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25.01.2022 Don't let all your hard work go to waste. It is imperative to back up your site. There are multiple ways your files could be corrupted, stolen, lost and damaged. YOU always need to have a backup plan in place for all aspects of life, so make sure on have one for your website. Find Out More: #website #backup #australianbusiness #hosting #supportlocal #hacked #webhosting
24.01.2022 Chapter 7 - Personal Email Accounts Last chapter I promised wed start digging into some of the uses of cPanel and well be doing just that this week. Starting today well quickly go over personalised email accounts since theyre something anyone can use and are really easy to set up.... First thing youll want to do is login to your cPanel, we went over this a few chapters ago, so if you want to catch up on that just check over our previous Facebook posts. Once in cPanel, scroll down until you find the email category (pictured), click the accounts icon which should be the first one on the left. Once there all you need to do is select add email account, fill out the form, select a password and then set up your email in your chosen mail client. If you struggle with setup step, dont worry well be tackling it in the next chapter. If you or someone you know needs something a little more professional for their email just give Hosting-Australia a call and we arrange setting it up. Dont forget to share and tag to spread the word.
24.01.2022 Hi everyone, about a week and a half ago WordPress released a maintenance update titled WordPress Version 5.2.3. Within it were several minor security and quality of life fixes. Heres a link to the patch notes. If you read through those notes you might be thinking they seem like pretty vague and insignificant changes. You might even consider not updating your WordPress to this new version to save time and effort.... But now, ask yourself, how many times have you updated your WordPress recently, when was the last time you updated your WordPress? 6 months? 1 Year? 2 Years? Say 2 years is the case, there have been 40 WordPress updates released in those 2 years. Imagine every release has security fixes like this one. There were 7 security fixes in this version. Some releases may have more, some may have less. But if we say that every patch has 7 fixes. Then there are potentially 280 different known ways to breach your site and cause havoc. Now do you see why at Hosting-Australia we are constantly preaching about updating your core CMS and plug ins as often as possible in order to keep them safe and secure. We provide a managed hosting service where we do all of this for you, every month. We will check your site for updates and peruse whatever security plug ins you have installed to check for threats to make sure your site is safe and sound. We keep up to date, so you dont have to. If youre interested send an email to [email protected] or just give us a quick call on 1300 761 930 and ask about managed hosting. Our friendly support team are always willing to answer any and all questions.
24.01.2022 Chapter 11 - In todays age everything is digital, while this is extremely useful and convenient it also comes with its own degree of risk. In the same way that someone can pick the lock on your front door and rob you, people can find their way into your computer system and have access to some of your most intimate and important details. One method of this is with malicious code or programs that can often enter undetected with other data or files. Once in these programs, mor...e popularly known as viruses or malware, can log your keystrokes, access your passwords, corrupt data and even spam your email contacts. Obviously any one of these things can be crippling not only personally but also financially. An easy method of preventing viruses and malware programs is an anti-virus program. Its basically like hiring a terminator and sticking him at the front door of your system. So long as you keep it updated and pair it with regular scans, youll never be caught off guard by unwelcome software. See more
24.01.2022 Hi again everybody, this week Id like to just take some time to spotlight something we at Hosting Australia are very proud of. And that is our dedication to giving you, the customer, the best experience possible when interacting with us in any way. But dont take my word for it, heres the average support ticket feedback ratings weve received over the last 13 months. This graph should tell you all you need to know about Hosting-Australia and our staff, not a single support... team member with an average customer satisfaction score under 9. We make a concerted effort to make your experience not only streamlined and simple, but pleasant and enjoyable too. Once again though, dont take my word for it, here is some feedback from a few of our customers from the last year. Heres what one customer had to say after a successful domain transfer Everyone who assisted me during this process acted with the highest level of professionalism and were eager to assist :-) A+! And another after we fixed up a few domains stuck in no mans land needing redirection Excellent, as usual! Heres some feedback specifically for Sam, one of our techs. Sam was able to explain, in a language I could understand, what I needed to do, and what help he was able to provide. Heres some for Ben, our webdev wiz Ben was brilliant! He was very supportive of the fact that I am not a professional in this area and found the solution very quickly once he was into my site with team viewer. Im very grateful for his help.
