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25.01.2022 She came , she saw , she .... could not finish it hahahaha #homeiswithyou #kenilworthbakery #foodchallenge #1kgdonutchallenge #eyestoobig #travel

22.01.2022 Did you know ? .... A crocodile walked into a bar .. Noonamah is located 45 kms South East of Darwin. Famous for its legendary Noonamah Tavern, Rodeo and travel slogan "Where the hell is Noonamah ?". Noonamah Tavern is also where a saltwater crocodile casually "walked into a bar" on a late Sunday afternoon in June 2008. ... #matthewbarkermusic #childrensauthor #caravanningwithkids #travel #earlyreaders #kidlit #kidsbook #theaandchief #readyourworld #australia #myparentsboughtacaravan #homeiswithyou #kidslitart #indieauthor #mustread #review #noonamah #pub #crocodile #sundaysession

18.01.2022 Based on actual events #homeiswithyou #matthewbarkermusic #childrensbook #author #travel #australia #theaandchief #caravanningwithkids

18.01.2022 Preorders open at #childrensbooks #childrensbookillustration #theaandchiefbyhannahkraschnefski #matthewbarkermusic #travel #australia #caravanningaustralia #caravanningwithkids

12.01.2022 Based on actual events !! #myparentsboughtacaravan #childrensbook #matthewbarkermusic #homeiswithyou #travelaustralia #caravanningwithkids #australia #adventure #read #kidsread #childrensauthor #theaandchief

09.01.2022 Can you find them all ? #homeiswithyou #matthewbarkermusic #childrensbook #author #travel #australia #theaandchief #caravanningwithkids #animals #hideandseek

09.01.2022 Coming 2020 !!! Preorders from December #matthew_barker_music #homeiswithyouaus #newproject #childrensauthor #theaandchiefbyhannahkraschnefski #theaandchief #travelaustralia #caravanningwithkids #australia #caravanning

08.01.2022 Made it halfway #homeiswithyou #1kgdonut #travel #kenilworthbakery #struggle #australia #foodchallenge

07.01.2022 10 days till Preorders are officially opened !! #homeiswithyou #matthewbarkermusic #childrensbook #author #travel #australia #theaandchief #caravanningwithkids #animals #hideandseek

06.01.2022 How we miss being on the road

04.01.2022 Give Away !! Only three days left till the kids start the school year (QLD) as well as three days till 'My Parents Bought A Caravan' is officially released. In order to celebrate I have 3 copies of 'My Parents Bought A Caravan' on Ebook to give away. To go in the draw : Like this page Share this post... Winners drawn on Monday 7pm See more

04.01.2022 Out Now at all good online stores

04.01.2022 Online preorders at Barnes & Noble are now open for the 28th of January release.

04.01.2022 Thank you to Mikayla and the team at NewsMail for today’s article

02.01.2022 ‘My Parents Bought A Caravan’ Preorders are now open. $22.95 includes delivery to anywhere in Australia. Physical copies to arrive prior 28th of January 2020... Ebook to be announced. Simply click on the shop now button above , or pop in to the website at #matthewbarkermusic #homeiswithyou #caravanningwithkids #travel #childrensauthor #childrensbook #australia #theaandchief #preorder

01.01.2022 How we arrived here My Parents Bought A Caravan My wife Natalie and I purchased a caravan in June 2018 with the goal of spending more time together with the ki...ds. Life was getting too busy and we both were working a lot in order to just get by. It seemed the more we worked the more we missed out on and the further away from that ‘idea’ we drifted. We both decided that the ‘idea’ that we were chasing so hard for really did not matter. What mattered was the time we have right now. So we sold a lot of our belongings, packed our bags and headed off at the start of the new year with a basic plan in mind. As a musician I had organised gigs as we traveled which gave us some financial stability. We started a little blog / Facebook page and I also had intentions to compose / write more original music as we went. Being an artist and songwriter I am always striving to be creative, however I had lost my ‘mojo’ when it came to music. So I turned to new mediums. I began creating videos of our travels which I fell in love with as well as writing poetry. During our travels things did go wrong, however in order to deal with these I found that writing them down and revising the story really developed the humour in these minor disasters. 5 weeks into our travels I began drafting My Parents Bought A Caravan. Taking the idea of a travel journal and blog entry and mixing that with my songwriting experience, I incorporated our personal (comedic) experiences and visualised these through our oldest son Harrison. We returned home after 8 months on the road and the next few weeks was spent editing the work. I realised quickly that in order to bring this story to life, I needed an amazing artist to illustrate for me. Hannah Kraschnefski is a talented artist from Toowoomba who took on the project and created some amazing pieces which not only compliment the text but in a simplistically beautiful way has illustrated the struggle, resilience and jubilation we encountered throughout our travel. My Parents Bought A Caravan is a heartwarming and hilarious adventure of mishaps, resilience and family togetherness. Based on real events. Available January 2020

01.01.2022 Over twenty locations !! #homeiswithyou #matthewbarkermusic #childrensbook #author #travel #australia #theaandchief #caravanningwithkids #animals #hideandseek

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