Hudson Institute of Medical Research in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Medical research centre
Hudson Institute of Medical Research
Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 3 8572 2700
Address: 27-31 Wright Street 3168 Melbourne, VIC, Australia
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25.01.2022 Dr Stacey Ellery and her team including Deborah de Guingand have been studying the possibility that creatine could be given as a supplement during pregnancy to support the development of healthy babies. Creatine is produced naturally in the body and is also a common nutritional supplement taken by athletes to boost their performance. Dr Ellerys team conducted a review of creatine studies in women to determine its safety. The good news is, the research found it would be safe ...for women of all ages! The answers could pave the way for future clinical trials testing creatine as a pregnancy supplement. Learn more about what creatine is, how it works in our bodies, and how it can support pregnant women and their babies.
25.01.2022 Honours, Masters and PhD studentsbe part of the next generation of scientists and help change lives for the better! Applications for the following programs are now open: Vacation placement program 1st and 2nd intake - APPLICATIONS CLOSE FRIDAY 23 OCTOBER ... 3rd intake - APPLICATIONS CLOSE FRIDAY 20 NOVEMBER Masters & PhD for 2021 - APPLICATIONS CLOSE SATURDAY OCTOBER 31 BSc & BBiomedSc Honours 2021- APPLICATIONS CLOSE FRIDAY 13 NOVEMBER Get in contact with one of our supervisors today to start your career in medical research. If you missed our virtual Student Open Day don't worry you can view all of the Zoom recordings here:
25.01.2022 Our cancer researcher Dr Jason Cain (top photo) and his family took part in a virtual charity event last weekend to support a very worthy cause - childrens brain cancer. Dr Cain, who studies paediatric brain cancer, participated with people all around the world in the The Kortney Rose Foundation 15th Annual Kortneys Challenge 2 Mile Fun Run/Walk to Help Get Brain Tumours off Kids Minds. To learn more about Dr Jason Cain and his research, visit our website:
25.01.2022 Very welcome news today from the #VicBudget - $1M to kick off the National Centre for Inflammation Research - delivering better health, new industry and jobs for all Victorians. Director and CEO Professor Elizabeth Hartland (pictured with Associate Director Professor Paul Hertzog) thanked Dan Andrews , Jaala Pulford MP and the Victorian Government for supporting Hudson Institute’s world class inflammation scientists. Read more: Tim Pallas Martin Foley MP Martin Pakula Monash Health Monash University Monash Children's Hospital
24.01.2022 After watching her father struggle to battle high blood pressure for decades, Dr Jun Yang ran some tests and was able to find one targeted treatment that successfully lowered his blood pressure to a healthy level for the first time. Dr Yang's father had a hormonal condition called primary aldosterone (PA)often misdiagnosed as conventional hypertensionwhich is turning out to be more common than first thought. Dr Yang, the co-founder of Hudson Institute and Monash Health'...s Endocrine Hypertension Service, is featured in the latest edition of Clinical Endocrinology News, MDedge and Medscape. Read the feature here: Monash Health #PrimaryAldosteronism
23.01.2022 Congratulations to PhD student Ben Amberg, who won the Monash Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition! Bens presentation cleverly links a memorable primary school science experiment, with his own research on how to make fetal surgeries safer, to improve outcomes for babies with congenital abnormalities. We wish Ben all the best for the Monash Uni 3MT final on August 18. Go Ben! ... To read more about Bens research and watch his winning presentation follow this link: #3MT #phd #phdstudent #medicalresearch
23.01.2022 Did you catch Professor Elizabeth Hartland on ABC News Channel on Saturday? Prof Hartland discussed potential health implications for US President Donald Trump who had been hospitalised with COVID-19, and explained the 'antibody cocktail' he had been given. Watch the interview on YouTube: . . . Dan Andrews Jaala Pulford MP Martin Pakula Tim Pallas The Project See more
23.01.2022 "We must act now to preserve this valuable demographic in Australias scientific workforce." . The gendered impact of COVID-19 is becoming apparent. Women, including female scientists, are being disproportionately affected. Female early-to-mid-career researchers with caring responsibilities report the highest level of detrimental career impacts and mental stress. This is a consequence of the juggling act created by home-schooling, extended work hours, disturbed worktime..., and job/financial insecurity. . Hudson Institutes Dr Kate Lawlor, along with Dr Kylie Quinn and Dr Jess Borger highlight the need for urgent government funding to support women and early to mid career researchers in this piece for Womens Agenda. Monash University RMIT University Greg Hunt MP National Health and Medical Research Council - NHMRC Guardian Australia Jaala Pulford MP Jenny Mikakos MP
22.01.2022 MEET DR FIONA COUSINS We thought you might like to meet one of our superstar endometriosis researchers, Dr Fiona Cousins. . Dr Cousins recently featured on Episode 25 of our podcast The Hudcast which you can catch up on wherever you listen to your poddies! Or, click this link to listen to it via our website (endometriosis discussion starts at 27.40). LISTEN HERE
22.01.2022 The COVID-19 pandemic is having an unanticipated effect on people across the globeand our scientists are no exception. In the latest edition of Hudson News Summer, we catch up with Dr Jaclyn Pearson, Research Group Head at Hudson Institute, to learn how COVID-19 has affected her. "This pandemic has literally stopped many scientists in their research tracks and generated an immense amount of uncertainly about their future," said Dr Pearson.... "For some though, I can see it has generated a once in a lifetime opportunity to contribute to one of the biggest public health crises the world has ever seen." Read Jac's story and learn more about our latest discoveries - and how you can help - in Hudson News summer.