23.01.2022 According to the following article published in 2016. 53% of people who browse the internet on their phones abandon sites that take too long to load, longer than 3 seconds to be exact.... It doesnt seem like a lot, but if you count to 3, then imagine your customers waiting longer than that every single time they refresh the page, it starts to get a little tedious. This highlights the importance of website optimisation. There are many things you can do to speed up your site. Most sites that are slow are trying to do waay too much at once. They could be loading several images or trying to run dynamic processes like page transitions or fly in headers. All of this links back to SEO, or Search Engine Optimisation. This is basically the act of trying to make your website as user friendly as possible. Search engines like Google and Bing have algorithms that help them rank websites in search results by a certain set of criteria. These could be the uniqueness of the content, the load times, the security of the site. Its a fine art, and it takes a keen eye to bring a website up to its fullest capabilities. Fortunately at Hosting-Australia we have these keen eyes readily available. Ask about our SEO services and we can get you in touch with one of our experts so that you can work closely together to optimise your site. If you think youd be interested please give us a call on 1300 761 930 or email our support centre at [email protected] Please dont forget to like and share as it helps power quality Australian hosting.
23.01.2022 Here's a few quick ways you can make your hosting experience better instantly.
23.01.2022 Poll Time! What do you consider your knowledge of your chosen CMS platform - eg Wordpress, Joomla or Drupal - to be?
23.01.2022 In 3 or more emoticons, or by using a GIF...describe your last Web, Email or IT experience...annnnd GO!
23.01.2022 Is your website compliant with Google's new HTTPS/SSL requirements? Are you losing site traffic and sales because its not? Check out this article for more info:...
22.01.2022 What was once used mainly by small time travelers and writers for blogs has grown and evolved to become the biggest content management system on the block. WordPress themselves reveal that 35% of all websites are built on their platform. ( They take up more than 50% of the CMS market share worldwide and for good reason, its attractive, easy to use and flexible. Thousands of themes and plug ins make it oh so simple to achiev...e the goals you set out with when first designing a website. And its not just us that are catching onto this. Big brands and corporations are using WordPress for their sites too. Whether its your favourite sports team or the manufacturer of your car, everyone sees the advantages of WordPress. The image attached is shortlist of some of the most popular brands using WordPress for their site courtesy of themeisle. As you can see, its no secret even to companies like Microsoft that WordPress should be your go to option for web design. This link ( will take you on a more in depth look at some of the sites using WordPress and the key indicators that give it away, such as the iconic grid layout and the big full length headers WordPress is known for. Hosting-Australia has years of experience working with WordPress, if you see something you like in any of these sites, come to us with any requests and well be able to help with building you a website on the level of what you see these billion dollar business using.
21.01.2022 Webhosting 101 - Chapter 17 One way you can for sure you can prevent low to mid level spam like this is by adding mail authentication records to your domain, these can be installed through cPanel and are text records found in your DNS. You may or may not have heard of them but DKIM DMARC and SPF are all important tools to have if you want to secure your emails. DMARC and SPF help with the incoming spam side, theyre basically like big, bald, anti-spam bouncers with tasers, t...heyll guard the door to your emails and anything that looks like spam or wears thongs gets denied entry. DKIM is on the reverse side, its like slapping a VIP sticker on each and every one of your emails so other peoples big bald bouncers with tasers let your emails through. We have a few walkthroughs to installing SPF DMARC and DKIM in our knowledge base and our support team is happy to assist with setting them up (charges may apply). We also have a spam protect service which is as close to guaranteed coverage as you can possibly get. This is for those cases where youre receiving thousands of emails daily despite numerous prevention steps being taken or even if you just want to take out the possibility of spam on your domain. Prices start from $7.90/month for incoming spam filtering.
