Holy Cross Primary School, Glendale | Education
Holy Cross Primary School, Glendale
Phone: 02 4954 8471
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24.01.2022 Holy Cross is now taking enrolments for Kindergarten, 2021. This virtual tour provides potential families with a view to our wonderful school. Don't delay. Places are filling fast. Email asap to obtain an enrolment package. [email protected]
24.01.2022 our NAIDOC opening dances.
24.01.2022 Tuning in means being aware of what is happening within you, and in the world around you. Being present by tuning in has been shown to help build self-awareness, help make effective choices, reduce the impact of worry, and build positive connections. You can tune in to many things: Tune in to yourself What can you sense right now? What can you feel? Tune in to others What might people around you be feeling? How can we connect?... Tune in to your communities What is happening that you can be part of, or that you can help others be part of? Tune in to stigma How do attitudes and understandings of mental health and wellbeing impact on people’s ability to live the lives they want? How can we help? Credit: WayAhead Organization - http://mentalhealthmonth.wayahead.org.au/tune-in/ #tunein #mentalhealthmonth #octobermentalhealthmonth See more
23.01.2022 Aleisha enjoying learning about position while going on a treasure hunt.
22.01.2022 Year 3 had a surprise visit from a juvenile dragon that had just hatched.
21.01.2022 Today was a very special day. Miss Sullivan, Miss Smith & I (Mrs Hawthorne) visited the homes of our new Kindergarten children and handed out very special bags full of fun activities, letters and special treasures. We met quite a few parents and children and hope that those we missed found their special packages waiting for them at their front doors. We were even lucky enough to be left a special surprise from Stevie (Yum) and a beautiful drawing from Emma. We can't wait to see you all at Holy Cross very soon.
21.01.2022 Year 1 and 2 worked hard in Term 3 to make kinetic artworks inspired by Alexander Calder. Here are their sculptures.
21.01.2022 Some families in our school community may be interested in the following presentation.
21.01.2022 HAPPY BIRTHDAY Today we celebrated the Birthdays of several wonderful staff members... Mrs Woods, Mrs Hawthorne, Mrs Nolan, Mrs Stevens, Mrs Antcliff, Miss Liron, Mr Faulkner, Mrs Zimmerman, Mrs Wells and Miss Farrow (who had a special numbered birthday).
21.01.2022 Week 11 Home Learners. What a creative crew. Well done!
20.01.2022 The Final class at the Dance Concert.
20.01.2022 Tomorrow is the day to start ordering! Enjoy some delicious treats and help raise funds for Holy Cross by participating in our Thompson's Online Pie Drive.
19.01.2022 The last 2 weeks have been tough for everyone. Families, teachers, staff. But amidst all the confusion and chaos, HCG has been fortunate to be truly inspired by Noah, one of our Year 6 leaders. Not only has Noah continued his own learning successfully, he has provided staff with professional development in IT, he’s rung the bell, attended to younger children and managed everything with a gracious smile. The staff and families thank you, Noah. You’re the perfect example of how to ‘make Jesus real’ across our school community.
18.01.2022 Ryan has started the term well with some impressive task completion and Gregory (and his little apprentice) have taken to baking some excellent ANZAC cookies. Well done, kids!
18.01.2022 If you live in Cameron Park, could you please spare a few minutes to complete this survey for Evie in Year 5. Evie is currently researching how Cameron Park can be made an ideal place for her Virtual Academy project. https://tinyurl.com/y3vqe82s
18.01.2022 Don't miss out on joining our amazing school community. Enquire today!
18.01.2022 Holy Cross No Pens Day 2020! Thursday 26th November Oral language skills are needed for learning in all areas of the curriculum. Proficient oral language skills support problem solving and socialising. No Pens Day is a day to focus on learning through speaking and listening and to see the wonderful benefits that come temporarily from putting down the pen.
18.01.2022 Pyjama Day. Thanks to our Mini Vinnies Team for raising awareness about the needs of members of our extended Parish community and in doing so, raise some much needed funds for the St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal. Great work as always.
17.01.2022 Well done HCG! In the news again for helping raise funds and support members of our community in need. We are blessed to have such beautiful families and staff in our school community!
17.01.2022 Happy Fathers’ Day to all our HCG dads and grandads. Send us a photo via messenger or email [email protected] , showing us how you are celebrating this special day so we can share with our school community!
16.01.2022 Year 2 have been reading poems and studying the language devices poets use to write poems. Here is Vinnie's own poem about his special place Wet n Wild.
16.01.2022 Holy Cross made MNNews with the great success of home learning. Scroll down through the story to read about OUR SCHOOL and don't forget to look at some of our great home learners in the photo section below. Well done, everyone!
16.01.2022 Station 13 - Jesus Is Taken Down From The Cross And Placed In The Arms Of His Mother
15.01.2022 Year 2 have been reading poems and studying the language devices poets use to write poems. Here is Vinnie's own poem about his special place Wet n Wild.
15.01.2022 Thank you Joseph and Evelyn for the beautiful creation of Jesus’ tomb. Perfect images to remind us all of the events of Good Friday and Easter. A beautiful feature image for our Facebook cover photo.
14.01.2022 Happy, Hoppy Easter. We hope you enjoy our Easter Hat Parade.
14.01.2022 Congratulations to Lovely who was awarded 3rd place in her ice skating championships. We are so lucky to have such talented children in our school community. Well done, Lovely. You look absolutely beautiful.