22.01.2022 A cutting-edge new treatment for a fatal lung disease is one step closer thanks to a discovery by our cell therapy researchers, Dr Dandan Zhu and Associate Professor Rebecca Lim. Read the full story: . . . Dan Andrews Jaala Pulford MP National Health and Medical Research Council - NHMRC Boston Children's Hospital HMX - Harvard Medical School Harvard Stem Cell Institute Monash University
21.01.2022 Prof Caroline Gargett's team have overcome a major hurdle in the process to produce enough high quality adult stem cells, from samples from a woman’s endometrium, to develop treatments for pelvic organ prolapse and inflammatory conditions. Full story: Read the full story: National Health and Medical Research Council - NHMRC
21.01.2022 Congratulations to the Zero Childhood Cancer Program on this landmark publication. We look forward to a future where all children are free from cancer. #zerochildhoodcancer
20.01.2022 As an Honours, Masters or PhD studenttake the next step in your careerhelp develop new treatments and make medical breakthroughs. Our students hereShaye, Wai Chin and Mariamixing it up in the lab are excited to virtually meet you at our Student Open Week WebinarsMonday 24 and Tuesday 25 of August. Due to COVID-19, this years events will be held via Zoom.... Follow this link to register now Monash University Medical Students Society: MUMUS #welovescience #studyscience #PhDlife #medicalresearch #studentopenday2020
20.01.2022 Thanks again to Professor Lisa Harvey-Smith Australia's Women in STEM Ambassador for sharing her experiences and how to be a good ally with our Institute today. #LGBTSTEMDay #HudsonAlly #Diversity #Inclusion #Visibilitymatters
20.01.2022 Hudson Institute's research into delaying umbilical cord clamping for newborns who need help breathing has changed national and international guidelines. Now, new research by Associate Professor Graeme Polglase has shown that performing CPR on newborns who need it may be more beneficial if the umbilical cord remains attached, supplying critical blood flow and oxygen to protect the baby's brain while resuscitation is underway. This is a prime example of how lab disco...veries at Hudson Institute can change and save lives of those in hospital - the benefit of being located onsite with a major university and hospital! Click here to read more, including a story in the Herald Sun: Monash Health Monash University Monash Children's Hospital Cerebral Palsy Alliance Research Foundation National Health and Medical Research Council - NHMRC
20.01.2022 Sildenafil, a drug that dilates blood vessels, has been trialled as a potential therapy to restore blood flow in growth restricted pregnancies where placental blood flow is reduced. This can lead to fetal growth restriction, which has numerous health implications for the baby. Hudson Institute researchers investigated how sildenafil impacts the developing fetus, a study carried out in pre-clinical models. It was found to have a negative and potentially harmful effect. It's an... important finding for research, as our scientists Dr Ishmael Inocencio and Dr Beth Allison explain. Read more: Monash University National Health and Medical Research Council - NHMRC
19.01.2022 Well done to our researchers including Dr Michael Gantier who collaborated on this very important study with Walter and Eliza Hall Institute.
19.01.2022 Director and CEO Professor Elizabeth Hartland reflects on the incredible challenges faced by all in 2020, in the latest edition of Hudson News. . "While we are working hard to accelerate our work on treatments for acute cases of COVID-19, I am mindful the pandemic has sadly taken a toll on millions of lives around the globe. Not only in terms of death, but also in lingering symptoms arising from the long-term impact of severe inflammation. This is an issue that will need further clinical research and trials in the coming months and years." . Learn more about our latest discoveries in Hudson News summer.