20.01.2022 What is Coding? Simply put, computer code is a set of rules or instructions in the form of words and numbers, that when formatted correctly can be a powerful tool at your disposal. Code is complex, theres no denying that, to be proficient as a programmer you absolutely must at the very least know HTML, CSS and JavaScript. These probably ring a bell, but what are they?... Theyre languages, and like any language they can be learned. HTML is probably the easiest to start with, its the foundation of a lot of programs and systems. The very base layer, websites for example will use HTML for content such as headings and menus. It may look something like this:
19.01.2022 Chapter 13 - Hi Guys, last time we caught up we were discussing security when dealing with technology and the internet. At the end of that I mentioned something called SEO, Search Engine Optimisation. In short this is how high your website appears in Google, Bing or Yahoo search results, for the purposes of this well pretend people actually use those last twoand dont just google everything! The higher up in a search a website appears obviously the more likely someone is click on it. What Ill be doing is attempting to explain the process behind SEO in understandable language and what you can do to boost your websites visibility for prospective customers or readers. The idea behind SEO is to optimise your website to be best picked up by the many different algorithms search engines use to bring results to their users. Because the algorithms are evolving and being updated constantly, theres no real set formula for getting the best rankings. But there are a few simple things you can do that help. Something as simple as an SSL, which encrypts any data transferred between you and your customers, will get you a bit higher up the page as Google likes to prioritise user security and peace of mind. (Check out our SSLs here.) Regularly posting original and relevant content to your website also helps it up a bit. A quick weekly writeup goes a long way to increasing your visibility. I could write a whole article about why you should seriously consider investing in SEO, because honestly it is probably the most important thing to have on lock to bring in traffic to your site. A business isnt a business without customers.
17.01.2022 Hi everyone, I recently came across an awesome article on the Divi blog that covers SEO in depth, I thought Id share this one because it showcases how you can get more clicks using Divi and WordPress specifically. The landscape of SEO is always shifting and evolving, so its important to keep your knowledge brushed up if you want your business or website to remain relevant on the internet. You can find more posts like this one on the Elegant Themes blog linked below. https...:// Theyre always giving away free themes there now and then and keep you updated on whats happening with the Divi theme and if any updates are released. You can read the article here Stay tuned for more stuff from us at Hosting-Australia too, its 2020 and were excited to continue working with you.
15.01.2022 Webhosting 101 - About Those Viagra Emails... So, what do you do when you receive a suspicious email from Nana Betty about Viagra? Well for starters DO NOT click on any links. The single and sole purpose of these spoofs is to get you to do exactly that. The reason for this is that most of the web pages these links lead to contain thousands of viruses that have the ability to instantly cripple your system. So, youre in absolutely no trouble until you click those links. Second..., just in case, update your email password, this is generally enough to restore most peoples peace of mind. Our friendly support staff are always happy to help with this sort of things as well so if youre unsure about anything or need a hand dont be afraid to give us a call. If youve done this and youre still unsure a quick virus scan should alleviate your stress is free and I recommend it to anyone who is still feeling a little worried about their security and privacy. Spread awareness about email spoofing by sharing this with someone. Next week is all about the preventative steps you can take to squash spam in its tracks.
15.01.2022 Does your mailbox keep getting filled with annoying & inappropriate emails? Check out our latest blog post to find out what causes spam, why you account could be at risk and what steps you can take to prevent your account from being compromised. Find Out More: #australianbusiness #spam #email #hosting #supportlocal #security #webhosting #website #hacked
15.01.2022 POP3 or IMAP - one of life's most important questions. There are many advantages and disadvantages to both. Find out what they are and which one will suit your needs as a customer. Find Out More: #pop #POP3 #Email #IMAP #hosting #localbusiness #australianbusiness #australia #websitedesign #supportlocal #support
14.01.2022 You may be thinking about starting up a business, or even having a standalone email account for personal use and have seen a certain c-word pop up in your research. Find out exactly what cPanel is, what it can do and how you can use it, to improve your experience. Find Out More: #cPanel#cpanelhosting#australianbusiness#hosting#webhosting#supportlocal#website
14.01.2022 Chapter 6 - What is cPanel? Ive heard mention of cPanel. What is it? How do I access it? What is it for? cPanel is your way of directly interfacing with your website and hosting, from there, with the appropriate skills and knowledge you have full control over all your website, emails and anything else you could ever need. ... cPanel comes stock with all of Hosting Australias standard hosting packages at no extra charge. You will find plenty of info on how to use cPanel via Hosting Australias extensive knowledgebase, and here is a quick guide to accessing cPanel, in case you didnt already know how. Once in you may explore to your hearts content and here we have an extensive wall of gibberish which is will help explain the ins and outs of cPanel. Dont worry, we will get into that in more detail during later posts. Remember to share this post with anybody who you think may benefit, and feel free to reply with a any questions or queries.
