll siiiiiince January, and I figured I may as well get some use out of it ] Okay ~ with that disclaimer out of the way, heres you need to get to grips with hashtags:... .% Using hashtags for your business is a no-brainer, and theyre not as scary as you might think! Yes, it takes a bit of work upfront to find relevant hashtags for your business, but its so worth it. : You can use up to 30 hashtags on a post and 10 on a story Numbers are allowed in hashtags. However, spaces and special characters, like $ or %, wont work. You can add hashtags to your first comment as well as your main caption ? Drop them below
03.01.2022 If you havent planned out your content for the week, theres still time ~ I gotchu ... What does your business stand for? Why did you choose to create your business? Tell us your WHY. What goals do you have for yourself / your biz? Share an engaging meme (if its relevant!) with your audience Create a poll ~ ask your audience about themselves and encourage conversation Create a Reel! Have fun with it and dont take yourself too seriously Sell without selling ~ tell your audience about your product or service Show some social proof! What are some recent (amazing) results you got for a client? What pain point does your product or service address? Share an industry-relevant update Share some handy tips that would help your audience (either business or personal) Share a recent blog post Introduce your team ~ what are their roles? Show a sneak peek of you working ~ e.g. working at your desk or packing orders Show us your workspace ~ where the magic happens! Let me know if these were helpful
03.01.2022 A friend of mine broke the news to me over the weekend that were only halfway through this lockdown, with another 3 weeks to go. I dont know where my perception of time has gone, but I was so sure we didnt have *that* long left ~ that suuuuurely we were through the bulk of it. But no, were not ... So, this is a gentle reminder to myself, and to anyone else whos struggling, that its all going to be okay, and that well come out the other end of this. Im sending you all the good vibes I have Photo by @jasminedowling, edit by me.
01.01.2022 3 Before we dig in, I think its important to preface with something we all already *hopefully* know ~ when it comes to your followers, its always, always quality over quantity. So many people are out there chasing a number ~ to the extent theyre willing to pay for it ~ instead of nurturing their existing audience... Big no-no.... Got it? Cool - lets dig in 1 ~ sparing 15 minutes to an hour daily will drastically increase your growth rate 2 ~ showing up on stories every day is key to building rapport with your audience ~ remember to use hashtags and location stickers here! 3 ~ if you have a Business or Creator account, you have access to your analytics. Review these to see when your best posting times are and which content performs best. Use this in conjunction with posting your stories to reach more people. There you have it, an incredibly easy starting point
01.01.2022 Have 10 minutes to spare? GREAT ~ spend them doing a quick audit of your Instagram profile. A quick note~ Instagram is playing around with making your name (NOT your handle) what shows in other peoples DMs. So, make sure your name easily identifies you. For example, if it just shows what you *do*, you may show as photographer in DMs ~ just an example.... Swipe through for all 5 steps @ Melbourne, Victoria, Australia See more
01.01.2022 ? For me, success is as simple as choosing who I want to work with, and what I want to work on, on any given day. As appealing as working from your laptop on the beach is (and actually the idea of getting sand in my laptop is highly stressful ) Id take being able to start my day slowly and work from my bed instead.... But lately, with everything thats currently going on, Im seriously so grateful that I get to do what I do on a daily basis, and at the moment success to me means not allowing everyday stressors to get to me, and being able to walk away from my computer by 6 pm at the latest. Whats your current definition of success? See more
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