Beautiful Life in Frankston, Victoria | Alternative & holistic health service
Beautiful Life
Locality: Frankston, Victoria
Phone: +61 424 825 829
Address: Warrain Street 3199 Frankston, VIC, Australia
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25.01.2022 Get rid of toxins safely and effectively...
24.01.2022 Now energy is thyroid energy. You too can feel like this.
24.01.2022 This is an old post of mine. Great for students of all ages. Turn your brain back on
24.01.2022 I am celebrating my daughters (twins) 21st birthday early. My beautiful girls, their favourite guy - their younger brother, and I are cruising to New Caledonia. Family connection time
23.01.2022 Uncovering the cause of the problem takes active listening and some special subconscious/muscle testing. Come and find out whats going on behind your just may be your liver.
22.01.2022 This is a nutshell moment. This is what I deal with every day with my clients...moving from adrenal stress defence back to choosing living. Survive vs living. Which do you choose?
21.01.2022 A few important rules to teach your daughter 1. Its okay to cry when youre hurt. But, wash your face, and get up off the floor when youre done. You dont belong down there.... 2. You are a woman, you do NOT need a man, but you can absolutely enjoy your life with a good one. 3. Happiness is not a permanent state. Wholeness is. Dont confuse these. 4. Never walk through an alley alone. 5. Cant - is a cop-out. 6. Hold your heroes to a high standard. Be your own hero. 7. If you cant smile with your eyes, dont smile. Insincerity is nothing to aspire to. 8. Stay true to yourself always. 9. Your body, your rules. 10. If you have an opinion, youd better know why. 11. Practice your passions. 12. Ask for what you want. The worst thing they can say is no. 13. Wish on stars, and then get to work to make them happen. 14. Stay as sweet as you are. 15. Say Please, Thank You, and Pardon Me, whenever the situation warrants it. 16. Reserve Im sorry for when you truly are! 17. Question everything ... except your own intuition. 18. You are amazing! Dont let anyone ever make you feel you are not. If someone does....walk away. You deserve better. 19. No matter where you are, you can always come home. 20. Be happy and remember your roots. 21. Say what you mean and mean what you say. 22. Be kind; treat others how you would like them to treat you. 23. If in doubt, remember whose daughter you are and straighten your crown. Copy, paste and post a picture of your daughter(s).
20.01.2022 Come over and get gifts for loved ones... $20 will get you a beautiful bargain worth $100s!
20.01.2022 Hormonal angst? Come and find out what is happening with YOUR endocrine glands (remember they make your hormones). No blood tests (because womens hormones change moment to moment!)....Continue reading
18.01.2022 Hormones RULE! When they are in balance and doing all the ideal things they are supposed to our lives are supported and we hum along enjoying the direction. When they dont...AGH! The boss of our endocrine system - the hypothalamus, can be a power for good or not so good. When the boss has "issues" we will probably have headaches, fuzzy thinking and things just do not go the way we want them to. If that sounds like you then look straight up and rub under your collar bone ( the notch is towards your arm on both sides) for 30-60 seconds. If it is sore KEEP RUBBING. Eventually that soreness just disappears and your hypothalamus has just been given a boost. Your thinking will probably be clearer too! Of course that is just a part of your hormone story. To find out more come in for your FREE hormone check up. And I guarantee no drugs!
