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24.01.2022 RAINBOW ALIGNMENT When we’re pulled in a hundred different directions, it’s helpful to realign our energy bodies with the full rainbow spectrum. A quick activation.... Breathe into your heart and expand your heart light with your out breath.... Stream Light into your feet and Earth Star, and connect with the full colour spectrum of crystalline matrices within the Earth. Ask for the rainbow ray of Unity to open from within the Earth’s heart. Draw this rainbow ray up through the crystalline matrices and allow it to move through your body and whole energy field. Allow readjustment to vibrate through you, right up to your crown and Soul Star. Focus from your heart to your Soul Star and ask that the 7 original creation rays be present. Sense these rays arching over you, an illumination of colour from the Cosmic Heart. Invite this rainbow to flow through your body and energy field. Feel the realignment into wholeness. Daily energy readjustment and realignment is so important right now. Whatever works for you, to bring you into centre, balance and wholeness is a big contribution to stabilisation of the polarised energy in the collective. Sending you all a rainbow of love
24.01.2022 Hello beautiful souls A reminder today of the importance and value of aligning to the new codes that the tree kingdom is birthing. : The wisdom of trees is profound. And when you encounter an elder, like this beauty, you may be blessed to have great knowledge shared with you. If you approach the connection with love, curiosity, openness and respect, you will receive abundantly. :... Apart from the ancient wisdom they anchor, powerful keys, codes and patternings for the new earth are also rising through them. : Each time you connect, you’ll perceive very different frequencies. With each encounter, you’ll ground different holograms of light wisdom to be felt and shared right now. : We can carry the codes into the collective, by being lovingly available to be an energy messenger. : Much love to all Belinda See more
22.01.2022 Hello beautiful souls! I’m taking time out today for self healing, and to release all past contracts that are at their expiry date. When I opened up the invitation for these contracts to be seen and felt wow! So many agreements showed up that were made in other timelines, and aren’t needed now for my present life. Creating a New Earth means creating a new energetic patterning within ourselves first. As I shift the kaleidoscope and see my new frequency, I connect with a ...Light bridge, holding strong for a different future. We plugged into the old, separating control matrix to survive. We now see that connection creates an organic blueprint for the future that sings together we thrive. This Cosmic Earth mandala shares the essence of Hibiscus, and the frequency of Divine Feminine love. It draws us into our sacral and base chakras to clear and release old soul contracts, making room for new creations. How are you all travelling? Share a number in the comments to describe how you’re feeling: 1. Amazing 2. Faring well 3. In healing transition 4. Holding it together 5. I need a hug Remember, you are a gift to the world. You are held in divine love, always. Sending you all so much love. Belinda See more
21.01.2022 AQUA LIGHT CODES What if we blended light and water to create a whole new element? How do you think it would feel, move and act? What would its message be? These light codes asked me all of this today. I imagined liquid light flowing in the air around us, in similar patterns to that upon the water. They felt fluid as they met my skin, not wet. I imagined this same liquid light pooling in patterns at my feet, drawing the water element from within the Earth deep aquifers... and delivering its moving wisdom into my body. I imagined what light and water would create if they married, and it felt like the movement we need to travel through the crumbling structures, balancing the transition, whilst healing the need for the old. What can you imagine? Share below, and let’s start an exploration into the marriage of elements. See more
21.01.2022 Hello beautiful souls! Sharing this vibrant hibiscus medicine for strengthening the heart core. Orange is the balance that brings you back to centre, when you feel beside yourself or your energy feels wonky. Polarities feel very strong right now, so it’s important to keep clear in your centre and attuned to your spiritual core. This gorgeous hibiscus also has a pink centre, bringing the pink ray of unconditional love into your core, then radiating the orange ray of courage and strength into your energy field. This feels like perfect support for this Leo Lions Gate portal. Drink it in and fill up! Sending you all so much love
20.01.2022 First cold night this year, and we settled down for dinner by the fire. The forest behind our house was also settling in for the evening, busy with sounds of the natural world closing down at day’s end. Not sure if it’s camera flare, but it looked like a nature spirit popped in to view the fire (see left of frame). It was so peaceful, I’m taking it as a sign the Ancestors were watching us. #connection #fire #naturelovers #ancestors #unity #together #isolation #loveisintheearth #everydaymagic #hummingbirdhealing
20.01.2022 HAPPY EARTH DAY, beautiful souls Join me in celebrating our magnificent earth, by connecting with her inner essence. . Connect with the elements/energy/light frequencies that pulsate within her. See and feel the creations that have birthed on her. .... Connect with them in their pure form. Attune to the sacred patterning in all of earth’s elements. Connect with the inner life force and release the boundary of their form. . Enter into energetic communion with the Divine frequencies present in this life force, and strengthen your relationship with all the kingdoms. . Remember the Oneness that brought us together. Each of us is needed to re-weave the golden tapestry. . . . Cosmic Earth Mandala created with tree and sun elements.
