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25.01.2022 I am named as a party to a divorce application. What happens if I am unable to attend the divorce hearing? If it is difficult for you to attend in person, you may ask the Court to appear by telephone. You must complete a Telephone/Video link attendance request form setting out the reasons why you are requesting to attend by telephone/video link. See Rule 25.11 of the Federal Circuit Court Rules 2001. For all family law enquiries, contact the team at Coonan & Coonan Legal on 1...300 001 298 or visit our website at #coonanandcoonanlegal #coonanandcoonanlegalsydney #coonanandcoonanlegalmelbourne #coonanandcoinanlrgalbrisbane #coonanandcoonanlegaldarwin #helpingyoumoveforward #familylaw Information only. Not legal advice. Source: Federal Court Circuit of Australia
24.01.2022 What happens if the Divorce Application has errors of fact? If you want the divorce granted but disagree with the facts in the Application for Divorce, you may file a Response to Divorce. You need to state which facts you disagree with in the Response to Divorce. The errors might, for example, be that dates of birth are incorrect or the details regarding the children are no longer correct. You do not need to attend the hearing.... For all family law enquiries, contact the team at Coonan & Coonan Legal on 1300 001 298 or visit our website at #coonanandcoonanlegal #coonanandcoonanlegalsydney #coonanandcoonanlegalmelbourne #coonanandcoinanlrgalbrisbane #coonanandcoonanlegaldarwin #helpingyoumoveforward #familylaw Information only. Not legal advice. Source: Federal Court Circuit of Australia
24.01.2022 I was in a de facto relationship. Do I have family law rights? Yes. From 1 March 2009, parties to an eligible de facto relationship which has broken down can apply to the Family Court or the Federal Circuit Court to have financial matters determined in the same way as married couples. You must apply for de facto financial orders within two years of the breakdown of your relationship. After this time you need the Court's permission to apply.... Before the Court can determine your financial dispute, you must satisfy the Court of all of the following: 1. you were in a genuine de facto relationship with your former partner which has broken down 2. you meet one of the following four gateway criteria a. That the period for the de facto relationship is at least 2 years b. That there is a child in the de facto relationship c. That the relationship is or was registered under a prescribed law of a State or Territory d. When assessing property or custodial claims in cases of a breakdown of a relationship, it is recognised that significant contributions were being made by one party and the failure to issue an order would result in a serious injustice 3. you have a geographical connection to a participating jurisdiction 4. your relationship broke down after 1 March 2009 (or after 1 July 2010 if you have a geographical connection to South Australia only); although you may be able to apply to the courts if your relationship broke down prior to the date applicable to your state. You should obtain legal advice about whether your circumstances satisfy the criteria before filing an application. For all family law enquiries, contact the team at Coonan & Coonan Legal on 1300 001 298 or visit our website at #coonanandcoonanlegal #coonanandcoonanlegalsydney #coonanandcoonanlegalmelbourne #coonanandcoinanlrgalbrisbane #coonanandcoonanlegaldarwin #helpingyoumoveforward #familylaw Information only. Not legal advice. Source: Federal Court Circuit of Australia
20.01.2022 Obtaining legal advice in your family law matter It is important to obtain some independent legal advice in relation to your situation. A lawyer can help you understand your legal rights and responsibilities.... They can also explain how the law applies to your case. A lawyer may also be able to help you reach an agreement without going to court. The court is unable to provide legal advice because to do so could seriously compromise the court's ability to impartially determine a case if a person then applies to the court seeking orders. For all family law enquiries, contact the team at Coonan & Coonan Legal on 1300 001 298 or visit our website at #coonanandcoonanlegal #coonanandcoonanlegalsydney #coonanandcoonanlegalmelbourne #coonanandcoinanlrgalbrisbane #coonanandcoonanlegaldarwin #helpingyoumoveforward #familylaw Information only. Not legal advice. Source: Federal Court Circuit of Australia
20.01.2022 How do I apply for a divorce? You can apply for a divorce by yourself (sole application) or together with the other party to the marriage (joint application). The same online application is used for both sole and joint applications. Before you start your application it is important to understand whether to file a sole or joint application, as there are different obligations in either case.... For all family law enquiries, contact the team at Coonan & Coonan Legal on 1300 001 298 or visit our website at #coonanandcoonanlegal #coonanandcoonanlegalsydney #coonanandcoonanlegalmelbourne #coonanandcoinanlrgalbrisbane #coonanandcoonanlegaldarwin #helpingyoumoveforward #familylaw Information only. Not legal advice. Source: Federal Court Circuit of Australia.