18.01.2022 Congratulations to Professor Henry Burger AO on being awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award for outstanding contribution to menopause, from the International Menopause Society. The award was announced to mark World Menopause Day on 18 October. Prof Burger is Emeritus Director and Distinguished Scientist, Hudson Institute of Medical Research. Prof Burger led Prince Henry’s Institute now Hudson Institute from 1969 until 1997.... Read more: . . . International Menopause Society #IMS #WorldMenopauseDay2020 #menopause
18.01.2022 Olive, 11 and her brother Will, 8 wanted to say a big THANK YOU to their scientist heroes for all their hard work, including on COVID-19 research. The result was 650 letters written to scientists by students at Malvern Primary School in Victoria. The letters will be sent to researchers at Hudson Institute and around Australia. The Gratitude Project was the brainchild of Hudson Institute researcher Dr Sarah Meachem (Olive and Wills mum) who heard about a similar initiative ov...erseas. Why not share the story and spread the love? Read more here: Malvern Primary School Herald Sun Monash Childrens Hospital Monash Health Monash University
18.01.2022 Imagine replacing the need to take daily medications with an injection a couple of times a year! That could be the future of medicine. Gene targeting medicinesnucleic acid therapeuticsare an emerging category of medicine with huge potential to improve patients lives. Based on synthetic nucleic acids (DNA and RNA), they target diseases at the genetic level, by preventing the expression of disease-causing proteins. Dr Michael Gantier explains how his labs latest disco...veries offer a game-changing solution to obstacles thrown up by these therapeutics. Read more: National Health and Medical Research Council - NHMRC Integrated DNA Technologies See more
18.01.2022 Hudson Institute is a leader in cerebral palsy research and we are delighted that two of our researchers have been awarded a share of almost $165 000 in funding from the Cerebral Palsy Alliance Research Foundation . . Congratulations to Dr Vanesa Stojanovska and Anne Trinh, the recipients of the funds from the Foundation’s Emerging Research Grants. . One in 700 Australian babies are diagnosed with cerebral palsy each year. There is no known cause or cure but our scie...ntists are on a mission to improve the lives of those with cerebral palsy at every stage of life. Read more: Cerebral Palsy Alliance #cerebralpalsy #cerebralpalsyresearch See more
17.01.2022 Donald Trump has finished his COVID-19 treatment, but has he recovered? Prof Elizabeth Hartland talks to ABC reporter Sophie Scott.
17.01.2022 Congratulations Prof Richard Ferrero, A/Prof Patrick Western, Dr Nicole de Weerd and Dr Samuel Forster for being awarded Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Projects Grants totalling $2.4 million.
16.01.2022 "Each time I had a urinary tract infection, I would be in excruciating pain. I couldnt think straight or function normally. My life would grind to a halt." Imelda has been managing chronic urinary tract infections (UTIs) for more than 30 years. UTIs can cause debilitating pain. Antibiotics may help for a short while, until the infection returns and the cycle of pain restarts. With growing concerns that UTIs are becoming more resistant and harder to treat, and global fears ...over antimicrobial resistance in all infections, vital UTI research is under the spotlight for Womens Health Week this week, (711 September). Dr Michelle Chonwerawong and Dr Sam Forster are working to identify the exact bacteria causing these infections to find a targeted treatment. "It is possible that chronic UTI infections are being caused by another strain or type of bacteria that we are not currently able to detect, either due to limitations of the current testing methods or that the location or behaviour of the bacteria have yet to be deciphered," Dr Forster said "Combining our ability to grow bacteria from the microbiome with advanced artificial organ systems will allow us to understand and potentially identify the key bacterial factors and immune mediators that cause these devastating conditions at a cellular and tissue level " Dr Chonwerawong Learn more about the research and read Imeldas storya personal journey of living with UTIs for over three decades.
16.01.2022 Associate Professor Ron Firestein, Naama Neeman and their children joined almost 4,000 other participants in the 8th annual #ConnorsRun to raise funds for paediatric brain cancer research. This year's event - held across September due to COVID-19 restrictions - has now raised more than $1 million for the RCD Foundation-Robert Connor Dawes! We are extremely grateful to the Foundation for its support of the Institute and the important work it does in this area. ...