13.01.2022 Nathann is certainly tackling his maths lessons creatively!
12.01.2022 Happy, hoppy Easter raffle. Congratulations to all our winners and thank you to the P&F for organising a fun filled frenzied afternoon
12.01.2022 Today I enjoyed spending time with Year 1 during their Maths block. The children explained that they were using a range of mental strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems. It was also great to see them using their new furniture. It looks fabulous. Deb Hawthorne
11.01.2022 Station 12- Jesus Is Raised Upon The Cross And Dies
10.01.2022 NAIDOC Week celebrations at HCG provided an amazing opportunity for staff and students to grow in their understanding and appreciation of our beautiful indigenous heritage. "Always Was, Always Will Be". A massive thank you to Richard (Roo) Faulkner, our Ab Ed teacher for organising such a wonderful day .
08.01.2022 Station 11- Jesus is Nailed To The Cross
08.01.2022 The Ping pong activity.
08.01.2022 Congratulations to Nathan who achieved a platinum certificate in the NSW Premier’s Reading Challenge. This is an incredible achievement and the first ever at Holy Cross. Great reading, Nathan!
08.01.2022 Holy Cross has a new website! Take a few moments to browse through our site and learn a little more about our great school. Please share with your family and friends.
07.01.2022 Whilst the kids are at home tomorrow, they may like to take a break from learning to listen to the story of ‘The Last ANZAC’, read and videoed by Paige, one of our Year 6 leaders. Thank you Paige. Great work. What a wonderful example of ‘making Jesus real’ in our school community.
07.01.2022 Blythe, Henry and Billy have been saving the egg shells from their baking. They’ve collected lots of bits and pieces from nature, frozen their finds inside the empty egg shells and have created beautiful Easter surprises. How creative. Well done kids!
07.01.2022 Thankyou HCG kids and families for reminding us of the true spirit of our ANZACs. LEST WE FORGET
06.01.2022 Year 2 are completing theirTreasure Trove maths investigation today. They have been working on grouping, partitioning, additive strategies, position and money. They created their own board game (pirate themed), made rules and chance cards. They are keeping a record of their addition and subtraction to end up with a final total for who wins with the most money. Fun!
06.01.2022 Izzy has marked this special day. Lest We Forget.I
06.01.2022 Station 14- Jesus is Laid In The Sepulcher
05.01.2022 Congratulations to Evie who has been invited to join the Diocesan Virtual Academy for gifted learners. Evie is one of 65 students (Years 5 to 8) from across the Diocese. A wonderful achievement for an amazing student at Holy Cross. Miss Farrow is the Gifted Education Mentor (GEM) and Mrs Newton is Evie’s class teacher.
05.01.2022 Book Week 2020. Fantastic!
05.01.2022 Thank you Stage 3 for leading a beautiful liturgy to celebrate The Triumph of the Cross, our special feast day.
05.01.2022 Last Friday, 23rd October, was a very special day at Holy Cross. We participated in Mission Month. We prayed and raised money for the people of Cambodia. Richard Cootes led our Liturgy, students wore crazy socks and Mini Vinnies students held activities stalls to raise money. Thank you Mrs Castles and Mini Vinnies students for organising such a fabulous community day!
04.01.2022 COVID 19 means we don't get to see our mums. But we want them to know we appreciate their support, send them our love and best wishes for a Happy Mothers' Day.
04.01.2022 White Balloon Day is Australia’s largest and longest-running campaign dedicated to preventing child sexual assault and exploitation. Held annually during National Child Protection Week, White Balloon Day unites communities to make a commitment to protecting kids. The children at HCG have been learning the importance of feeling and staying safe. Have a look at some of the activities completed during this week. We will add more as we go. Please talk to your children and grandchildren about what they’ve learned. Thank you to the staff of Holy Cross for supporting this very important aspect of child education.
04.01.2022 Special thanks to the P&F, in particular Ashleigh and Maureen, who organised a wonderful Christmas Fair for the students at Holy Cross. And well done to our Year 6 leaders who ran the stall. Great work everyone. The excitement is obvious on the faces of all shoppers!
04.01.2022 A special birthday for a special lady. Leave Ros, our school cleaner, a happy 60th Birthday message
04.01.2022 Today Year 4 and Stage 3 had a visit from Lisa from Lake Macquarie Police. She explained to us what the role of the police are in our local community. We also spoke about the safe use of social media. Be sure to ask your children what we discussed today.
03.01.2022 Happy Easter and thank you to our Health Care Workers this very special and different Easter of 2020.
03.01.2022 This morning I had the pleasure of joining Kindergarten for fruit break and a play as pedagogy session. What a wonderful classroom experience for our young children. Deb Hawthorne
03.01.2022 Everything will be fine. The rainbow will win. Kim Moroney, Early Education Officer at the CSO, has encouraged schools’ participation in the Rainbow Project. Kim has created a beautiful video, detailing the project across the Diocese, and indeed the globe. Isla and Alexis’ artwork feature.
03.01.2022 Everything will be fine, the rainbow will win. Let’s join Isla and Alexis and fill our post with rainbow messages of hope and love
02.01.2022 Today we celebrated he feast day of Australia’s first canonised saint, Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop. This year is the 111th Anniversary of the death of Mary MacKillop, who passed away in 1908. Yesterday at Holy Cross, Stage 2 led the school, via zoom, in a wonderful Liturgy to remember and reflect on the life of Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop and her relevance in our lives today. Thank you Stage 2 for your reverence and prayerfulness.
02.01.2022 On Thursdays at Holy Cross, students participate in gymnastics lessons. Here are some photos of Year 4 at gymnastics with their teachers Jai and Samantha. Gymnastics was inside due to the wet ground outside where lessons are usually held. The students always have lots of fun!
02.01.2022 What an amazing experience for our new Kindergarten 2021 children who experienced their first transition morning.
01.01.2022 Our NAIDOC opening dances.
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