18.01.2022 Come and get your hormones checked... "My adrenals made me do it!"
14.01.2022 What past stressful secrets are shaping your life now? And do you want to know how we can get rid of them?
14.01.2022 Allergies are annoying, debilitating and down right anti social! The medical tests If you have a skin prick test, your doctor will examine you for signs of an allergic reaction after 20 minutes.... Red weals, ouch! Patch tests can require further visits at two and four days after they are applied. The results of blood tests (when skin prick tests are not possible or inconclusive) may take up to a week to be known. An elimination and challenge diet may take many weeks to provide results. Foods are isolated and reintroduced to see if there is a symptom associated with the food. An oral allergen challenge may require admission to an outpatient or inpatient clinic at a hospital. Once the offending allergen is confirmed, the medical recommendation is that you avoid or reduce exposure to it in future. Unfortunately that is the recipe for MORE allergies to develop! What? Nobody told you that. Oh dear. Yes, one allergy tends to lead to another and another. Thats one more reason the food elimination diet is ineffective and potentially very harmful. Studies have shown that food allergy affects 10% of children up to 1 year of age and approximately 2% of adults. Hospital admissions for severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis) have doubled over the last decade in the USA and UK. In Australia, admissions for anaphylaxis due to food allergy in children aged 0 to 4 years are even higher, having increased five-fold over the same period. And hay fever stats are up to 1 in 7. Something is going on. Fortunately, an allergy is simply an inappropriate stress reaction to something normal. Think about wheat and dairy, 2 of the most common allergies. Growing up how many of us had cereal for breakfast with Mum yelling HURRY UP, pretty much every morning? A repeated stress, as we eat the same food, becomes associated with that food and an allergy is created. Of course that is just one simple example So, what to do? Unfortunately, if you do nothing, more allergies develop and you get to miss out on what were probably some of your favourite foods. And you may very well pass those allergies (or at least the pattern) on to your future children and grandchildren. In fact a recent client had avoided her list of foods for more than 3 years. She was still allergic to them and her list had grown! That is just not fair. But not any more. She is now allergy free. Thats where I come in. Book in for your allergy consult now. In fact a little extra Winter special: Bring in all your supplements and medications and we will check them too! Be allergy free this Spring!
14.01.2022 What a great way to experience Neurotraining! Help a student AND fix a glitch within you
13.01.2022 My beautiful girls are 21 and this picture reminds me of a story I share with my clients... EVERY body is unique. All three of my children broke out in 100s of molluscum wart virus eruptions all over their torsos, many years ago. Not knowing what they were we did a rare doctor visit to be told that we could use some chemist stuff and they may take 2 years to go away. Of course I just got them on the bench and Neuro-Trained them.... Interestingly all 3 children needed different things to have this warty symptom disappear in under 3 days. Two identical twins and their brother all required INDIVIDUAL treatment. Even the big picture reasons why they had them in the first place were all different. Mental, emotional and physical contexts each had a kid. When identical twins, with the same symptoms, require different "fixer upperers" how on earth can people be treated in the same way and truly get better? So if you have a symptom and you would rather get truly better without suppressive medication and perhaps their side effects come and jump on my bench! Every session is different because everybody is unique. It certainly keeps things interesting...
13.01.2022 Have you heard about heavy metals? They can stop you absorbing the good minerals and vitamins that you need for health and well being. Do not let them!
13.01.2022 Ok, so what is ESR? Emotional Stress Relief. And it is attached to the end of our arms! Breathe and hold your head. Why? Because where you touch blood goes to Bringing more blood to the front, thinking part of your brain reboots you. When we are stressed blood is withdrawn from the cerebral cortex, bypasses our gut and goes to our adrenals and the muscles to fight or run away. If a Tyrannasaurus Rex was about to bite your head off you simply do not stand there and say have thought this through? You run! The body is a very clever survival machine. Blood goes where it is most needed, to get you out of there, FAST. The only problem is that stress is stress. The body acts in the same way every time. Our conscious control is reduced. Whether it is a long drawn out court case, mothers group nastiness, traffic, work or whatever, we go into this fight, flight, faint (forget) response. Not so good when we need to think. And it messes with our hormonal system- adrenal exhaustion and all the associated symptoms that go along with that! When we are under stress we go to our instinctive, habit formed, survival, primitive, back brain. Here we repeat what we did in the pastwhich may not have worked even back then! Our front brain is about creating new options. Better ways of doing things. Better neurological options. Holding your head will calm you down and get you thinking again. Start unravelling the knots that stress has you tied up in and hold your head! When to use it? Apart from anytime you need to think clearly when under mental or emotional stress anxious or depressed or forgotten something before a race or performance with physical or emotional trauma simply to plan the day ahead
10.01.2022 This is my third time repeating this course on defusing the stress around subtle, yet all pervasive, Astrological charts. Makes sense as I have 3 charts: chronological birth time, ideal birth time (your mental health) and emotional birth time. Having 3 creates stresses on top of the stresses No matter how many charts you have come in with your natal chart and make the choices you want to make. Decrease the stress and increase the supportive Astrological energies you can tap into naturally.