19.01.2022 Hello beautiful souls! The Lion’s Gate portal pinnacle 8:8 is upon us tomorrow, and the energy of Courage spoke to me in a different way today. : Courage doesn’t have to be tough or brash. It can be gentle, loving and clear, but still strong and unwavering. : Where can you hold your Lion’s Heart in such pure Divine Alignment that all else falls away? ... : Let the sweeter side of Courage walk beside you, guiding you into strength when needed a choice to align and stay in that state of Grace. : Cosmic Earth Mandala created from flower and plant elements See more
18.01.2022 Hello beautiful souls I’ve been diving deep over the past few weeks, and retreated into my cave. I was sharing a personal healing experience with a friend this morning, and felt it might help you navigate this very intense eclipse. . I’ve been working on original soul learning templates: those that guide us into our particular purpose work in each incarnation. And they’re usually the ones that bring up our fear, as well as our power. . Last evening I had a deep experienc...e with one template, which appeared over my crown and third eye. I choose to release all bindings to the fear experience within the template, and to release the limiting energy. As I did this, thousands of black stars released in a continuous patterning, as the template morphed into its truest foundation. . So, what I’m guided to share here, is that these soul learning templates are materialising in our conscious awareness during this eclipse/retrograde phase. They are opening from our holographic bodies (which are the records of all our gifts/learnings as they apply to our journey now). Be open and aware of the templates/blueprints that require balancing into a different light frequency, unbinding you from a stored, repetitive negative experience. . As we each allow these templates to shift, we create a resonance that supports a greater, global, collective template release. The Divine patterning returns, with clarity. . A couple of other reminders from my team: . Be clear about your own sacred space and boundaries. Consciously unbind yourself from the collective matrix. Work on yourself first, then share the energy with your soul group. If you don’t see the templates, feel or know them. Trust yourself and your Divine team to assist in the recalibration. Lots of physical symptoms are arising now, like exhaustion, tummy pains, headaches, heaviness of limbs. Please take time to rest when you can, and use your favourite tools to support your physical body to release. . Sending you all loads of healing love! Let me know how you’re going with this. . Cosmic Earth Mandala created from sky, light and water elements. Templates of the New Earth. See more
18.01.2022 Hello beautiful souls Sending love, courage, strength and hope to everyone who feels the heightened pain of the injustices that occur everyday, in so many parts of our world, to those of different skin colour. To those who are suffering at the hands of injustice and oppression: I will keep my heart and soul light strong to support you, energetically or in person, so together we can create freedom going forward. I will continue to work with and support the Ancestors, in, of all races who hold the trauma of oppression. May the original wounding be healed so the present world can choose differently. This is one small way in which I can be of service. The best help I can offer is consistent energy work (even when I don't feel like it!), solidarity, and walking in spirit with those who are so brutally affected. Yesterday I recorded a balancing process to neutralise the effects of oppression within ourselves, plant the seeds of freedom, then ground and share this as an energetic choice for the collective. In this process, we return to the original creation codes, and ask to receive the "antidote" codes to release the fear, pain and destruction of the original wounding within us, and the collective. As we release this trauma across all timelines, the seeds of Freedom can be imprinted in fresh ground. We use our own Light to hold balance in the circle of oppression and freedom. We offer an energetic opportunity to those whose eyes are masked with ignorance and hate, to allow in a different perspective.... a different truth. The link to the recording is here, if you'd like to receive the energy: It was recorded quickly, without any professional equipment (and I think a garbage truck in the background at an appropriate place!). But the energy is there, and doing what it needs to do. I welcome loving interaction and feedback after you've completed the process, via Messenger. And please remember, that if you'd like to continue to hold space for a different future, you may strengthen the work done in the process on a daily basis. Thank you all for the amazing service you offer the world; for holding your light clear amidst the darkness, despite feeling it all yourself. So much love to you See more
