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to load big map

25.01.2022 Awakened Brilliance 3 Day Retreats are coming back soon. Applications are being taken. Here is a powerful message from a past client who is living their ultimate life.... You can too if you choose you.

25.01.2022 LIVING IN FEAR OF JUDGEMENT The greatest fear people face is judgement. It hinders their beliefs, behaviours and reactions to a diverse range of experiences and people. ... Common reactions Be unaffected Strategise Manipulate Blend in Let’s look at how you react to your own self judgement. Step 1. Observe your judgement on yourself eg I am fat. Step 2. What is that judgement saying to you. Eg what does fat mean to me? Step 3. Identify the lesson this is exposing. Eg Abandon self care, Self punishment, avoidance, inferiority. Step 4. If you know how to do self punishment then what could you do to give yourself love, care and healthy nurture. People could judge me wearing a pink jacket. The colour pink represents unconditional love, nurture and trust. A judgemental person will have judgements attached through conditioning that see it different. Perspective on anything sends a subliminal message energetically, emotionally and physically. It starts with your own self talk, self judgement and in fear of your own authority (inferiority). Learning to find acceptance transforms fear into love.

24.01.2022 When you have the courage to take a leap in good faith, you will find your wings. Never be afraid to get dirty when jumping towards your greatness. I dare you to take that leap of faith. You will be rewarded abundantly. ... Be brave - Be the change

24.01.2022 Are you in a job you feel miserable and unfulfilled in? When you are feeling miserable and unfulfilled in this area of your life, it impacts your personal life and relationships. 3 reasons why your misery is keeping you stuck ... You feel undervalued You feel a lack of acknowledgment or recognition Controlled Looking at these 3 areas in your current position it reconfirms a wounded belief system you have embedded. This keeps you mentally in defence mode, unapproachable and disconnected. Impacting your health, relationships, self worth, good enough and personal power. In turn, you are living everyday in self punishment, rebellion and in self hate. So how can you change this dynamic and thrive personally and professionally? Let’s look at your relationship with you, your belief systems and your deep desires yet to be attained. To learn more about rekindling a relationship with you and letting go of your inferiority complex private message or comment below interested.

24.01.2022 It is Thanksgiving in USA and for me it is gratitude day. I am grateful to rise each day in such beauty. I am grateful to share deep connection with my loved ones. I am grateful to be blessed with knowing my purpose.... I grateful to have my heart expand each day. I am grateful for all the life lessons and shared experiences. I am grateful for unconditional love that surrounds me. I am grateful for having dreams and deep desires. I am grateful for my amazing clients. I am extremely grateful for my support crew who help make a difference. I am grateful for the abundance that surrounds me. I am grateful my likeminded tribe who dare greatly and love deeply. I am grateful to all my FB followers who like, love and share their comments. Gratitude inspires me daily to be grateful that I get to breathe, love and adventure another day of magic. Living in a beautiful country and with the best of health. What are you grateful for?

24.01.2022 ARE YOU STRUGGLING WITH INNER CONFLICT? There is an inner turmoil that occurs because of resistance to your truth. It creates a conflict of belief systems and what is in your heart. A common problem that people face as they go through change and resist their truth. This fear of the unknown and being out of control can be overwhelming. ... 3 keys I love that support me in change. Letting go of attachments to outcomes. Changing my beliefs after looking at multiple perspectives. Being open to seeing the magic and not controlling the situation. I have found the more I focused on what something should be like I was given universal slaps to show my avoidance and fear of my truth. Are you prepared to follow your heart no matter the outcome?

24.01.2022 ANNOUNCING MY 7 DAY FREE NEW ERA RELATIONSHIP CHALLENGE Be prepared to join this group as we embark on a 7 day journey through the waters of relationships. Identify how you show up in relationships ... Your terms and conditions that sabotage your ideal relationships Learning about your patterns and voids that navigate a turbulent relation - SHIP. You will have access to 3 zoom calls for any questions or hot seat opportunities in the week with me in a group call. If you want to change your dynamics and thrive personally and professionally click the link and get ready for Monday 9th November as we start day 1. Looking forward to seeing you show up and shine!

23.01.2022 Is your heart blocking the gap to your abundance? Living in your head, is like living dead. How can you be dead and still breathing? ... Exactly! How can your heart beat, if it is blocked? To resuscitate your life, it takes courage. The result is claiming back your power. How many times have you been distracted from getting everything you dreamed of, to land back on ground zero. Why? You cant break ceilings unless you find the framework holding it all together. That framework has belief systems deeply embedded for your protection. They were ingrained when you were a child and you are still using a child like mind expecting to be an adult in a modern world. Just like you the world changes. Happiness and fulfilment comes through expansion and growth. Releasing fears, finding courage and daring into the unknown. It takes walking the bridge from your head into your heart to truly understand your inner power. The power to stand in your truth and live wholeheartedly. The courage to love deeply and honour your own self. It is the moment we give ourselves the freedom to love ourselves unconditionally that we truly understand loving another unconditionally. Judgement stagnates growth. Boundaries are a necessity and is not a condition in love. Expectations are conditional love. Trust in the unknown is a must. No attachments to outcomes. Being brave to lean into the most confronting conversations with wholeheartedness. Each point has to be used with discernment to truly be effective. Want to know how to bridge the gap between your head and heart to live abundant and wholehearted? Comment below Me

23.01.2022 "The difference between misery and happiness in life is living your authenticity." As a business owner or professional there is an expectation and personality that people have adopted to be in these roles. Little do they realise the impact it is having in their personal and professional life. Check out the video to see if you are ready to lead your life with authenticity.

23.01.2022 When I went to take the photo of the sun on the water, these 2 seagulls flew in and called out as they posed. I continued to capture some more magic of this incredible planet that we get to live and breathe.

23.01.2022 That moment you require a little extra to make a change. You just maybe holding back wondering what if?. That can be the monkey brain holding you back when your heart is inspired to do something different. ... Do you hold back from your inspired heart desires to fit into the monkey moments that distract you? If so, The Monkey mind comes from the conditioning of your past that stops you trusting what your heart really wants. You may fear being rejected, abandoned, humiliated or misrepresented. At the end of the day love always wins and that resides in your heart. What is inspiring your heart today to take action in? Be brave - Be the change!

22.01.2022 HEALING YOUR WAY TO GREATNESS The myth in leadership that weakness is being heart centred, is so 1980’s. The armoured leader is a dictator and control freak, in fear of their own power. Micro managing teams from an inferiority complex. ... Extremely intellectual with the best strategies and solutions. Yet when it comes to heart matters they freak out of control. The trauma to be in their heart controls their greatest power. The mental conditioning over-riding their own truth and authenticity. Living on the edge with anxiety, on the verge of burnout. Fear driven leadership creates constipation in teams to grow, connect and be productive. The financial impacts, low team morale and staff turnover becomes normal. I get it! Our greatest power to lead comes from heart centred leadership. Bringing human connection back into your culture personally and professionally. Where transparency of being human is accepted as normal as opposed to robotic monetary driven outcomes. Are your teams reflecting your unresolved issues of your past, in a magnified way, that you refuse to acknowledge? If you would like to know how you can refine, redefine and realign your leadership with authentic power comment below or private message for a clarity session.

