Hungry Earth Agroecology | Farmers market
Hungry Earth Agroecology
Phone: +61 403 073 643
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25.01.2022 Today's harvest babes are modelling the new season Mizuna; fresh from the patch this veg is SO HOT right now! Bring texture and contrast to the plate this Autumn and let Mizuna do the heavy lifting. The delicate feathery leaf has a deep purple hue, while the soft green stem packs serious crunch. Eat it raw in salad or sautee it in minutes - there is no excuse for being a shit cook with this fancy stunner on your chopping block To our fabulous veggie box customers, we hope you enjoy it!
25.01.2022 Hungry Earth feeds the hungry people! Last week's veg box contained a colourful assortment of the seasons offerings - French Breakfast radish, carrots, daikon, green chilli, bananas, spring onion, mangoes, kang kong, basil, corn, parsley, mixed greens, eggplant and watermelon. To our customers out there we'd love to know how you're cooking the produce!
23.01.2022 Peter Andrews! What a dude. Inspirational stuff it was hanging out with this Australian legend. Getting back to the roots of why We Are Dedicating Ourselves to the Working the Land; that being the learning deeply on the matter (which only comes from Doing) so we can #fixthejoint So good to hear this great man touting the message that what the land and world needs more than anything is; appropriately placed plants, and lots of them. Carbon credits?? We're confusing things a Climate change is about our direct destruction of functional ecologies, not fuel consumption! That may be my twist on it, but We're on the same page! The fight isn't Against some group or government or paradigm; it is For the diverse living, and potentially thriving, world that our species seems to be forgetting. #earthcare #learningfromelders #succession #ecologicalregeneration #peterandrews #ecologicalliteracy #purpose
22.01.2022 Competition or cooperation? Mimicking nature's patterns we can stack our plantings and maximize use of space and time. @hillierheather has the ecological intuition to be working these engineered production beds! After one weeding this bed will be full of productive plants, with no room for weeds, maximizing photosynthesis and thus feeding the soil (up to 30% of a plants photosynthesis/ sugar-production can be fed directly to the soil biology in real time!! Talk about carbon d...rawdown). Companion planting is amazing; but the rules and tales of this plant likes that plant... Are a Not the starting point to work from, and not even necessarily a helpful guide. We'll follow up with this bed in the near future for soke in depth insights. #carbondrawdown #companionplanting #productionpermaculture #localorganicfood #byronbay #smallscalefarming #regenerativefarming
22.01.2022 Calling any budding farmers/agroecologists to come help plant some super-stacked consortiums this coming Tuesday! We got heaps to do at this crucial time of year. Please ensure to confirm your attendance prior to joining. Come for one or both sessions. 7:30-11 (11-12 Lunch break) and 12-3:30. Please be punctual or early, as we'll go into the theory on the plantings and ecological conditions right off the bat. We'll be there with @good_natured_gardening ready to pump our agro...ecology system at "The" Farm. Doing is the only way to real knowing. Enough talk. Don't be a permacoucheralist #interntuesdays #agroecologicalproductiontraining #doingislearning #agroecology #dirtyfingernails
22.01.2022 Outside of the walls - walls of the mind, of the confines of human creation; nature holds more wealth of both (true) economy and knowledge than our indignant species has the capacity to cognitively comprehend. How do we come together with nature in a way which we can Give to it in Ballance with that which we need to take? Step One: Get outside. Get into nature.... #worklifebalance #naturetime #getoutside #followthewallabytrails
18.01.2022 The food of champions! This weeks vegetable box is a beauty - watermelon, mango, banana, kang kong, basil, parsley, french breakfast radish, tumeric, garlic, green chilli, purple daikon, spring onion, eggplant, salad mix, corn, cherry tomatoes and a new addition; betel pepper. The betel pepper (vegetable leaf pepper, Piper sarmentosum) can be eaten raw or cooked to add a nice peppery taste to salads, curry, or used as a wrap.
