Home & Pet Care Services in Perth, Tasmania | Pet service
Home & Pet Care Services
Locality: Perth, Tasmania
Phone: +61 408 374 785
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25.01.2022 These Two Maya & Bella are in search for their forever home , these girls are inseparable!! they are not sisters by blood but they adore each other and give ...each other so much comfort. Bella - tabby & white - 9 months old - always looks like shes smiling as for Maya - tabby - 12 months old - has constant resting bitch face ( we all know someone that has that ) These girls a quite shy initially, they need a very patient and loving home who can understand them needing to trust before they give out their endless love. They have both been with us at the Penna Shelter for over 5 months because their perfect home just hasnt come by as yet They love other cats and are fine around calm dogs. They do need an inside only home and a home withour children. Please contact us if you think your home is perfect for these two beautiful girls
24.01.2022 This is so relevant
24.01.2022 UPDATE: Abbey and Honey have been adopted Due to no fault of their own, Abbey and Honey are looking for their forever home together. They are just 7 months ol...d, house trained and have basic obedience training, great with other dogs, cats and kids over 5 years old. They are litter sisters and have a strong bond, so we will not separate them. We are looking for someone who has time to spend with them and further their training and able to have them living inside the home as part of the family. They are a mixed breed, we think Labrador x and are going to be large dogs when fully grown, as they weigh 35kg now and are situated near Longford in the North of the state. If you would like to meet them, please send a private message to this page telling us about the life and home you can offer them. Comments on this post are not monitored, so if you want to ask a question, please PM this page See more
23.01.2022 There's no good reason for whips in racing While the Spring Racing Carnival may look a little different this year, one thing is the same: the whip that’s held... in every jockey’s hand. We’re calling on the racing industry to phase out the whip. Why? Recent research has shown that there’s actually no link between whip use and the outcome of the race. Whips don't make racing faster, fairer or safer. Recent polling has also shown the public and punters don’t support the whip. There’s a better alternative whip-free racing. Read more about the study here www.rspca.org.au/campai/whips-racing/study-whip-use-jockeys #nuptothecup
23.01.2022 Please do not pay or give any information or accept a pet plan to anyone who is claiming to be Kimberlys pet service the men have Indian accents we do not have ...any one other than myself ever call for a payment. attached is our business no 0428568852 we do not have a land line starting with 02 or any other number we do not use a private number.It has been reported to police that people who have emailed me are being called its a scam my computer is in being cleaned as we speak be wary.We never cold call or email people or try to force services on anyone its not our style.Its a shame we have these low lives out there preying on people See more
23.01.2022 Please share far & wide
23.01.2022 WE DID IT! Laws to protect animal victims of domestic violence JUST passed through Parliament. Animal abuse will now be formally recognised as a form of domesti...c violence, and animals will be included on Apprehended Domestic Violence Orders. PLUS we passed an amendment so NSW law now recognises the link between animal abuse and domestic violence. But we won’t stop here, there’s more to be done. We need laws which recognise animals as living, sentient beings instead of mere ‘property’. I support the recommendation by Domestic Violence NSW that the definition of ‘persons’ in domestic violence legislation should include animals. The fact that animals are considered property under the law is an anomaly. Nobody considers their cat or dog as a piece of property- as nothing more than a table or chair, they are members of the family, and our legislation should reflect that. The Animal Justice Party is committed to working toward long term domestic violence reform. With my tougher penalties legislation now being debated in Parliament, I’m certain we’ll have even more success in this space to share with you soon!
22.01.2022 Beautiful Leeloo Is looking for a very loving home . She is such a sweet and loving girl, she is very affectionate and also quite independent. She loves to b...e around you and happy to be left alone to laze around in some sunny spots. Leeloo is approx 3 years old She does need a home as the only cat , she likes to be the queen of her house hold , she is also better suited to a home without small children and inside only You can meet Leeloo at our adoption centre in Penna Viewings by appointments only
22.01.2022 Francis Leclerc has these horses spellbound with his handpan playing Francis Leclerc - Handpan
22.01.2022 Made me cry ..
20.01.2022 RSPCA Tasmania regularly receives enquiries from cat owners who are experiencing difficulties budgeting to have their cats desexed. Like many other animal welfa...re organisations, in the past we have successfully operated localised desexing support schemes. However, COVID-19 has significantly changed things and we can see an opportunity to offer this program state-wide. Our program offers a simple online system to help cat owners stretch out the payments for their desex vet bills. The cat owner pays us a deposit of $30 up front. We pay the vet bill for them and they then repay the balance owing through their Centrelink payments at a minimum of $25 per fortnightly payment This program is only available to holders of health care, pension and student cards, and only one application per person can be supported at any one time. Visit https://www.rspcatas.org.au/rspca-centrepay-desexing-progr/ for more details and online forms.