20.01.2022 Applying for a Divorce in Australia You can apply for a divorce in Australia if either you or your spouse: regard Australia as your home and intend to live in Australia indefinitely, or... are an Australian citizen by birth, descent or by grant of Australian citizenship, or ordinarily live in Australia and have done so for 12 months immediately before filing for divorce. You need to satisfy the Court that you and your spouse have lived separately and apart for at least 12 months, and there is no reasonable likelihood of resuming married life. It is possible to live together in the same home and still be separated. For all family law enquiries, contact the team at Coonan & Coonan Legal on 1300 001 298 or visit our website at #coonanandcoonanlegal #coonanandcoonanlegalsydney #coonanandcoonanlegalmelbourne #coonanandcoinanlrgalbrisbane #coonanandcoonanlegaldarwin #helpingyoumoveforward #familylaw Information only. Not legal advice. Source: Federal Court Circuit of Australia
20.01.2022 An agreement about the care arrangements of our children following separation... If you and your former partner agree on the future arrangements for your children after separation, you do not have to go to court, you can: make a parenting plan, or... obtain consent orders approved by a court. You should also seek legal advice when considering which approach is best for you. For all family law enquiries, contact the team at Coonan & Coonan Legal on 1300 001 298 or visit our website at #coonanandcoonanlegal #coonanandcoonanlegalsydney #coonanandcoonanlegalmelbourne #coonanandcoinanlrgalbrisbane #coonanandcoonanlegaldarwin #helpingyoumoveforward #familylaw Information only. Not legal advice. Source: Federal Court Circuit of Australia
19.01.2022 What do children need in a family law separation? Children need the continuing care and support of both parents. They will worry less if you can agree about what is going to happen and explain why to them. You should both:... reassure your child/ren that you still love them remember that accepting and dealing with the separation will enable you to better assist your child/ren to do the same allow your child/ren the right to love both of you don't make them choose tell your child/ren that they are not to blame and help them to discuss their feelings they often blame themselves, especially when parents fight about them or things they have done listen sympathetically to your child/ren's feelings and opinions without judgment talk with the other parent about issues relating to your child/ren make sure your child/ren don't hear or see you fighting keep your child/ren out of your arguments with or about the other parent be positive about the other parent when talking to your child/ren turn to other adults for emotional support rather than to your child/ren talk with your child/ren's teachers so they understand the situation, and keep your focus on your child/ren's well-being rather than on what is 'fair' for you. "For all family law enquiries, contact the team at Coonan & Coonan Legal on 1300 001 298 or visit our website at #coonanandcoonanlegal #coonanandcoonanlegalsydney #coonanandcoonanlegalmelbourne #coonanandcoinanlrgalbrisbane #coonanandcoonanlegaldarwin #helpingyoumoveforward #familylaw Information only. Not legal advice. Source: Federal Court Circuit of Australia
19.01.2022 What you need to consider when filing a Divorce Application and have been separated and living under the same roof... If you have been separated and living in the same residence for any part of the twelve months prior to filing your application you will need to provide extra evidence to prove that there has been a change in the marriage by preparing and filing an affidavit. If you are filing a joint application both parties should file an affidavit. In both types of applicati...ons (sole and joint) you should also ask a third person to file an affidavit as evidence of separation. For all family law enquiries, contact the team at Coonan & Coonan Legal on 1300 001 298 or visit our website at #coonanandcoonanlegal #coonanandcoonanlegalsydney #coonanandcoonanlegalmelbourne #coonanandcoinanlrgalbrisbane #coonanandcoonanlegaldarwin #helpingyoumoveforward #familylaw Information only. Not legal advice. Source: Federal Court Circuit of Australia