22.01.2022 ARE YOU STRUGGLING TO FIND YOUR SMILE? To learn more about your inner happiness and how that can be created, I highly recommend you take a step into the unknown of self discovery. Each new step provides an opportunity to reveal parts of yourself you may have denied for years. It is improving your capacity to navigate the calm waters and rough seas on this journey. ... There are many ways to learn about your inner genius. The best kept secret in learning is having the humility to be open to other perspectives and possibilities. Are you ready to find your authentic smile? Be Brave - Be the Change


22.01.2022 Have you ever been afraid of the unknown? This last 12 months has been interesting for me as I faced some deep fears and surrendered. I allowed my heart to open in ways I never thought possible. It was like a key was found that I never thought anyone would find. I have continued to trust that too. ... When it opened I knew I had to practice courage from that day forth. It certainly has been a journey as I navigated fears, beliefs, judgements and trust issues. I did it! I braved the wilderness and conquered courage. The beauty of it all, I embraced more of my truth and commitment to myself. Where once I allowed others to make me the problem I handed back their burdens and projections. Seeing my value and never settling for anything less. In the process my self worth increased and my heart more open. I found forgiveness, unconditional love and trust on another level. I totally believe what is meant for me is aligning right now and breaking these deep fears. I have conquered courage in trusting the process and rewards are plentiful. You will know when you have broken the fear as your reality shifts. I encourage you to never give up on knowing your truth. Removing your fears that are created by the unknown and the conditioning of your past. When you let go and trust that deep calling within a magnetic vibration is in force. Your dreams, desires and wholeheartedness is becoming a living reality. I dare you to trust one more time from your heart and release the head chatter of your past. You are so deserving of love and happiness. Can you trust your heart? Be brave - be the change

22.01.2022 Who are your success role models? When you see someone you believe is successful. What is your belief that makes them a role model to you? ... Comment below

22.01.2022 Merry Christmas to you and your love ones Thank you for showing up and sharing with me in 2020. Have a safe and loving Christmas. ... Apologies for the noisey wind and waves

22.01.2022 On my walk this morning I was given the gift of two black cockatoos together in a nearby tree. I have never seen these delights being wild in this area. When I looked up the spiritual meaning they say they come from Western Australia. Apparently they are a sign of rain. They also are about synchronicity and partnering. I find this so fascinating as I heard him call his partner from the top of the tree. Nature is so amazing and this morning my walk keeps giving me beau...tiful gifts to relish in. I had to share the magic of the black cockatoo

22.01.2022 Are you a leader in hiding? I have identified the most authentic leaders hide in comparison to dictators and micro managers thinking they are not leadership material. Little do they realise the impact they can make when they embrace their greatness and remove their self talk. ... #yourleadershipmatters

21.01.2022 I Support leaders in hiding to lead with authenticity so they can thrive personally and professionally. How I do that? The 4 step "New Era method" gets leaders out of their heads, into their hearts, connect with their deeper meaning and contribute back to the world from an authentic space. Instead of being shut down, unaffected and on the verge of burnout.... I personally show clients the tools they can use to find clarity, build confidence and courageously lead with authenticity. How it works? Instead of allowing the world to control you in their way of leading for $ and no meaning. I show leaders how they can make a social impact, increase customer experiences and build a team that is connected to their vision in business. This helps you build a thriving business, make a meaningful impact and build loyal customer experiences. "I only work with leaders who have the humility to learn, the courage to be accountable and the willingness to make a difference.

21.01.2022 When you live a life of being someone you are not, it creates chaos, drama or loneliness within. If you are someone who performs for acceptance and feeling not enough, it leads to having massive impact on your life choices, health, emotional development and mastering your energetic field. Your authenticity creates ease and flow and an indescribable fulfilment coming from you, not your external validation. ... Cleaning up the strategist in you, the unloved inner child and the people pleaser will create the changes you are seeking. If you are masking for the world to validate you, internally you are masking your truth. By suppressing who you are authentically it will create a life of constant conflict. Are you ready to clean up your act?

21.01.2022 Are you struggling to write the next chapter? Just like authors get writers block, the same thing happens for creators of their own life masterpiece. Blocking their genius from taking action in fear of what will be seen or read in the perceptions of others. ... You can write copies of the past stories or create a new chapter that is more in your authenticity. The person who stands in their own essence, for their own truth and wisdom. Your past story has been written and you do have a choice in the direction of your next chapter you write. Take action from the genius within and remove the robot that was designed by conditioning. BE BRAVE - BE THE CHANGE

21.01.2022 A leader in hiding loves to criticise I love the know it all mentality and the masters of none. The people who find fault in you and broke their own mirror in seeing their own BS. ... These people thrive on self punishment, self loathing and drama. I have met many of these people over time and it never seizes to amaze me their entitlement, righteousness and judgements. I love seeing when someone literally lets go of this relationship they have with themselves and no longer impact the people around them. It is turning their relationship with themselves from self hate to self love. I am not talking feeding their ego. I am talking opening up their hearts and removing their walls. It takes courage, commitment and a desire for clarity to literally transform your life. You will never know what it takes by being intellectual and not opening your heart to your truth. A sophisticated mind is not an emotionally connected being. That is a strategist in denial of their own truth. To overcome your inferiority complex it is about learning to love and accept yourself. Are you wanting to remove the facade and get honest with your relationship with you?

21.01.2022 Let’s crack the myth that leaders have it all together. A leader is someone who understands their own value. They value and invest in their support team. ... They trust others who are aligned and congruent. They understand the power in showing rather than telling. They inspire through wholehearted leadership. They are daring snd brave through change. They remove their masks and shine their essence. Leaders have the capacity to show up when others are afraid to. Any leader that experiences judgement knows they are doing their role. They are Polarising the masks that are worn to hide from fear being exposed. ARE YOU A LEADER IN HIDING?

21.01.2022 Where do you invest your time and money in your current life?Where do you invest your time and money in your current life?

21.01.2022 We have just finished on Sunday our 7 Day New Era in relationships challenge. The insight each person got was really determined by their willingness to go deeper into what they really want. Going through each day, the fears of going deeper were due to what it looked like if they unpacked it any deeper. ... So the strategy was to self-reject and maintain their unfulfilled ways in different areas of their life. I am always fascinated by this, as I see amazing people settle with self-rejection to gain the acceptance of others. Little do people realise the opposite of self-rejection is self acceptance. So if you are living unfulfilled in different areas of your life it could simply need a heart check in. Do you live your dreams or happiness for the acceptance of others?

20.01.2022 When you think of success what feeling do you get? Leadership can sometimes feel more overwhelming than not because of your narrative. What you speak to yourself about success could be the difference between fear or love. ... Authentic leadership requires the courage to own your authentic power. To understand this it requires courage to lean in and confront the difficult situations, events or decisions with heart. To be, rather than seem to be Be brave - Be the change

20.01.2022 I HAVE 2 RETREATS COMING UP IN 2021 A) NEW ERA RELATIONSHIPS B) AWAKENED BRILLIANCE... Which one would you would you want to know more about first? Comment below.....