16.01.2022 About 1 in 5000 babies are born with DSDs each year. This means their genetic, hormonal or physical sex characteristics are not typically male or female. . Differences in sex development (DSD) can be mild, but others can be life-threatening. There are potentially hundreds of different causes, so diagnosis is difficult and can be lengthy, placing additional pressure on stressed families. . The latest research by Professor Vincent Harley and Dr Daniel Bird has recommended tha...t a gene, FGF9, be included in diagnostic screening panels to determine the genetic origin of DSD in patients. This is another tool in a suite that could improve diagnoses, decision-making and quality of life many for children and their families. Read more: National Health and Medical Research Council - NHMRC Tokyo Medical and Dental University - Institute for Molecular Bioscience
16.01.2022 Congratulations to Associate Professor Rebecca Lim and her team, awarded $300,000 from the State Governments Victorian Medical Research Acceleration Fund to advance groundbreaking cell therapies. A/Prof Lim investigates treatments for Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD)an incurable, chronic lung disease affecting very premature, and extremely premature, babies. . BPD has significant overlap with the severe respiratory distress suffered by some COVID-19 patients. The t...reatments the team are developing use cells from the amniotic sac, which have powerful anti-inflammatory properties and have the potential to treat not only BPD but other respiratory conditions, including COVID-19. . Read more Victorian Department of Health & Human Services Monash Health Monash University Thermo Fisher Scientific Cytiva See more
16.01.2022 Congratulations to our amazing researcher A/Prof Rebecca Lim for being named a leading Australian life sciences researcher in Development Biology and Embryology!! A/Prof Lim was named in the top 30 life sciences in Australia by the special publication in The Australian. ... Read all about it here: A/Prof Lim is exploring the use of placental cells (from the amniotic sac), which have potent anti-inflammatory and regenerative effects, to treat COVID-19, liver disease, stroke and lung disease in extremely premature babies. Learn more about her research here: . . Dan Andrews Jaala Pulford MP Jenny Mikakos MP Monash University Monash Health
14.01.2022 Face masks are mandatory attire in Melbourne from today. Check out these unique handmade face mask designs by the very talented Dr Steph Conos! Visit her website for more details about how to make your own. . . . #staysafestayhome #wearamask #covid19au #covidmasks #covidmasksewing #covidmasks2020 #covidmaskshandmade
14.01.2022 Patients with ovarian cancer could benefit from a potential new treatment based on a scientific discovery that is progressing from the laboratory through safety testing and into clinical trials, thanks to a significant international investment. A partnership between Hudson Institute and venture capital investors, Morningside Ventures has led to the creation of a spin-off company, Epsila Bio Inc to develop and commercialise the treatment. The therapeutic is based on a... Hudson Institute discovery that the presence of a cytokine, interferon epsilon, in the female reproductive tract, activates the bodys immune response to infections and has a similar immune response to cancer. Hudson Institute Chief Commercialisation Officer, Rob Merriel said, Theres a huge unmet need for a breakthrough ovarian cancer treatment. This is a silent disease which is often asymptomatic, and discovered too late when it has already spread extensively. Read more: #ovariancancer #ovariancancertreatment Dan Andrews Jaala Pulford MP Jenny Mikakos MP Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation (OCRF)
14.01.2022 We're super proud of Sharmony Kelly, Hudson Institute and Monash University PhD student, for winning the Sir John Monash Medal for outstanding academic achievement in biomedical science. Sharmony is researching ways to prevent brain injury in newborns. Read the full story: . Monash University @monashalumni
14.01.2022 Why does it take so long to diagnose endometriosis? Our endo researchers tackled this question in an article published on The Conversation this week. Professor Caroline Gargett, Dr Fiona Cousins and Dr Caitlin Philby discuss reasons for the delay to diagnosis, which include societys normalisation of period pain, the fact surgery is the only way to get an accurate diagnosis, and prior lack of research funding. ... The team are advancing endometriosis research to improve the lives of people with this debilitating condition. Thanks to The Conversation and other media outlets for continuing to raise awareness of this important issue! Click here to learn more about our endometriosis research: Read The Conversation article: The Conversation Jean Hailes for Womens Health Endometriosis Australia Radio Adelaide 3CR Community Radio HER. on Radio Adelaide #endometriosis #endo
14.01.2022 Congratulations to PhD student Ingrid Dudink, who has been awarded a Centennial Scholarship 2020 from Graduate Women Victoria. Ingrid will use the scholarship to help financially support herself and her family throughout her PhD studies in the Neurodevelopment and Neuroprotection research group. Ingrids studies focus on understanding and inhibiting the mechanisms that contribute to perinatal brain injury and functional deficits associated with cerebral palsy. ... Read more:
13.01.2022 Thinking about a career in medical research? Then its time to save these dates! Our Student Open Week webinars will be on Monday 24 and Tuesday 25 August. Hear from supervisors and current students and explore the courses and projects available to find out which one is right for you in 2021.... Be part of the next generation making amazing medical discoveries and helping change lives for the better. Our current students are excited to virtually meet you and share why they love what they do and how you can be a part of it! Due to COVID-19, this years events will be held via Zoom. Follow this link to register and for more information on courses available #PhDlife #studyscience #welovescience #medicalresearch #studentopenday2020 #CRH
13.01.2022 Dr Shayanti Mukherjee and her team are at the forefront of innovative work to develop new, biodegradeable meshes to treat pelvic organ prolapse POP a huge need for womens health. Her teams latest exciting discovery could have even wider application not only for POP, but for wound healing. In a world-first, Dr Mukherjee found materials called perovskitescommonly used in solar cells productioncan be used safely to engineer human tissue. The products have anti-mic...robial properties and can be added to the mix to support tissue growth without toxic side effects to human cells. Read more about this exciting discovery and how perovskites are being used for the first time to research ways to promote tissue healing! National University of Singapore . . . . . . . #regenerativemedicine #custommesh #bioprinting #eMSC #pelvicorganprolapse Jean Hailes for Womens Health Association for Pelvic Organ Prolapse Support (APOPS) Lets Talk About Pelvic Organ Prolapse Pelvic organ prolapse Pelvic Organ Prolapse: The Silent Epidemic Pelvic organ prolapse, Urology and gynaecology support group Pelvic Guru
13.01.2022 One of the mysteries of COVID-19, the disease that's caused by SARS-CoV-2, is why some people experience severe, life threatening disease and others don't. Age, male gender and having other problems like diabetes, heart and lung disease and probably obesity are risk factors. But what about individual differences in people's immune systems?... Listen to Prof Paul Hertzog discuss the implications of two recent Science Magazine papers on his #COVID19 research on ABC Radio National with Dr Norman Swan. ABC Radio National Science
12.01.2022 How do science students choose a project? There is a lot to weigh up! Student Merrin Pang (left) chose a project with Associate Professor Claudia Nold for her PhD. Together they are improving the chances for our tiniest patients. "Hudson Institute had so many projects available that really piqued my interest. There are many Centres within the Institute that are doing amazing work in their field, the collaborative nature was a major drawcard. I chose A/Prof Nolds group... because the project involved both a clinical and bench side component meaning I got to experience the best of both worlds in terms of my medical research experience." Along the way Merrin has made lifelong friends, published a review, met leaders in the field at national and international conferences and explored her scientific career options. Read more from Merrin - You can also find out more at our Student Open Week webinars from 5pm today and tomorrow . Register: Register now to hear from supervisors and current students and explore the courses and projects available to find out which one is right for you in 2021.
