A Lions Heart | Medical service
A Lions Heart
Phone: +61 481 880 288
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24.01.2022 Loving the Stillness xxx Smoothie, Meditation, Yin Yoga, Baree and a morning walk. The air tis so vibrant, and crisp, rain gently falling, almost like a whisper. ... Only one car was spotted moving On my walk, and several walkers. A beautiful change to the bustling Saturdays of Melbourne. Wherever you be, may your day be blessed and easefull. Now off to complete my final assessment Much love x
24.01.2022 Merry Meet Ill be offering 50% off Soul Guidance & Intuitive Tarot at this years Seven Sisters Online Festival. The festival is held 16-18th October 2020, and offers; More than 110 Workshops & Talks ... 70+ Performers & Artists 100 Therapists & Healers 100+ Market Stalls Interactive Art Retreat Spaces Purchase tickets here: https://sevensistersfestival.com/
23.01.2022 What if, we thought, instead of everything going wrong, everything is just right? Upside Down, Food for Thought
23.01.2022 A brighter future. I support individuality and free speech. All beliefs, are valid and true in our individual experiences and perceptions, and therefore accura...te for us. No one else has lived the fabric of our lived experience. What I do not support is individual perceptions and beliefs contributing to further judgement, separation and fear and how this contributes and perpetuates the very separation, we, as a community, and as a society are seeking to challenge. I am speaking directly to the perceived separation between the awake and the non-awake. There is no-doubt as a wider community and society there are challenges there. Yet how is creating further separation and fear of the awake vs non-awake, global world order and beliefs about whats wrong with society and those participating in it, achieving? What are people being woken up too what is the alternative? What vision are we offering? What new way of being? How can we as a collective seek to inspire, uplift and encourage people to be the best version of themselves? To share their inate gifts, talents and abilities and the simple joy of being inspired and with spirit in the world? Is utilizing fear, judgement of others, calling them names and purporting to know others intentions for wearing masks and otherwise conforming and participating in society, not the very foundation of fear and judgement upon which our current society been built? Is it time for a new vision? That uplifts, inspires, that offers solutions and motivates others to be the best version of themselves they can possibly be? Can we hold that vision in our hearts, of a transcended community? Then, take, embodied action from this awakened space? Counsellors and psychotherapists do this daily. Hold the vision, for the client, witness the beauty of the opportunity and hold a space of unconditional love and positive regard, respect and empathic congruence for them, to transcend and transform in their own time (and when it happens its so so beautiful and my favorite part of what I do). We all have the answers within, if were held in unconditional love and postive regard, respect and empathic congruence and able to be seen, acknowledged and accepted -for who we truly are, Then we can easily and effortlessly transform. This is the cornerstone of therapudic work. That is the power of love. So how can we hold the vision, uplift others and through unconditional, radical love, honour, respect and empathic congruence for others lived experience, perceptions and beliefs, hold space for this transformation to occur, and be the change, we are seeking to create in society, based on these principles? How can we hold a vision, for a brighter future? I love you. X
21.01.2022 I feel so incredibly blessed and privileged to work with the clients I do. Each Intuitive Tarot & Soul Guidence session I offer is an absolute gift. From my heart to yours I thank you. Ive extended my avalibility to Tuesdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays in August and September 2019. Inperson and Skype Bookings available through Facebook or messaging 0481 880 288. ... I also offer readings in the comfort of your home, for those of you nestled in for the winter. I look forward to hearing from you soon <3
20.01.2022 Merry Meet Good news! Im now happily settled into Montrose and the Yarra Ranges (yay) and am accepting bookings for Intuitive Tarot and Soul Guidance from Monday the 16 March 2020. Im also offering Intuitive Tarot and Soul Guidance at Seven Sisters Festival in Mount Martha between Friday 13th March 2020 to Sunday 15 March 2020. ... Bookings can be made at the Divination Space upon arrival. Readings are offered by donation or exchange at the following times. Friday 13 March 2020 ~ 3.30pm - 6pm Saturday 14 March 2020 ~ 8am - 10am Sunday 15 March 2020 ~ 12.30 -3pm Im also a qualified counselor and specialise in dream and ritual therapy (online courses commencing soon). I look forward to meeting with you! Honor
19.01.2022 This doesnt happen often!
17.01.2022 Hi All Apologies I havent been in contact, its been an eventful week (as it has been for us all). Seven Sisters Festival was remarkable, and as always a wonderful, nurturing and connected experience. Im ever so grateful, to experience that level of connection prior to a well needed, much appreciated, and enforced rest! ... Thank you also to all the wonderful sisters at the Divination tent, the Seven Sisters Event staff, and all the remarkable women I read for. Each and every one of you is a reflection of the eternal sisterhood and Im ever so grateful! Ive finally added pre-made bookings to my calendar and have made the decision to make all future bookings online (for now). Although in person is preferred for first time appointments, moving with the flow, and doing my part through self-isolation at this time, feels right. Bookings are available for Intuitive Tarot and Soul Guidance this; Saturday at 12pm and 2pm. Sunday at 11am, 1pm and 5pm Ill be completing readings via Zoom or Whats App. Please PM me to schedule an appointment. Nb: heres a picture of the sunset in the Yarra Ranges this morning! In warmth Honor
17.01.2022 Good News, 2 Soul Guidance and Intuitive Tarot appointments have become available for this Sunday @ 9am & 3pm. Please text 0481 880 288 to book.