20.01.2022 What is the hidden identity you are not showing the world? #videobombers hiding their identity that want to be seen in someone elses story.

20.01.2022 ONE OF THE BIGGEST MISTAKES LEADERS MAKE IS SHOWING OFF THEIR SKILLS AND LEAVING PEOPLE TO GUESS WHO THEY ARE AS A PERSON . The reason being they fear being seen as inferior ... Vulnerable Judged Today people are not engaging with regurgitated support. They want to know you in your uniqueness and what you stand for in a world full of chaos. If you are afraid of being who you are in your role and standing out in your truth, it creates doubt in your skills and leadership. How are you showing up in the world? Are you afraid to be you? What do you stand for? If you struggle to walk with courage, conviction and confidence, I invite you to comment below or private message me.


19.01.2022 The greatest gift you can give someone is a safe space to be themselves.The greatest gift you can give someone is a safe space to be themselves.

19.01.2022 Happy New Year to you!! I welcome 2021 and the New Era in with great excitement. Not because 2020 was a challenging year, more because I saw it as much needed in our world. ... When we go through a reset in our life, something new is rebirthed and we farewell old cycles. 2021 is our year to birth a new way that brings connection, peace, harmony and normalising self love. Letting go of suffering, worthlessness and not being enough. Self reflection in 2020 saw great opportunity to really dig into what is important as individuals and as a collective. I am grateful to have experienced another year that in 2021 will bring great reward, adventure, deeper love and relationships, abundance and my health being a priority. This year I look forward to serving our leaders of the new era with support in helping them live their deeper meaning and staying true to their authenticity. It is time we stand and live wholeheartedly knowing that everyday is unknown and by trusting the process it brings our deepest rewards and soul fulfilment. I wish you all more honesty with yourselves in self reflection, deeper connections and a year full of love and adventure. Let’s do 2021 differently, wholeheartedly and with the intention of unconditional love for our good and the greater good of all on this planet. Lots of love from my heart to yours Happy New Year

19.01.2022 If you could guess your inner magic or super power what would it be?

19.01.2022 Are you living to your heart desires?

19.01.2022 Who is ready to celebrate with me? To celebrate my 4 Years as a facilitator in transformation and running my highly valued 3 day retreats, I am excited to share an opportunity you would not want to miss. Tomorrow at 12pm I will be going Facebook Live to celebrate this milestone. ... How would you celebrate a milestone?

19.01.2022 In reflection, let’s talk about self-rejection. Facebook live Today with this guy at 5pm Qld time. Would love to see you Facebook live

18.01.2022 LIVE YOUR DEEPEST DESIRE FULLY These words came to me today as the goosebumps hit my body. Emotions built up, as tears started to glass my eyes. My heart started to ease at the thought of giving myself the permission to receive a fully lived desire. ...Continue reading

18.01.2022 GUIDING YOUR INNER SPARK I feel this spark ignite within, that takes me down a path not yet discovered. It is like I have been here before, yet something seems to direct me off my course. ... I hear your words of greatness and I feel your heart desires. Just in this breath I take, a spark starts to ignite in my awakened heart. A thought of possibility, a fear of uncertainty. I try to smother it with egoic thoughts. Another breath I take. I find a Phoenix rising amongst the ashes of my thoughts. A spark of hearing whispers and this guides me to my core. Sitting in a place of discernment I unravel the unknown call. It is my soul igniting in this existence and I have been given the honour to guide its spark back home. Now it is time to sit in this reflection. I dare you to own your spark and commit to guiding it back home. Your spark is in your authentic self and this lies in the truth of who you are. Trust in your heart

18.01.2022 Do you struggle to receive? A leader in hiding usually find it difficult to receive support. They have 3 main behavioural patterns that keep them in their story. ... Reject themselves Don’t self prioritise self punish - over working, dismissing their health and well-being and vulnerability etc The secret to achieving is not always the accolade but more the self fulfilment in being on purpose. It does not matter how big you dream, if you are unhappy with your relationship with yourself the external world will reflect it back to you. Real Success that brings self-fulfilment is built on authentic leadership. How real are you in your personal and professional life?

18.01.2022 How is your vehicle travelling? Is its nose in the bitumen or its ass on the ground?

18.01.2022 One of the biggest mistakes people make in business and entrepreneurship is not dealing with their unresolved emotions. It creates extreme highs and lows in their journey causing them to be highly anxious, controlling and unfulfilled. The solution? ... Build a healthy relationship with you. Where do these signs show up in your life? Money Health Business/ Career Relationships Spirituality Contribution. When you look at your relationship in all these areas what is the common theme? Who is responsible for this? Why are you not investing in your relationship with you? Have fun - be brave - be the change

18.01.2022 Let’s get this week started with great intentions. Focus on the feeling you wish to explore this week. For example: if you get caught in being critical of yourself or others. Set the intention to experience the feeling of wholeheartedness or acceptance. ... Observe your head talk when the polarising moments are presented. It is certainly an entertaining way to experience an open heart through adversity. I know with an aligned intention magic happens and living wholeheartedly can be experienced.

17.01.2022 IS YOUR RELATIONSHIP A HEAD JOB? No pun intended!! I was recently asked a question by a prospective client how do I get out of my head?... Did you know that a majority of relationships have been built on strategy and conditions? This is because of conditioning that was raised in the eyes of our authoritarian figures in our communities, religious beliefs and family traditions. A good man had to tick these boxes A good Provider A protector Good genes for making babies A project - turning a bad boy into gentleman For a woman Good motherly instincts aesthetically attractive A great house wife Sex goddess Times have drastically changed and people are realising that we are no longer living in the days of primal needs and desires. Let alone outdated belief systems. Our world is on the new era and a deep soul connection is a must for any relationship to evolve. No longer gender specific ideals, only a human responsibility to be authentic in who you are. Self responsibility of our individual pain is a must for anything to grow. Self love is not seen as selfish, instead an attractive asset to be in union with each other. A deeper meaning that gives purpose and evolution to this planet. While you create conditions on idealistic love it becomes a head job that wounds people, degrades their humanness and disregards unconditional love. WHAT DO YOU THINK WOULD GET YOU OUT OF YOUR HEAD AND IN YOUR RELATIONSHIP?

17.01.2022 Did you ask these questions about your life? People feared asking questions in general because at school they did not want to look stupid and be judged. It created an inferiority complex. Funny when it comes to self reflection the same fears apply. ... Why is that? How we learnt things as a child continue to adulthood until we see the pattern and learn the lesson. Never fear asking yourself deeper questions about your life or current situations. Wisdom comes from learning and that is through self inquiry. Be brave - Be the change

17.01.2022 What does it take to change your current life? it takes courage it takes accountability ... it takes you showing up for you. Who are you when no one is watching?