20.01.2022 Coco and Smudge are still looking for the right home together These 8 year old siblings are seeking a home with an older couple or single person who is home mos...t of the time. They are seeking a home with no other cats or dogs and arent good with children as the are loud and scary lol They are very special felines who require maintenance on their gorgeous coats and so an indoor home is a must and prior knowledge about the breed is required. Come see them at the Longford Adoption Centre, open today and tomorrow 11-3pm
18.01.2022 I collected this poor girl yesterday. She weighs just 20kg. Thank you Tasmanian Animal Hospitals for calling me. I will make her fat, healthy and happy. I se...e so much cruelty it never gets easier, how people be so neglectful and indifferent to suffering just staggers me. This last week I have come home to Brightside with so many dogs, today I bought home this abandoned starving girl and a dog with severe behavioural problems. We also have old dogs, sick dogs, a dog born deaf and more greyhounds. We are absolutely full to the brim. I have 3 extras in the house as well thankfully they are all happy with my dogs. If anyone would like to help with our massive vet bills I will put our bank details below. Donations are tax deductible xx thank you I will share photos of those ready to find loving homes today. Donations are tax deductible. Brightside Farm Sanctuary BSB 807009 ACC 60088696.
18.01.2022 This cow was rejected by its herd, so he decided to be a dog Happy Hens & Highlands Farm
17.01.2022 Long-haired Dachshund Ruby is the sweetest girl you could meet! She loves a walk and a sniff (that's what that long nose was designed for!), and is a real peop...le-lover. Ruby is in her golden years at 13 years of age. We are looking for a home for her where she can be part of a new family and live out the rest of her life in comfort and with lots of love. Ruby is a little overweight, and it will be beneficial to her health for her remaining years to lose some of the excess, which will be easily done with a daily walk and an appropriate diet (and NO cupcakes!) We had to have Ruby desexed, had blood and urine tests done to check on her health and she needed 10 of her teeth extracted. She's bounced back following her surgery in fine form. All of that costs RSPCA money, and as a 13 year old we are not able to recoup much of the costs in her adoption fee. Even with a generous discount from Sheffield Vet Clinic, the bill came to in excess of $1,000. We have had several elderly animals brought to us in recent weeks, and each has needed extensive dental treatment which has a high price tag. However, we will always take whatever steps are needed to help these animals live a healthier, more comfortable life once they leave RSPCA. If you have a spare $10 or $20 please donate to Ruby's vet costs, please do so through our website https://www.rspcatas.org.au/donate/ We know that everyone is feeling the pinch and our futures aren't assured but good animal welfare reaches across economic conditions and we owe it to all of you (and to the less fortunate animals on our island), to continue to offer a second chance to the animals that come our way.
17.01.2022 This tiny glider is so adorable; love his little hands. Credit: Nattapinyapat Phuangphet via ViralHog
17.01.2022 Please. Someone must have spotted our little man. He has escaped 3 days ago from Blackstone heights. We are so desperate to get our little man home as we have a... very upset family. We are searching every spare minute we have. Jed is very old and friendly See more
17.01.2022 Cats, the only ones that will do as they please in the House of God
17.01.2022 This cute little lady is a member of the smallest possum species in the world! The Tasmanian Pygmy Possum. She was rescued via our 24 hour wildlife rescue hotl...ine after she was sadly brought in by a cat. Our vet team gave her a full health examination under a general anesthetic and luckily she only had some very minor injuries and is expected to recover fully. The vet team got this gorgeous video while she was waking up from her anesthetic #bonorongwildlifesanctuary #bonorong #wildliferescue #pygmpossum #tasmania Video thanks to Sam Seah.
