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Hunter Valley Traditional Archers | Sports & recreation venue

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Hunter Valley Traditional Archers

Phone: 0249664347 or 0438664347


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25.01.2022 That awkward moment when the tree has been hit more than the target!

24.01.2022 A trip down memory lane..

24.01.2022 Update .... the forecast temperature now for Sunday is 44 degs. Please be advised that we will be preparing lunch early this Sunday. There will only be 50 Hamburgers & 50 Hotdogs. I will be taking your orders when you sign in. Please purchase your raffle tickets early as we will be calling it as soon as lunch is over. Cold drinks will be available @ $2 each.

24.01.2022 A much quieter October long weekend.

23.01.2022 Hi, club, I’ve been shooting now on and off for about a year and it’s time for an upgrade I’m looking to buy a 40pound recurve to replace the metal monstrosity... I’ve loaned from my dad. Looking for recommendations as to where to buy or if anyone has a secondhand one they want to offload. Unfortunately at this point My budget is less than $300. I’m currently considering this epic hawk takedown from cartel See more

23.01.2022 Received this message just now... Hi Trish, Emma's funeral is on Monday at 2pm at Lake Macquarie memorial park Ryhope Any club members are welcome to attend

22.01.2022 The targets are out and so are the mozzies!

22.01.2022 Keith and I finally received this today.. Better late than never.

22.01.2022 HVTA will not be holding the "Gathering" this coming June Long Weekend. The Committee will be having a meeting to discuss future club shoots but at this point in time, the club remains closed. We have our fingers crossed that the October Long Weekend shoot will go ahead. Stay tuned, stay safe...we will be back.

22.01.2022 Another topic from our AGM. It was decided that there will be no "Andy Firth" memorial shoot in March next year or any year after. All fallen comrades will be remembered at all Charity Shoots.

22.01.2022 It is with deep sadness to inform you that a former club member, Emma Berwick,(Bandit) passed away on Monday July 6th from liver complications. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family at this sad time. R.I.P Emma

22.01.2022 Today we held our AGM. The main topic was the "Charity Shoot" We received a letter from NSW Health. * Cease any activities that result in overnight stays. * Cease activities that result in the mixing of participants from different regions. * Cease face-to-face social activities relating to community sports.... So, the Charity Shoot will not go ahead this year. The HVTA committee remains the same. As you can see by the photo's, it was a great day to be outdoors. Our next shoot will be September 13th

21.01.2022 A wonderful turn up for our last shoot for 2020. The weather was a little too hot and very gusty. We only had the novelties up and running and I'm sure everyone had a wonderful time. Thank you to those who helped out with the cleaning of the canteen so that we could prepare lunch. Thank you to those who helped cook and serve. It is greatly appreciated.... Thank you all for being a part of our club. Hoping that 2021 will be a better year and that we get to hold our 2 major shoots, The Gathering June Long weekend and the Charity Shoot, October long weekend. Our calendar is available to download on our web page. We at HVTA wish you all a Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year.

20.01.2022 A great day out at the Archery club today, thank you Leslie for the photos

20.01.2022 A great turn up at the club today, lovely to see many new faces. Our next shoot will be Sunday 27th September

20.01.2022 We are CLOSED for Summer. We'll be back February 2021 Stay safe.We are CLOSED for Summer. We'll be back February 2021 Stay safe.

19.01.2022 The revised calendar for 2021 has been added to our website for you to downloadThe revised calendar for 2021 has been added to our website for you to download

19.01.2022 Good morning... As you may already know, this Sunday Nov 29, will be our last shoot for 2020. It is forecast for temperatures to be in the 40's. So I have planned to get lunch started early, around 11am then have raffles soon after. Don't forget to bring something for the raffle table.... See you all on Sunday. See more

19.01.2022 It’s great to be back on the range again!

19.01.2022 As Covid 19 is raising it's annoying head again in New South Wales, remember if you are in a "Hot Spot" area or you have been in contact with someone with the virus, please do not attend the club this weekend. Our protocol is still in affect. Your temperature will be taken on arrival and your phone number added to the attendance book. Use Hand Sanitizer where necessary and the 1.5 metre distancing. We do this to keep in line with the COVID 19 SAFETY PLAN.... Lunch will not be provided, so please bring you own. Tea / Coffee and cold drinks are available. Stay Safe. See you Sunday See more

19.01.2022 There are only 4 shoots left for 2020, our next shoot is Sunday October 18.. This will also be a working B to clean up around the place before we shut down for Xmas. We have organized a Skip Bin. Many hands make light work, only 15 minutes of your time is all we ask and if we have 30 to 40 members there, it will not take long. See you all then.

18.01.2022 A gorgeous day at the Archery club with 67 in attendance. Our next shoot is August 16th

18.01.2022 This morning we held another Committee meeting. We discussed the possibility of returning to our "normal" club shoot, beginning Sunday July 5th but this is still depending on the NSW COVID 19 Regulations on numbers permitted at sporting events. When we do return, Signing and providing Phone Number in the book is Mandatory, use of Hand Sanitizer and if you are cooking / preparing the lunch, gloves must be worn. If you are unwell ( runny nose, cough etc) PLEASE stay at home. We will advise you if there are any changes that come to hand. Stay Safe.