11.01.2022 Queue....drum roll . The Awards for Q2 Hudson Values go to Ellen Jarred and Steve Bouralexis! PhD student, Ellen is President of Hudson Institute Student Society and has done a fantastic job keeping students engaged during lock-down while pursuing excellence in her research and studies. Overall a stellar contributor to the Hudson Institute community. As part of the Hudson Critical Management Team, Steve has been relentless in keeping vital facilities in top shape lock-down. Congratulations to Ellen and Steve on their awards. The quarterly Hudson Values Awards recognise our staff and their commitment to our valuesExcellence, Collaboration, Innovation and Community. For more information on Ellen and her life as a PhD student at Hudson Institute follow this link: #excellence #collaboration #innovation #community
11.01.2022 Well be proudly donning purple on Friday, 28 August in support of Wear it Purple Day. . . The theme #Wearethechange highlights the active role that is needed to ensure we foster supportive, safe, empowering and inclusive environments for LGBTIQ+ young people. . So dress up your working-from-home outfit with something purple or rainbow and share a photo to show your support! Remember to tag your post, photo or story @Hudson_ research on Instagram. And if you... are not on Instagram, please join and encourage your family to do so as well! . #WIPD2020 #WeAreTheChange #HudsonAlly #VisabilityMatters #Diversity #Inclusion #LGBTSTEM See more
11.01.2022 Congratulations to Ruby Oberin for winning The Australian and New Zealand Bone and Mineral Society (ANZBMS) 2020 Christopher and Margie Nordin Young Investigator Award Ruby's work involves studying how epigenetic programminga type of non-genetic instructionsin the egg can affect offspring growth and bone development. The award is named in honour of Professor Christopher Nordin, who had a long and distinguished career in bone disease and calcium metabolism. ... Australian and New Zealand Bone and Mineral Society #ANZBMS2020 See more
10.01.2022 190 million women worldwide are affected by endometriosis. But one in 10 experience the agonising symptoms for about seven-and-a-half years before they even hear the word, endometriosis. Is this you? . Finding the right help early on can save years of debilitating pain, says endometriosis researcher Magda Mareckova in this compelling video. . As part of Womens Health Week this week, (7-11 September) we are highlighting endometriosisa key focus of our research led b...y Professor Caroline Gargetts Endometrial Stem Cell Biology Research group. . The following video was produced by Magda, an international student who completed her Masters degree with Prof Gargett, now undertaking her PhD at Oxford University. Watch the video here: . . . . #endometriosis #WomensHealthWeek #WomensHealthWeek2020 Endometriosis Australia Endometriosis Awareness Endo Warriors The Endometriosis Foundation of America University of Oxford
10.01.2022 Discovering the missing link to how cells turn on inflammation was like finding how turning a key in a car ignition tells the engine to start producing energy to turn the wheels, A/Prof Ashley Mansell says. . The discovery provides the knowledge to potentially reduce or stop destructive inflammation in future. . It comes as the world finds itself in the grip of the SARS-CoV-2 viral pandemic, where raging inflammation caused by the body’s overwhelming immune respons...e in some individuals can lead to death and debilitating ongoing symptoms. Read more: A/Prof Ashley Mansell, Dr Dan Gough Dan Andrews Jaala Pulford MP Martin Pakula Tim Pallas
10.01.2022 Wishing fathers everywhere an incredibly happy Fathers Day for tomorrow, including Dr Jason Cainwho is juggling critical research and home-schooling. Dr Cain researches childhood brain tumors with the aim to significantly improve treatment, survival rates and quality of life. "While its been a tough year, the silver lining is time to share the simple and grounding day-to-day things of life as familylike preparing and eating lunch together and regular walks and bike ...rides. Children show you what is important. Family is everything and helping parents and children is the fuel behind my research." We understand that it is more challenging than ever to juggle work and parenting during COVID-19, and we acknowledge all parents working, child-rearing and home-schooling at this time. We also acknowledge this could be a sad day for some, and our goes out to you. Read more about Dr Cains research: #fathersday #happyfathersday2020