17.01.2022 We got there! New Farm-Share arrangement Sorted with an top notch certified organic farm in Myocum. You can now find us at New Brighton, Byron and Bangalow farmers markets; just as @thebangalowherald did last Saturday. We've got the all-stars @hillierheather and @bethaniejolly on board so we're getting all elements of this farm primed and pumping. We're so grateful to have such an opportunity to feed the community directly! New faces: Evan and Bethanie have begun ...a farm-share with Uri at Kennedys Lane Farm, bringing masses of fresh organic produce to Bangalow Farmer’s Market every Saturday. . . . . . . #byronfarmersmarket #bangalowfarmersmarket #bangalow #organicproduce #organicfarming #organicfood #foodhealthy #byronbayfood See more
17.01.2022 Doing is leaning. What a great group of students!! Look forwards to seeing the seeds of ecological function which these keen beans will lay down over the next few months. So grateful to have so many people wanting to get stuck into this work! #agroecology #doingislearning #learningtogether #permaculture #ecologicalfunction
17.01.2022 Grateful for succession. Elders passing on wisdom, experience... And tractors and implements!! A big week of getting my first little tractor and a few implements from some super-supportive old local farmers. It's an honour to receive such equipment. This tractor is worth much more in function to Bob Grey, still a productive organic farmer at 71, than the bargain that he gave me for it. And the gear that George and Tony Flick helped out with is half as valuable as the stories ...and thus sense if the history of productivity of place. That's not to mention the owner of the new share-farm arrangement weve just taken; an astute businesman who supports our farming endeavours in much needed areas beyond the production. The deep encouragement from these elders is inspiring and empowering. In the many share farming arrangements over the past 6 years I've fallen in love with many a tractor and implement.... Looking forwards to falling in love with some I can call my own. And looking forwards to leaning on these beautiful old oily pieces of metal to find efficiencies I productivity and managing for fertility. #firsttractor #learningfrom #oldfarmers #socialsuccession #fourwheeltractors are way better than #twowheeltractor #organicfarming #community
17.01.2022 The hungry earth feeds the hungry people! We grow enough produce to feed around 30 households every week with our seasonal, field grown vegetable boxes. Twice a week we harvest our freshest and tastiest vegetables, herbs and fruit (when available) for boxes that can be collected or delivered fresh from The Farm. If you live in the Byron shire send us a message on 0491 619 067 to find out more.
14.01.2022 Garlic planting/prepping is alot of work. So is manhandling a BCS/Pasquali walk-behind tractor... forming and prepping beds is a key element of farming and market gardening, and can take up a considerable amount of time. Starting to seriously question the north American infatuation with the BCS; the work in pushing them around and just keeping them straight when bed-forming, and the overall amount of time required walking them back and forth that many times... A small tractor... and some good implements would not be much more of a cost, and would save considerable time. Cant always rely on volunteers. And plastic! Hooray for plastic! When used intelligently. Check out @hillierheather in one of these pictures with her shopping tote of the reused of irrigation fittings! Not very #byronbay but very #wateruseefficient ! #questionwhatyouretold #bcs #bedprep #garlic #givemearealtractor
13.01.2022 **OI!!** Want to get hands on experience with no till, low tech bed formation?!? Join us on Tuesday 29 September for our Spring bed making blitz! Our walk behind tractor pooped itself so we need your help between 10am and 3pm we will be cutting down cover crop, amending the soil and broad forking our new beds by hand. This is hard core peasant farming/regenerative agriculture at it’s finest - expect to get sweaty and knackered and see if you can keep pace with Lydia and Ve...netia There will be ice-cream and icy cold beer to celebrate our toiling! DM us if you’d like to come play. And please BYO chipping hoe if you have one!
13.01.2022 Garlic Harvest can be a hectic time of year. Next Tuesday the 17th we'll be having a all-hands-on-deck harvest day of our garlic at our second farm project in Myocum. Come along at 8am for an all out slog of getting this epic crop out of the ground. We'll reward you with garlic, ace organic veggies and a good feed! @hillierheather and the crew got this land prepped, irrigated and planted just after the full moon in April, and 8 months later we'll harvest as close to the new ...moon as is possible. Direct message us for joining our garlic harvest party, as spots are limited and visitation of the farm requires direct invitation.