17.01.2022 There is extraordinary in the ordinary when you simply know where to lookThere is extraordinary in the ordinary when you simply know where to look
16.01.2022 The wonderful Carol at Monkey Mountain in Maldon, is having a splendid Christmas sale, gifts, candles, incense, journals, books, jewelry and more! Treat yourself or a loved one to a magical treat this silly season x
15.01.2022 Morning Intuitive Psychic Reading & Soul Guidance appointments are available this Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons/evenings prior to a mini spring break (back on 7 November 2019). Readings available online, or in person. Home appointments available within 50km of Bendigo, Daylesford, Kyneton & Maryborough regions. ... Initial Readings- 1.5 hours - $130 (Includes 2 x 15 minute follow ups) Return Clients - 1.5 hours - $100 (Follow ups included). Enjoy your day :0
14.01.2022 Morning, I am experiencing difficulty with Mobile (and hotspot internet) coverage in Montrose. Telstra has been contacted and I am awaiting confirmation that the network has been fixed. Ill post an update when I am able to work online again. Thank you to all those whom have accepted rescheduling. At this stage all appointments for next week are able to go ahead. Many Thanks Honor
14.01.2022 Merry Meet Little update: What's happening? ... I'll be both working and attending a residential retreat from the 25 October 2020 to 23 November 2020 (very excited for the change of scenery & forest). What does this mean? My availability, will change to weekends for this duration, with some appointments made after hours weekdays (6pm onwards) on request. Offline video readings can be made, at any time, with a 5 day turnaround, from the request date. Thank you for your understanding <3 Honor
11.01.2022 Merry Meet on this cold winters day. In support of those impacted by Covid 19, I am continuing to offer a discounted exchange of $100 for 75 minute Soul Guidance & Intuitive Tarot appointments until 30 September 2020. I will continue to offer complimentary or heavily discounted appointments for those significantly financially impacted, for whom financial exchange is a challenge at this time. ... Everyone deserves support and Im only too happy to support, limited appointments available. Long-term clients, please note that your exciting exchange continues to apply. Stay Safe, Stay Well & Stay True & Stay You. Honor
10.01.2022 Merry Meet Im back from holidays and have made some bold, brave changes in 2020. The first is that Ill be residing in Montrose at the foothills of the Dandenong Ranges for the better part of the year. Im furthering my existing Counselling qualifications, to become a child psychologist and counselor and this requires I be residing close to Swinburne University in 2020. ... The good news is Ill be returning intermittently throughout the year, to continue working in local schools, and to run exciting new workshops, stay tuned for more information. This means that bookings will be required in advance. Ill keep you posted on where Im reading and when Im able to take in-person bookings in Castlemaine, Bendigo & Daylesford. As always, Skype readings, will be available throughout 2020. Im also introducing a $30 upfront payment, to cover the cost of the room hire. I understand that things can happen and we are not always able to attend on time, and Im incredibly flexible in this regard. This has been implemented primarily for clients that book and do not attend their appointment or contact me to advise what occurred (thankfully this is rare). Appointment availability is as follows: Monday 27 January 2020 (public holiday) 10am, 11.30am, 1.00pm, 2.30pm and 4.30pm. Tuesday 28 January 2020 10am, 12.00pm, 1.30pm, 4.30pm & 6pm Wednesday 29 January 2020 3.00pm, 4.30pm & 6pm (7.30pm by request) Thursday 30 January 2020 11am, 1.30pm, 3.30pm & 7.30pm Friday 31 January 2020 9am, 11.30am, 1pm Saturday 1 February 9am, 11am, 1.30pm If there is a time outside of these hours, please contact me to arrange a suitable time. in-person home visit readings are available for those Ive been fortunate enough to read for before. Skype readings are available outside of these hours. I look forward to working with you Honor
08.01.2022 A beautiful reminder about the Super Moon tonight from a beloved and respected friend and tarot extraordinaire Denise at Purple Moon Tarot.
07.01.2022 There is a Lunar Eclipse on 21 January 2019, in my sign of Leo. This Lunar Eclipse highlights heightened emotions and transformation around our intimate relationships, emotions, our family and home. This Lunar Eclipse complements the themes that were occurring during the last Eclipse on 5 January 2019. ... Uranus the planet of expansion and transformation is also in transit, so its a good time, to hold off on major decisions, unless Uranus is going direct in your chart (like me). For anyone new to astrology whom would love a personal chart of the year ahead, I highly recommend Chandra Easton at Star Astrology in Daylesford. Im offering Soul Guidance Intuitive readings, Dream & Ritual Therapy from 22 January 2019, after a well deserved extended break (and house move). Please message me to book. Bright Blessings for the year ahead xx https://www.facebook.com/1484914125/posts/10218640322707641/
07.01.2022 Merry Meet, Im back online (yay) Thank you to all those who rescheduled Ive got 5 Appointment Times avalaible this week Wednesday 10am (booked now), 1pm... Thursday 10am Friday 1pm If youd like an appointment after hours (5pm) please message me to request
05.01.2022 I had a beautiful reading with Honor and truly enjoyed the whole experience. Her warm, loving nature made the session incredible and I truly gained a lot of val...uable insight and confirmation that has helped me so much navigate my current situation and show me the way for my future. I highly recommend Honor and A Lions Heart to anyone who wants to learn more about themselves and this journey of life! Thank you!!!! See more
