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Horizon Kinesiology

Locality: Ourimbah, New South Wales

Phone: +61 406 945 844

Address: 24 Robert Holl Drive 2258 Ourimbah, NSW, Australia


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25.01.2022 What if this is it? We know it's not - but how do you know? The fact that you've asked that question means - there is more for you - but how do you find it?... Ask yourself a few questions: Am I focusing on what I do have or what I don't have? Am I focusing on what I am or what I am not? What are YOUR markers that indicate whether you are: Content (or not) Happy (or not) Fulfilled (or not) When you can find and align yourself with your HEART PATH you will feel all of those more often. You will stop simply responding to your daily life and start creating your life from your heart. If you want to know more about removing the limitations to you living your best life from your HEART - follow along we would love to have you here.

22.01.2022 SOME EXCITING CHANGES AHEAD and some changes that have already happened!! Hello all you awesome people out there. Hope you're all coping and managing the silly season with ease this year. Just wanted to write a post regarding some exciting changes to Horizon Kinesiology that will be coming your way in the New Year. ... I feel these changes will help create a space for more intensive, life changing work and commitment, leading to greater outcomes for all of you out there. My aim as a Kinesiologist is to help as many of you as I can through facilitating positive change in your lives and unleashing your own power to heal and achieve what you want out of life. Changes already made: An awesome new clinic space for your comfort (and mine) that is filled with lots of retro furniture goodness, Lava Lamp included!! Some people have already experienced this space resulting in glowing feedback and reviews. Pictures below. Changes that will begin in Janurary 2021 are as follows: Restructuring of current available services and new services to be added: - Stand alone Chakra balancing sessions. - Stand alone Meridian balancing sessions. - 1 hour introductory/"Quick Focus" sessions. - "Deep Focus" 3 Session Starter Package at discounted rates. - "Intensive Focus" 6 Session Package at discounted rates. - Introduction of payment plans. - Online/distance sessions to follow the above restructure More details about the restructure of current services and addition of new services will be made available in the new year. In the mean time don't forget about the session discount offer thats currently running if you'd like to get in for a session before Xmas. DM, email on aaron@horizonkinesiology or text 0406 945 844 for more details if you missed the post or have any questions. Aaron

22.01.2022 Self sabotage via procrastination There are a number of reasons why we procrastinate. Fear of the future, of failure, of success, of being judged, of being fo...und out, of being a fraud. The list goes on. Ultimately though, the fear comes from an unresolved trauma or experience that made us question: can I be me now given what has happened. If the answer is no or I don't know now we have to survive. It's when we don't understand the experience and why it happened that it remains unresolved and we stay in a fight-flight response. We stay overwhelmed, vulnerable and unable to access our creative resources to change the status quo. We don't trust ourselves to respond appropriately, make good decisions or change. So our brain sets us on survival repeat and this is where we stay until we RESOLVE why. Once we understand and know that we can be ourselves regardless of what happened then we can move on from fear. Move on from procrastination and other limitations towards freedom and we all want that, right? Tag someone who might benefit from knowing this

21.01.2022 What is a Chakra? Hello all you fantastic people out there!! Hope you're having great day so far? Hands up if you've heard the word Chakra before and thought "Whats a Chakra'?... If so, you're definitely not alone. In this next series of upcoming posts I'd like to explain a little bit more about what Chakas are with my aim being to give you some more knowledge and understanding about whats happening energetically within your body. So, to start with lets define what we're talking about when we use the word Chakra. Properly pronounced with a hard "ch" as in chorizo, chakra is a word from Sanskrit basically meaning "wheel of light". Chakras are whirling centres of life force energy occurring in what is called the subtle body or energy body. They're not physical in the literal sense- as in you couldn't dissect someone on the operation table and find or replace one of their chakras!-yet they are experienced in the body as a subtle activation of energy in various locations such as the heart, belly or throat. Tomorrow we'll start to explore the 7 main Chakras!! Aaron