09.01.2022 A career in science starts with a post-graduate student project mentored by a senior scientist. Madeleine Wemyss (left) shares her student experience and how her supervisor Dr Jaclyn Pearson (right) has inspired her to continue her Honours project into a PhD. "I met Dr Jaclyn Pearson at an information night for prospective Honours students at Hudson Institute, and really connected with her passion for scientific study." Maddy said. "Excitingly, a review I wrote with my su...pervisor was published within 6 months of starting my PhD!" Read more about Maddies experience : You can also hear from Maddie and find out more at our Student Open Week webinars next week! Maddie will be speaking about research projects and study opportunities in the area of infectious diseases on Tuesday 255:30-6:00pm. Hear from supervisors and current students and explore the courses and projects available to find out which one is right for you in 2021. Register and come along virtually on Monday 24 and Tuesday 25 August. #phdlife #studyscience #welovescience
09.01.2022 Hudson Institute is proud to announce our first seminar for LGBT+STEM day acknowledging our support for our diverse community and encouraging active allyship at the Institute. . An initiative of our newly launched Ally Network, the event will take place on 12 November and include a virtual seminar from 12pm-1pm. Celebrations will be continuing all week ahead of international LGBT+ STEM Day on 18 November. . All staff, researchers and students are invited to join the event. There will be plenty of ways to show your support, including on social media - so stay tuned for details to come! . #HudsonAlly #LGBTSTEMDay #Visibility #Diversity #Inclusion Pictured: LGBT+ STEM day 2019 bake-off (L_R) Dr Erin McGillick, Dr Beth Allison and Belinda Pelle.
09.01.2022 One in 700 babies in Australia are diagnosed with cerebral palsy. Could umbilical cord blood treatment be the answer to improving the lives of those with the condition? Umbilical cord blood is a rich source of stem cells, which have powerful healing properties. PhD student Tayla Penny and Dr Courtney McDonald have previously shown that a single treatment of umbilical cord blood cells can improve long-term behavioural outcomes of babies deprived of oxygen during pregnancy or ...birth - but does not protect the brain from physical injury. But there is now hope, following further research, that multiple doses of these cells could do just that. Read our story to learn more: Inner Wheel Australia Monash Health Monash University . . . #cerebralpalsy #cerebralpalsyresearch #umbilicalcordbloodcells #umbilicalcordbloodcellsresearch Jaala Pulford MP Jenny Mikakos MP Greg Hunt MP Victorian Government News Cerebral Palsy Alliance Cerebral Palsy Foundation Cerebral Palsy Australia Cerebral Palsy Support Network Monash Childrens Hospital
09.01.2022 When it comes to healthy workplaces, our Director Professor Elizabeth Hartland leads by example and laces her shoes up! . Here at Hudson Institute we are a pretty healthy bunch - which is not surprising as our research focuses on achieving and maintaining the healthiest life possible from conception, with our expertise in fertility studies, to adulthood. . But now our health and wellbeing practices have been officially recognised by the Victorian Government's Healthy Wo...rkplaces Achievement Program, proving we are a great place to work. And healthy, happy employees means a productive workplace environment where we can focus on scientific excellence. . Huge thanks to our Culture and Engagement Committee who have kept us all smiling during lockdown! Read the full story here: Achievement Program Cancer Council Victoria #healthyworkplaces Victorian Government News
08.01.2022 What is Hedgehog signaling? And why is it important? . Hegdehog signaling is not what it sounds like - spiky animals getting each others attention. In the world of science, its actually a biological process that plays a crucial role in embryonic development. . . After this, it is essentially turned off and lies dormant, unless there is a tissue injury in the body which can switch it back on as part of the healing process. ... . Problems occur when the pathway is activated in healthy tissue, which is associated with the development and progression of cancer. But in a new, world-first discovery, researchers including Dr Jason Cain have discovered two genetic markers which could lead to more personalised cancer treatments for some patients! Read more: Jenny Mikakos MP Jaala Pulford MP Cancer Council NSW Baileys Day Australian Government Monash University
