Home to Self | Medical and health
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25.01.2022 Winter solstice, longest night of the year. Darkest night of the soul. Sitting in ceremony around a fire for 18 hours. Co-creating. Sharing. Shedding. Burning. Dying. Recycling. Giving back to Earth. Connecting with the spirit of Fire. The nature spirits. New moon solar eclipse, in cancer, my sun sign. Feeling everything. Holding my heart. Sitting in intention. Listening. Listening to all that needs to come through at this time. I am inviting in the mystery, calling in the un...known, into my life everyday. This is a place, a space, I feel so challenged by, but incredibly liberated in at the same time. Opening up to the realm of possibility of all that is. Sitting in the uncomfortability of it all. Meeting edges. Pulling up a seat in this place. The space in between the experience of familiar and unfamiliar perceptions. Negotiating with my limits. From the heart space. With a knowing that no sense of linear progression exists here. At the core of an edge, lays a belief system that one cannot achieve something. Observing this belief, like prey, feeling into where it lays dormant in my body, in my subconscious. With my bow and arrow in hand. Seeing the stories that hold me back from my truth. Choosing truth. Choosing to step into the mystery, the unknown. As the edge dissolves, the stories dissolve. Liberating oneself. Into the mystery. What are you inviting in at this potent time?
23.01.2022 Edges. The meeting place between the dark and the light. At the core of an edge, is a belief system that one cannot achieve something. When I visualise the edge, I see myself walking towards the darkness of the unknown. Feeling heavy & dense yet infinite & weightless, all coexisting at once. When I take a step into this space, a bridge appears that connects me to something I have been yearning to step foot on all along. I feel at home again. Whole. The integration of the light and the dark.
22.01.2022 I don’t want a spiritual awakening. I’d rather have an instinctual remembering. I don’t want to spend my time on earth trying to transcend the fact that I’m here. I’d rather spend my time being more fully in relationship to the here and now. ~Emily Athena Abraham
20.01.2022 This morning I asked myself: How do I surrender to the process that naturally wants to unfold? I feel at home when I am surrendered into the essence of my feminine nature, receiving and receptive. In asking this question, I noticed that the challenge and resistance present was my reaction of control- and underneath that, the fear of being out of control. As I went deeper into this inner work exercise, embodying the resistance, and embodying my desired outcome- messages were c...oming through around trust, trusting that there is something else at play that cannot be spoken to or completely understood by my intellectual mind, and this which cannot be said, is within me and within you, it is constantly emerging and alchemizing. Infusing life with life. Later this afternoon, as I was driving to and from somewhere, 2 birds at different times flew directly into my car and died. I noticed my mind come in to control and manipulate the moment, telling me I could have stopped to avoid the birds death taking me away from what was. Taking me away from feeling and surrendering into the heaviness in my heart. As I began to sit in the truth of that moment, the realness of death. Noticing the ways in which that which cannot be said, is constantly communicating in the subtle realms and sentient experiences of our consciousness. I trust in the process that is unfolding in the palm of my hands. I am listening. I am remembering.
20.01.2022 The soft smells of a lavender bush. Mother’s gift to our nervous system. So calming and gentle. I feel at home. Nature has so much to teach us. ... There are messages in each & every petal. We just have to stop to take it all in. Connect into mother earth, And remember why we are here. Can you hear her sweet songs. Calling us to be. With her. With self. Nowhere to be. But be here now. With all that is. All the wisdom is within. Alone // All one. See more
17.01.2022 Wild wild is the night new new moon... new moon light see see the reflection I do see you I see you gemini truth speak your truth Wild wild night wild heart coming true I see you gemini moon by yours truely, Ella Moon & Bronte Pea x
13.01.2022 What I do know right now, is that I do not know. Noticing my mind, trying to define, it all. Trying to intellectualise, it all. As I dove into the ocean today, I let go of the need to know. I release control. Something that I called in at the winter solstice, was the mystery, the unknown. I am reflecting on all the moments I have been asked since then, to surrender into this place. I see clearly, that the universe is inviting me into the void, right now. Yet there is so much resistance in my body, in my being. Until I come to realise, that I am already here. Exactly where I need to be. With a deep knowing inside of me, waiting patiently with all that lays unsolved in my heart.
13.01.2022 Nervine tincture in the making for anxiety & sleep. Oats, Lavender & Passionflower. Calming, soothing and tonifying for the nervous system.