16.01.2022 Have you ever wondered why people leave your life? This is a great example of why. The same thing happens in attracting these vibrational matches into your life. ... Lower vibrations live in struggle, wound, fear and victim consciousness. Higher vibration work on unconditional love, deeper meaning, authenticity, conscious awareness and self responsibility. They rise to heal the planet and for the evolution of humanity. The greater contribution for the greater good of all. Your vibration is determined by your willingness to let go and surrender to the calling of your soul. The more you trust the lighter you feel. Photo credit: Sacred dreams

16.01.2022 Thoughts about my new house? Lol

16.01.2022 Sunday is a great day to sit, reflect, nurture and give yourself the time and space to just be. Each step you take today, find gratitude in what is now. What you see today can be turned on its head and take a completely different direction. That is the power of choice. We choose our highs, lows and differences. Even in adversity we choose how we wish to show up as a sovereign being. ... What can you be grateful for today?

16.01.2022 Resistance is only fear waiting to be loved.Resistance is only fear waiting to be loved.

16.01.2022 1 Step closer to the greater vision One of the things I love about life is embracing change. I find it interesting watching people who think that they can control life in fear of change. ... I was one those people once. Until I realised I was just living in fear and addicted to misery using my joker mask and sarcasm to hide it. Funny thing was the more I resisted, the greater the fall. The more miserable I became, I judged, compared and resented other peoples happiness. In fact, I lost complete trust in humans. Instead of making it about others I chose to change. Wow life becomes so much easier when you know your greater vision and that is owning your power. When you live in misery you have given your power away thinking you are in control and unaffected. Today I am celebrating a major milestone in my work which I am looking forward to sharing. I am currently now in the process of bringing that to life for my clients. It excites me to know that hard work, trust, humility and being open to change can be a catapult to living your greater vision. Your greatest asset is you. Your greatest value is you. Your greatest love is self love. Your greatest vision is your courage to pursue it. The challenge is removing the masks that hide your fears. The question becomes Do you want your power back?

15.01.2022 Have you ever been in the company of, or lived with anyone who self punishes or is in self hate? They require you to be their source of love and anything you do is never enough. You will be continually criticised or played for a fool. They will create drama, be controlling, needy or want to be continuously rescued. Self love is your secret to owning your boundaries, trusting your inner knowing and having self worth. Being ok with their judgement, rejection and not belon...ging will see the truth in your relationships. Be brave - be the change

15.01.2022 Is it time you take action from your heart? By Trusting in your heart it is your answer to your fulfilment. It might be a financial decision. ... A courageous step into a relationship or evolving your current one. A bold move in changing your career. A new found connection with your spiritual path. A more holistic approach to your health and well-being. The courage to be your authentic self rather than the masks you have worn. Taking your trust into a new dimension will see you reap your optimal life experience. You have got this!! I dare you to back yourself from your heart space. Be brave - Be the change

15.01.2022 FACEBOOK LIVE AT 1.30pm QLD time today! Looking forward to sharing with you on the topic How do I know I am on the right path?

15.01.2022 Perfectionism is an ideal that has been conditioned to keep you in fear of failure.Perfectionism is an ideal that has been conditioned to keep you in fear of failure.

15.01.2022 Do you know how to love you in your head or in your heart? Asking for a friend Comment belowDo you know how to love you in your head or in your heart? Asking for a friend Comment below

15.01.2022 When you have light in your eyes and love in your heart, you know you are living wholeheartedly. . . .... #beyourself #selflove #courage #confidence #conviction #trusttheprocess #humanpotentialmovement #mentor #mentalhealthawareness

15.01.2022 Are you being you? or are you to busy being someone else?

14.01.2022 When you think health.... What is your relationship with it?When you think health.... What is your relationship with it?

13.01.2022 Let the love shine upon Mother Earth and heal this amazing planet we are privileged to share. Feeling grateful to be here in this moment of major transformation Let the love shine upon Mother Earth and heal this amazing planet we are privileged to share. Feeling grateful to be here in this moment of major transformation

13.01.2022 Building a relationship with yourself is not selfish. It is the most giving thing you can do for humanity. Knowing you, being you and accepting you, positively impacts the lives of many.Building a relationship with yourself is not selfish. It is the most giving thing you can do for humanity. Knowing you, being you and accepting you, positively impacts the lives of many.

13.01.2022 Trust is built on truth. Do you live to please or live to lead authentically?

13.01.2022 ARE YOU LIVING IN AVOIDANCE? To dance around your voids means you are never fulfilled. You will be seeking the acceptance of others for validation leaving you in constant denial of your own self love. This leads to codependency and toxic bonds in relationships. Living a life of many masks leads to non committal relationships and a neediness of acceptance. To uncover the wound of your avoidance can be seen in your childhood conditioning. Take a leap of faith and let go o...f seeking the validation of the masculine and feminine conditioning of your childhood. True freedom lives in your authenticity, not in your fears of your conditioning. #trust #authentic #leadership #surrender #beyourself #love #unconditionallove #conditioning #brisbane #qld #australia

13.01.2022 FINDING LOVE THROUGH ADVERSITY A challenge faced is worthwhile when we can find love through the process. Letting go of the four walls that block the truth and close the heart. ... The four walls you may identify with are Fear Perceptions Expectations Protection When facing a confronting situation I highly recommend you draw four columns with these four headings. Underneath each heading answer the questions of each one. What is my Fear? What is my perceptions of this situation? What has been my expectations? Who or what am I protecting? If you would like to go deeper on this topic than private message or comment below for a free clarity session. A brave heart is a open heart without the walls. Be brave - Be the change

12.01.2022 Living on the edge and jumping off the Cliff have 2 different outcomes. The first one, you never experience anything past that point in your potential. A bounce back or resistance point that never breaks. The second one, you can land on your feet depending on the landing, learn to swim in the depths or literally fail by not surviving the impact. ... This is why it is so important to know your vision, set aligned intentions and be congruent in yourself. What I find leaders in hiding have a tendency to do is pull out when feeling vulnerable or exposed. This gives them excuse to not be seen, heard and acknowledged. This allows them to minimise themselves and make it about others, their situations or conditioning. When you tap into your deep desire and trust it to your core there is no failure. Everything is happening for your greatest evolution in your authentic leadership. Are you willing to trust yourself and your relationship with your highest self to bring you the magic of your deeper calling?

11.01.2022 Are you a self-rejecting genius?

11.01.2022 Feeling grateful to live what I love It is that deeper meaning to your life that makes the difference. Valuing your own worth and trusting in the unknown. Courage creates change and love removes all fear. How do you show up in relationship with yourself?