08.01.2022 We think this quote from Marie Curie is quite apt at the moment. What do you think?
08.01.2022 Like and share Today we are proud to officially launch our Hudson Ally Network with a week long series of virtual celebrations in the lead up to LGBTSTEM Day 2020 on 18 November. . We look forward to continuing to grow this employee-led network to promote visibility and inclusivity whereby all staff and students can feel comfortable being their authentic self both personally and professionally at the Institute. . Read more: #HudsonAlly #LGBTSTEMDAY2020 See more
08.01.2022 A happy Fathers Day shout out to all the incredible dads out there. A healthy and happy family is first and foremost for mens reproductive health scientist, Associate Professor Patrick Western (pictured here on a family holiday). "Being a scientist is a privilege as I get to explore new areas and make discoveries that I hope will be of benefit to others. As a dad, I know science isnt for everyone, but the value of following your passion seems more relevant as my boys along their own pathways." "Being a dad is about the every-day ebb and flow of life, sharing common interests like camping and seeing our kids develop their own interests, whether playing music, discovering a book they love, or sitting down to the latest streaming offering" "Time flies and before we know it they will be on their own path, so grab all the moments while you can." You can read more about A/Prof Westerns work here: #happyfathersday2020 #fathersday
07.01.2022 If you were in any doubt about the level of activity across Australias medical research institutes to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic, watch this. The Association of Australian Medical Research Institutes (AAMRI) - the peak body for research institutes like ours, has released an animation to show the pace and impact of change that happened across the country at our medical research institutes. Were part of this activity, and proud of it! Together, we can find solutions.
06.01.2022 Congratulations to our internationally renowned male reproductive health expert, Professor Rob McLachlan AM, who has been awarded Life Membership of the Endocrine Society of Australia (ESA). Prof McLachlan, Director of Andrology Services at Hudson Institute and Monash Health, is now a life member of two of Australia’s premier reproductive health organisations the ESA and Fertility Society of Australia (FSA). This significant achievement places him alongside two other ...Hudson Institute alumni to have secured the same honour Professor Henry Burger AO and Professor Bryan Hudson AO, whom the institute is named after. Prof Burger and Prof Hudson were directors of Prince Henry’s Institute, the earlier iteration of Hudson Institute. Read the full story: . . . Monash Health @healthymaleau
06.01.2022 Ten Hudson Institute students have been selected to participate in the high-level mentoring program, Industry Mentoring Network in STEM (IMNIS). Led by the Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering, IMNIS provides Australias future STEM leaders the opportunity to engage with industry, extend their professional network, strengthen their skills and get advice from an influential industry mentor. Congratulations to the second- and third-year PhD students Mehri Barabad...i, Abby Choo, Ingrid Dudink, Quinton Luong, Mary Mansilla, Sigrid Petautschnig, Rama Ravinthiran, Hsin Yee Tee, Tomalika Ullah and Alice West.
05.01.2022 Our Director, Professor Elizabeth Hartland writes about the long-term health consequences of Covid-19 and the need for more research and discussion about treatments targeting the damaging effects of inflammation, in this piece for The Guardian. Read the article: Dan Andrews Jaala Pulford MP Tim Pallas Martin Pakula... The Project See more
05.01.2022 What is inflammatory bowel diseaseIBD? We ask Dr Ed Giles. IBD is the general term used to describe two different conditions, Crohns disease and ulcerative colitis. IBD causes inflammation (damage) in the bowel (intestine). IBD affects 1 in 200 young people in Australia and has no cure. IBD prevalence is increasing globally. ... IBD is sometimes confused with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) but it is not the same disease and is treated differently. IBD symptoms may include include abdominal pain, diarrhoea, and rectal bleeding. Crohns disease affects more than 60,000 Australians. It can include the above IBD symptoms but may also be accompanied by fever, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, poor growth and joint pain. Crohns disease is more severe in children, but most research is in adults. Read Dr Ed Giles latest research based on studies in children with Crohns disease. Monash University The Royal London Hospital Queen Mary University of London Massachussetts General Hospital Harvard Medical School
04.01.2022 One in 10 babies born prematurely in Australia each year face the prospect of complications like necrotising enterocolitis - NEC - which can cause death. NEC occurs following a serious inflammatory response which erodes the baby's intestines. There is no treatment, only surgery. A/Prof Claudia Nold, Hudson Institute, and Professor Marcel Nold, (Monash University, Monash Health, Monash Children's Hospital) have published a study demonstrating that a new immunotherapy may hold... the key to saving the lives of babies' with this terrible disease. Read more: #worldprematurityday #EFCNI
04.01.2022 Bridget Hustwaite suffered six years of intense abdominal pain before she was diagnosed with stage four endometriosis. Since early adolescence, the Endometriosis Australia Ambassador and triple j broadcaster was plagued by heavy bleeding, nausea, fatigue and cramping associated with her period. When Bridget was finally diagnosed, endometriosis was found across her bladder, rectum, bowel and pelvic side walls. Despite this, she felt relieved she finally had a diagnosis.... We need faster diagnosis, better treatments and more education and awareness about endometriosis. The fact this research (at Hudson Institute) is being funded is a step in the right direction, she said. Read more about Bridgets story as featured in our 2019 Annual Report. Endometriosis Australia Endometriosis Awareness Endo Warriors Endometriosis Awareness Bridget Hustwaite #endometriosis #endo #1in10 #endowarriors