09.01.2022 An old post that is worth taking a look at with so many people "coming down with flu and colds"...
09.01.2022 The key to why colds and flus, when allowed to run their course as you rest, can be good for you: Viruses that cause the common cold and the flu infect mainly your weakest cells; cells that are already burdened with excessive waste products and toxins. These are cells that you want to get rid of anyway! In the big scheme of things, a cold or flu is a natural event that can allow your body to purge itself of old and damaged cells. Without the bugs it would just take much lon...ger. How often have you been amazed at how much stuff you blow out of your nose while you have a cold or the flu? Embedded within all of that mucous are countless dead cells that your body is simply saying goodbye to, largely due to the lytic effect of viruses. Hooray! There never needs to be a cure for the common cold, since the common cold is natures way of keeping you healthy over the long term. Just get plenty of rest, stay hydrated and nourished and let your body move through it. In my experience there is no need to get vaccinated or to take medications that suppress congested sinuses, a fever, or coughing. Those symptoms, uncomfortable as they are, are assisting you! Taking good care of your health keeps your cells staying strong enough to avoid getting infected by those viruses that come knocking on their membranes. And viruses eat bacteria for breakfast! They flip from virus to bacteria and back again. No wonder people end up ineffectually taking multiple doses of anti bionics and the "bugs" are winning. Curious about how to differentiate the common cold and the flu? The flu has you feeling weak and tired and maybe running a high fever. (Your body is naturally burning off the bad guys). Your muscles and joints will probably ache, you will feel chilled and could have a severe headache and sore throat. Getting off the couch or out of bed will be a chore. So stay in it! The fever may last three to five days, but you could feel weak and tired for two to three weeks. In clinic we deal with the PATTERNS behind why you get the flu invading you. That way you get well and severely limit the probability of getting it (or the next years variation of it) again. Because the common cold and the flu are both caused by viruses, antibiotics are not necessary. Taking antibiotics may make you feel slightly better because of the mild anti-inflammatory effect. But this benefit is far outweighed by the negative impact that antibiotics have on your friendly bacteria that live in your digestive tract. If you really need help with pain management during a cold or flu, it is usually better to take a small dose of paracetamol than it is to take antibiotics, even better come in for a session, and, of course, rub those Liver and Spleen lymphatic points! Can Neuro Training help? Thats what we do! Neuro Training gets you RECUPERATING in the best way for long term health and healing.
08.01.2022 Immune support for todays virus The latest virus, yes, the one everyone is talking about, has a special affinity with the respiratory system; smokers, asthmatics, those already immune compromised may very well be hit hardest. Fear and stress further add to susceptibility. So how can we help ourselves and those we love?...Continue reading
06.01.2022 Immune support for today’s virus The latest virus, yes, the one everyone is talking about, has a special affinity with the respiratory system; smokers, asthmatics, those already immune compromised may very well be hit hardest. Fear and stress further add to susceptibility. So how can we help ourselves and those we love?...Continue reading
06.01.2022 Come and find out what your hormone story is saying about you. Contact me for your half hour hormone assessment.
