Practical Horse Genetics in Redfern, New South Wales | Pet service
Practical Horse Genetics
Locality: Redfern, New South Wales
Phone: +61 410 492 005
Address: 40 Boronia St 2016 Redfern, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 Panels are groups of tests that are often chosen together. This panel includes our full range of coat colour dilution tests. These are cream and pearl (both alleles of the SLC45A2 gene), silver (an allele of the PMEL gene), dun and d1 (both alleles of the TBX3 gene) and champagne (an allele of the SLC36A1 gene). We are currently working on setting up a test for the mushroom dilution, which can be found in Shetland ponies. Mushroom will be included in the dilution panel when i...t is ready. #dilutions #champagne #cream #dun #pearl #MCOAsilver There is a one time sample processing fee of $40 per horse and the dilutions panel test is $40. Click here to order the dilutions panel test for your horse
25.01.2022 The splashed white 2 (SW2) gene causes white markings. They can range from minor facial markings and socks to the white face, blue eyes, white legs and white belly of a typical boldly marked splash horse. It is rare but possible for SW2 horses to be deaf. Chestnut splashed white horses generally have larger markings than bay/brown or black splashed white horses. The SW2 version of splashed white is only found horses descended from a Quarter Horse mare called Katie Gun, born i...n 1987 in the USA. It is possible (though very rare) for horses to carry two copies of SW2. #splashedwhite #painthorse #horsecoatcolour #equinegenetics Photo: This black SW2 stallion is Bremerpark Shadow Gunner (Frankie). Many thanks to Five Mile Stud for sharing this picture of their handsome boy. There is a one time sample processing fee of $40 per horse and the splashed white 2 (SW2) panel test is $9. Click here to order the splashed white 2 (SW2) test for your horse
24.01.2022 Immune mediated myositis (IMM) is a new addition to the recommended tests for horses that would usually use the QH 5-panel. This includes Quarter Horses, Paints, Appaloosas, Quarter Ponies and any other breeds with some Quarter Horse bloodlines. The primary sign of IMM is fast and severe muscle loss along the top line. It usually occurs 3-4 weeks after a strangles infection or after vaccinations. The horse will also be stiff, depressed, feverish and show loss of appetite. IMM... is most common in horses under the age of eight, or over 17. It affects both male and female horses. Horses with two copies of the IMM gene are more likely to have an episode - or multiple episodes - than horses with one copy of the gene. Horses without the IMM gene are not susceptible to IMM. #quarterhorse #IMM #paints #quarterponies #appaloosas #immunemediatedmyositis There is a one time sample processing fee of $40 per horse and the IMM test is $14. Click here to order the IMM test for your horse
22.01.2022 We are taking a summer break from December 23 to January 5. You can still place orders now and while we are on break. If we we receive but don't finish testing your samples before Christmas they will be at the top of our list when we re-open in January. Samples that arrive during the break will be stored carefully for testing in January. Thanks for all the testing you've sent us this year, and have a wonderful summer! #happychristmans #happynewyear
21.01.2022 A reminder if you are sending us samples! We’ve started asking for horse hair samples to be sent to us in paper envelopes in preference to ziplock bags. Read more here
20.01.2022 Dr. Kao has asked me to let everyone know that she is now back in the lab and working hard to get through all the backlog of tests, emails and messages that have built up over the Xmas and New Year break. We've temporarily put a limit on the number of new tests we are taking each week while she works through all the orders and we'll be back up and running at full speed again very soon! Hang tight! We will get to your test or messages asap! Cheers!