11.01.2022 Letting go! When you let go of past experiences, past loves, old beliefs, toxic bonds or anything that creates dark energy around you that is heavy and dense. The feeling is light, free, open and liberating. ... It takes courage to leave old patterns behind you and trust in your soul calling. The authentic you that holds no bounds and unconditional love that pulsates through planet earth for healing and evolution. You see different, you feel different and you trust in the highest good for all. Settling for mediocrity is enabling your old story. I dare you to change it for good. Take the leap and trust on a whole new level. Do you stay in toxic bonds for familiarity or do you trust in your soul calling for something deeper? Be brave - Be the change

11.01.2022 Can you choose love over fear?Can you choose love over fear?

10.01.2022 Struggling to find happiness?

10.01.2022 Why do you think Oprah has such an impact on peoples lives?

10.01.2022 WHEN YOU HAVE TO TALK TO YOUR HIGHER SELF ABOUT YOUR TRUST ISSUES. Do you have trust issues? Over the last week I have had further conversations with men admitting they have trust issues. ... When we delve into the fear of trusting, a resistance appears around childhood conditioning. I watch their eyes and see a deep injustice coming forward. A sadness that lives deep within of masculine disconnection. The inferiority complex of not being enough or worthy of love in their life. Seeing intimacy as nurture and expecting to break the walls of protection. Little do they realise the fear of conditioning in their masculine energy has been trapped by a framework they created to hide their authentic self. The true self that deeply wants to be seen, heard and acknowledged. Instead, the lonely boy within wonders away seeking attention through dysfunctional relationships and behavioural patterns. This can lead to sabotaging patterns, keeping them in the wound they desperately try to avoid. Hiding behind I am fine or Doesn’t affect me. They Try to fill voids that continue to distract them from their truth. The fear of seeing deep pain and not knowing how to unravel it. Expecting the answer being through someone else who could change the story. Instead they are playing with the same characters in different costumes. When you release the shackles of old beliefs and you dig deep into the heart. An answer reveals itself. Instead of rejecting it, to fit into a norm, just allow it to open up. It is in this space your eyes open and your heart expands into more of who you really are. I dare you to let go of your perceived armour and open up to what is real in your heart. When you learn to trust in that and take action, it reveals your expanded version waiting to be seen. I know looking within can be confronting but to have intimacy you must be able to in to me I see. If all your dreams were the truth that lies within your heart, would you bridge the gap from your head to your heart to find that answer?

10.01.2022 The start of the week is exciting!! You get to choose if you wish to have a full bucket experience or a leaking bucket. In a leaking bucket experience you will identify with 3 key effects that you will try to fight. ... Fear fatigue High anxiety When living from a full bucket you will experience: deeper meaning wholeheartedness unconditional love The challenging part is thinking you are living from a full bucket and not seeing the holes you have created. Three key things you require to keep your bucket full Self awareness environmental awareness physical nurture (sleep, exercise and nutrition) Have fun this week looking at the areas in your life where you put holes in your bucket. If there are no holes, you can celebrate living wholeheartedly.


09.01.2022 The fat happy guy who went fit and focused. I remember these days of self loathing, disrespecting myself and being the people pleaser. I pretended to be happy in self rejection and thinking I had it all together. The days were hard to be a human. The nights as I tried to sleep were full of anxiety and deep sadness. Deep down wondering if this was all my life was to be. ... It took a defining moment on a family holiday to the USA that I made up my mind to never self abuse again. Making a commitment to myself to learn about me and hopefully find a dream or deep desire to achieve. I never thought I would run marathons, do triathlons, run 3 of my own businesses, become a personal trainer with a diploma or even lose 35kgs. That seemed like the pinnacle of the mountain. Instead it was just the start of letting go of an old identity that hid my authentic self and my fears of being seen. I danced around people and most of all myself. I see that person of my past and I understand now the road he was travelling. I admire him for turning right on the intersection of fear and love. I could see he could not find his deeper meaning because he was distracted by his past trauma. I forgave him for allowing other people to use him as their door mat. He just wanted to be loved. He wanted to be valued and he wanted his soul to be seen. Little did I realise I had to see me first. I had to look at my own beliefs, behaviours and fears in being myself. I let go and the following steps I took on my path, I continued to surrender. I surrendered to my truth and I faced the fears. I still do. I have learnt the power of self love that impacts your physical body, emotional well-being and spiritual path. The path of evolution as a human being. The path where you let go of perceptions of others and you trust in your heart. I accept I am not for everyone and I don’t need others approval. I am simply me on a soul mission, defining my circumstances to greatness. Each day I learn and grow in expanding my heart. Leaning into difficult conversations and facing my fears. Supporting other people to no longer hide under the covers. Releasing themselves of expectations or conditioning that requires them to minimise their own light. Helping them to trust in their own soul choices and not the conditions of other peoples rigid ways. Breaking the box of limits and living their human potential. If I can do it, you can too. I am your greatest cheerleader to see you shine and I stand with you as you unpack your relationship with yourself. You are worth it and so are your dreams. Let me know if you need a hand to find the authentic you. The you with a deep desire for change and the ability to make a difference in your everyday life.

09.01.2022 Here is another conversation recently recorded with Kirsten Barfoot. We spoke on the topic What is your deeper meaning? Enjoy our in depth conversation on this powerful topic. ... Be brave and be the change

09.01.2022 The only person you fool is yourself.The only person you fool is yourself.

08.01.2022 LEARNING TO SURRENDER Through what lenses do you seek understanding? Through self discovery we are taught about shedding the layers. The process I find challenging and rewarding. ... Recently, I have identified a major twist in the shedding of these layers. I find many times the layers are removed yet not surrendered. It is like keeping these garments in the cupboard just in case one day you fit into them. Surrendering is literally letting them go completely out of your wardrobe to dispose of or give to charity. The funny thing is these layers are of no use to anyone once shed. So why keep the garments hoping that old identity will serve you again one day. The process is gaining self awareness that leads to shedding through clarity. Once the garment is removed it is time to take ownership and handover the remnants for good. This very recent 48hours I have gone through this process that saw many emotions arise, tears flow and my heart open on another level. The power in expansion, trust and vulnerability. Taking time to heal through nature and surrendering those remnants. You may find over the coming days and weeks this occurring due to letting go of the old paradigms. As we step into the New Era it is learning to walk a new way. The fear that the old way is needed is only an illusion. This is where Trusting on a deeper level requires kindness, open heart and understanding. A new you with new foundations are forming. I am excited to share an upcoming program that will be 6 weeks online. If you are wanting to create a new way and foundations for your life, let me know your interest by commenting below Curious.

08.01.2022 The full moon is so amazing! Deep healing that is occurring here on our amazing planet is something we should all embrace. Belief systems are shifting from fear and a deeper sense of love is emerging. The power of self love. ... When I first started my workshops 4 years ago I never realised the 1st online workshop would be so powerful. This workshop was designed to bring people to their own definition of self love. I had some participants do it 6-8 times because they loved it so much and it deepened them. It took their head out of the equation and taught them to navigate their life from love, being their heart space. This program has a key role in my 12 month New Era program, I realised the power of its value. It is a game changer. I have heard many people feeling unfulfilled in relationships, finances, health, spirituality, purpose and within themselves. I see people make decisions in fear of not belonging, acceptance and external validation that leaves them empty. They are trapped by conditioning and it is not easy to remove this, unless you can really trust your heart. When you live from your head it creates high anxiety, trust issues and control that leads to burnout. No where to move but to stand in the truth of your authenticity. How powerful would it be, to see every human being on this planet, love themselves enough to not live in fear? Anyone who believes they live from unconditional love, I ask you this question Do you love people for who they are or who you want them to be? Sometimes that may mean walking away for them to grow and evolve in their own truth. I admire courage, I am inspired by truth, I love deeply without control of outcomes. Can you trust one more time? I trust that you can and I stand with you.