18.01.2022 Do you have symptoms that you just can't shake off? Symptoms like: Anxiety Depression... Self sabotage Self criticism Emotional instability If our original trauma/experience remains unresolved we continue to respond to it as if it STILL HAPPENING today. Why? Because we weren't ready last time, we didn't expect it. We NEEDED to survive so we automatically switched on our defence system. The threat, the possibility of it happening again, if never resolved, it never went away. Now we need to be ready - just in case. It might not be logical or even probable it just has to be possible. If it's possible (and it is because it's happened before and it cost me) then I need to be ready - today and in the future. I need to be in defence, I need to be on alert and in constant Fight/Flight. Once this is set we are on repeat, repeat, repeat. Repeat the symptoms, repeat the powerlessness, repeat the same, same, same... just in case.

17.01.2022 The 7 main Chakras!! Carrying on from yesterday's post, today we'll do brief rundown of the 7 main Chakras. The 7 main or most commonly known Chakras run on a vertical line in the centre of your body from the tip of your tail bone all the way to the crown of your head. ... Each of the chakras has a name and correspond to energy centres in the body where a major organ exists. They also correspond to the endocrine system (your hormones), a colour, an element and also have psychological associations. They are as follows starting from bottom to top. First Chakra - Location: Base of spine between the anus and genitals Name: Root Chakra, Base Chakra, Muladhara Colour: Red Related Organs: Bones, skeletal structure Element: Earth Second Chakra - Location: Lower abdomen, between naval and genitals Name: Sacral Chakra, Adishthan Colour: Orange Related Organs: Sexual organs, bladder, prostate, womb, kidneys Element: Water Third Chakra - Location: Between the oval and base of sternum Name: Solar Plexus Chakra, Manipura Colour: Yellow Related Organs: Digestive organs and system Element: Fire Fourth Chakra - Location: The centre of the chest, the heart Name: Heart Chakra, Anahata Colour: Green Related Organs: Cardiac and respiratory systems Element: Air Fifth Chakra - Location: Throat Name: Throat Chakra, Vishuddha Colour: Blue Related Organs: Vocal chords, mouth, throat and ears Element: Ether Sixth Chakra - Location: Above and between the eye brows, third eye Name: Third Eye Chakra, Ajna Colour: Purple/Indigo Related Organs: Pituitary gland, eyes Element: Light Seventh Chakra - Location: Top of or just atop of the head Name: Crown Chakra, Sahasrara Colour: White; sometimes seen as violet or gold Related Organs: Upper skull, cerebral cortex, pineal gland Element: No associated element, sometimes know instead as consciousness Tomorrow we'll start taking a deeper look into each Chakra individually. Feel free to DM me if you'd like to know more about Chakras and how Kinesiology can help or comment below with your questions. P.S Don't forget about the session discount offer I posted a few days ago if you or someone you know is in the need of some help over the silly season. Have an awesome day!! Aaron

17.01.2022 For more information on how Kinesiology can help you, visit email on aaron or call/text on 0406 945 844

12.01.2022 To all my fellow perfectionists out there, be kind to yourself and remember that progress NOT perfection is all you ever need to aim for. A Kinesiology session can help If you'd love to work on releasing your perfectionism. DM for more info on how Kinesiology can help or to book in for a session.

