Habitat Restoration Fund www.hrfund.org | Non-profit organisation
Habitat Restoration Fund www.hrfund.org
Phone: +61 1300 473 863
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25.01.2022 Some great advice
24.01.2022 Some Thursday Trivia for you all
23.01.2022 The Nankeen Night-Heron unsurprisingly gets its name because it primarily hunts at night. It's large eyes are specially adapted to night vision, when it hunts in shallow water These guys are found all over Australia, wherever they can find permanent water, although they are considered Vulnerable in Victoria One of our volunteers saw this guy around Blackburn Lake #wildlife #birds #fauna #animals #interesting #australia #native #victoria #volunteer #birdsofprey
22.01.2022 Jumping into the end of the week like..... Some things are just to special not to share!
22.01.2022 How gorgeous is this Scarlet Robin one of our volunteers saw while on a walk recently! These birds are found throughout south-eastern and south-eastern Australia in monogamous pairs. The male defends their territory while the female builds the best and incubates the eggs #funfact #scarletrobin #native #fauna #australia #victoria #bird #robin #colourful
22.01.2022 How cute is this?! Did you know baby koalas are called joeys? These little guys develop in their mother’s pouch for around six months, then they ride on their mum’s back for another six months, and use the pouch to eat and sleep. #funfacts #native #fauna #koalas #australia #babies #cute #interesting
19.01.2022 We are so excited to have a Local Matters jar at Frankston Grill'd this month!!! Get down, get yourself a burger and (please) give us your vote All you need to do is purchase a burger and place your token in our jar.... Oh, and tell all your friends! We're only there for the month of January A great way to give back to the community and fill your belly at the same time #grilld #localmatters #community #fundraising #frankston #volunteer #burgers #habitatrestoration
19.01.2022 Happy WrensDay! Superb Fairy Wren (Courtesy of our wonderful volunteer, Chloe, again!) This little guy develops bright blue plumage during breeding season to attract a mate. They also sing a mating song, and the males are known to 'flirt with danger' by singing their song while predators are around to show their bravery #funfact #wrens #puns #birdlife #breedingseason #fauna #native #australia #victoria #photography #volunteer
19.01.2022 There were 10 Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoos in this native bush today Just on a regular, suburban street in Hastings! Goes to show that every Australian plant counts, no matter where you live! #plantnative #native #indigenous #flora #fauna #wildlife #floraandfauna #morningtonpeninsula #victoria #australia #birds #cockatoo
18.01.2022 Huge thanks to Australian Ornithography for a different view of a Spotted Pardalote. One that shows off their wonderful colours and patterns from above. shot at Scott Creek CP, S.A.
18.01.2022 We have some exciting news! One of our volunteers has been hard at work putting together the first edition of our video newsletter Habitat Happenings, which is now officially ready to be shared with you all! In our first edition of Habitat Happenings we introduce you to some of our current projects, show you the types of work we are involved in and let you know how you can sign up to become a member of the Habitat Restoration Fund!... We are always looking to welcome new members so if you’re interested follow the instructions in the video, click on the Sign Up button on our Facebook page or head to our website at https://hrfund.org/ #HabitatHappenings #LoveEastGippsland #LovethePen #habitatrestoration #regeneration #wildlifeconservation #natureeducation #AussieWildlife #australiannatives #weedcontrol #plantingdays #workingbee #volunteering #donateforacause #JoinTheCause #forthewild #notforprofit #HRF
17.01.2022 How amazing are platypus!
17.01.2022 How lucky was our volunteer, Chloe, to get this shot of a joey in it's mother's pouch?! When first born, joeys are only 2 centimetres long and weigh less than a gram! They 'move out of home' completely between 7 and 10 months of age #funfacts #wildlifewednesday #wildlife #fauna #animals #kangaroo #joey #baby #adorable #cute #volunteer #photography #australia #victoria #warrandyte