19.01.2022 DNA testing your horse Horse owners choose to do DNA testing on their horses for a few different reasons. Breeders test for coat colour and health genes to increase their ability to produce healthy, desirable foals. They can also choose to do DNA profiles for parentage verification to confirm their horses’ pedigrees, adding to their value. Occasionally they might even need to confirm which stallion is the sire of a particular foal.... Horse owners who don’t intend to breed also use DNA testing, but for different reasons. The most common motivations are curiousity about their horse’s colour, or checking for disorders such as PSSM1 which can cause performance and health issues. Read more on our blog #equinedna #horsegenetictesting #equinegenetics
17.01.2022 Interesting case study of Tumor-laden testicles found in XY ‘mare’. Read more here This is one Chromosomal test we are also hoping to offer in the future. You can read more about this and other chromosomal tests here
16.01.2022 Arabian health panel Panels are groups of tests that are often chosen together. The Arabian health panel consists of the four inherited disorders known to be present more than 1% of the Arabian horse population. These are OAAM (occipitoatlantoaxial malformation), CA (cerebellar abiotrophy), LFS (lavender foal syndrome) and SCID (severe combined immune deficiency).... #occipitoatlantoaxialmalformation #cerebellarabiotrophy #lavenderfoalsyndrome #severecombinedimmunedeficiency #arabian There is a one time sample processing fee of $40 per horse and the Arabian health panel test is $50. Click here to order the Arabian health panel test for your horse
15.01.2022 Most horses move using the classic walk, trot, canter and gallop paces. Gaited horses often have additional paces. There are a wide range of additional paces, including the tölt, running walk, rack, paso fino (classic fino), paso corto, paso largo, paso ilano, sobreandando, and fox trot. Horses with one or more copies of the 'A' allele in this test are often able to use additional gaits. It is not a guarantee however - horses can carry the 'A' allele and still show no additio...nal gaits. That is why we classify this test as a genetic marker (ie. strongly associated with additional gaits) rather than a causative genetic variant. #tölt #rack #pasofino #sobreandando #gaitedhorse #foxtrot Photo: Guðmundur Arnarson rides Sævar frá Stangarholti (grey with sunfading black base) in tölti at five-gait horse championships in Hella, 2008. By Dagur Brynjólfsson There is a one time sample processing fee of $40 per horse and the Lateral gait marker test is $9. Click here to order the Lateral gait marker test for your horse
13.01.2022 Wow! What a stunning coloured horse! #appaloosa
12.01.2022 HYPP is one of the 5 tests in the 5-panel. The 5-panel is relevant to Quarter Horses, Paints, Appaloosas, Quarter Ponies and any other breeds with some Quarter Horse bloodlines. HYPP is only found in the descendants of Impressive, an American Quarter Horse born in 1969. Impressive was a halter horse World Champion that produced a large number of World Champion offspring. The most common signs of HYPP are muscle twitching and spasm occurring intermittently and starting at 2-3 ...years of age. Severe cases can have muscle weakness, with the worst instances causing collapse or death. HYPP carriers are also reported to have a marked increase in musculature. The HYPP test is only relevant to horses with Impressive in their pedigree. Just remember if you're checking your horse's pedigree to go back far enough to reach 1969 or earlier. HYPP is extremely rare here in Australia. #quarterhorse #HYPP #paints #quarterponies #appaloosas COVID-19: We are still open and testing during the COVID-19 outbreak. We might be little slower than usual at times. There is a one time sample processing fee of $40 per horse and the HYPP test is $14. Click here to order the HYPP test for your horse
11.01.2022 HERDA is one of the 5 tests in the 5-panel (7 panel). It is useful for Quarter Horses, Paints, Appaloosas, Quarter Ponies and any other breeds with some Quarter Horse bloodlines. Horses with two copies of the HERDA gene have extremely fragile skin, particularly along their back. Their skin can rip or tear easily. The large wounds that result from this tearing are painful and like most wounds on horses carry a substantial risk of infection. Horses with one copy of the HERDA (HERDA carriers) are not affected. The HERDA carriers are most commonly found in cutting horse lines. HERDA also exists outside of the cutting horse population, but is rarer. #quarterhorse #HERDA #paints #quarterponies #appaloosas COVID-19: We are still open and testing during the COVID-19 outbreak. We might be little slower than usual at times. There is a one time sample processing fee of $40 per horse and the HERDA test is $14. Click here to order the HERDA test for your horse
10.01.2022 Arabian health & colour panel Panels are groups of tests that are often chosen together. This panel includes all of the health and colour genes known to occur in the Arabian breed.... The health tests include CA, LFS, SCID, FFS and OAAM. The appearance tests include red/black, agouti, grey, dun and d1, and W20. #arabian #ca #lavenderfoalsyndrome #scid #fragilefoal #oaam There is a one time sample processing fee of $40 per horse and the Arabian health & colour panel is $115. Click here to order the Arabian health & colour panel for your horse
09.01.2022 News! We’ve completed the assay design for the SCC (squamous cell carcinoma risk) assay for horses. When it’s available this test will be relevant to Haflingers, Belgian draft horses and Percherons. The two alleles for this test are ’n’ for normal, and ‘R’ for risk. We will let everyone know when this test is available. #equinesquamouscellcarcinoma #haflinger #belgiandraft #percheron #heavyhorse
09.01.2022 Lots of discussion on other pages whether this is fake or real ;) I know you guys will see right through it But what if a colour like this existed? Wowza!