05.01.2022 This doesn't happen often!
05.01.2022 How are you traveling? As I walked to the shops this morning I was reminded, yet again, how the world as we know it has changed. The walk through the park, beautiful, the trees, the grass, glistening from their morning shower, watching a man play with his dog in the park, the call of the birds, and the crisp cool air, refreshing as I inhaled deeply. ... Then the supermarket, a small local IGA, the staff as always beaming and friendly (Montrose IGA rocks), the customers cautious, attentive and polite, then as I picked up my first item, I remembered I needed to disinfect my hands. This is when sadness came upon me.. Gone are the days of being wild and free, curious and playful, I thought, taking note to touch only what I would take home in the knowledge any item, along with my hands, my shopping bag, and key card, would all be disinfected upon arrival home. Im unsure why exactly this made me sad, except a loss of innocence and connection, a diligence I havent experienced or felt in this lifetime. Then I remembered my Yin Yoga online class this morning; Everything Changes and this too shall pass. So on this cool winter like morning (the season changes have crept upon us quickly hasnt it) I felt to check in and share, how are you, how are the changes manifesting for you?. This isolation period reminds me of the beauty of the cocoon, and natures knowledge that the key to transformation is to settle in, release resistance and allow the changes to eb and flow, for this too shall pass. Everything Changes Inherent in external changes is a magnificent potential for inward transformation and transmutation of beliefs, attitudes and ways of being we may have outgrown, or are clinging too, things weve put off until weve had more time. Weve received that time now, time for inward focus, time to reconnect with our intermediate family, time to focus on relationships- without external distraction, including our most important relationship, the one with ourselves. That is after all why we are here... Be safe wherever you be, Im off to spend a week, deep diving into me. Ill be back online for Soul Guidance and Intuitive Tarot in-line Sessions from this Friday. Everything Changes x Feel welcome to comment, like and share, I look forward to hearing and sharing your experience. Honor
04.01.2022 Morning all Ill be offering Soul Guidance Tarot reading at Carols lovely spiritual and unique gifts store, Monkey Mountain at the top end of High St in Maldon today from 11am. Readings are $50 for 30 minutes ... Chats and smiles absolutely free! Look forward to seeing you! Enjoy your day!
04.01.2022 Packing for the Divination Tent at 7 sisters, Ill be back online and accepting appointments from next Tuesday. May a merry weekend be had by all! Bless Honor
03.01.2022 Merry Meet, Im on holidays (I hope your are too) until 3 January 2019. For Soul Guidance, Dream work or Ritual Therapy appointments, Please book via Eventbrite link on this website or message me directly. Merry Meet Honor
02.01.2022 Merry Meet. Did you know, I also offer 'offline' recorded Soul Guidance & Intuitive Tarot sessions. Your questions can be answered, and explored, without the presence of a 'live' reading. Physical presence is not required for a reading. ... Offline readings are an excellent way to receive guidance, in your own time, and from the comfort of your own home. Longer readings (1.5 hours) do allow for the 'heart' of the matter to be explored, yet shorter readings can provide clarity on the next steps, the outcome of different choices & soul considerations. Shorter recorded readings available; 10 minutes: $22.00 (including recording) 15 minutes: $33.00 (including recording) 30 minutes: $66.00 (including recording) Please note that all recorded sessions take an additional 15-30 minutes to upload and transfer securely. This is factored into the pricing.
02.01.2022 A little message from my heart to you x
02.01.2022 Merry Meet Thank you to all those who have messaged. All online appointments for this weekend are now filled. ... Online appointments are available from next Tuesday. In service of all those experiencing transition and financial challenge at this time, Im offering; Reduced payment rates of $80 for 1.5 hours Intuitive Tarot, Soul Guidance and Counseling ($50 discount). Ive also set aside appointments each week, for those unable to pay, who would benefit from support at this time (even if its simply, someone to listen). Wherever you BEE May you find sweetness in this day and the weeks ahead, , may you taste the nectar of this inward time, may your loved ones and family BEE safe and remain in HIGH spirits! May every happiness be yours Love and ease in this transformational inner time to you and yours x Honor
01.01.2022 Morning Happy Saturday! There are 3 spots left for Readings tomorrow in lovely Maldon. ... 11-11.30am (30 minutes) 1 - 2.00pm (2 x 30mins or 1 x hour) 2.30-3.30pm (2 x 30 mins or 1 x hour) All readings $100 or $50 for 30 minutes . Please PM to book or text 0481 880 288 We look forward to seeing you!
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