18.01.2022 An online process with the assistance of an experienced family lawyer to help you complete your joint application for divorce from start to finish, with ease. To find out more information, visit
17.01.2022 Obtaining legal advice for my Divorce Application If you need help to complete the application or are unsure about whether you are eligible to file for divorce, you should obtain legal advice. A lawyer can also explain how the law applies in your case. The court is unable to provide legal advice because to do so could seriously compromise the court's ability to impartially determine a case. For all family law enquiries, contact the team at Coonan & Coonan Legal on 1300 001 29...8 or visit our website at #coonanandcoonanlegal #coonanandcoonanlegalsydney #coonanandcoonanlegalmelbourne #coonanandcoinanlrgalbrisbane #coonanandcoonanlegaldarwin #helpingyoumoveforward #familylaw Information only. Not legal advice. Source: Federal Court Circuit of Australia
17.01.2022 Sole Divorce Application If you make a sole application, you are known as the applicant and the other party is known as the respondent. Only you as the applicant is required to sign the Affidavit for eFiling Application (Divorce). The respondent does not need to sign the Affidavit for eFiling Application (Divorce) however you do need to serve the application on the respondent. Court attendance is not required if there are no children of the marriage.... Court attendance is required if there are children under the age of 18 years. For all family law enquiries, contact the team at Coonan & Coonan Legal on 1300 001 298 or visit our website at #coonanandcoonanlegal #coonanandcoonanlegalsydney #coonanandcoonanlegalmelbourne #coonanandcoinanlrgalbrisbane #coonanandcoonanlegaldarwin #helpingyoumoveforward #familylaw Information only. Not legal advice. Source: Federal Court Circuit of Australia
16.01.2022 What is a Parenting Plan? A parenting plan is a written agreement that sets out parenting arrangements for children following separation. The plan is worked out and agreed jointly between the patents, and is an alternative to court. A parenting plan is not a legally enforceable agreement. It is different from a parenting order, which is made by a court and legally binding on the parents. Unless a court orders otherwise, you and your former partner can agree to change a order by entering into a parenting plan. For all family law enquiries, contact the team at Coonan & Coonan Legal on 1300 001 298 or visit our website at #coonanandcoonanlegal #coonanandcoonanlegalsydney #coonanandcoonanlegalmelbourne #coonanandcoinanlrgalbrisbane #coonanandcoonanlegaldarwin #helpingyoumoveforward #familylaw Information only. Not legal advice. Source: Federal Court Circuit of Australia
13.01.2022 We all hold the ingredient within each and every one of us. Only unless we collectively raise our consciousness can we all live in harmony.
12.01.2022 I have been served with divorce papers and I don't agree with the facts. When am I required to file a response to the divorce? If you want to file a Response to Divorce, you need to file it: if served in Australia within 28 days of the application being served on you, or... if served outside of Australia within 42 days of the application being served on you. You can electronically file (eFile) a Response to Divorce on the Commonwealth Courts Portal or file it at a family law registry. For all family law enquiries, contact the team at Coonan & Coonan Legal on 1300 001 298 or visit our website at #coonanandcoonanlegal #coonanandcoonanlegalsydney #coonanandcoonanlegalmelbourne #coonanandcoinanlrgalbrisbane #coonanandcoonanlegaldarwin #helpingyoumoveforward #familylaw Information only. Not legal advice. Source: Federal Court Circuit of Australia
