Horizons College in Caboolture, Queensland | Secondary school
Horizons College
Locality: Caboolture, Queensland
Phone: +61 7 5428 0104
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25.01.2022 Here at Horizons College we are in the midst of the first week of the mid-year holidays, but that doesnt mean we arent keeping busy! This morning, First Aid Brisbane Pty Ltd came to the College to put our staff through their annual First Aid refresher. We are pleased to report that we all passed with flying colours! Thanks First Aid Brisbane ... If you are interested in learning First Aid or need to complete your own annual refresher course, check out https://www.firstaidbrisbane.com.au/
25.01.2022 Queenslands road-map to a COVID-safe recovery, allowing more travel, activities and gatherings. From 11.59pm, Friday, May 15, the following will be allowed: Gatherings of a maximum of 10 people together in a public space... Dining in at restaurants, pubs, clubs, RSLs and cafes for a maximum of 10 patrons at one time as part of a gradual re-opening (no bars or gaming) Recreational travel of a radius of up to 150km from your home for day trips Some beauty therapies and nail salons for up to 10 people at one time Reopening of libraries. playground equipment, skate parks and outdoor gyms (a maximum of 10 at one time) Wedding guests increased to 10 people and funeral attendance increased to 20 (30 outdoors) Open homes and auctions with a maximum of 10 people at one time; Re-opening public pools and lagoons (eg South Bank, Orion Lagoon, Airlie Beach) with a maximum of 10 people at a time or greater numbers with an approved plan Stage Two, effective 11.59pm, Friday, June 12: Gatherings at homes with a maximum of 20 visitors Dining-in at restaurants, pubs, clubs, cafes and RSLs for up to 20 patrons at a time and an option for more with an approved COVID-safe plan Holiday travel within your region Stage Three would include reviews of border closures and build to 100 customers for venues giving certainty to business, communities and families to be able to plan ahead. For more information: www.covid19.qld.gov.au #coronavirus #qldjobs
24.01.2022 This weeks Star Photographer is Certificate III in Business Student Kriti #whereelseinqueensland
24.01.2022 Dont these photos just make your mouth water?! . Horizon Colleges Year 11 and 12 Hospitality students have been cooking up a storm, creating some amazingly tasty treats from our new made-to-order lunch menu for their fellow cohorts. . Pictured here are the Vege Focaccia, Silver Salad, Horizons Open, The Club Bread Roll and Bookmaker yummo! - Nathian Bertling & David Kirkman-Jones
23.01.2022 HORIZONS COLLEGE'S MOVE TO ALTERNATIVE LEARNING ARRANGEMENTS Our school, like others, respects the advice of the expert health authorities and has been following this advice by continuing our program of face-to-face teaching. Following on from the Prime Minister's recognition last night that some schools have already moved to alternative learning arrangements for students, our school has decided to provide learning at home resources for students until the end of the term. ... This arrangement will commence from and including Wednesday, 25 March. Learning at home resources while Horizons College will be providing student learning online via Google Classrooms, we understand and respect that not all of our students have access to a computer or the Internet. As such, all students will receive hard copies of activity booklets and/or learner guides for their subject areas via a mass mail out on Wednesday, 25 March. Our thoughts are with every member of our community during this uncertain time. We hope that you all stay safe and well.
23.01.2022 Empty supermarket shelves have created extreme demand for basic meats, vegetables and pantry staples as people prepared to isolate from COVID-19. . Currently many Australians are left scratching their heads figuring out how to make dinner during these unfamiliar times. . One of Horizons College own MasterChefs Dan Cannon, said although it was frustrating, now was a good time to try new recipes like one of these creations produce in our college kitchen.
23.01.2022 Happy Mothers Day to all of our past, current and future school Moms.
22.01.2022 What is social distancing and why is it important? Social distancing includes ways to stop or slow the spread of infectious diseases. It means less contact between you and other people. Social distancing is important because COVID-19 is most likely to spread from person-to-person through:... -direct close contact with a person while they are infectious or in the 24 hours before their symptoms appeared. -close contact with a person with a confirmed infection who coughs or sneezes, or - touching objects or surfaces (such as door handles or tables) contaminated from a cough or sneeze from a person with a confirmed infection, and then touching your mouth or face. So, the more space between you and others, the harder it is for the virus to spread.