14.01.2022 Not everybody takes security seriously! But Hosting Australia does. Take advantage of our free Website Audit today and find out how secure your site is! (And lots more!) Absolutely obligation free.... Find out more here:
14.01.2022 Heres a few quick ways you can make your hosting experience better instantly.
13.01.2022 Chapter 12 - Not only is the safety of you and your business important, but also that off the customers and clients that use your website. People are smart to be careful with their payment details on the internet as theres always someone looking to take advantage of online transactions by intercepting data on its way between systems. Sensitive details you exchange with your customers via an internet connection like personal details and credit card information are at risk wit...hout the necessary form of encryption. One you mightve heard of is an SSL (secure socket layer). SSLs are a network protocol used to encrypt and safeguard communications between a website and its users, you can tell if a website has one because they will have a green lock next to their domain in the address bar and a https:// instead of http:// at the start of the address, all you need to know is that the S at the end stands for secure. Without this any information exchanged is up for grabs to anyone who is smart enough to go and get it. If the security and well-being of your customers isnt enough to convince you to get an SSL organised, Google also prioritises websites with SSLs, meaning if you search hairdresser near Hogwarts, and theres two hairdressers with websites near Hogwarts, the one with an SSL will be listed above the one without. Meaning it will be the first one people will click on. There are a few things you can do to improve google listings, this is what we call SEO and thats what will be on the agenda for next week.
12.01.2022 If youve worked with Hosting-Australias web development team, you know we drool over Divi, we love its ease of use and clean aesthetic. Well, Divi has just released its freshest update yet with Divi 4.0. Im just going to run you down with some of the interesting changes and new features were excited to try out. Lets get started. One of the most important new additions is the improved compatibility with WooCommerce, the popular WordPress online store plugin. Previously y...ou didnt have much freedom to choose the appearance of your sites online store portion. Now it is fully customisable down to almost every detail. With the new Woo Elements module you can shape and mould your eCommerce platform to suit your needs and goals with ease. A few other interesting additions were global defaults, to help you keep a standard and consistent colour/font scheme throughout your website without having to play around with RGB codes and font stylings. You can also now fully customise the headers, footers and menus in ways previous impossible within Divi. Prior to the update most Divi sites were distinctly recognisable. Now itll be easier to design your own unique layouts and templates to help differentiate your site. Our web design team at Hosting-Australia are absolutely buzzing about some of these changes and have been waiting to get their hands on them for a while. Using Divi 4.0 well be able to branch out that much more with your ideas. If you havent seen what we can turn a blank web space into, contact our team via phone (1300 761 930) or email ([email protected]) and ask about our design services.
12.01.2022 You might remember I mentioned something about writing a whole article about the why behind SEO last time, well here it is. For starters the point of a website is to get your business out there, for people to learn what youre about and more importantly for you to yourself credibility and showcase your services or products. If you own the greatest brewery this side of the equator but dont manage your internet/search engine presence properly, youre for sure going to be a huge amount of potential business just because no one is going to come across your site while browsing the web. Think of SEO like signage on a physical store. Imagine you setup shop on Bourke Street in Melbourne or Eat Street in Brisbane, your claim to fame is the best coffee in the city, but you have competitors everywhere around you. You know your coffee is better than theirs, but if their store has lots of nice signage and looks very attractive, whereas your store is just plain white without any signs at all. No one is going give you a second glance. SEO is the same, if you dont rank well on google (Or even Bing or Yahoo for that matter), you simply wont generate traffic or sales. One particularly useful stat is one called CTR, or Click Through Rate. Its the percentage of people that reach your page by clicking a link, this could be from an ad youve placed somewhere, but is mostly commonly from google search results. The following link is a little bit of data concerning SEO and its correlation with CTR for websites. Here is an example of why SEO is so important. Basically, the article says that the top search result on a page has a click through rate 3 times higher than the third result and six times higher than the fifth one. So, if you appear fifth when someone searches brewery near me, and a competitor is first, theyre getting six people visiting their site for every 1 you get. Catching on? Imagine opening your business to 80% more prospective customers, this is what you can do with SEO. Talk to Hosting-Australia about helping with your SEO today.
