HRCA "Hinchinbrook Hotel" Over 40T20 Challenge | Other
HRCA "Hinchinbrook Hotel" Over 40T20 Challenge
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25.01.2022 Working Bee Sat 7th 7am & Senior Meeting Mon 9th 5:30pm Sorry about the late notice but the clubhouse and fields need some major work if we are going to play cricket this year. If you are doing nothing tomorrow morning any time after 630am, we will be having a working bee at Butler Park. All volunteers welcome. Any Lawn Mowers, whipper snippers, pressure cleaners and chain saws will be appreciated. I know everyone is busy this time of year but it needs to be done. Monday the... 9th at 5:30pm also at Butler Park we will have a senior meeting to discuss the upcoming season and our chances of playing next weekend as well as what form the season should take. Michael Bain HRCA Secretary See more
21.01.2022 Tonight 11th June Herbert River Cricket Association Inc. Annual General Meeting 6.30pm Butler Park. ... All Welcome. See more
20.01.2022 We are very sorry to say that this year’s Hinchinbrook Hotel Over40T20 challenge has been cancelled. This is regrettable especially after getting washed out last year but due to instructions from Cricket Australia and unprecedented health measures we have been left with little choice. Hopefully this will be all over shortly and life can begin to return to normal with everyone keen for some cricket come season time. Any further enquires can be sent to our new email [email protected] or via our Facebook page. Finally if running out of toilet paper is the worst we have to endure I think we will be fine, look after each other and remember stay home if you can and stay safe. Michael Bain HRCA Secretary
20.01.2022 Although the competition is cancelled the Friday Meet 'n' Greet at the Hinchinbrook Hotel will go ahead 6.30pm.
19.01.2022 Mon 11th of June 2018 6:30pm Hebert River Cricket Association Annual General Meeting HRCA Clubhouse Butler Park Cricket Grounds
18.01.2022 Although the cricket is off, come down to The Hinchinbrook Hotel tonight from 6:30pm. Wear your colours with pride.
17.01.2022 Hi all just a quick heads up about what’s happening at Herbert River Cricket. Firstly the grounds look great and thanks to a grant secured for the club from Paul Britton it didn’t cost us as much as we thought. Also the new nets at Gilroy are close to competitions with the mats being laid even as we speak. A huge effort from Michael Grazioli and all those involved. We cannot wait to see the finished result. Also with the lifting of people restrictions we have decided to hav...e our AGM on the 30th of July. There will be quite a number of spots available on the committee so if you ever wanted to make a difference this year is your opportunity to step up. Townsville cricket has invited us to play a winter T20 competition starting July 11th over three weekends this has previously been posted on Facebook but with little response. We have also been invited to play a forty over match against a combined Tully Innisfail team at Tully in August on a turf Wicket. This could turn into a regular event. If you’re interested in either of these competitions or in joining our Hebert River Committee please let us know. Finally in a massive coup for Townsville Cricket Riverway will be hosting three international matches this year with Zimbabwe playing the Australian Men’s team August 15th in a one day international followed by a T20 match against West Indies on October 4th. Finally on October 5th the Australian Ladies play New Zealand in a One day international. Please support these games otherwise they will not come north again. See you at the cricket Michael Bain HRCA Secretary See more
16.01.2022 Annual General Meeting Mon.26th Showgrounds 630pm Just a quick reminder about our Herbert River Cricket Association Annual General Meeting at the Old Referee Building at the Showgrounds. Everyone is welcome as Herbert River Cricket elects it's officials for the upcoming season, Other items on the Agenda include . playing at the showgrounds / making it our new home . upcoming season . ground works ... . working bee . juniors . seniors . Gilroy practice nets . Over40s . Townsville cricket The meeting starts at 630pm Monday the 26th of August. Hope to see you all there. Michael Bain HRCA Secretary
13.01.2022 11th June Herbert River Cricket Association Inc. Annual General Meeting 6.30pm Butler Park. All Welcome.
08.01.2022 What's Happening
05.01.2022 It is with a heavy heart that this years Over40's competition has been cancelled. The Friday Meet 'n' Greet at the Hinchinbrook Hotel on the 3rd of May starting at 6.30pm will still go ahead. A huge thank you to all our sponsors, supporters and players for their understanding, this decision was not made lightly. A special mention and huge condolences to the army of volunteers who have put their life on standby to try and get the fields under control be...tween showers, Alas the weather not the cricket was the winner on this occasion. Michael Bain HRCA See more
04.01.2022 Be there or be square
04.01.2022 Britto’s Volunteers 7/161 (20) Chris Bradshaw (52 ret.) Kyle Chiesa (47ret.) Brad Chiesa (17ret.) Haydn Grazioli (15) Chris Bradshaw 2/10 (3) Wes Seri 1/12 (3) Haydn Grazioli 1/17 (3) ... Over40’s 4/123 (20) Player of the Match Eliza Carr 6/14 (4) inc. Hat Trick Andrew Carr 1/16 (2) Michael Grazioli (35ret.) Peter Aranas (30ret.) Adam Douglas (23ret.)
03.01.2022 A big thank you to everyone who turned up for last night's Meet 'n' Greet at the Hinchinbrook Hotel in particular "The Grumpy Old Men" and "Vintage" who had a huge contingent of their players. A huge thank you must also go to Kyle Chiesa, Jessy-Mae Smith and Paul Britton for nearly pulling off a hail mary with this years competition. The weather was not our friend. Hopefully all the critics and finger pointers haven't put you off from coming back next year to do it all again. Finally it was a real honour to present Peter Aranas his well overdue Life Membership award for the Herbert River Cricket Association.