16.01.2022 How’s everyone else coping with the cold snap?
14.01.2022 Meet the Parents Now that the young Powerful Owls have left their hollow, Mr and Mrs Owl take their roles of protecting their offspring very seriously. Sitting... either side of their young, you can see Mrs Owl enjoying the fresh air after spending the last three months inside their hollow tending to her young. Mr Owl will now take on the duel roles of food provider and protector of his young family. Over the next five months the parents will teach their young the lessons of flight, staying protected from predators, the weather and by watching their parents, what to eat and how to catch their food. Here we see Mrs Owl, close to her young, ever watchful and enjoying the spring sunshine. Mr Owl also close by, is warding off the Currawongs and Cockatoos who are swooping his family. Mr Owl takes his role as protector very seriously. Baby Owls will stay close to their parents until the end of February when they will leave the parental territory to find mates and their own home range. Photo's 27 september 2020 at the Mount Evelyn Recreation and Conservation Reserve.
13.01.2022 Tonight, in a unique location in the Barrington Tops region of New South Wales, devils will roam the mainland for the first time in 3000 years. Aussie Ark is a ...400 hectare purpose-built sanctuary that showcases the rich biodiversity mainland Australia once supported. Aussie Ark now provides a vital insurance population for so many of our threatened mammals, and a stepping stone for future reintroduction efforts to landscapes where foxes and cats are managed. See more
12.01.2022 Did you know Yellow-faced Honeyeaters migrate every year? They travel along the Great Divide in groups of thousands- north every autumn and south in the spring! #amazing #travel #flight #migratory #birds #wildlife #australia #honeyeater #migration #autumn #spring
12.01.2022 A great example of the variety in flower heads you can find in wattles! This Acacia longifolia (Sallow Wattle) and Acacia myrtifolia (Myrtle Wattle) were spotted growing right next to each other This type of flower head is known as an inflorescence and is made up of many individual flowers. The round-shaped heads are 'globular' and the long, thin heads are 'cylindrical' #funfact #acacia #wattle #flowers #australian #native #indigenous #flora
10.01.2022 Getting some of our bushfire recovery project underway Helping private property owners clean up their fence lines to keep stock off the regenerating bushland #bushfirerecovery #regrowth #regeneration #bushfire #project #fencing #stock #bushfire #machinework #contractors #australia #victoria #fareastgippsland #eastgippsland
10.01.2022 We’re putting a call out to our followers who reside on the Peninsula and around Western Port to please head down to your local beach and have a look around for any Little Penguins that may have found themselves lost and washed up on the beach after going out in rough seas. Unfortunately there has already been reports of some being found deceased. Ensure to carry a cardboard box or pet carrier and a towel with you in case you do locate a Little Penguin in need.... If you do happen to come across a Little Penguin at your local beach please immediately get into contact with Animalia Wildlife Shelter on 0435 822 699 and they will be able to advise you how to proceed with safely catching and transporting the animal.
09.01.2022 Fence line clearing to assist bushfire affected landowners #bushfirerecovery #fenceline #clearing #eastgippsland #fareastgippsland #victoria #australia #machinework
08.01.2022 Some of our amazing volunteers filling their bellies and getting their votes in! Get down to Frankston Grill'd this month and help promote us by filling your belly too!! #localmatters #volunteers #community #grilld #victoria #morningtonpeninsula #conservation
06.01.2022 Another bird shot from our volunteer, Chloe! Spotted Pardalotes are more often detected by their characteristic call, as they perch high in Eucalyptus trees, although they nest in burrows in the ground! #funfact #fauna #wildlife #birds #native #australia #victoria
06.01.2022 What fantastic photos!
02.01.2022 The things you find! One of our volunteers found a claw in a bird's nest while out for a walk this week #whacky #birdsnest #morningtonpeninsula #victoria #australia #crazyfinds #interesting #weird
01.01.2022 We love these path signs on one of our long term projects #signage #walking #paths #walkingpath #forest #bushland #nature #outdoors #australia #victoria #morningtonpeninsula
01.01.2022 Another awesome opportunity to put your science hats on and participate in some #citizenscience collecting data about light pollution! Projects like this are super important in helping us understand the impacts humans and urban development are having on our natural world! It’s only once we understand the impacts of an action that we can come up with ways to mitigate them, so follow the links below, grab your pens and torches and head outside so that you too can contribute to this fantastic project!
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