12.01.2022 DIVI a Whole New Visual Builder for WordPress You’ve never built a WordPress website like this before. Divi is more than just a WordPress theme, it’s a completely new website building platform that replaces the standard WordPress post editor with a vastly superior visual editor. It can be enjoyed by design professionals and newcomers alike, giving you the power to create spectacular designs with surprising ease and efficiency. That’s what the people at DIVI say. We’ve heard before. Visual page builders have been around for a long time and the demo videos look great but then you try to use them in the real world and the overheads and load speed are unworkable so you save no time. That was then NOW its different. There are a few page builders that all work at varying levels of ease and power. DIVI is one of the better ones. In fact its one of the Best. find out more: #DIVI #pagebuilder #frontend #wordpress #CMS #hosting #localbusiness #australianbusiness #australia #websitedesign #supportlocal #support
11.01.2022 Hello everyone, WordPress has recently released their newest rendition of their software and have titled it Kirk. Id like to start by reminding everyone to update their WordPress because as always this one came with several security patches that improve the quality of your site. Some of the notable additions in this update are a new default theme titled Twenty Twenty. From what Im hearing this theme considering it is completely free is fantastic. It has a very minimalis...t style and is very easy to read and take in content. Another one is the added compatibility for PHP Version 7.4 which many developers will be appreciative of. The main focus of the update was to improve the block editor introduced in WordPress 5.0. You now have more freedom to design your layout and style so as to truly put you in control over the sites appearance. The reason the Twenty Twenty theme mentioned above is so good is because it was designed with the improved block editor in mind. They work hand in hand like like bacon and eggs. You can read more about Kirk in the recently posted developer blog here If you have any questions regarding the update, give us a ring on 1300 761 930 or send an email on through to [email protected], were always happy to answer your questions. If you had any trouble with the terminology in this article, check out our constantly expanding glossary of terms below.
10.01.2022 Webhosting 101 - Chapter 15 Hi my prey, I write to you because I buried a trojan on the website with pornography which you have visited. Im sure youre all familiar with this type of email, this particular quote is a word for word excerpt from an email sent to our support centre, included in this email was a threat to expose us unless we sent an anonymous email address $400 in bitcoin. Instead of doing this, my co-workers and I had a brief laugh before we mercilessly the delete button to banish the victimizer to the shadow realm. Which is exactly what you should be doing with these types of emails, known as phishing scams. While this type of email is generally easy to identify as spam and no threat whatsoever, there are a few that can be appear a bit more disconcerting. Most common is one we see where the spam email is actually sent from your own address, this is called spoofing. While this may seem scary its surprisingly easy to do and means more or less nothing. There are methods designed to circumnavigate outgoing mail servers and allows spoofers to make it appear as if they have access to your email address when in reality its almost always a bluff and they dont have access to anything. Hosting-Australia has methods in place to prevent this but in the end, there are still ways around it, simply because of how emails are sent between servers. Keep an eye out for our next post, where well shed some light on how to deal with these sorts of emails. As always please share this post with anybody who you may think will find this interesting.
09.01.2022 Hi everyone, this week Id like to quickly go over mail storage, what it means and how to keep on top of it. So a lot of people have trouble keeping on top of their mailboxes. This can either be because they dont have the correct configuration in their mail setup or because they dont check their storage regularly enough. With the incorrect configurations, a POP3 email setup can run into storage issues regularly, if you dont have your emails set up to delete anything on th...e server once it has been downloaded to your local device then it can quickly fill up and cause issues with your emails ability to send and receive. One way of working around this is to log in to webmail and clear it out manually. To do this go to a web browser and enter into the address bar the following . For example if your domain was, you would enter - - Once done this should take you to a login screen, from there you will enter your email address and the associated password. Once logged in, select a default application, Id personally recommend Round Cube for its simple interface. Then select any emails you want to delete and do so. You can delete in bulk by clicking on the storage icon located in the top left corner of your webmail. It should say something like 7MB/10MB. You can use the ensuing screen to delete emails in bulk. Alternatively you can set your emails up to delete automatically once they are downloaded from the server. For outlook, you may do this by opening your account settings, selecting More Settings, then navigate to Advanced. Under the Delivery heading, there should be 3 settings. Id recommend setting them the same as mine shown in the image. IMAP users can also have issues with storage, although it can be a bit easier to manage