04.01.2022 With rates of infertility and testicular cancer increasing around the world, research by Dr Sarah Moody and Professor Kate Loveland has shed light on this complex puzzle. Their research has shown that abnormal levels of a growth factor present during pregnancy affect the development of a male babys sperm cellswhich could lead to infertility and testicular cancer later in life. Read the full story here National Health and Medical Research Council - NHMRC See more
04.01.2022 Congratulations to endocrinologist and researcher Professor Peter Fuller AM, (Research Group Head, Steroid Receptor Biology, and Associate Director, Hudson Institute) named on the Highly Cited Researcher list released by Clarivate Web of Science. #highlycited2020 The annual global list identifies researchers who have demonstrated significant influence in their chosen field through the publication of multiple, highly cited papers during the last decade. Their names are drawn ...from the publications that rank in the top 1% by citations for field and publication year in the Web of Science citation index. Learn more about Prof Fuller: Monash Health
04.01.2022 Australia’s medical research sector will benefit from the appointment of Hudson Institute inflammation scientist Associate Professor Ashley Mansell to global firm Morningside BioPharma Advisory, a subsidiary of Morningside Ventures. . . A/Prof Mansell has accepted the role of Senior Director of Research and Development with the company, a technology and life science venture investment firm with offices in Boston, London and Shanghai. . . A/Prof Mansell will continue his ...inflammation and COVID-19 research at Hudson Institute while performing the new role as Morningside's research leader and Australian representative. Congratulations Ash! Read more: . . Dan Andrews Jaala Pulford MP
03.01.2022 People associate endometriosis with period pain or pelvic pain but its so much more than stomach cramps. I nearly lost a kidney, and I was close to requiring a bowel resection due to endometriosis. This is not just about period pain." Bianca had the worst case of endometriosis her doctors had seenyet she had no pelvic pain and was only diagnosed after experiencing infertility. Read Biancas story here: During womens health week (7-11 September) we are highlighting endometriosis. Our world-leading researchers led by Professor Caroline Gargett are committed to improving the quality of life for those who experience this debilitating condition. Endometriosis is just one area of womens health we study at Hudson Institute. Our scientists are also leaders in ovarian cancer research, reproductive health and pregnancy including fertility and IVF, and infant and child health research. . . . . #endometriosis #WomensHealthWeek #WomensHealthWeek2020 Endometriosis Australia The Endometriosis Foundation of America Endometriosis Awareness Endo Warriors Bianca Berry
02.01.2022 Kat was told by doctors she might never have children due to severe endometriosis. Now, against all odds, she is a mother to healthy twin girls, Eva and Isabel. Read more of Kats story here: This week is Womens Health Week (7-11 September) and we are highlighting endometriosis. Our world-leading researchers led by Professor Caroline Gargett are committed to improving the quality of life for those who experience this debilitating condition. ... Endometriosis is just one area of womens health we study at Hudson Institute. Our scientists are also leaders in ovarian cancer research, reproductive health and pregnancy including fertility and IVF, and infant and child health research. . . . #endometriosis #WomensHealthWeek #WomensHealthWeek2020 Endometriosis Australia The Endometriosis Foundation of America Endometriosis Awareness Endo Warriors Endometriosis Awareness
02.01.2022 Calling all prospective students! Do you love science but are not sure which area might be right for you? Register your interest now in taking part in our FREE Student Open Day webinars. We cant wait to meet youvirtuallyand tell you all about why you should consider starting your career at a medical research institute like ours, and answer any questions you may have. ... Due to the COVID-19 situation, this years event will be held via Zoom on Monday 24 August via Zoom. Find out more:
01.01.2022 Infertility affects one in 20 Australian couples. Half of cases are attributed to a male partner, often with an unknown cause. . We've now got a better understanding of the causes of male fertility, and testicular cancer, following a discovery by Hudson Institute researcher Professor Kate Loveland. . Findings like these provide a potential new target for treatment to boost fertility. .... Read more: . . . National Health and Medical Research Council - NHMRC Monash University #fertility #ivf #malefertility #menshealth #testicularcancer See more
01.01.2022 A new Chair in Neonatal Paediatrics will fast-track Hudson Institute, Monash University and Monash Healths joint vision for newborn medicine and serve the community through advanced treatments and interventions, and education programs. Professor Rod Hunt has accepted the prestigious Chair and will join us in October 2020 leading research, from discovery through translation to improved clinical care in neonatal paediatrics. Read more:
01.01.2022 Today for R U OK? Day our researchers, staff and students zoomed-in to listen to psychologist Dr Daryl Marchant discuss Resilience in Challenging Times. At this time it is important to look after each other and ensure those in need are supported. If you havent already, please check in with colleagues and loved ones, to start important conversations. Zooming in are Caroline Drinkwater and Paul Daniel.... #ruokeveryday
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