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Holy Trinity Port Melbourne in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Church

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Holy Trinity Port Melbourne

Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Phone: +61 3 9646 3123

Address: 162 Bay Street, Port Melbourne 3207 Melbourne, VIC, Australia


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25.01.2022 Tonight (Thursday August 13): This will be the inaugural St Peter’s Eastern Hill Webinar, as the Reverend Canon Dorothy Lee talks about the role of Mary Magdalene in the Gospels. Bookings through TryBooking (free event):

25.01.2022 A LETTER FROM FATHER NOEL TO THE COUNTRY FIRE AUTHORITY 5 June 2020... Dear Officer I am pleased to enclose a cheque for $3792.90 which represents the proceeds of our parish Holy Trinity Anglican Church Port Melbourne, Fund Raising Market Day and Sausage Sizzles to support the work of the Victorian Country Fire Authority. It comes with the grateful thanks of this faith community as well as the many members of the Port Melbourne community who so generously supported our efforts to acknowledge the amazing courage and selfless service that you give to all of us at great risk to your own lives. I would appreciate an acknowledgement and receipt of this gift for our parish records. Yours sincerely Noel Whale Parish Priest and on behalf of the people of Holy Trinity Port Melbourne

18.01.2022 ***A MESSAGE FROM NOEL*** Holy Trinity Church has been open for the 10am Sunday Service for the last three weeks with 10 people only permitted in the congregation, and it has worked well. We have followed all of the COVID 19 regulations that the government and the Diocese has enforced. The worship has been different from our usual pattern but very sincere and meaningful as we observe the rules to safeguard our health. Please do not hold back from coming to church, you need to... register your intention to attend but that is easy just get in touch with Lorraine. We are still investigating how we may be able to increase the attendance to 20, but as they have to be in two groups of 10 and separate that is a challenge. We are looking at how we might use the outside BBQ space, perhaps for families or others, with the 1.5m distance rule. The issues of sound, visibility and links with the lectern for the ministry of the word, and the altar for the eucharist as well as the weather require some lateral thinking and imagination. The use of phone and tablet apps for the words of the service and hymns are also being explored. Morning tea can be enjoyed but outdoors, with conditions regarding utensils and food is also being considered. We must try and develop a new normal as we have done with the receiving of the wine at the eucharist for example. Restrictions of some sort will be in force for the foreseeable future so we need to be our innovative best. One issue that does concern me though - how do we welcome new people and the visitor and the unexpected walk-in into our Sunday worship, which has been one of our strengths over the years? Comments on all of this are most welcome. Treasurer Liz advises me that the total giving through ADF direct debits and Westpac Bank contributions to the church in October 2020 was $2173 which is very encouraging indeed and I thank all those who have responded. If you have not contributed to the parish finances in this way please do consider giving or by making contact with me or Lorraine as we must make sure that we are financially secure despite this disruptive pandemic. Please take care and keep safe and know that I remember you all regularly in my prayers. Noel See more

18.01.2022 Remember to stop by Holy Trinity during the Port Melbourne Artisan Christmas Market. Exciting news coming.¬if_t=admin_plan_mall_activity

16.01.2022 Message and ZOOM invitation! ***A MESSAGE FROM NOEL*** In the calendar of saints and notable people in the Australian Lectionary we are encouraged to remember on Friday this week, Mother Esther the founder of the Community of the Holy Name (CHN) who died on that day in 1931. The Community was founded in 1888 when Sister Esther, an Anglican nun of the Community of St Mary the Virgin Wantage in England, came to Melbourne for health reasons. She began the Mission to Streets and... Lanes in the inner city of Little Lonsdale Street working with destitute women and children, then established the Mission House in Spring Street, a house of mercy caring for the marginalised especially women, children and babies. There is a plaque on the building at the north end of Spring Street commemorating the CHN. They went on to establish Children’s Homes, Babies Homes, Hospitals and a Girls’ Reformatory which later became the Retreat House in Cheltenham. The CHN Community House remains in Cavanagh Street Cheltenham. Give thanks for Mother Esther and the members of the Community who have served the church in the Diocese of Melbourne and continue to do so. Noel *** Remember our Zoom parish gathering on Sunday 13 September at 12noon, beginning with Morning Prayer and the Sunday Homily. ***