16.01.2022 Breathing out, and allowing my body to replenish this week. Have you felt the tension release, as the planetary activity settled over the weekend? I’m sensing a gathering of the forces in the elemental kingdoms, readying for an influx of creative energy and light that, to us, will look a lot like magic. So, I’m asked to share that it’s time to strengthen our capacity to receive divine love, without excuse. Actually, to receive all love, without excuse or obligation. The sim...plest way to expand your heart, is to focus on it constantly. I use colour and light to fill it, sometimes I add a flower bud, which blossoms in the light. Practice bringing your focus, and your eyes, into your heart space every time you take a break today. Look through the eyes of your heart, and expand its light. This expansion makes room for love to enter, and your heart becomes a resource of love for you to draw upon. The Divine within you, nourishes you and supports the greater work that we’re all active in right now. Together, we create the new. Cosmic Earth Mandala created from flower and light elements. #inspiration #healing #love #divine #divinefeminine #newearth #lightworker #unity #truth #soulwork #energy #alchemy #mandala #sacred #earthhealer #hummingbirdhealing See more
16.01.2022 Offering this light and vibrancy from nature as a healing balm for anyone who needs it The simple message from my team today was: Stay on the Path of the Heart. Quieten the distractions and opinions. There’s true strength in alignment. ... Release doubt especially self doubt. Your heart knows what’s true. Doubt will confuse you. If in doubt, release whatever has caused it. Expand even if everything feels small, you are infinite. Create from your inner freedom. Stay clear and loving, everyone. There’s much work to do. So much love to you
15.01.2022 Hello beautiful souls! I came across this post on the Norwegian Goddess Hel, on Instagram today, and felt it very deeply. Bringing the Divine Feminine back from her place of banishment takes a whole societal shift, that starts with each of us. : This fascinating Norwegian story/legend reminds us of the power of the collective to accept or reject truth. It reminds us too of the banishment of the natural world from her place of wholeness, now reduced to a resource to be explo...ited by the greedy. : #Repost @henneshus with @get_repost This peninsula is called Helgeberget. It is located in the greatest lake in Norway, close to a town called Moelv. The peninsula is quite small, and in the summer it is barely accessible without a boat - because of the cultivated fields that surround it. There is supposedly a cairn on top of it from the Iron Age - somewhere within that dark forrest. The name Helgeberget is interesting. Helge means holy in Norwegian and berget means the mountain. So the peninsula is called the holy mountain. Names with the word helge in them, or some variation of that word, tend to indicate ancient places of worship. What is even more interesting, is that the word actually stems from an ancient goddess - Hel. Her name means holy, and also whole. As the Norse religion developed, she was pushed aside and left in the underworld. That became her domain. The words hole and Norwegian hule (which means cave) are also associated with her. During this period she was seen as the crone, the old hag - mistress of the realm of death. As Christianity took over she was further demonized, and she now has the dubious honor of having given her name to Hell. The story of the goddess Hel illustrates the story of the divine feminine - how it has gradually been erased from our consciousness, suppressed and demonized. It is time to reclaim that power. It is time to become whole again. #hel #helgeberget #crone #goddess #divinefeminine #motherearth #gaia #divinemother #restoringpower #unity #newearth #togetherwerise #naturelover #divine #connection
13.01.2022 Keep your Light strong and clear, dear friends. We are the bridges to a greater future. United, we are the bridge between worlds. What we are navigating right now is a portal to a new earth. We’re right in the midst of the birthing contractions, and things are very messy externally. But underneath, our Soul Light reaches across the divide between dimensions, creating a bridge between worlds. Yes, our personalities are transforming so much in our energy fields in this tr...ansition, AND at the same time our inner light is switched on, ramped up, and beaming the codes needed to unite us in a new world. Feeling the pain, intensity, fear, joy and hope simultaneously. Trusting and knowing our soul light is creating through us, despite this. Big love to you Cosmic Earth Mandala created though sun and water elements. #healing #hope #newearth #lightworkers #unity #truth #whenyoucantgooutgowithin #divinelove #soul #spiritualawakening #soulalchemy #soulguidance #loveheals #create #hummingbirdhealing See more