16.01.2022 URGENT PLEASE SHARE TO HELP US FIND HER OWNER FOUND CAT - INVERMAY This gorgeous girl came in yesterday after being trapped on a property in Invermay ... Shes Desexed and microchipped but still microchipped under a rescue group In NSW Obviously she moved over with her owner to Tasmania Please help us find her owner as she requires medical attention Call us on 63889202
16.01.2022 Ok lovely Birman lovers, I really need your help! This is Winston, a 6 yr old red point Birman neutered male. I bred Winston, and he came home to me about two w...eeks ago, as he was being very bossy to his little birman sister. He is not aggressive to my crew, but does the typical birman huff when he sees any of them. There have not been any fights, but I can tell if he stays, it will change the harmony here. There must be a special someone, somewhere in Tassie that would take a chance on this boy? What his basic needs are, to have someone who doesnt work really long hours, be an only cat, needs regular grooming, and possibly someone that might put his harness on, and take him for a little walk in the garden most days. If I could please ask you to put your thinking caps on, and if you know of someone that is in Tasmania, you could let me know. He is the most loving, gorgeous boy, but after putting his pic up on my Birman page, and my private one, I havent had any takers. Maybe its because hes a red point, as when I had to rehome two little blue point girls as their mum died of cancer, I had over 300 enquiries. All I need in return for him, is a promise that you will love him xx This for Sue so out there must be a love if his life Winston
15.01.2022 Find out more about Chocolate and all our kitties for adoption at tenlives.com.au/adopt
14.01.2022 Introducing Phillipa, (calico), and Brian, (tabby), adorable three month old kittens that Patricia has been fostering for Rescue Cat Safe Haven. These two will be looking for their forever homes in the next few weeks.
14.01.2022 Yay! She has done it. Mira is over 400 grams. She’s like a naughty toddler now, full of energy and fight and waywardness. It’s a real battle to get her face was...hed, fur brushed and bumchiddlyahbah wiped for her morning weigh ins. She has very definite ideas on that! . . . . . . neonatalkittenrescuehobart #fundraisenoteuthanaise #everylifematters #rescuedismyfavoritebreed #thecatlvt #kittensofinstagram #kittenlady #hobarttasmania #hobartrescue #kittenrescuehobart #kittens #catrescuehobart #adoptacat #adoptakitten #adoptdontshop #catsofnewtown #instacats #catsofinstagram #catsofinsta #rescuecat #catshelter #foster #fostercat #animaladoption #spayandneuter #blackcatsofinstagram #tabby #tasmaniarescue #blind cats #specialneedscats #doitforHope See more
14.01.2022 *adopted, yay!* DIEGO MALE. Born 5th January, 2020. Member of the future world champion Kitten Rugby team, the All Black And Whites. ---... * How to adopt from us - https://www.neast.com.au/adoption-fees * See everyone whos available here - https://www.neast.com.au/adoptions or here - https://www.facebook.com/pg/NEASTcatsvids/photos/?tab=album&album_id=117593646416239 * Join us on our main Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/pg/Northeastanimalsanctuarytasmania See more
11.01.2022 Whats your cats favorite toy?!
11.01.2022 A reminder as we approach Easter. Keep your pets away from the chocolate! But if they do accidentally get some, here's a guide to what you should expect. If it's anything more than mild signs you should contact a vet clinic
11.01.2022 IMPOUNDED DOG - Northern Midlands Council 10/6/2020 ***FOUND CRESSY*** Female Labrador puppy (dark brown) found in Cressy today (10 June 2020).... Please call our Animal Control Department PHONE: 6397 7303 ORIGINAL POST: https://www.facebook.com//a.120737801300/3925163750858227/ (Tamika) #TLPRdognorthernmidlands
10.01.2022 If youre bummed out about the pandemic or the race riots heres a video of a robotic dinosaur reading a book to a litter of puppies.
09.01.2022 About Puppy Scams..... Last week I was invited to do a segment on TODAY show about the rise in Puppy Scams where people are paying for puppies that simply don’...t exist. While researching this segment, I was horrified to learn just how common Puppy Scamming has become and just how elaborate some of the scams are. Some of the scammers have very realistic fake digital profiles that use stolen images of adorable puppies. Some sites will also say that a pet is free to a good home" and that you just have to pay for travel costs they ask you to transfer money for the travel fees and you never see the animal. Most commonly, people have seen a really cute photo of a puppy advertised online and fallen in love with it. Emotions take over and they then correspond with the breeder" via email only. They are asked to transfer money to secure the puppy without ever seeing the puppy. I know there is a serious demand for puppies at the moment, especially "Oodles" but PLEASE do your research. My advice is always this if you are prepared to commit to bringing a pet into your family for the next 15 or so years, then you should be prepared to take the time to go to the place that your puppy was bred and be happy with the level of care shown to your puppy and other animals by the breeder. A good breeder should welcome you and be happy to answer all your questions. Some tips to avoid being scammed - Make sure you can meet the puppy this really is the most important thing! Ask to go to their place so you are comfortable with how the animals are kept. - Ask to talk to the breeder on the phone, not via email. If they don’t agree, it is likely a scam. - Ask for more photos of the puppy with its litter mates. - Do a reverse image search on any images shown if the images have been used anywhere before, it is likely a scam. - Ask for any breeder Identification details and check them against licensing bodies. If they say they are a ‘registered breeder’ you can check this against breeder lists in your state. -- if you have your heart set on a particular breed, go through the governing body in your State ( EG DOGS NSW for NSW) to find ANKC registered breeders and puppy listings. Many breed clubs will also have a rescue group for their breed, so adoption may be possible. - Puppies in most states must be microchipped before they are sold ask for the microchip details and check that is is a registered microchip. - If anything feels like it is not quite right, it probably isn't right! Please walk away and report if you think it is a scam. -please don't forget adoption as an option - be sure to go to reputable rescue group that temperament tests the animals in their care and will help to match the right pet for your lifestyle. That way you are helping give an animal in need a home and not supporting puppy factories or dodgy breeding. option. During my research, I discovered a wonderful Aussie website called Puppy Scam Awareness Australia - it full of useful information about what to do if you are scammed, spot a scam or want to make sure you don’t get scammed when buying a pup. This is a great place to start if you are looking to get a puppy. They also have a Facebook group that I am told is very helpful Puppy SCAM awareness AUST ** PS this is an important awareness post. Abusive comments towards anyone will be deleted and profiles immediately blocked. Please be supportive - share your stories and tips. We need to work together to educating people about the safest way to find a pet, whether by adoption or by purchasing a puppy.