10.01.2022 @good_natured_gardening just making sure everything is on track. Sowing trays of babies many months before they nourish the community and our hero's at @threeblueducks wok's and grill's. (We have a whole new level of appreciation for these guys after they haven't been able to buy much from us for the past couple months! Wowzers do they singlehandedly support a fair few farmers!!) And the rats may be on the hunt for food; but Venetia's got a special future for them in the depths of our compost . #sheholdsitalltogether #bloodychampion #localfoodmovement #communitysupportedagriculture #agoecology
09.01.2022 Upcoming upskilling! Immersion is the way to learn. Build your foundations of ecological land-management decision-making in our bioregion. What can regenerative farming look like at its greatest capacity? It's untold as of yet; but we've been dedicated to the doing/real-learning to enable us to work towards what the world needs of it.... Check out link in bio and get in touch #agroecology #permaculture #doingislearning #livingagroecology #regenerativeagriculture #livingclassroom
08.01.2022 Our mates around the corner at @mistycreek.agroforestry nailed it here! Tom, coming from a formidable farming family, was a star student in our first immersive course, largely because of his passion, focus, and active will of the doing; now he harvests the fruits of his labour! @mistycreek.agroforestry Byron Hinterland... Can you believe that these veggies help grow trees! And that bush regeneration and agriculture do not need to be mutually exclusive. Amongst these veg grow local species such as red cedar, macaranga, brown kurrajong, blue quandong, black bean, Davison’s plum, finger lime, and silky oak. There are of course many non local and non native species, but local species are not the only way to build a thriving ecosystem. Those that eat these veg help support an economically viable way of returning our local area to forest. . What do your food purchases support? . . . . . . #foodforest #regenerativeagriculture #regenerativefarming #farmtotable #farmingforthefuture #succesionalagroforestry #growyourown #growyourownfood #agrofloresta #syntropicagriculture #syntropy #agroforestry #bushregeneration #reforestation #supportlocal #youngfarmersconnect #foodmatters #educateyourself #foodchoices #beyondorganic #localfood #plantbased #veggies #locallygrown #veggiebox #thefeedfeed #pumpkin #ginger #eatyourveggies #mistycreekagroforestry
07.01.2022 Epic little production by our friend Ismael of @manawa.films He's done an amazing job of capturing some of the spirit and hard work behind the veggies we pump into the community! If you need a short video in the Byron region, this happy fella definitely knows what he's doing! And we definitely recommend him! Get in touch with him at @manawa.films .... . . . . #shortfilm #videographer #filmmaker #organicfarming #eatlocal #byronbay See more
05.01.2022 The dream team. The five of us landless farmers pay our way with veggies while we progress our learning about land management, primary production as applied to the (sometimes brutal) realities of the economy. It's been a ride getting to a place where we can now support such a team, but damn is it necessary to work together in teams. And these guys are the cream of the crop! So grateful to have @good_natured_gardening @cosmos_patch @bethaniejolly and @hillierheather making it all happen. If only we had a little more time to do some of that superfluous non-farm stuff like getting a website together... But we're busy feeding the community and gaining a true sense of this much needed work. #dreamteam #agroecology #golocalorgohome #regeneratemate
04.01.2022 Not your average #bullshit "local and organic 'when possible,'" (WTF really are a cafe's/businesses definitions of "when possible???" - if you really want to #supportlocalfarmers don't ever assume the best, please ask the questions and and inquire further when the answer lands as a local distributor! We need some accountability, and we (farmers) need more businesses in #byron walking the talk) On the contrary to the the all-to-normal false and empty claims; @crackfoxhotsauce... has the highest regard for local farmers doing the best they can do, and reciprocates the commitment to a #regenerativeeconomy founded on caring for land and people. And that's not to mention that the sauce is truly flipping amazing!!! Check this stuff out!! Byron Bay, New South Wales NOT JUST YOUR BASIC BISH HOT SAUCE . No refined sugars, this lovely lass is sweetened naturally with raw Byron Bay honey. The chillies were grown 5 mins up the road among the bananas and papayas by local growers who farm using sustainable land regenerative methods. They were then fermented slow in quality organic pink Himalayan salt, blended with a balance of hand selected bush citrus and ginger and other organic yummies from farms graced with rich volcanic soil all over the Rainbow Region. Contains: 0 preservatives, 0 additives, 0 synthetic colourants ~ 100% natural. Too good to be true? Nup. It’s just how I cook at home and how I shop for home - principles that feel very simple in an overly complicated noggin. This recipe was 7 years in the making and I’m so damn proud of it. Better for your bod, better for this guy , better for your eggs, buffalo wings, burgers, barbecued chicken, Bloody Marys, cheese toasties, stir frys, tempeh, snags, rice paper rolls, paperbark wrapped snapper for the hot coals... . FREE SHIPPING for 4 bottles or more when buying online at the moment.
02.01.2022 ecological mimicry X production permaculture....
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