11.01.2022 MY SET UP FOR SATURDAY ONLINE SESSIONS!! Quite cosy if I do say so myself. Online Sessions are available on Saturdays from 9am - 3pm!! (and Monday to Friday 10am - 5pm)... Did you know online/remote/distance sessions are just as effective as In Clinic sessions? Online sessions are a simple and effective way for you experience Kinesiology from the comfort of your own home and a great way to start positive transformation through the shifting of unwanted behaviours, habits and emotions that have left you feeling limited, stuck and in pain. Be it via Zoom, Skype, FaceTime or Messenger Video, an Online Session is great for those of you who live interstate or outside of a reasonable travel distance. All I need from you is some information about the symptoms, issues, struggles, goals, dreams or physical issues you are dealing with, and we’re good to go. In Online Sessions we’ll focus on unlocking some new insights into your body, mind and emotions, providing you with some greater awareness of why you're feeling the way you are. Experience the disappearance of blocks and blind spots in your life that may be consciously or subconsciously holding you back from living a fully self-expressed, passionate and fulfilling life!! For more information head to: If you have any questions about Kinesiology or Online Sessions: email [email protected] call/text on 0406 945 844 To book in now head to: Aaron

11.01.2022 Self-help advice should be thought of as information or inspiration. Self-help is advice based on someone else's experience, something that has worked for them.... It CAN work for you (sometimes) but we're more concerned with why it's NOT working for you MOST of the time and now you're "beating yourself up" about it. Why can't I do it when everyone else seems to be able to? I'm hopeless, lazy, stupid! Until you sort out the reason from your past that keeps you doing the same thing you will - keep doing the same thing it's programmed. It takes a conscious awareness of the pattern to begin the change process - the awareness leads to understanding which in turn leads to opportunity to change.

11.01.2022 Through various gentle techniques, a Kinesiology session can help to identify and treat the root cause of your stress. For more information on how Kinesiology can help you or to book in for a session, visit, email on aaron or call/text on 0406 945 844

09.01.2022 Well.the first shipment of Horizon Kinesiology pens flew out of stock at an unprecedented rate.granted there was only 3 pens to start with but heyI’m taking it as a win hahaha!! Due to incredibly high demand, another order was placed and late last week the new shipment arrived!!! The super smooooth writing action, comfort grippy-ness Horizon Kinesiology pens are now back in stock!!! All you have to do to get your hands on one of these now world famous pens is head over to book in for a session between now and the end of February and you’ll not only get to take home a pen to make all your friends and family jealousnot that we condone jealousy but in this casewe’ll let it slide hahahabut you’ll also go home feeling absolutely awesome after the what’s not to like about that??? P.S You can also text on 0406 945 944 or email [email protected] to book in.


07.01.2022 Absolutely awesome and busy week all done!! Time to unwind and recharge!! Thank you so much to all of my amazing clients for a mind blowing week!! ... Your trust in me, commitment to yourself, willingness, and courage to do this work is truly inspiring and I feel so grateful and privileged to be a part of your journey, growth and progress. Have a fantastic weekend everyone and looking forward to more fantastic sessions next week!!!

06.01.2022 When you want to have Football Shirt Friday in clinic but it’s a Wednesday so you decide to have Football Shirt Wednesday instead

06.01.2022 SESSION DISCOUNT OFFER!!! Hello there all you amazingly fantastic people out there!! Hope all has been going well? With Xmas only 6 weeks away, we are swiftly approaching the silly season!! During this time, stress and anxiety can definitely take hold. There's the possibility of financial strain and stress and It can be all too easy to get caught up in the shopping, wrapping presents, cooking, tidying the house inside and out for visitors etc.... To help deal with the stress, pressure and anxiety of this hectic time of the year, I am offering a discount of 50% on sessions if you are an existing or past client and you refer a new client. The new client that is referred will also receive a 50% discount off their first booking. So, If you feel in need of a session or have any friends or family that have been asking about, or interested in trying Kinesiology, now is the time to jump on this offer. Available until December 20th 2020. To book: email at [email protected], call on 0406 945 844 or visit the Horizon Kinesiology website booking page