09.01.2022 Meet Milo this sweet sweet boy is ready and waiting so patiently for his forever family . Approx 2 years young , Milo is the sweetest and most affectionate li...ttle boy, he has so much personality and just loves everyone. He is very cuddley and very playful He loves other cats and dogs Milo does have some balance issues which our vet feels this is most likely from birth, this doesnt hinder him at all however Milo will need an inside only home. please contact us if you would like to meet him located at our adoption centre in Penna Viewings by appointments only See more
09.01.2022 "ADOPTED " Gorgeous little Dash is looking for a wonderful home Such sweet and loving boy approx 12 months old, he has short little legs with a plump little ...tummy Dash is such sweet boy, he is so affectionate and loves pats and cuddles He loves other cats and is great around our shelter dog, he seems ok around the children he has met but hasnt been around them very much He will make a wonderful companion to someone special currently in our South Shelter viewings by appointments only See more
07.01.2022 Say Hello to 8 month old Cosmo! Cosmo is a snuggly bundle of cuteness! He loves affection and loves to be cuddled! He is very fluffy and soft and has a sweet li...ttle meow. Cosmo is still a kitten and loves to play. His favourite toys and blankets will be provided to go home with him when he finds his forever home. Cosmo needs be the only cat in the household as he is a dominant cat. We recommend that he goes to a home where he is not around other animals such as dogs due to his nature. He is not suited to a home with small children because he can sometimes play rough. Cosmo can be shy when you first meet him and he requires a quiet home. He will appreciate you being patient with him and providing him with the time to learn to trust you and for him to feel safe in a new environment. Once he feels comfortable around you and safe in his environment you will soon have a new best friend for life! See more
07.01.2022 Another year and another horse dead after the Melbourne Cup. It really is the disg(race) that stops the nation. As we’ve seen this afternoon, racing exposes an...imals, like Anthony Van Dyck, to significant risk of injury and sometimes death through trauma or emergency euthanasia. Vale Anthony Van Dyck. You deserved so much better
04.01.2022 JULIUS here. Well I haz big news. I is gettin to be a big boy now. Today I learned myself how to lick my leggies. Aunty Judy came to visit, she brushes me w...iv a special brush. I can drink 10 mls of a bottle just like that !! And I am growing growing growing. Mumma Lizzie takes such good cares of me. I am so lucky to be here. Im a mighty boy....hear me roar !! . . . . . neonatalkittenrescuehobart #fundraisenoteuthanaise #everylifematters #rescuedismyfavoritebreed #thecatlvt #kittensofinstagram #kittenlady #hobarttasmania #hobartrescue #kittenrescuehobart #kittens #catrescuehobart #adoptacat #adoptakitten #adoptdontshop #catsofnewtown #instacats #catsofinstagram #catsofinsta #rescuecat #catshelter #foster #fostercat #adoption #animaladoption #spayandneuter #blackcatsofinstagram #tabby #tasmaniarescue #blind cats #specialneedscats See more
04.01.2022 We are in need of some wet food an litter If anyone is able to help we will all be so greatful and thankful expecially all our rescue kittys We have quite... a few drop off points around the state NORTHERN TASMANIA Mowbray Vet Clinic 9 Pleasant St, Mowbray SOUTHERN TASMANIA Petbarn Rosny 25 Bligh St, Rosny Park OR 385 Penna road Penna (yellow donation bin at driveway) or contact us if you would like to visit our shelter while dropping off your amazing donations or if you would like to make a $$ donation Rescue Cats Safe Haven BSB 037 012 ACC 353 881
04.01.2022 For a while now we have had a mange covered wombat living under our house. I contacted Wombat Rescue Tasmania and was going to treat him but then didnt see him.../her again and thought the worst. I saw Womby again yesterday and contacted Jo, one of the WRT volunteers who very kindly delivered the treatment. I applied it to poor Womby today amid lots of growling and struggling (from both of us probably) and now we wait. Big story coming to Tasmanian Living about the Wombat mange problem in Tasmania soon. Might even make Womby his/her own facebook page... See more