08.01.2022 WHAT HAS BEEN THE MOST INSPIRING THING YOU HAVE EVER EXPERIENCED SO FAR IN LIFE? That moment you realised something inside you shifted and you would never go back to your old self. It could have been a conversation with a stranger or loved one. ... A life event that you defined. A life changing decision. An opportunity you took. A chance meeting that led to love. A fear that you broke and you created your ideal life. Inspiration leads to motivation and you have the power to transform your life. It is when it gets out of your head and into your heart that change happens. Fear, inferiority and injustice gives your power away. Love, acceptance and understanding brings back your power and magic. Are you open and willing to be inspired?

07.01.2022 I was listening to a podcast recently that triggered a thought about people struggling to be happy. The common thing was guilt amongst the guests for having what society perceived the perfect life. The perfect marriage ... The perfect children The ideal home the ideal job The ideal support network Yet they still had this missing piece they could not pin point that made them feel unhappy. The guilt consumes them daily thinking there was something wrong with them. Little do people realise that a new door is being requested to open. The door of your deeper meaning that comes from an authentic place. It can’t tick the boxes of materialism because it is soul driven. The missing link that leads people to self sabotage because they are unworthy of joy or happiness. The reason being they build a life from what is expected as opposed to what is authentic. You will always feel incomplete if you choose your ego over your soul. Your ego teaches you about unfulfilled living to find courage in living from your soul truth. The step to take is to let go of expectations or conditions that have been made for you. Your soul will call you out through misery to excavate the truth of who you really are. Are you wanting to embrace happiness in your personal and professional life? Comment below

07.01.2022 THE POWER IN COURAGE I find some days that the human in me wonders why things turn out the way they do. The word that comes to me in these times is trust. ... I sit with this inner guidance of what trust really means to me. Is it trusting outside of me or trusting my inner self to show up no matter the outcome? Recently, I have been tested personally and professionally to dig deeper than I ever have before. I feel this deep sense of courage is required to unravel more parts of myself. Even though the unravelling is quicker today, does not mean it is easy. It is interesting as I wade through the depths of this overwhelming emotion what reveals itself to me. I look at my vision of the future and why I would want to be in my full expression. I see the endless possibilities that I can create to enhance my life and the hearts I touch. I feel this unconditional love within that has the sense of knowing that anything is possible if I continue to trust my inner guidance. It steps me into courage. My heart deepens and expands to view my life differently. I am not a conditioned normal. I am not a fake it to fit in. I am not a rebel of righteousness. However, I am fortunate to see I am more than my body, this physical reality and the fear of not belonging. I am love I am courage I am daring greatly. I am trusting in the unknown. Letting go of a perceived normal is releasing myself of fear. Letting go of regret is giving myself permission to learn. Letting go of conditional love is trusting in my evolution. This all takes courage to step into the expansion of who am I? You can only have the courage to see someone else when you have the courage to see yourself. I invite you to step into courage and be inspired to unravel the fears that keep you in regret. You have the greatest opportunity now to know you and be you. Can you find the courage to be the authentic you? Be brave - Be the change

07.01.2022 If your mind is a gear stick, your acceleration is determined by your courage to change gears. To change gears requires observation of your environment, obstacles or distractions in the way. Which requires a change in perception. Life is similar. ... Some roads we travel can distract us or slow us down in our current reality. The reason being fear of the unknown, being different, trying to belong or denying ourselves of our truth. The best escape is denial. Have you noticed how you may relive your past experiences in a different way? There are 3 key areas to look at when trying to master your personal freedom. Your love code Your fear of not belonging Your conviction of who you are. Leaders in hiding in fear of their authenticity will try to fool themselves into believing their distractions are their truth. Why? It is a strategy used to hide in fear and keeps them locked within, not living their heart desires. A very intellectual approach to life and being a sophisticated illusionist. Sacrificing self fulfilment for instant gratification. A mastermind can fool others until they meet their match. A down side to a genius mind is they convince themselves of their own illusions. The universe will always provide the learning in harsh realities when living in denial of your authenticity. Who are you really under all the masks you wear and the illusions you create?

07.01.2022 Are you a leader in Martyr syndrome?


07.01.2022 WHEN YOU DONT FEEL SAFE TO BE IN YOUR BODY YOU WILL GO INTO FLIGHT MODE. This will create irrational responses from fear driven thinking. The choice of fight or flight. To calm your fight or flight response, is calming the mind and feeling safe to be in your body. ... In conflict, when you are calm and rational, this is when you are in your authentic power. Aligned and congruent in your truth. When living and loving in your authentic power, you live wholeheartedly.

06.01.2022 What does your body consume daily that keeps you thriving?What does your body consume daily that keeps you thriving?

06.01.2022 Celebrating 4 Years I am excited to announce my new baby. SUCCESS ACCELERATOR ... This will be a 1 day online workshop. You can choose your day. Friday 18th September 2020 Saturday 19th September 2020 Sunday 20th September 2020. The day starts at 10am and will be completed at 5pm. I am offering a prelaunch price of this amazing day for $189. The first 10 people will receive 1 hour 1 on 1 mentoring session the following week *FREE* valued at $250. You will also be placed in a private Facebook group for any questions after the event and to view the recordings. This group will be archived. Sound like you? Comment below I am ready to accelerate my success or private message me for further details. Be brave - Be the change

06.01.2022 In my New Era Leadership Program I have many ask questions on "Why" this journey is so important to their leadership in 2021 and beyond. A leader is required to be authentically confident, have clarity and be courageous to lead in our modern world. The journey to navigate can be overwhelming, stressful and have major impacts. The power of support in keeping yourself aligned and congruent in your authentic leadership can be the difference between mental struggle and living who...leheartedly. If you would like to know more about the foundations in building an authentic life that helps you thrive personally and professionally I highly recommend a 30 minute clarity session. Comment below "interested" to receive your session free.

06.01.2022 Gratitude to those people that passed their wisdom to me and held space. I too Trust that one day the people I support/ed find self love and stay true to themselves on their life journey.

06.01.2022 It is not until we let go of a perceived version of ourselves that our inner diamond is revealed. We have many facets and the clarity is determined by the courage we have to seek a deeper understanding of who we are in unconditional love. It is not a case of, if you are a diamond. It is simply, who are you when put under compression to show up in your authenticity?

06.01.2022 Do you ignore the feelings that rise for you to see the truth? Avoidance can superimpose feelings to distract you from the truth. It is like shopping for foods that don’t support your body. The feeling of the toxicity can bring feelings up of familiarity. When you compare to what is good for you those feelings may not compare to the toxic pleasures. Until that moment you realise that your self worth controls your choices and superimposes a feeling to make it look acce...ptable. That is why having the power to discern can be the difference between happiness and sabotage. Photo credit: The Master shift

06.01.2022 Are you living in resistance to your truth? Some key signs you may resonate with: Avoidance ... emotionally disconnected anxiety being controlling trust issues No matter what area of your life, these key signs will show up if in fear of your truth. The truth can bring up Shame Guilt Rejection The reason being, the illusion or false sense of security that you have created to fit in for acceptance. This becomes draining by continually playing hide and seek through masks, strategies and manipulation. Simply by surrendering to the truth you open your heart. The flow of abundance in all areas becomes a reality. Sounds easy, yet so hard because of conditioning and childhood trauma that keeps people in false identities. To heal is to love your truth and not fear the conditioning of your past. Freedom is choosing you and what truly ignites your heart and soul that some will never understand because of conceptual thinking. Soul is the being of truth. Letting go and accepting whatever is meant for you will appear through epiphanies, signs or conversations that activate a truth in dissolving a fear of the past. The question really comes down to will you trust that calling within and take action?