18.01.2022 Our beautiful Bandit was laid to rest yesterday. Thank you to our club members for attending. RIP

17.01.2022 Just a reminder to all wanting to attend the club...If you are unwell...please stay at home.Just a reminder to all wanting to attend the club...If you are unwell...please stay at home.

17.01.2022 Helping out a club member "would you buy a car from this man" Mileage: 229000 km

17.01.2022 What a fantastic first day back at the club. 55 in attendance. Great to see old and new faces. Thank you all for following protocol set out by the NSW Government. If it is not followed then we will have to shut down and we don't want that, do we??? The HVTA AGM will be held on August 30. Our next shoot is July 19th.

17.01.2022 HEADS UP Due to the Coronavirus, the "Andy Firth" shoot has been cancelled. At this point in time the "Gathering" will go ahead. We will still have our normal shoot on the Sunday if you wish to come and have a shoot. Just a reminder that if you are unwell, stay at home.

17.01.2022 Covid 19 Safety Ready

17.01.2022 Our next shoot is March 28/29...this is the "Andy Firth" Memorial shoot. There will be no hire gear available at this shoot. Shoot fee's: Adult $30, Junior / Cubs $25 Family $70. Breakfast and lunch will be available both days. There will be no Friday/Saturday night meal. WOOD ARROWS ONLY.

16.01.2022 Today would have been the beginning of a great weekend, sun is shining, no rain in sight. Have a great long weekend, fingers crossed that we will be holding the October shoot.

16.01.2022 Today Joe received the Presidents award at the AGM. Congratulations, well deserved

15.01.2022 Sunday July 5th is the date we return. The following will be protocol until at such time things improve with COVID 19. * If you are unwell and have cold / flu symptoms, Please stay at Home. * Your temperature will be taken prior to you paying for the shoot. So please do not venture past the canteen area until this is done. * Everyone MUST sign in the attendance book plus your Phone number.... * The use of hand sanitizer at all time where necessary. There will be one placed in the Ladies toilet and one down at the wash basin near the Urinal. * Lunch will not be available on this day, so please bring your own. This will change in weeks to come. * Tea / coffee and drinks will be available. * The 1.5 meter distancing will still apply. * Hire equipment will be available. * Range will be open from 9 am and will close at 2 pm. We look forward to seeing you all. See more

14.01.2022 To all our members & friends. As of today the Australian government has announced that it is Our Civic Duty to cancel any functions or to be at least 4 square m...itres away from anyone else! So I'm sorry to say our archery club will be closed until further notice, our 2day traditional gathering in August is also cancelled this year! We hope to see you all back when we resume, hopefully in the not to distant future. Stay safe and take care out there! See more

14.01.2022 Hi, club, I’ve been shooting now on and off for about a year and it’s time for an upgrade I’m looking to buy a 40pound recurve to replace the metal monstrosity... I’ve loaned from my dad. Looking for recommendations as to where to buy or if anyone has a secondhand one they want to offload. Unfortunately at this point My budget is less than $300. I’m currently considering this epic hawk takedown from cartel See more

14.01.2022 A Committee Meeting was held this morning. Topic Discussed: When do we return? Depending on State Regulations based on COVID 19 conditions for 3 step Framework. Step 1: Gatherings no more than 10...end of May? Step 2: Gatherings no more than 20..end of June?... Step 3: Gatherings no more than 100...end of July? NSW has no changes at this time, these steps may come in at the end of May. When club returns we advise that if you are unwell, Please Stay Home. Hand sanitizer will be readily available at the club and to maintain social distancing. Club Membership fee's: For those who have already paid, these will be carried over for 2021. The Club has a record of all those who have paid. If you have not paid, fee's will be waived til 2021. There will be another Committee meeting towards the end of June for discussion of the AGM and the possibility of holding the October Shoot, which will be subject to COVID 19 regulations. As further information comes to hand we will keep you informed.

13.01.2022 This archer was never beat in competition. Won 196 archery tournaments in a row. Every day of his life Howard Hill seemed to be breaking some kind of record. In... order to shoot before the United Nations at the age of 65, he still commanded $5,000 for a 30 minute show, plus round trip air fare first class. I know because I carried him to Birmingham to catch the plane and then later that evening drove back there to pick him up. What did I get? Well the best T-bone steak found at a restraunt in town, cooked medium rare, the way he liked his too. As we walked out the front door of the restraunt, I thanked him for the great steak meal with all the trimmings, including a glass of Southern sweet ice tea. Howard Hill said, "mine was pretty good too","cooked just right", "even if I did have to go all the way to Washington to get the money to pay for it including the tip for the waitress! Then we both had a good laugh and he said, "lets go home, I miss Libba". Jerry Hill See more

13.01.2022 Today, this lovely lady is celebrating her 21st, Emma you have grown up before our eyes. Congratulations Happy 21st from all your HVTA family.