08.01.2022 Foal Immunodeficiency Syndrome (FIS) is a fatal inherited disorder that was first described in Fell Ponies back in 1996. Foals with FIS are normal at birth, but within a few weeks develop severe anaemia. They almost completely lack B-cells, which are a critical part of the immune system. Foals with FIS are euthenased, or die from the effects of opportunistic infections. #fellpony #dalespony #gypsycob #foalimmunodeficiency #FIS Read more on our blog
07.01.2022 Last year we put up a couple of posts about ACAN dwarfism in Miniatures. There’s more than one type of dwarfism in Miniatures. This one is called skeletal atavism (SA). Skeletal atavism is a type of dwarfism found in Shetland ponies and Miniatures. Foals born with this type of dwarfism have short, twisted legs. #skeletalatavism #shetland #miniature ... Read more on our blog
07.01.2022 My horse was Walter Farley's The Black / Shetan Who was yours?
07.01.2022 Taking samples for testing how long do they last? We use DNA from hair roots to test for single-gene traits such as inherited disorders and coat colours. DNA in hair samples can last for five years or more if you treat it like potatoes: keep them dry and in the dark. #horsehairtesting #horsedna #equinegenetics Read more on our blog
07.01.2022 Junctional epidermolysis bullosa (JEB) causes a failure in the skin's normal attachment to the body. Affected foals are usually born alive, but will develop sores and skin tears extremely easily. There is currently no effective treatment for JEB. JEB is an autosomal recessive disorder. Autosomal disorders are equally likely to affect male or female horses, while "recessive" means that a horse needs to inherit the JEB mutation from both its sire and its dam to be affected. that have inherited the JEB mutation from just one parent are called JEB carriers, and do not have physical signs of this disorder. The Saddlebred form of JEB has been detected in Saddlebreds and Racking Horses. It may also be present in other related breeds, and part-bred horses with some Saddlebred blood. This test is not useful for detecting JEB in heavy horses. #saddlebred #rackinghorse #junctionalepidermolysisbullosa There is a one time sample processing fee of $40 per horse and the Junctional epidermolysis bullosa (JEB2) test is $14. Click here to order the Junctional epidermolysis bullosa (JEB2) test for your horse
06.01.2022 New Year Resolutions We made it to the end of 2020! Wishing everyone a very happy new year and we hope 2021 brings you peace, health and happiness! From Dr. Kao and the Practical Horse Genetics team!
04.01.2022 PHOTO CALL! I've got some time this week to add some more horses to our awesome colour gallery ( The purpose of the gallery is for everyone the able to see the effects of different genes in "real" life. Once we have the colour calculator up and running you will be able to link through and view different colour outcome possibilities. To do this we need your help! We need as many different colour combos as possible. We are happy to add any h...orse, any colour, any pattern (yes, even a plain solid bay, black or chestnut!) as long as it has been tested (with us or another lab is ok). If you would like to include your horse in our colour gallery send us your photos in messenger along with the horse's results the horse name photographer name owner name horse's breed your stud website or FB page if you want it included. See more
02.01.2022 The patterns panel includes all of the most common coat pattern genes. These are frame overo, grey, Lp, PATN1, the roan maker, sabino 1, splashed white 1, tobiano and W20. There are several pattern tests that we do not include in this panel. Each of these tests looks for a pattern that is only present in one family of horses. These are SW2, SW3, W13, W25, W26, and W27. You are welcome to add any of these as extras on top of this panel. Feel free to get in touch to discuss whe...ther any of these tests are appropriate for your horse. #appaloosae #sabino #frameovero #roan #splashedwhite #tobiano #W20 Photo: Kayleen Badman There is a one time sample processing fee of $40 per horse and the Patterns panel test is $70. Click here to order the Patterns panel test for your horse
01.01.2022 Glycogen branching enzyme deficiency (GBED) is one of the 5 tests in the 5-panel. The 5-panel is relevant to Quarter Horses, Paints, Appaloosas, Quarter Ponies and any other breeds with some Quarter Horse bloodlines. Glycogen branching enzyme deficiency (GBED) is a genetic disorder found in pure and part-bred Quarter Horses and Paint horses. GBED usually causes abortions. Foals that survive until birth show severe weakness, seizures, and low body temperature. GBED is always f...atal. GBED can happen in both male and female foals. Foals with GBED need to have gotten the GBED mutation from both parents, not just one. When a horse is passed the GBED mutation from just one parent it is called a GBED carrier. All known cases have occurred in descendents of Zantanon, a QH stallion born in 1917. #Zantanon #quarterhorse #GBED #paints #quarterponies #appaloosas COVID-19: We are still open and testing during the COVID-19 outbreak. We might be little slower than usual at times. There is a one time sample processing fee of $40 per horse and the GBED test is $14. Click here to order the GBED test for your horse
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