accidentally. An IMAP set up is when your local emails on your PC or phone are synced with the server. So any deleted on your PC/phone will be deleted from the server and vice versa. This however means that while you can keep your online storage clear from outlook manually. You will eventually run out of space if you hang onto a lot of old emails. To prevent filling up your mailbox this way I recommend setting up and auto archive for your mail client. The following link leads to our user guide for setting this up yourself. If you have any trouble with setting this one up, we can actually help you with it, just give us a ring on 1300 761 930 and ask us about email archiving. For now though, this has been a brief rundown of mail storage and how to easily circumnavigate a full mailbox before it happens. If you have any other questions about this our friendly support team are always available and willing to help. If you had any trouble with any of the terms in this article go check out our glossary here. (
08.01.2022 Chapter 8 - If you followed the steps from the last chapter it mightve left you wondering, hold on.. how do I start using my email?. Well there are a few ways you could go about this, the easiest being webmail, or by setting up your mail client, such as Outlook. To access webmail, just enter your domain name, follwed by /webmail. For example, if your domain was, you would enter "". Then enter the email address and your chosen password you during the account creation. Once logged into webmail, choose from 1 of the 3 email platforms (Round Cube is our preference, but the all essentially do the same thing, just with a different look and feel) and you will now have access to your emails. Youre also able to get the account setup in your email client on your phone, Mac or PC. This needs a little setup, but once done is very easy to access and maintain emails. During setup, it will normally ask for a few things like your incoming and outgoing server names and port numbers. You can read more on this in our knowledgebase ( Setting up an email account from scratch can sound a bit daunting, but all you need to know is whether youll be setting up with IMAP or POP (Read more on this here - and then follow one of Hosting Australias handy knowledgebase setup guides. Dont forget to like us on facebook to learn a bit more about the ins and outs of webhosting. Share and tag if you know someone who hates email setup.
08.01.2022 What is WordPress? WordPress powers nearly one-third of the world’s websites, from small personal blogs to the complex sites of major corporations. WordPress is only one of the site builders and content management systems users can download and install for free, but it is its ease of use for end users that makes it the most popular content management system in use today. find out more: #wordpress #CMS #hosting #localbusiness #australianbusiness #australia #websitedesign #supportlocal #support
07.01.2022 Web Development With Wordpress What is it? The short answer is a CMS, or content management system. That may have raised more questions than it answered though. In short, if you want to build a website you need to know how to code, right? Well no, not anymore, a CMS like Wordpress can and will do all the hard work for you, whether you want to create an online store or a blog, whatever you want really, you can do it with Wordpress.... You can personalise it further by installing one of the hundreds of themes out there designed specifically for Wordpress, each with its own unique features and feel. Our personal favourite is DIVI. It simplifies the Wordpress experience even further with its visual builder feature which allows anyone to jump into web development and look like a pro. Wordpress is easy to get into and muck around with, they have a free trial deal on their site you can use to test out some of their features and build a website with. Obviously, its not the full ride being that its free. If you find yourself wanting a bit more from the Wordpress experience I recommend coming to Hosting-Australia as we fully support Wordpress and have a well-versed knowledge of the inner working of the most popular CMS platform on the market. Were always happy to answer any questions you may have. We even do all the work for you if you need, one of our specialised team of developers can build you a fully funtioning website from the ground up. Call us on our support line 1300 761 930 to find out more.
06.01.2022 Chapter 10 - Morning class, this week will be all about website and email security, we will be going over some of the steps you can and should take to protect not only your integrity but potentially that of your email recipients and/or customers. First and foremost and though this might sound obvious, is a strong password. Passwords are the first line of defense against those with malicious intent, a good effective password can stop even the most determined hackers in their ...tracks before they can even get close to gaining access to your emails. There are a few unwritten rules (not really, theyre written everywhere people just ignore them) about passwords that are generally good to follow, things like capital letters, numbers and symbols are all good, easy ways to make your passwords more secure. Also having a few different ones is good, if you only have one and someone guesses it, you could be in trouble. An underrated way of maintaining password security is by having them saved in your browser, now this might seem counter intuitive to have all your passwords stored online, but key stroke loggers are everywhere, typing your password is exactly what they want you to do. Fortunately, its also easy enough to prevent that sort of thing, well get to that next.