09.01.2022 A Step by Step Video on How to Complete a Joint Application for Divorce.
09.01.2022 Can I oppose a Divorce Application? If you have been separated for more than 12 months, there are few opportunities to oppose a divorce application. You can only oppose the divorce where: there has not been 12 months separation as alleged in the application, or... the Court does not have jurisdiction. If you do not want the divorce granted, you must complete and file a Response to Divorce and appear in person on the hearing date. You need to set out the grounds on which you seek the dismissal in the Response to Divorce. If you file a response, you should attend the divorce hearing. If you do not attend, the Court may decide the divorce application in your absence. If it is difficult for you to attend in person, you may ask the Court to appear by telephone. For all family law enquiries, contact the team at Coonan & Coonan Legal on 1300 001 298 or visit our website at #coonanandcoonanlegal #coonanandcoonanlegalsydney #coonanandcoonanlegalmelbourne #coonanandcoinanlrgalbrisbane #coonanandcoonanlegaldarwin #helpingyoumoveforward #familylaw Information only. Not legal advice. Source: Federal Court Circuit of Australia
09.01.2022 Family Law Time Limitations An application can be filed any time after separation but should be filed within 12 months of a divorce or two years of the breakdown of a de facto relationship (s44 of FLA) if parties wish to seek orders from the Court. Otherwise, you will need to ask the Court for permission to file your application. You can do this by seeking leave to file the application for property or maintenance orders as one of the final orders sought. For all family law en...quiries, contact the team at Coonan & Coonan Legal on 1300 001 298 or visit our website at #coonanandcoonanlegal #coonanandcoonanlegalsydney #coonanandcoonanlegalmelbourne #coonanandcoinanlrgalbrisbane #coonanandcoonanlegaldarwin #helpingyoumoveforward #familylaw Information only. Not legal advice. Source: Federal Court Circuit of Australia
05.01.2022 Joint Divorce Application For a joint application, both parties are known as joint applicants. If you file a joint application one party completes the application and provides a copy to the other party to review and sign. When you eFile you will be able to print the document at the end of Step 1 and provide a copy to the other party for review. Once you lock the joint application at step 4 you can then print the finalised document for signature. Both applicants must sign the ...Affidavit for eFiling Application (Divorce). You do not need to serve documents on the other party if you make a joint application. Court attendance is not required if you file a joint application. For all family law enquiries, contact the team at Coonan & Coonan Legal on 1300 001 298 or visit our website at #coonanandcoonanlegal #coonanandcoonanlegalsydney #coonanandcoonanlegalmelbourne #coonanandcoinanlrgalbrisbane #coonanandcoonanlegaldarwin #helpingyoumoveforward #familylaw Information only. Not legal advice. Source: Federal Court Circuit of Australia
05.01.2022 Are you eligible to apply for a divorce application? 1. You (or the other party to the marriage) must answer YES to at least one of the following: Were born in Australia or have become an Australian citizen by descent (born outside Australia and at least one parent was an Australian citizen and your birth ...Continue reading
04.01.2022 It all starts at the grassroots - with little weeding required if pruned well, to grow to flourish & blossom for the benefit of all others #familylawyer #bestinterestofthechild #abrighterfuture
01.01.2022 What to consider when making parenting arrangements for your children following separation? Every family is different, so the arrangements that work for your family may be different from other families. Try to make arrangements that will work the best for your child. When making arrangements for your child, you will need to consider:... the age of your child which is very important in deciding what arrangements will work. establishing a regular routine so that your child knows the routine and what to expect, but also be flexible when required. giving plenty of notice if you wish to change the routine, for example, for special family occasions. whether it is reasonably practical for your child to spend equal time or substantial and significant time with each parent (substantial and significant time includes weekends, school holidays and days other than those) how their time will be spent with other significant persons in their lives, such as grandparents and other relatives who will look after them after school and where will they spend holidays any other things such as choice of school, health care, sport, or religious matters, and how to ensure that your child continues to enjoy their culture. For all family law enquiries, contact the team at Coonan & Coonan Legal on 1300 001 298 or visit our website at #coonanandcoonanlegal #coonanandcoonanlegalsydney #coonanandcoonanlegalmelbourne #coonanandcoinanlrgalbrisbane #coonanandcoonanlegaldarwin #helpingyoumoveforward #familylaw Information only. Not legal advice. Source: Federal Court Circuit of Australia
01.01.2022 I have received many requests from people wanting to receive general information on HOW to complete an application for divorce where both husband or wife are amicable - information that would not necessarily require the engagement of costly lawyers. So, come join me at my first online seminar where I will provide you with procedural information and teach you how you can complete your own application with ease. To register, visit