20.01.2022 Having the chance to complete an assessment by taking photos of the Queensland Reds with Canon Australia from the sideline of Suncorp Stadium is not something everyone gets to do, so understandably Horizon College students Jayden Harris and Brodie Halligan have been grinning from ear to ear since they got to do just that on Saturday. We have been so impressed with the shots taken by the pair, including Jaydens top ten below! #wearered #whereelseinqueensland #canonaustralia
20.01.2022 We love seeing our students developing and improving in the pursuit of their chosen passions. Photography student Troy Perry created these beautiful images at Cabooltures Centenary Lakes this week, using the HDR technique he recently learned in class. For those of you who are wondering, HDR uses post-processing to combine multiple images of the same scene shot at different shutter speeds into one image, which ensures the most amount of detail possible is shown in the capture. #whereelseinqueensland
20.01.2022 For many of our students, basketball is a beloved pastime for recreation and for fitness. . We are pleased to announce that now, thanks to the collective efforts of our Junior Garden Class, Horizon College has a new backboard and hoop for all students to enjoy! #whereelseinqueensland
19.01.2022 Diving into the small world of a Bug's Life, with macro photographs taken by our very own Brodie Halligan. #WhereElseinQueensland
18.01.2022 Queensland school students will be learning at home for the first five weeks of Term 2, with schools only open for children of essential workers. All students who can learn from home are to stay at home. Horizons College will reopen on Monday, 20 April for the students in the following categories only:... Children of essential workers on days when they are not able to be supervised at home and no other arrangements can be made. Essential worker means any worker who must continue to attend their workplace for essential business during this time. Vulnerable children include children identified by schools or who: are currently receiving services from Child Safety, including children who are subject to a child protection order are subject to a youth justice order. If you are an essential worker and your child needs to attend school, please advise Horizons College by close of business on Wednesday, 15 April. Please send an SMS or email to [email protected]. The school office will be open for calls from Wednesday on 5428 0104.
18.01.2022 Images captured using the HDR technique during today's Cert-3 in business class by Year 12 student Jayden Harris #photosoftheday #hcphotos #whereelseinqueensland
15.01.2022 As our 2020 year comes to a close, it was time to recognise our star achievers during our end of year ceremony for grades 7 to 11 here at Horizons College. Congratulations to our award-getters, to those who received Certificates I, II and III, and to all of our students and staff on their efforts during what has been an especially unique year for all.
15.01.2022 You cant get much closer than this! Horizons College students Brodie Halligan and Jayden Harris are on the field at Suncorp Stadium with Canon Australia, ready to capture tonights Queensland Reds game! Their resulting photos will complete the final part of their AHCHAR306 Conduct Photography for field work assessments. #wearered #whereelseinqueensland #canonaustralia
15.01.2022 We are sure you wont be surprised to hear that Horizon College students Brodie Halligan and Jayden Harris had a fantastic time shooting the Queensland Reds game from the sidelines of Suncorp Stadium, thanks to the support of Canon Australia. The pair walked away with so many great shots - here is Brodies top pics! #wearered #whereelseinqueensland #canonaustralia
15.01.2022 Enrolments for 2021 are filling fast! . Enrolments for Year 7 are filling fast and we currently have vacancies for students in other year levels. . Please contact our office on 5428 0104 for enrolment information or to organise a meeting with our Principal and a personalised tour of the school. ... #whereelseinqueensland See more
14.01.2022 We might not be able to go to the Ekka this year, but that hasnt stopped Horizons College students entering the annual RNA Digital Photography Competition for school students! . Our congratulations go to Nathian Bertling and Chloe Busch who were recognised as Highly Commended and Commended respectively for these great entries. We also wish to acknowledge Kriti Chetty, Brodie Halligan, Krystal Russell and Keearna White who also put in a great showing in this highly competitive contest. #Ekka
14.01.2022 Horizons College has a dedicated class for its students who are interested in pursuing a career in hairdressing, teaching them fundamental core skills as they explore their passion. We also never have any shortage of willing hair models! Today we have (l-r) Kristin showing off her mermaid curls, Sienna rocking some crimping and Chelsea modelling some beautiful curls created with a curling wand. #WhereElseInQueensland
14.01.2022 At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we pay tribute to our veterans a little differently this year. . As we face continued uncertainty due to COVID-19, we need to bear the qualities of Anzac courage, ingenuity, humour, endurance and mateship within ourselves. #LightUpTheDawn
13.01.2022 Today was certainly a fun day for all at Horizons College with our students participating in Crazy Colour Day as part of the Nature’s Way Kid Smart School Fun Run program! Students, teachers and valued helpers headed over to Centenary Lakes at midday for a fun 3km course full of powder throwing, bubble blowing and water guns before returning to Horizons College (after cleaning up their mess of course) for a celebratory BBQ. While it may have been a hot one, a look at some of ...the photos from today’s event show there were smiles all round - images - Chloe Busch
13.01.2022 Images captured using the HDR technique during todays Cert-3 in business class by Year 12 student Jayden Harris #photosoftheday #hcphotos #whereelseinqueensland
13.01.2022 Today at Horizons College we celebrated the LGBT+ community during Pride Month, with Pride Cupcakes made by our grade 12 hospitality students. . Pride Month celebrates the Stonewall Riots, which happened in June 1969. The Stonewall riots were the first time the LGBT+ community stood up for themselves, back when it was illegal to be in the LGBT+ community, this is when they saw for the first time that they could fight back against the laws that oppressed them. . As a result of... this uprising, the LGBT+ community celebrates June, as the month to be prideful of their sexualities and orientations! . Content created by our student leaders, Nathian & Krystal. See more
12.01.2022 Horizons College has finalised its COVID-19 alternative learning arrangements. Yesterday our dedicated team collated and sent out the learning from home resources and put the finishing touches to our Google Classroom online learning system. Students your Horizons sample bags packed with activity booklets, learner guides and lots of other goodies are on the way. #WhereElseinQueensland
12.01.2022 Our on and off campus students catching up before getting down to business for our Cert III Business class. Image and text created by student Nathian Bertling
11.01.2022 Diving into the small world of a Bugs Life, with macro photographs taken by our very own Brodie Halligan. #WhereElseinQueensland