05.01.2022 Chapter 9 - Pop3? IMAP? What is that? Good question, basically it defines how your emails are stored and managed. POP is primarily locally stored and IMAP is server and synchronised with a mail server. If you have a Pop3 account it means your emails are stored on our server until you access them on your PC or Mac, when you do that it downloads the emails to your hard drive, clearing the server out in the process. The benefits of this are that youll have offline access to ...your emails and wont have many issues with mailbox space on the server, additionally it means youll be able to store as many emails as your hard drive can hold. IMAP on the other hand syncs your emails on your PC or phone with the mail on the server and stores a copy on both devices. This means that meaning if you delete something on one it will also be deleted on the other. The good news here is that if your device crashes or is lost, you can still retrieve any emails left in your IMAP account, from our server. As always, please share and/or like this article, if you found it helpful.
04.01.2022 Hey Guys, So recently Google has announced that theyll be blocking mixed content on websites. But what is mixed content? Why does it matter? Well, when you install an SSL certificate on your site you redirect all traffic from the http to https version of your site, however there may still be content on your site that can still be identified as http content. What Google is going to do is automatically redirect the http content like images and audio files, if that cant be don...e the content will be blocked by google. This process will begin in the next Chrome release Chrome 79, which is scheduled for December 2019. However dont fret, your site content wont start getting blocked until February-April 2020. So how can you tell if you have mixed content on your site? Well in the top left you should see a lock to the left of your domain name in the address bar, clicking on it should show connection secure. Alternatively you may see an i, if you click on this it may show Your connection to this site is not fully secure. This means you have mixed content warnings. The good news, we can actually help you with this, mixed content is something we handle all the time, if you dont update the content you may notice chunks of your website disappearing before you know it. To avoid this you can contact your personal developer or do some quick googling or even just call us on 1300 761 930 and ask our support team about mixed content issues on your site. If you want to read what google said about this you can do so in the below link. As always you can contact us regarding anything you read here via email ([email protected]) or phone (1300 761 930).
04.01.2022 Hi everyone, this is a public service announcement to spread awareness of a series of new exploits being used to hack WordPress sites. The hack in questions uses a few vulnerabilites in WordPress plugins to plant code in the back end of your site resulting in redirects to unknown locations and also creates a back door entry point by generating a rogue admin account. As far as we know this issue is still ongoing, last week we posted about updating your site and plugins to prev...ent intrusions exactly like this. If you havent already read the following article linked. It provides more information about the hack and what you can do to prevent it. There are a few specific plug ins you should check your site for that are the root cause, if you have these plugins installed then you should remove them NOW. Below are the afflicted plug ins Bold Page Builder Blog Designer Live Chat with Facebook Messenger Yuzo Related Posts Visual CSS Style Editor WP Live Chat Support Form Lightbox Hybrid Composer All former NicDark plugins (nd-booking, nd-travel, nd-learning, et. al.) If youre concerned that maybe your site could have these installed then contact our support team, a quick audit of your site will tell us whether youre afflicted and what action you should take . You can reach us by phone on 1300 761 930 or by email at [email protected], ask for a security audit of your site..
04.01.2022 Chapter 4 - What is a domain? Commonly referred to as a web address, domain names are like your websites title. You can choose any available domain name, and generally it will have either your business name, your own name or something else relevant to your business as part of it. Its key that a domain is easy to remember and will stick in peoples minds. Basically, a domain name breaks down the location or address of the Hosting Server on the internet, called an IP address ...down to something much easier to remember. For example, the IP address of is Trying to remember this would be virtually impossibleso this is where a domain comes in and makes it easier to remember and find websites. When considering building a website, locking down a domain name should be priority one, as domains are completely unique. This means you must get in and register it before someone else on the planet gets it first. Having a catchy domain can be the difference between someone visiting your website and scrolling past. This guy has a great breakdown of the importance of domains. If you would like any further information about domains names, feel free to reach out and start a conversation with us! Dont forget to tag any friends, family or colleagues who you think may find this article interesting. Like us to keep up to date with the next post in our "Webhosting 101" series, coming next week.