13.01.2022 ON THE RAINBOW BRIDGE Hello beautiful souls! This is where we are. Balancing on the bridge between worlds, and being the links that create the bridge. : It’s tiring work coping with the fractiousness of the 3D that’s erupting in shadow, and dissolving around us. But as we stand in it, so too must we introduce the greater frequency of the same. What’s the homeopathic solution needed in each circumstance? If the shadow is one note in the harmony, what’s the frequency of t...he whole harmonic scale? : Stand on the Rainbow Bridge and dial up that frequency. Become the melodic light bridge that introduces the higher harmony. Invite the craziness, the confusion, the manipulation and whatever else emerges into the arms of wholeness. Let the symphony show it where it needs to align now, so it may return to wholeness. : We’re here to point the way. Open this magical rainbow portal wherever you feel an introduction to higher frequency is needed. Let it be an opportunity, and a possibility, for others to perceive. Then let go. : #rainbowbridge #newearth #soul #healing #change #bridgebetweenworlds #spiritualawakening #soulalchemy #peace #nature #light #inspiration #support #soulwisdom #intuitiveguide #hummingbirdhealing See more
12.01.2022 WEAVING A NEW TAPESTRY The old threads are unraveling, Get your needles ready. We are stitching a new quilt... of Humanity. : Bring your old t-shirts, worn out jeans, scarves, antique gowns, aprons, old pockets of plenty who have held Earth's treasures, stones, feathers, leaves, love notes on paper. : Each stitch A mindful meditation. Each piece of material A story. : The more colour the better, so call in the Tribes. Threads of browns, whites, reds, oranges Women from all nations start stitching. : Let's recycle the hate, the abuse, the fear, the judgment. Turn it over, wash it clean, ring it out to dry. It's a revolution of recycled wears. : Threads of greens, blues, purples Colourful threads of peace, kindness, respect, compassion are being stitched from one continent to the next over forests, oceans, mountains. : The work is hard Your fingers may bleed. But each cloth stitched together Brings together a community. A world, our future world Under one colourful quilt. The new quilt of humanity. : ~ Julia Myers : Artist: Paula Nicho Cumez See more
11.01.2022 Powerful energies are pouring through this week, as we head into the 8:8 Lion’s Gate. How are you all experiencing this? I’ve been through so many different states completely spaced out, followed by laser focus; immense joy partnered with deep insights on shadow exploration; feeling full of possibility, yet observing the role of limitation/boundaries. : It’s like the polarities have intensified, as they come together at the point of the circle where it begins and ends. Her...e, they must see their part in Oneness, and recognise the unity that draws them into relationship. : The Aquarian full moon has given us all the shift of vision that sees our unique potential to transform. The Leo sun gives us the courage to act on this unique view, and give life to the paths that were seeded many moons past. : I’ve been feeling portals into new worlds opening all around, despite the chaos and polarity. This morning, I walked the beach with a friend. As we talked about possibility, I was called to take a few pictures and there they were: Portals of Possibility (or at least I like to call them that!) Mother Earth always listens, and answers: giving clear signs of our alignment. The gates are open, let’s have the courage to move through! #lionsgate #opening #possibility #freedom #transformation #change #newearth #portal #findyourpower #newpurpose #healing #soulalchemy #lightleader #lightworkers #unity #connection #peace #createeveryday #hummingbirdhealing See more
10.01.2022 INVISIBLE COMMUNICATION Sometimes the Ancestors speak through nature’s paintings. They compose their messages through moments of light. When we listen and see beyond the obvious tune into invisible communication we know when and where to look; how to receive. My heart always sings with childlike joy when I connect with these moments of light. The message? A story of wisdom, hope, encouragement. Direction on how to follow the signs. And the bottom line: it’s all going to work out, just keep your own light strong.