05.01.2022 BASE/ROOT/1ST CHAKRA: I AM How to know if your First Chakra is out of balance. Located at the base of the spine, the Base/Root Chakra is the foundation of the Chakra system and is the start of the long journey upwards to the crown of the head.... Physiologically speaking the Base/Root Chakra governs the lower part of the body, including legs, feet, large intestine, colon and the bones in general. If you have issues in any of these areas, consider that an invitation to open and balance you first Chakra. Psychologically The Base/Root Chakra is associated with survival, the need for support, foundation/grounding and nourishment, which are all seen as the very first challenges we face in life and the basic needs we have in order to not only survive, but thrive. Just as a tree buries its roots deeply to create stability and structural integrity we too desire the need for the structure and stability in all areas of our lives. Your home life, job, physical body and diet are all areas which can hold and give you the support you need to live a long and healthy life. If your First Charka is off balance, then as a result your base foundation is not solid and you may develop some compensations or avoidance. For example; If you’re the kind of person who resists structure or avoids paying attention to certain areas of life, you may be missing out on the benefits of a strong and balanced first Chakra. You may also feel a bit all over the place and not truly grounded or settled, you compensate by trying to control all circumstances around you. The mind chatter is relentless and you’re always trying to figure everything out in advance as an attempt to predict and prepare yourself for the future in order to feel safe and secure which results in you living life entirely from your head. Through Kinesiology, we can get to the root cause of what’s causing your Charka system to become unbalanced and through various techniques rebalance your Chakra system. If you feel like you’d love to have some Chakra work done, feel free to contact me for more information via DM, email on [email protected] or text on 0406 945 844 or to book in for a session visit the booking page at Aaron

05.01.2022 ANXIETY is about FEAR. Fear that something that's happened to us before will happen again. ANXIETY is about SELF-TRUST... We don't trust ourselves to respond appropriately in the future because we are afraid. (The future is anytime ahead of now, even 1 second.) ANXIETY is about FIGHT and FLIGHT because we don't know when the threat will appear but we know we need to be ready so we can survive it. That's what we learned last time. We stay in fight and flight because the threat is NEVER resolved. We stay afraid. We don't know (and therefore don't trust) if we will be able to respond in the way we want to so we stay worried. We stay trapped. We feel anxious. When we understand why we have anxiety we take the first step towards resolving the reasons why. Anxiety needs to be managed, no question. But if the reason you have anxiety isn't RESOLVED the fight and flight remains and instead of living your best life you end up just surviving. Because you have no choice. Fight and flight is all about survival. That's the priority. It's not about healing, resolving or moving forward. It keeps you stuck doing the same, and feeling anxious. Follow us for more posts to help you understand anxiety and where it comes from

05.01.2022 Thanks soooooo much

02.01.2022 How many things on this image can you relate to? Maybe you've experienced a few of them before (or still are) and didn't know they were linked. Anxiety can sneak up on you slowly and before you know it, it can take over. Leaving you feeling like you're crazy and your life is out of control. Maybe you start pulling away from friends or are to scared to be alone because your brain won't switch off. Over eating, not eating, even drinking more alcohol to numb it. This list can g...o on. The good news is, it doesn't have to stay this way. There is help out there and people who'd love to support you. 99% of my clients have some degree of anxiety. I can relate to what they're going through because I've been there myself. Kinesiology has helped me so much and may be able to help you too. It's not a one session quick fix, but one session can certainly start shifting things in the right direction for you. For more information on how Kinesiology can help you or to book in for a session visit, email on aaron or call/text on 0406 945 844 See more

01.01.2022 It's unattainable, unachievable and most of all it's unhealthy and self-defeating. So why can't we stop? Why can't we let it go? Because striving for it is a s...trategy to address underlying "not enoughness". The "I'm not good enough unless..." This comes from an unresolved experience that made you "wrong", made you feel you weren't good enough. This then put you into a survival (fight-flight/defence) response. This means you will continue to experience and therefore feel you're not good FOREVER until you R E S O L V E what created this in the first place. The strategies (like perfectionism) only make you feel better about not being good enough. They don't solve the problem and they never will. Strategies aren't solutions, but the "right" strategies can give you space. Space to heal so you are no longer driven to perfectionism by your past not enoughness.

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