05.01.2022 Breaking the mould to live your potential I invite you to dig deeper than the norm and find your deeper meaning. What are your undercurrents holding you back in life?... It is time to choose your life and live your purpose as an authentic leader. I dare you to be brave and the change.

05.01.2022 Are you battling with feeling inferior to others? Here are some signs your inferiority is raising it’s head to heal. You pretend to be unaffected ... You are a people pleaser and enabler. A Rebel without a cause (chip on your shoulder) This particular complex can be projected energetically and shows up in people’s behaviours. A common thread is an addiction to drama, functional in chaos and negatively seeking attention. This causes people to thrive in misery, drama and addictions thinking they are superior to others. When dealing with people in these situations it is extremely important to keep strong boundaries, be straight to the point and trust people for who they are and not who you want them to be. A person who rejects themselves will always project inferiority to the world. Is it time you start to Embrace self acceptance?

05.01.2022 Unlocking your inner genius and accelerating your success Recently I have had people caught in the question of Why am I here? I decided it was time to share my 1 day "Success Accelerator" online workshop. ... It is that mundane lifestyle that keeps people in lockdown to their ideal life. Wondering if that magic pill will arrive to change the trajectory of their life. Guess what? You are it In this 1 day work shop we will uncover the subconscious fears that set you up for failure. You will tap into your inner genius that identifies signs to your calling. Learn the art of trusting in your authentic self and remove the fear of success. In this 1 day it will be broken into 3 sessions, with small breaks in between. You will get the following: A manual for tools to be processed. Be in the online Facebook group for any further questions after the event. Receive a "free gift" when you sign up to thrive immediately, valued at over $750. follow up 1 on 1 mentoring session for the first 10 spots taken. I am passionate about seeing people thrive and embrace their success. It is a roller coaster this journey and you are its driver. Are you ready to take the steering wheel into your own hands and accelerate your success? Click the link and make a commitment. I look forward to seeing you on the other side. .

04.01.2022 WHEN I THINK OF COURAGE AND DARING GREATLY I IMMEDIATELY THINK OF BREN BROWN. Who do you see as someone that impacts lives with power and vulnerability?

04.01.2022 ARE YOU A LEADER IN HIDING? 3 keys leaders in hiding do Compare themselves ... Compete with others Confidently wear an unaffected mask. The reason why you hide is the fear of being seen, heard and acknowledged in your authenticity because of: Judgement Humiliation (failure) Imposter syndrome These 3 main keys make you feel highly anxious, overwhelmed and inferior. So you sit in the stand not sharing your greatness, only your opinions. This results in you never really playing the game. So the question is, are you really a leader? Yes, if you are someone that criticises, has an opinion and rebels for the sake of it. There is a high chance you are a leader in hiding. The only problem being you don’t have a deeper meaning, you’re stuck in the past conditioning and you play victim to your greatness. Instead of making it about the daring greatly and courageous people, who face their fears and play the game, I invite you to step into your deeper meaning and show up in your authenticity. To be the greatest leader in your personal and professional life, you have to come out of hiding. Are you ready to step into your greatness?

04.01.2022 HOW DO I KNOW I AM ON THE RIGHT PATH? A question many ask themselves or are afraid to ask themselves. Here are 3 key questions ... What makes you think you are not? Do you struggle to trust yourself and others? Are you afraid of receiving love? When you struggle to answer these questions, you will find you are in self rejection and that leads to self sabotage. The truth is always in your heart and that is authentic. When you live wounded and living in fear of belonging, rejection of others or validation, the choices you make are your vibrational match. You will never experience your authentic self by living in your conditioning, fears and wounds. Take a leap and trust what really ignites your soul? The gap between who you are now and the vision of your authentic self is the journey to discover. To learn more about how you can make that happen comment below or send me a message. I love working with leaders in hiding of their authentic leadership.

04.01.2022 That moment you realise you were meant to be a doctor. Let me guess you have issues? Where is it hurting? ... We could surgically remove your problem However it does not change anything if you don’t change your self care. Greetings Dr J

04.01.2022 Are you a leader in hiding? I have so many conversations with men and women who have this incredible capacity to serve others through people pleasing, in fear of their leadership. Yes, you read it correctly! ... They martyr themselves in dysfunctional dynamics thinking they are helping others. So why do they do it? After breaking down their dynamics in various scenarios it comes down to 3 key factors Self judgement Self belief Self worth They hide behind the mask of super confident or super kind in fear of being seen. Their fear of standing out, being judged or vulnerable causes them overwhelm and roadblocks. People confuse authentic leadership with saviour mentality, micro management or dictatorship. The hidden agenda of power and control driven by an inferiority complex. What they are hiding from is what makes the difference. To be seen To be heard To acknowledge their own greatness. You can’t make a difference as a leader by hiding behind the people your empowering to lead. If you are a leader in hiding that requires support to bring out your shine comment below Ready to shine. I see you and your brilliance and the world is ready to see it too!

04.01.2022 TRUSTING IN YOUR INTUITION When something needs to change you have a choice. Trust your intuition ... Or Trust your fear. Your soul will call you to take action and your ego will talk you out of it. It will give you all the reasons why not to trust your intuition. I believe the greatest reward in life is trusting in your souls choice. Our deepest regret is through taking actions defined by conditioning. Can you trust your soul to make the change you need to make? Or is your loyalty to your fear? Commit to your leap and take action, I believe in you. Be brave - Be the change

04.01.2022 When you know who you are wholeheartedly, you embrace the journey into self love. 3 key daily tips of awareness to thrive in self love 1. Have you tapped in to your physical bodys requirements eg. Healthy nutrition, stretching, exercise, supportive rest or recovery, any strange physical symptoms. ... 2. Have you acknowledged and expressed any emotional dis - ease in your body today? Something that may have triggered memory of fear, uncertainty, out of control. It could also be joy, happiness, love, peace, fulfilment, gratitude or empowerment. 3. Are you consciously aware of your energy? This means being present, connected in this moment. Awareness around the energy within you and outside of you. If struggling, make a daily practice of meditation or yoga to bring yourself back to you. To thrive in life it takes an approach to live wholeheartedly. This is the greatest act of self love you can give to yourself and your loved ones. Be Brave - Be the Change

03.01.2022 When asking a client what they want, the first thing they say is to be happy I feel I have lost who I am by chasing things that dont make me happy. The problem being a sense of obligation and loyalty to old belief systems of being the ideal person. ... This creates a mentality of Perfectionism Control Fear of not belonging The fear of shame and guilt is conditioned into people and makes them fear who they are in their authenticity. Overwhelm, anxiety and trust issues impacts them on a physical, emotional and spiritual level keeping them in suffering. Until courage is found to break the mould and trust in their inner guidance. The question that you need to ask yourself if I removed everyone and everything, including past identities from my current reality, who would I be and what would I do? Build an authentic relationship with you and thrive in all aspects of your life. Your freedom is in your choices you make.