15.01.2022 ***A MESSAGE FROM NOEL*** One of the things that I have been able to do during this lockdown period is to search my library; and to reread some of my books. Henri.J.M.Nouwen is a Dutch Priest and a great spiritual writer of many books. His 'Reaching Out' was a very significant read for me when I needed to recharge my batteries! This book lays out a wonderful plan for living a life in and with the Spirit and achieving that ultimate goal-union with God. Last week’s Worship Pape...r discussed the notion of sacred space, holy ground, and Nouwen has something to say about that in his chapter about loneliness being turned into solitude and our search for that solitude, where we can sense an inner unity and live in union with others and God. He relates a story of the separation from another person who he shared a deep and spiritual relationship with. At their last meeting the friend said to Nouwen From now on, wherever you go, or wherever I go, all the ground between us will be holy ground. I commend this writer to you, and will let you know of his other books at a later date. 2. It was sad news for all of us to read of the resignation of Ken Spackman as CEO of the diocese, he has also previously been the Registrar for many years. He led the diocese through some very challenging periods and has made a very considerable contribution to our church. We at Holy Trinity are indebted to him for his care, leadership and encouragement over the past 10 years. He has been instrumental in planning for the future development of the parish on this site and has taken a personal interest in its development plans. We shall miss him dearly. Please remember Ken and his family in your prayers as he begins a new stage in his life and ministry. Noel See more

13.01.2022 ***A MESSAGE FROM NOEL*** With the planned easing of restrictions, I was hopeful that we would be able to open the church for Sunday Service later in July, BUT, with the latest outbreak of cases of corona19 and the return to more stringent restrictions as from last Monday that does not seem to be likely. Added to that as I live in Sunbury in the municipality of Hume one of the high-risk Local Government areas, it means that I am subject to the lockdown and travel restrictions... that prevent me from driving to Port Melbourne as I have been doing these past weeks. As a result, I will work from home until further notice. I have been endeavoring to make contact with as many of you as possible during this time of isolation and will continue to do so. Can I ask you to let me know how you are managing and how you are feeling during this unusual time. Send me an email, a text, a letter or post card or a phone call as

13.01.2022 We want your holiday snaps! Lorraine is compiling everyone's ‘Favourite Holiday Spots’ for the newsletter next week. Please forward a recent photo of yourself, in a place that was memorable for you. Conditions... - you must be in the photo - email Lorraine by next Monday (July 6) at the latest Feel free to post you 'second memorable place' pictures below in the comments section of this post, but save the best for the newsletter.

06.01.2022 Amazing virtual video of ’Nearer, My God, to Thee’ by 800 musicians from 55 countries. Have you seen it?

06.01.2022 ***A MESSAGE FROM NOEL*** We must be careful not to write off this time of pandemic and put our lives on hold until we come out the other end. It’s important to use this unusual time in a positive way so that we emerge better off than we thought possible. We have an opportunity to develop new skills regarding our spiritual life. Many people are feeling lonely at this time as the covid 19 restrictions have prevented us from living our lives surrounded by people and activities.... Now is a good time to turn a negative loneliness, into a positive - solitude! Henri Nouwen in his book ‘In My Own Words' has a lot to teach us about solitude and its place in our spiritual life. He says that without solitude it is virtually impossible to live a spiritual life. It begins with a time and place for God and God alone, and that we need to set aside a time and a space to give God our undivided attention. He goes on to say that solitude in our lives is a most necessary but most difficult discipline, but essential because when we clear out all of the external stuff then an inner chaos opens up in us and our inner distractions manifest themselves to us in full force. But do not despair as this is the beginning of the search for solitude. More later 2. Thank you to all who have contributed to the parish finances in August 2020. Liz the Treasurer advises me that $1985 was paid into our Westpac Bank Account in August. If you have not been able to contribute please do so, as it’s essential that we keep up our parish giving during this lockdown time. Banking details are included in the Weekly Newsletter. Noel

04.01.2022 Please find below a message from Matthew and Stella. As many of you know, in 2016 they set up a charity named 'Winds of Hope' as a fundraising vehicle for projects and activities in Uganda, Africa. They have had various fundraising activities since 2016 and HTPM members have contributed and supported in various ways. *** They now have handmade masks for sale - if you’re interested, get in early! We’ll potentially need masks for a while yet. *** Kind regards Lorraine... Stella & I have a large batch (about 800) of hand-made 3-layer face masks arriving on Wednesday from Uganda, that we’ll be selling online next week as part of our fundraising for our projects in Uganda. If there are any parishioners from HTPM that would like any, they are available now on I have added a discount code ‘HOLYTRINITY’ which negates the shipping fee, since most parishioners are within walking distance of us and we can drop them in letterboxes during our 1hr exercise per day. If anyone lives outside the 5km limit imposed today, then we’ll post them as normal. All proceeds from these go to our Primary School Education and Healthcare projects in Uganda. We’ll start our actual public marketing of them on Wednesday, but am sending this in case anyone is interested beforehand as they will likely sell out quickly. Regards to everyone, and hope everyone is safe and well! Cheers, Matthew & Stella

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