06.01.2022 Happy Sunday night. This simple thing will help in the week ahead
06.01.2022 HOT FLUSHES. UGH. Get them gone I say, rather emphatically. So you are entering the perimenopausal stage. No. It is not the twillight zone. Though sometimes you may wish it was all just a nasty dream. Perimenopause is that period of your life that signifies you are not yet menopausal. What? Until you have not menstrated for 12 months you are PERImenopausal. Thats all.... And changes are sure to be happening. Hot flushes, night sweats, aching joints and muscles, perhaps a little moodiness... As our ovaries run out of eggs, that stimulate all that lovely eostrogen, progesterone action, our adrenal glands take over the job. Now if you have had some stress in your life that, lets face it, you didnt deal with to well thats your hot flush. Adrenalin is stress related and our adrenal glands are the masters of our past. They are the fight/flight/forget stimulators. When that sabre tooth tiger tried to eat us we ran like crazy and burnt off all that adrenalin. Excellent. Saved our life and got in some cardio. But, in todays modern society, our stressors sometimes can not be run away from. Like the letter from the taxation department, or teenagers (personal ugh right there. I mean, really, where have my beautiful girls gone?) or a relationship break down or illness. Adrenalin can become a permanent part of our hormone mix. And it does not play real well with the others. Insulin gets bullied as does our immune and metabolic systems. To keep that adrenalin supply available, which is vital for survival- heart beating, lungs pumping, jumping away from buses etc, we often turn to .... Sugar. Alcohol. Dramas. Sex. Cigarettes (yep, carbohydrate). For some of us we know what to expect because Mum had just the same experience, as did her Mum, as did her Mum. But what if we do not want to be that woman with sweat dripping off her nose in that important business meeting? Or wake up and change the sheets for the 18th time this week. Get your hormones balanced. For me, after experiencing the sweats and flushes and aches for a while and then realising no, I was not sick, just perimenopausal, it took just under two weeks for the symptoms to go. Those symptoms were just getting my attention. Something was not right. So, listen to your body and those symptoms rather than just drowning them in drugs and pretending that they are gone. Those symptoms will come back, sometimes with a nasty kick and a sting in their tail. Afterall the CAUSE of the symptom was not dealt with -just a big chemical band aid was plastered over the top. So now they have to be an even bigger, badder problem to be noticed. A bit like a bad Sarah Lee cake, with layer after layer to unravel.
05.01.2022 Are you unravelling?
04.01.2022 Hmm...Candida. There is a better way!
04.01.2022 A super easy stress reducer!
03.01.2022 Today is RUday Good relationships create happier, healthier, longer lives. Dr Waldinger, current director of Harvard Study of Adult Development saidthose who are most satisfied in their relationships at age 50 were the healthiest at age 80. But what if theyre not happy? A beautiful, intelligent client was struggling to stay OR leave her marriage. In fact she genuinely laughed once she realised that she was blaming herself for her husbands infidelity! Get your brain back and empower yourself to think clearer, react less and ultimately make better choices. me if you are not
02.01.2022 Periods are not the only thing that cause craziness!
02.01.2022 Social media updates are SO not my forte! But I am REALLY good at what I do. From hormones to childrens learning challenges and a lot in between. Come and have a neuro-training session soon.
01.01.2022 In photography by michelle pragt
01.01.2022 New Years Resolutions what are yours? Yesterday I heard resolutions changed to evolutions and, really, isnt that what its about... making life changes for your betterment. The challenge can be that when you are tired or stressed living up to your desired changes can be just too hard. Our family and social patterning can take over and keep us doing same old same old. So we write down our goals AND start putting them into action. Dedicating time and effort to their achievem...ent. But what if your liver, heart, gall bladder, brain, stomach or large intestine disagrees? Then you are pushing that wet noodle up hill! Organs, muscles, ligaments, hormones, meridians, acupuncture points, emotions, all of YOU is connected to that great big underneath the surface subconscious. Get your subconscious on board and flow, synchronicity and success are SO much easier! Write down those goals and come in for some gentle muscle testing and see how much of you is really on board with your consciously chosen evolution
01.01.2022 Something Neuro Trainers have known for along time...Of course, we would never tell anybody to come off their prescriptions. Clients just start dealing with all that unresolved stress (yes maybe even inherited stress!) and then a more gentle process can unfold. Happier, healthier and living a more beautiful life once again.
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