04.01.2022 If ever a dog needed a lucky break in his life, it has to be Buster. Three years ago he was brought to RSPCA because his owner had passed away. We found him a l...ovely new home, where he has lived happily, but now, can you believe it, once again, he has been brought to RSPCA due to the death of his owner. To add to his bad luck story, in the last 3 years Buster has lost much of his hearing, and has developed a heart murmur which is being managed with daily medication. However, this jolly little dog still thinks he has a lot to live for. Hes almost 9 years old, loves a car ride (especially with the window down!), quite likes kids, and enjoys a daily walk. He does like to be inside with his human and doesnt think he should have to sleep on the floor (so you need a comfy lounge chair he can make his own). If you would like to know more about Buster, and feel you could offer him a good home for his remaining years please call Devonport Centre on 6427 2566. Wonder why senior dogs are amazing? One big reason is they show how age is just a number!
03.01.2022 Admit it, you want a hedgehog now
02.01.2022 Young fellow Oakey is growing up before our eyes! He's now around 8 months of age, and is still hoping every day the right person will come in to meet him and ...take him home. Oakey missed out on some basics as a pup, and although he loves people and other dogs, he needs to learn some calmer greeting behaviours. He is happy when he gets it right, so we know that continued consistent training is going to result in a great dog. To meet him at Devonport Animal Care Centre, call 6427 2566. You can read more about him on www.adoptapet.com.au See more
02.01.2022 What a beautiful moment! Credit: Gembo P via ViralHog
01.01.2022 ***WOW. We have been OVERWHELMED with interest in Baxter. Applications have CLOSED at present whilst the owner works thru all the EOIs!!!! If we open again we w...ill let everyone know*** Another REHOME ASSIST! This time its BAXTER, a neutered 12 year old medium Black and Tan dachshund. He loves kisses, cuddles, pats and is a lap dog. He is obedient and an housetrained indoor doggo. He isnt a fan of bigger dogs or cats, but gets along with another similar sized doggo he has been living with. He is VERY food driven and will follow his nose to all the snacks! Which unfortunately includes pinching them, even from children so Baxters best home would be one without small kids, cats, small animals or big doggos. Baxter is currently living in Scottsdale. Keen to learn more? Please contact us and we will pop you in contact with the owner. Remember as this is a rehome assist Baxter is NOT with NEAST and therefore none of our usual guarantees apply - were just popping people in contact with the owner. Also please no judgement - the owner has explained the situation to us and we understand the reasoning why <3 See more
01.01.2022 Throwing it back to the films that started it all! Last Chance to pre-order our plush here > https://bit.ly/bscpt
01.01.2022 **REUNITED** IMPOUNDED DOG - Break ODay Council 20/8/2020 ***FOUND ST. HELENS***... This lovely old girl was found on Gardens Road so she may belong to someone camping in the area. Unfortunately we cannot find a microchip to locate her owners. If this friendly lady is yours or you think you know who she belongs to, please give us a call on 6376 7900. PHONE: 6376 7900 ORIGINAL POST: https://www.facebook.com//a.584581101716/1667617880079881/ (Bronwyn) #TLPRdogbreakoday
01.01.2022 ***UPDATE - we’re so very happy to let everyone know that our dear Katnis was adopted today Thank you so much everyone for your shares and interest in her***... Our beautiful little cookie making queen Katnis is sadly still here at the shelter Despite posting her story several times, not one person has been to meet her since she arrived back from foster care 4 weeks ago Katnis has been with us since 2017...she has been lucky enough to have spent some of that time in lovely foster homes where she has learnt to enjoy life as a pet cat, but she really deserves to go to her forever home now. She is a gentle, sweet cat who loves to cuddle up to you and enjoys a little chat (especially when she’s hungry lol) she does prefer the company of women and is ok with other cats and a calm dog would also be fine for her. Katnis is available to meet at our Penna shelter by appointment. Surely there must be someone out there willing to give this sweet girl a chance?
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