13.01.2022 A great turn up out at the club today. A lot of new faces which is wonderful to see. Our next shoot is October 18th. Next weekend, being the long weekend would have been our Charity shoot ...and looking at the weather it's going to a warm one...a big difference to what this weekend was. All fingers crossed we will be able to hold the Gathering and Charity shoots next year. A reminder that Daylight Savings begins on the long weekend, so put you clocks forward on Saturday night Oct. 3rd before going to bed. See you all in 3 weeks.

11.01.2022 From Mark Mileham..... I want to know if people have had experience with this guy and his blacksmithing courses. Thinking it might be a good Christmas present.

11.01.2022 A sunny day out on the range today, gotta watch out for those snakes though!

11.01.2022 Looks like everyone had a great time out at the club. Our next shoot is August 2nd.Looks like everyone had a great time out at the club. Our next shoot is August 2nd.

11.01.2022 The before & after of the red back spider in the toilet seat target. Someone always manages to hit the seat!

10.01.2022 There are only 3 shoots left in the year. Our next shoot is November 1st. We will be having a Xmas party on November 29th but nothing like we have had in the past where we ask you to bring a plate for our buffet lunch. This year HVTA will be making Hamburgers & Hotdogs. There will only be 50 of each and you will also receive a drink. The cooking and making will be done COVID Safe. Normal shoot fee's still apply. You may bring other food for yourselves if you wish to.... Also, please bring something for the Raffle table. Tickets @ $1 each. See you all soon. See more

08.01.2022 Trying to keep cool

08.01.2022 Going to be a little longer...still only 10 people for outdoor activities..

08.01.2022 Just a reminder that if you are coming to the club this Sunday: * If you are unwell, please stay at home. * On arrival your temperature will be taken. * You must sign in the attendance book with phone number included. * Lunch will not be provided, so please bring your own.... * Use hand sanitizer at all times and the 1.5 meter distancing still applies. For those who have paid their membership for 2020, you will be issued with a New Membership card when you attend the club. See you Sunday. Stay Safe. See more

07.01.2022 A fabulous day at the club yesterday, the wind was a little on the chilly side. Our next shoot is August 30th. The AGM will be on this day so the range will not open until it's completion. The practice butts will be available for those not wishing to participate. Topics to be discussed: COVID Safety Plan, The Charity Shoot, Election of New Committee.

07.01.2022 Out on the range

06.01.2022 To lift spirits....

06.01.2022 Brothers Ron and David White were awarded Traditional Archery Australia Medals yesterday. Over 20 years protecting and promoting Traditional Archery. Congratulations

06.01.2022 7 years ago. Seems like it was only yesterday....

06.01.2022 A great day out at the Archery club yesterday with almost 50 plus in attendance. We only have 1 shoot left for 2020. November 29. We will be making hamburgers and hotdogs ( 50 of each) Normal shoot fee's still apply. There will be raffles ( hams included) @ $1 a ticket.

06.01.2022 Due to the new restrictions on group numbers, HVTA will remain CLOSED until further notice. We will keep you posted on future developments. Stay safe.We will get through this.

05.01.2022 For those who cannot place Emma, she was best known as "Bandit".For those who cannot place Emma, she was best known as "Bandit".

05.01.2022 Package deal $15, available from the club.

04.01.2022 Heads up fellow archers... If you have our calendar for 2021, please throw it away. I have just realized that the June long weekend is 12, 13 & 14. not 5, 6 & 7... This has changed all club shoots before. I will have the revised calendar at our next shoot. Sorry if this has caused any problems for those wanting to get in early to get time off, my bad.

04.01.2022 It is with a heavy heart to say we have lost a well loved lady, Stephanie Doherty passed away at the weekend. Flying high with all our other friends. Our condolences to Heath, Justen, Amber and families. She will be missed by us all. RIP Steph.

04.01.2022 Here is a great shot done by our club president, Pete!

03.01.2022 Just a reminder that lunch will not be available on Sunday. Tea / coffee, drinks available. If you are unwell, please stay home.Just a reminder that lunch will not be available on Sunday. Tea / coffee, drinks available. If you are unwell, please stay home.

03.01.2022 I'v been enjoying my time away from the club I'v been enjoying my time away from the club

02.01.2022 Good Morning to everyone. This Saturday I will be conducing an "R" Licence course from 12pm at Lake Maquarie Field Archers range at Wakefield, If anyone would like to participate let me know. I have one non-member candidate at this time.

02.01.2022 Our club is proud to have a COVID Safe plan in place.

02.01.2022 We'll be Back........

01.01.2022 ATTENTION ALL The club shoot this weekend has been CANCELLED. There will be no shoot Easter. Stay safe, see you all in a month ATTENTION ALL The club shoot this weekend has been CANCELLED. There will be no shoot Easter. Stay safe, see you all in a month

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