12.01.2022 We have total control over our own actions, but no control of the fruit of those actions ~ words inspired by the Bhagavad Gita. Let go of the outcomes. Act in alignment with your truth. Open to the realm of possibility and revel in the mystery of what’s to come.
09.01.2022 I have felt called to move and dance at this time now more then I ever have. Closing my eyes and going within. Embodying & channelling. Being present with all that is. The light & the dark, the contraction & the expansion, the love & the fear, the joy & the sadness, the death & the rebirth. ‘The purpose of having a human body is to channel the universal spirit in a very special way. Everybody has their own individual nature because of their individual task in this life as ...a channel.’ -Arnold Mindell I don’t have all of the answers but living the questions in each moment is all I need to do. Living the questions through my dance, through my writing, through my drawing, through my drumming, through my strumming, through my song- through my being. ‘When we open ourselves to our creativity, we open ourselves to the creator’s creativity within us’ -Julie Cameron. I hope we can all find some time in our days to open ourselves to the creative force that infuses all of life and lives within each one of us. Song- Intro by Bongeziwe Mabandla
08.01.2022 feeling very inward and tender hearted today. to be reminded by the wondrous words of Rainer Maria Rilke: ‘Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves. Do not seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer’ ..... slowly, gently ... bronte & to anyone else who needs to hear this. See more
07.01.2022 Mother earth and I in stillness together the other day and always. As I walked my bare feet upon her heart I asked if I had to tread lightly, and she whispered back no no my dear, it is not so much that you have to tread lightly, I can take enormity. I am strong and resilient. It is the intention in which you tread. Walking with respect, compassion and care for the heart of the land. She said, I can feel you that you feel lost at times, like you don’t belong here, you feel yo...u belong to some other planet, but at this moment in time home is here with me, deep within the earth. Live with your heart and live with mine, I talk to you through the rustling of the trees and the buzzing of the bees. Remember you do not own me. We live in symbiosis. This symbiotic relationship was lost when colonisation began. Now is the time to re-connect. Learn from the indigenous people of the land you tread on at this moment, the Wurundjeri people. Learn from all first nations people, they hold the wisdom of the earth. They are the elders of the earth, bridging spirit with earth. She said, live with the seasons, live with the cycles, live with the death and live with the rebirth. Live with the elements, live with the planets, live with the plants and live with the people. She said, I am the divine, the source of the three dimensional, the heart of the earth, all that which you need to remember is within your own heart- awaken to your hearts wisdom, listen to your souls calling. Trust that spirit will guide you.
04.01.2022 I am offering student sessions as part of my Holistic Counselling & Psychotherapy course. In these sessions, I use a Process-Oriented approach which involves interacting with the dreambody, to integrate and merge the unconscious with the conscious. I work with dreams, body symptoms, mental health imbalances and anything present for you in the moment. I honour the process that naturally wants to unfold, and facilitate a deepening into this using different channels of awaren...ess like movement, audio, visual and feeling based journeys. A safe and nurturing space is co-created to allow anything that needs to be heard or expressed to come through. I use an inclusive and trauma-informed approach. My intention is to guide you into your heart and home to the wisdom & wholeness of your being. Sessions are 1 hour. Zoom & in person. $50. For more info, contact me via hometoself.com.au With love, Bronte x
03.01.2022 ‘Leap, and the net will appear.’ -John Burroughs
02.01.2022 The full moon is approaching. Anchoring the fullness and potent power of the moon as my womb sheds and surrenders to the earth. Creating space to birth something creative into being. Creating so much internal space at this moment in time. Redefining. Shining light on all that I am giving my energy too. What do I need, what do I desire? Planting seeds in my garden, literally, earthing intentions for what I want to sprout into the world. Where do I want to channel my energy thi...s next cycle? Getting crystal clear on this so that I can penetrate into the world in integrity and truth. But first, a coming home, home to my centre. To the pistil, so the petals can form and unfold in due time. I desire to be seen, and on the other side of that there is a feeling present of not feeling seen. Stories circulating in my mind, blaming the other. Realising that the other is me. Where am I not seeing myself. or more so, where am I not revealing myself? What am I hiding from? So much learning through personal boundaries this week. Showing up for myself. Deepening the knowing that I will not abandon myself. As fear of rejection dissolves. This next cycle, I desire to reveal myself. My essence. Each petal unfurling moment to moment, with a desire for connection. To feel you, feeling me. To see you, seeing me. Slowly yet courageously revealing myself to you. Reveling in the reveal of the real. Artwork via @hheininge
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