03.01.2022 What holds you back from seeing your true self? The common answer is fear. If you live in fear, it is only expected your life around you and the choices you make will remind you of your internal fear. ... The more courageous you are to be true to yourself and live from your authentic self, the same rule applies. The world around you removes fear and brings love into your vibrational field. This means you attract deeper connected relationships and align with your deeper meaning. Remove all fear by courageously leaning into your true self. Be brave - Be the change

03.01.2022 Here is a mantra I use when confronted by someone’s dysfunctional behaviour. I am not responsible for your dysfunctional behaviour, that is for you to claim. The reason being when you take the responsibility away from someone because of a saviour mentality you are controlling them. ... Every human being has the capacity to see themselves and take ownership of their dysfunctional behaviour. No one is perfect hence why it is so important for people to learn their lessons through self responsibility. They never will learn if you continue to wipe their mess up for them. You create it - you clean it up.

03.01.2022 WARNING - THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO EXPERIENCE SELF LOVE 5 basic steps you could learn about building a relationship with yourself are Take time out by making yourself a priority ... Practice boundaries Have awareness around what you eat and how that is impacting your mood or physical energy. practice concentrating on observing your breathing for as long as you can. Give yourself 5 acknowledgements daily by journaling or recording them on your phone and playing them back. If you make the effort to commit to this for at least 7 days I guarantee you the relationship with yourself will reveal just how valued you are. Make yourself a priority. To learn more about building a relationship with yourself that can bring back more confidence and joy to your world comment below interested. I will private message you a free gift

02.01.2022 Do you see your mirror? The greatest adventure is our life journey and the scenery is spectacular if we see it’s colour. Let’s look at why so many struggle to learn or navigate the terrains of this incredible journey. ... We have been conditioned by previous generations that vulnerability is weakness. The harder the struggle the more of a hero you are in conquer. Life is hard and you have to deal with it. There is only right and wrong ways of doing life. Until now! The best tool I have used to conquer my triggers or challenges in learning my lessons, is seeing my reflection. You only attract what and who you perceive yourself to be. The mask of unworthy brings people and events to prove you right. The manifested version of your own fears. Once you accept this lesson by the mirror of your thoughts manifested. A new found power within starts to expand through your heart space. You are not in competition with anyone or anything to your destination. People come into your life for a reason, a season and a lifetime. Your lifetime partner is the one who sees your soul, opens your heart to overcoming your deepest fears and energetically vibrates at the same frequency. Together you move mountains and heal together as one. If you are blessed in knowing your counterpart, know that only a small percentage experience this in a lifetime because both of you have done the work. The only issue remains is your courage to love and receive eternal love. Remember, to reach this point it takes looking at your teachers in the form of people and experiences to see where you need to grow and expand in unconditional love. Be brave - Be the change

02.01.2022 To live your human potential it is a journey of mastering self love. I support men and women who are struggling in their personal and professional relationships. What I have identified with my clients is they battle with their head caused by fear conditioning. This sets them up to be in fear of failure and not belonging. This leads to high anxiety, self hatred and self punishment because of their unconscious beliefs and behaviours. ... My 4 step method supports people in building emotional resilience, finding their deeper meaning and reigniting their personal and professional relationships. Humans are wired for connection and struggle to connect because they are not being true to themselves. This fear is so overwhelming because their life could be tipped upside down if they really owned their truth. Instead they live as shutdown, unaffected pleasers walking to the beat of somebody elses drum, on their terms and conditions, just to belong. Right now people are realising they have given their power away to fit in to an outdated belief system that has seen people self sabotage and has led to divorce, disease, addictions and suicide. You can change the statistics and live your human potential if you choose to master self love. When you build a sacred relationship with yourself, it brings a sacred union with your divine counterpart. This then creates a sacred family circle and a connected community. Your personal freedom awaits if you are willing to take the step into the unknown and embrace your self love journey. Are you ready to be the master of your self love journey? Comment below interested and I will send you a gift of my 5 keys to immediately thrive personally and professionally. These 5 keys have turned companies in debt to profit within 12 months, dysfunctional team dynamics to a thriving culture, divorcing couples to deep loving relationships, disconnected families to thriving families, singles in to their ideal relationships, employees to thriving business owners and overlooked workers to next generation of leaders. All because people get tools and use them, not just buy them and let them collect dust. You can be the smartest tool in the shed and produce nothing if you dont take action. Are you ready to upscale your current life and thrive?

02.01.2022 Give yourself permission to learn, as opposed to judging yourself in fear of failing someone or something.

01.01.2022 ARE YOU STRUGGLING TO BE AUTHENTIC IN YOUR LEADERSHIP? A common struggle for leaders is realising they are human and can ask for support. They fear being seen as weak, vulnerable or affected by challenges, people and events. ... It leads to being the goto person who is undervalued and plays the game unaffected. You will find resentment builds within, causing anxiety, depression and feeling not enough. How do you support yourself in thriving authentically if you struggle to be supported? Three keys you require Someone you can trust Someone who can see your potential Someone who can hold space to listen to you. To thrive authentically you need to be accountable to your true self. Who are on your team to reach your vision? Comment below for a FREE 30 MINUTE CLARITY CALL or simply like or share.

01.01.2022 Listen to your heart It has the answer you are seeking. You must trust that for anything to change.Listen to your heart It has the answer you are seeking. You must trust that for anything to change.

01.01.2022 They said Shine bright!! Upscale and Stand out..... So here I am beaming with colour to present today for the National Healing Touch Conference. ... I am pumped and ready to click the link

01.01.2022 Have you ever had one of those moments when you have been thinking about someone or something? I turned on my phone before and this popped up. Numbers are powerful in giving messages or signs. It is cool to see that 11+11 = 22. ... I used to see 11:11 all the time. It is funny now I see it today, as I have not seen it for a while. Do you believe in random signs and their meanings? I am grateful for the sign it brings.

01.01.2022 The big word of the week Support As leaders in hiding there can be a stigma attached to receiving support. This week I have heard a number of my clients say the thing they have loved most about 2020 is allowing themselves to be supported. ... What they once saw as a one sided exercise of being the support to others and not receiving has added massive value to their success through adversity. As the year starts to wrap up and you reflect on your greatest learnings ask yourself the vital question, How open have I been, to being supported physically, emotionally and spiritually this year? If this has been a challenge for you this year and you want to know what that looks like I highly recommend you comment below or private message to have a taste test for 2021 to do life differently. If you don’t value what is right in front of you it will be taken from you.

01.01.2022 Are you struggling with work/ life balance? A major cause of anxiety, depression and feeling unfulfilled in your personal and professional life is the avoidance of self-care. This is due to conditioning of the harder you work the more successful you become in life. ... At what cost does this have to happen? If you want to accelerate your success, comment below I am ready.

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