05.01.2022 PORTAL Yesterday, my form of exercise was to walk by the river. Water is such an amazing conduit of cosmic codes, and I absorbed as much as possible as I walked along: just by keeping my heart open to receive. This beautiful tree called to me, and I paused to take a photo, seeing the beautiful rainbow portal afterwards. Earlier, I’d passed a tree teeming with butterflies Such a perfect reminder that we’re all in the midst of profound transformation. And then the offe...ring of the portal signifying a rebirth. Whatever you’re experiencing right now, I’m sending love to you. The signs are everywhere. Beyond the chaos is a different and new normal. Together, we’re holding the space for the new to land. I know I’ve been very quiet here, but I think of you all a lot. I’m working strongly with the core of our beloved earth mother, and have been guided to complete this before sharing too much outwardly. Know that I’m sending love to you all, each day. Heart hugs Belinda
03.01.2022 TRANSITIONTravelling through the in-between worlds is chaotic, simply because so much is unknown, and uncontrollable. : Today, I was guided to connect again with the essence of lichen, which acts as a bridging energy, bringing stillness, stability and peace into the chaos. It links the old and new, providing relief in the process of letting go. : Meditate with these images, and feel where and how they transport you. Is there somewhere in your world where a bridge is neede...d? Let lichen move between you and the other side. Feel wisdom guide you, as only the eternal can. Take a breath, then flow : (There’s a beautiful being in the first imagesee if you can connect.) : #nature #transition #wisdom #change #peace #unity #newearth #inspiration #intuitiveguide #soul #power #newbeginnings #movingthrough #transformation #spiritualawakening #cosmicearth #hummingbirdhealing See more
02.01.2022 What seeds are planted in the spaces in between your worlds? Where the past meets the future, the remnants of what has been await replacement. The seeds you plant here will help the old dissolve, and as you nurture these seeds, a new world will form. : This beautiful resonance will illuminate what you are here to share in the foundations of the new earth: your unique patterning in the mandala of a greater future. :... Tend to what is planted in your dreamscape, with loving care. This is how you can gently change the world that’s being re-created and re-formed, through you. : #sacredwisdom #mandala #inspiration #soulguidance #energyalchemy #spirituality #healing #selflove #newearth #lightworker #motherearth #hummingbirdhealing See more
02.01.2022 Hello sweet souls! The beauty of the elements on my beach walk today replenished my spirit. It’s been a very intense couple of weeks, with a lot of powerfully deep release. Yet each time I turn to nature, the elements show me the light that’s needed to re-build, restore and create. I’m storing this beauty on my inner vision board, and letting it alchemise into a clear new path. How has it been for you? Have you noticed the key stories that are falling away, making space for a different view? Whatever you’re journeying though, I’m sending lots of loving support your way.