Holy Cow Kosher Poultry | Food and drinks company
Holy Cow Kosher Poultry
Phone: +61 423 207 837
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22.01.2022 IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT there is no such thing as Ben PeKuAh Chicken
19.01.2022 DO BUTCHERS MAKE GOOD COOKS? I was in a kosher butcher shop recently and was amused to hear the person wrapping, weighing and pricing the meat selected by the c...ustomer, giving advise on how best to prepare the meat. As I continued to eavesdrop (I’m a bit rude!) on the advise given by the butcher, I realised how little, he (the male butcher), knew about cooking. A little backround - I have been a lifelong student and culinary maven for some 40 years and am equally adept at preparing foods that belong to the Genus ‘French’ ( the grand dame of the all food styles), ‘Italian’ (after all, I was born in Venezia). ‘Chinoise’ (mostly cantonese), ‘Indian’ (usually kashmiri and bengali) and ‘Yiddish/Jewish’ (Poillisher leanings), in addition, I own and have read (cover to cover) some 200-300 cookery books during that time and have devoted the time and study to the art/craft of cooking that would put a professional chef to shame. In Short, I can cook really well. Beef Bourguignon, Soufflé au Chocolat, Coq au Vin, Crème Caramel, Eggplant Lasagna, Pasta al a Forna, Tiramisu, Peking Duck, Laksa (malay, Penang), kashmiri lamb, Tandoori Chicken, Dahl, Cholent, Yoech and Herring, all this and much more I can make with seasoned (no pun intended) and practiced expertise. Enough about me What makes someone who has trained in the skilled craft of Butchery which includes the skills needed for cutting, slicing, de-boning, stringing and chopping varied and unsuspecting animal and poultry body parts think they know about the art of Cooking I suggest, ‘Very little’ In the same vein, please allow me to ask the following ‘Kasher’ (I allow myself a little poetic licence, it is Pesach after all). IS A SHOCHET (ritual slaughter) AN EXPERT IN ‘BEN PEKUAH?’ The Art/Craft ( I even have difficulty categorizing it) of the Shochet seems shrouded in mystery and secret rituals and procedures known only to a select few. As I work in the food industry supervising hundreds of food manufacturing plants in Australasia that are both large (1,000+ employees) and small (Ma and Pa businesses), I am at a loss to explain why Shochets and the work they do is so mysterious. In essence, a Shochet’s job and function is to slaughter an animal and then check its kosher status. Doesn’t seem that complicated and it’s not. There are thousands of competent and expert ritual slaughterers around the world. Most, like a lot of butchers are skilled professionals. I have seen and handled the knives used and the sharpening techniques employed in this ancient craft and the skill level required is not much above a good butcher. A few Melbourne shochets have taken to lecturing and writing about Ben Pekuah as if being a Shochet makes them a Ben pekuah expert even though both confess to never having even ‘seen’ a Ben Pekuah animal, much less a herd of them. Like our good friends the butchers, who profess to know about cooking, but in fact know very little about the subject, most shochets have scant knowledge about Ben Pekuah and their understanding of this subject is both amateurish and at best.. factually incorrect. I make this bold and controversial proclamation because I have the benefit of working with the foremost Talmudic and Rabbinic expert on this subject at both a practical and theoretical level in the world. (I know, big statement) This man, is the only person in the last 1,000 years who has actually bred (with a group of experienced farmers/investors/veterinarians) and raised a ‘Living’ Herd of Ben Pekuah Cows and Sheep right here in Victoria Australia. This Ben Pekuach herd is walking around and grazing in the Victorian countryside as we speak. He may not be the only person in Australia who has studied the Talmudic laws of Ben Pekuah, but there would not be anyone in Australia or in the World, who could match his expertise and practical knowledge in this field and certainly not a few local ritual slaughterers Kalman Gradman CEO It’s Kosher Authority
19.01.2022 Do you need Semicha to get a passport?
16.01.2022 Important SYDNEY Event - Kosher or Hechsher Date: Monday 4th July 2016 Time: 7.30pm-9.30pm... Venue: KATZY'S CAF Private Room 113-115 Hall Street Bondi NSW 2026 CONFIRM/DECLINE your attendance by 'Private FB Message' (catering purposes)
16.01.2022 Kosher Certified Since 2013
15.01.2022 'Important Announcement' As of today's date Rabbi Rabi will limit (2.30pm-5.00pm - Yomtoivim excepted) his 'day to day' activities in the kosher business 'It's ...Kosher Authority' which will allow him to spend more time on his Rabbinic Studies. Our mashgichim (supervisers) and Management team will maintain and enhance any kashrus business issues that may arise on a 'day to day' basis and will consult with him as and when required. We wish the Rabbi continued success in furthering his studies and look forward to a consultative and collaborate future.
15.01.2022 Matza Is Two Faced Poor Man's Bread - Bread of Freedom
14.01.2022 Is there anyone out there who has expertise with fb and would be kind enough to offer me some guidance - I have been fiddling with fb now for a couple of years and feel almost completely bamboozled by its mysteries
13.01.2022 Harcourts Cider and Yochi Kosher Certified since 2013
13.01.2022 It's Kosher Authority Merger Proposal It's Kosher Authority has been in discussions with Kashus Authorities Australia Wide with the intention of merging our ex...tensive Kosher Certified Client base with theirs. The purpose of this merger is to increase the acceptability of our clients product range and have our Kosher Status more closely aligned with the other Kosher Authorities in Australia and Worldwide. We will provide further information as the merger nears completion in early November Note: The status of our current Kosher Certificates (2016-2017) remain unchanged.
11.01.2022 Holy Cow Kosher Poultry Available Mid-October 2014 To register your interest please PM your email address.
01.01.2022 this food however has already been tithed, we have already bowed and recognised the bounty Hshem has given us. This time however we do not view this bounty as w...ealth, security and power, rather we are looking at the food. food we are to eat and enjoy, sharing with our family- this is a personal and intimate gift to God. And like all personal gifts there can be no instructions as to its measure, it truly reflects the intensity of the relationship; See Rashi 15:21 See more
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