10.01.2022 Meet of resident Burger King Brodie. Hands up if you enjoyed Burger day last week.
10.01.2022 Dont get us wrong! Everyone loves the classic photo. But lets enjoy a bit of thinking outside the box photography by Year 12 student Tylor Galea. #photooftheday #whereelseinqueensland
09.01.2022 Some restrictions are easing this weekend. To ensure that case numbers stay low and restrictions can continue to ease, practise social distancing at all times - including staying 1.5m from others
07.01.2022 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Prevention and Control Policy . Horizons College is committed to ensuring the health and safety of all employees, students and their families. The purpose of this policy is to outline the strategies and actions that Horizons College will take to prevent the transmission of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) or control transmission of the virus when a case is identified.... This policy is available on the school website at http://horizonscollege.qld.edu.au/policies/
05.01.2022 Year 11 and 12, Cert 3 in business students today participated in a photographic brief "Figure to Ground". Our young people produced a sophisticated and stylised array of work unique to each individual, like this image by Nathian Bertling #hcphotos #WhereElseInQueensland
05.01.2022 Don't get us wrong! Everyone loves the classic photo. But let's enjoy a bit of thinking outside the box photography by Year 12 student Tylor Galea. #photooftheday #whereelseinqueensland
05.01.2022 Week Two, Term Three and some of our IDMT and Business creative minds have been out with their cameras. . #HCPhotos #WhereElseInQueensland #canonaustralia
05.01.2022 Update on Covid-19 restrictions from Queensland Health - starting Sunday!
04.01.2022 Nice To Meet You, But How To Greet You? #NoHandshake The elbow bump has replaced the handshake around the our college
04.01.2022 Theres always something happening here at Horizons College today the Year 7, 8 and 9 Gardening Classes have done some more work on our new green space Stay tuned for updates we cant wait to see what they come up with! Troy Carroll 9B #whereelseinqueensland
03.01.2022 Some of our extraordinary superheroes on a mission this week to conquer blood cancer by getting sponsored to shave or colour their hair. #wgs2020 #worldsgreatestshave #donate #WhereElseInQueensland
03.01.2022 Happy Easter from all of us at Horizons College to you and yours.
03.01.2022 Horizons students greeting each other in 2020 Created by Krystal, Matthew, Alex and Joshua #brisbane #shutdownaustralia #nohandshakes
03.01.2022 Attention all our next gen passionate photographers. Ekka is going online for 2020 with a new Digital Photography Competition. The competition features a Student Photography class that encourages emerging artists to showcase their budding talents. For more information contact Richard and Brent https://bit.ly/2XIdPrY #Ekka
03.01.2022 What an amazing evening we all had last night to celebrate the graduation of our Year 12s. . This graduation ceremony and formal was the perfect way for our students to round out their 2020 school year, and we think you will agree by these photos that plenty of good times were had!
02.01.2022 HORIZONS COLLEGES MOVE TO ALTERNATIVE LEARNING ARRANGEMENTS Our school, like others, respects the advice of the expert health authorities and has been following this advice by continuing our program of face-to-face teaching. Following on from the Prime Ministers recognition last night that some schools have already moved to alternative learning arrangements for students, our school has decided to provide learning at home resources for students until the end of the term. ... This arrangement will commence from and including Wednesday, 25 March. Learning at home resources while Horizons College will be providing student learning online via Google Classrooms, we understand and respect that not all of our students have access to a computer or the Internet. As such, all students will receive hard copies of activity booklets and/or learner guides for their subject areas via a mass mail out on Wednesday, 25 March. Our thoughts are with every member of our community during this uncertain time. We hope that you all stay safe and well.
02.01.2022 There has been some wild action on the basketball court this term, with half-court shots coming from a wide variety of year levels, including this three pointer by Jayden Harris. #WhereElseInQueensland
02.01.2022 Our 7,8,9 Industrial Tech students have completed the first test session on their Down Hill Derby track. Car speed was good, plenty of lift off the ramp but its back to the drawing board for the landing. Check back in later for test session two. #WhereElseinQueensland
02.01.2022 After some configuration changes our 7,8,9 Industrial Tech students have completed a successful test session on their Down Hill Derby track. Car speed was good, on point lift off the ramp and perfect landing. #WhereElseinQueensland
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