03.01.2022 Because we are a week away from Christmas, I thought wed get into a more festive topic of discussion...Well still be talking about hosting, just not the web or email type. Nope, today will be all about hosting a Christmas Day bash! Here are our ten tips for successfully Hosting an Australian Christmas day bash:... #1 Dont forget the bulk pack of batteries: Little Johnny is a nightmare at the best of times, wait until he unwraps his shiny new toy and cant use it without batteries! Even worse, just when you sit down in front of the TV to relax and watch the Boxing Day test the next day, your remote will be suspiciously battery-less. #2 Gas Bottles: Have at least 2 full bottles. Nothing sets off a Christmas disaster quicker than no gas! The cheeky in-law (yes that one who always talks like an expert Christmas host but has never hosted one that you can remember) will like nothing more than for you to run out of gas with a roast lamb half cooked in the Weber Q. #3 Keep Aunt Betsy under 2 glasses of wine: Because we all know, the third will set her right off, and nobody needs to be told the same story 15 times over the course of Christmas day or lectured on table etiquette. #4 Lego: Make sure all the Lego is picked up. Last thing you need is Nana trying to plonk the Roast Pork and gravy on the table and stepping on a lego brick enroute. (Although, the family dog may vote against this tip being included). #5 Topics to avoid in conversation: In no particular orderPolitics, inheritances. #6 Watch the trifle: Because these days Nana is basically that kid at the High School dance who likes to spike the trifle with that little bit extra Sherry. #7 Dont forget the prawns are in the esky: Great idea by Dad, put the prawns in the esky so Mum doesnt complain about having no room in the fridge. Just dont forget themor you may have an unpleasant Boxing Day clean up. #8 Dont try to go head to head in an all-day beer drinking contest with Uncle Kenny: He will win and you will regret it on Boxing Day morning, especially if you forget step 7 and have to deal with a particularly smelly esky clean up. #9 Have extra toilet paper: Just remember this oneI dont feel an explanation is needed, but I will say I did learn this one the hard way. #10 Stay Safe, Relax and Enjoy the day: The most important one! Christmas is about family, friends and having a good time. Stay safe, be merry, laugh lots and enjoy the day! Even if something does go wrong, laugh, have another beer or wine and deal with whatever happens! You can always look back and laugh about it next year. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Hosting Australia.
03.01.2022 Chapter 5 - So I really just want a website, how do I get one? The first question that probably comes to mind after buying a domain and hosting is How do I go about building a website? To start building a site, we would recommend using a CMS (Content Management System) platform to set it up on, we highly recommend WordPress for its user-friendly interface, ease of use and because it supports some of the best add-ons and extensions on the market. ... Youll also need a theme; and again, our personal favourite is the Divi theme, as it brings heaps of templates and customisation options to make setting up your website as streamlined as possible. Give us a shout out if you want to know more about Wordpress and the Divi theme. Hosting Australia offers a range of installation options, to help you get startedand we can even provide you with a quotation on building your site from start to finish! Dont forgot to like and share this article with anybody you think needs help with hosting or a new website.
03.01.2022 Should I get Microfoft365 for my business? Short Answer: Probably Not. A lot of companies are signing up to Microsoft365 (formerly Office365) without really knowing what they are getting or if its even good for their business.... Thanks to some slick sales pitches sometimes businesses are just signing up to more expenses without really contributing to their productivity. Microsoft is making more effort in attracting customers to counter the uptake by businesses signing up to the GSuite tools. find out more : #email #ms360 #hosting-australia #pop #POP3 #Email #IMAP #hosting #localbusiness #australianbusiness #australia #websitedesign #supportlocal #support
02.01.2022 Hi all, starting this week Hosting-Australia will be running regular raffles each month via our Facebook page. Entering is simple, just fill out the form on our... website and thats it, youre in the running. Four winners will be selected on the 1st of April and prizes are 4x $20 Netflix or Stan vouchers, redeeming one of these will get you a free two-month subscription to the biggest TV and Movie streaming services out there or one month of premium which allows you to stream 4K HD on multiple screens at once. Additionally, if youre newly signing up to either Netflix or Stan then you get a one-month free trial, on top of the two months you get from us, so up to 3 months free on either. If you are already subscribed to one or both then you can use these vouchers to pay for your current subscription as well. Entries close 11:59 PM on the 31st of March, winners will be contacted and announced on the first Monday of each month.
01.01.2022 Is your website compliant with Googles new HTTPS/SSL requirements? Are you losing site traffic and sales because its not? Check out this article for more info:...
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