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25.01.2022 one of the sports i was involved in . just a small part of the bigger picture
25.01.2022 The Hip Hinge Exercise This is one of the most important exercises for trainees to learn, before starting squats, deadlifts, kettlebell swings and in general fo...r proper day to day movements. It looks simple but many trainees' bending patterns are faulty. For teaching the hip hinge exercise all you need is a wall, a dowel rod, and watching this video:) Have your trainee stand a foot's length from the wall with a pole touching the body at three points: 1. Head 2. Thoracic spine 3. Sacrum Ask your trainee to touch the wall with his buttocks, and make sure the dowel remains in contact with the three points at all time! Thanks for watching, if you have any question or you want to get more info, please visit our website www.muscleandmotion.com or simply click the link in our bio @muscleandmotion #muscleandmotion #muscleandfitness #fitness #fitnessapp #gym #gymnastic #training #fitnessmotivation #fitnesscoach #fitnessphysique #FitnessTrainer #fitnesstips #personaltrainer #crossfit #crossfittraining #sportschiro #strengthtraining #chiro #muscles #cardio #anatomy #workout #gluteworkout #hiphinge #hiphingemovement
25.01.2022 The Muscle-Up Exercise. We really like this Exercise!! It's challenging and it requires explosive power, coordination, skill and a lot of challenge... You need to have a lot of patience and progress gradually in order to perform it correctly. The way that is illustrated in the attached video is one of the NOT recommended ways. . So what DO you do Progression preparatory exercises. Login to the Strength Training App and watch the full video with full explanations of how to perform this great exercise. And a lot of patience until you develop the ability to ramp up a little higher. Thanks for watching Muscle and Motion Subscribe Now: https://www.muscleandmotion.com/pricing/ Or try our free version: https://www.muscleandmotion.com/prod/strength-training-app/
25.01.2022 The Front Functional Line The external resistance creates a rotary force on the body which challenges the functional line, spiral line, and the other muscles st...abilizing the pelvis and hips. Subscribe Now to More Than 800 Exercises in 1 App! https://www.muscleandmotion.com/pricing/ Or try our free version: https://www.muscleandmotion.com/prod/strength-training-app/
25.01.2022 the correct way to do it
24.01.2022 HIP HIKE with Resistance band The hip-hike exercise strengthens your hip abductors, which are essential to pelvic stability. Lower back, knee and ankle problems... can be affected by inefficient pelvic and/or hip stabilization. Important emphases: Body weight is supported entirely on the leg farther from the band (in this video it's the right leg). The other leg touches the floor lightly for stability. You can also lift it off the floor. Log in now to the Strength Training app! Watch the Full Anatomical Analysis of this exercise. Subscribe NOW - https://www.muscleandmotion.com/pricing/ Or try our free version: https://www.muscleandmotion.com/prod/strength-training-app/
22.01.2022 If she said 8 months ago I will fly into Nepal to climb into base camp and then casually climb 2000m higher than that you would of laughed at her. At 6 months ...she walked into the shoulder surgeon for a regular check up, dropped to the floor and knocked out 10 push ups. 8 months post shoulder surgery challenge one, base camp plus a further 2000m climb. 2020 and 2021 a big year. Check out https://ultimatesandbagtraining.com/better-backs-knees-sho/ for even more programs to improve the way you look at shoulder health.
22.01.2022 Watch the active muscles in the weighted walking lunge exercise. Pay attention to the common mistake many trainees make an inward collapse of the knee (knee v...algus collapse). Understand one of the reasons for this mistake and the way to correct the problem. Want to know more? Subscribe to Muscle and Motion Strength Training app now. https://www.muscleandmotion.com/pricing/ Or, try the Free Version: (Available on all devices) https://www.muscleandmotion.com/prod/strength-training-app/
21.01.2022 some people are amazing . just strive to be better than you were yesterday.
21.01.2022 very basic but true
20.01.2022 Bench Press- Common Mistake Share this important video with your friends. Keep your back safe!... Subscribe Now for Full Access: https://www.muscleandmotion.com/pricing/ Or try our free version: https://www.muscleandmotion.com/prod/strength-training-app/
19.01.2022 i was told this years ago .put a baby on the floor and do exactly what they do for ten minutes and see how tired you are.
18.01.2022 Exercises that will get you fab abs IG: @mbpfitnesss Come join the Level Fitness Community!
18.01.2022 These back workouts are the perfect intro to gym equipment! Credit: Fitlittlemeg IG: @fitlittlemeg
17.01.2022 There is no Secret to lose weight! Simply move more and eat less (what and when). #BacktoBasicsThere is no Secret to lose weight! Simply move more and eat less (what and when). #BacktoBasics
17.01.2022 Are you in your 100’s or 1000’s? Time to improve your numbers and keep your mind fit
16.01.2022 Pectoralis Major Learn about the anatomy of the pectoralis major muscle, its origin, insertion, and action. Watch 2000+ unique videos of all muscles in the huma...n muscular system in 3D. Perfect For Kinesiology & Anatomy Students & Teachers. Make Musculoskeletal Anatomy Easy Subscribe Now - https://www.muscleandmotion.com/pricing-anatomy/ Or Try the Free Version: https://www.muscleandmotion.com/produ/muscular-anatomy-app/
16.01.2022 Become a triple threat with these three workouts Credit: Emlouisefitness IG: @emlouisefitness
16.01.2022 high level of fitness . right there
16.01.2022 Revolved Side Angle Pose Common Problems and Adaptations Take your Yoga Classes to the next level with Muscle&Motion YOGA app!... Subscribe NOW https://www.muscleandmotion.com/pricing-yoga/ Or, Try the free version: https://www.muscleandmotion.com//yoga-functional-anatomy-/
15.01.2022 Illustartions, gifs and videos on Gym visual - gymvisual.com
14.01.2022 Has anyone ever told you that deadlifts are bad for your back ?? Well... let me set the record straight... Deadlifts are NOT bad for your back. ... In fact they are a great exercise to STRENGTHEN your back However if deadlifts are performed with BAD technique - then yes - they would be BAD for your back. But ANY exercise performed with incorrect technique will be bad for you... So the first thing to ensure is that you’re performing GOOD TECHNIQUE The second thing to address is your CORE STRENGTH Your core is what stabilises your spine and protects your back during any movements that load the spine (eg deadlifts, squats etc) So here’s 4 simple exercises which can be used to improve core strength and relieve lower back pain: 1. Bird Dogs x 10ea 2. Dead Bugs x 10ea 3. Side Planks x 20sec ea 4. Inch Worms x 10 These can be done anywhere and anytime I performed them at the beginning of my deadlift workout but they could also be performed every other day Also checkout my top set on Sumo Deadlifts which was 140kg / 308lb for 6 SONG No Reverse by Nevertel http://www.stephaniesanzo.com/app
14.01.2022 Trying to grow your legs ?? Here’s some great movements to develop the quads . . If you’re wanting to find out some more tips and information about my trainin...g .. make sure you come see me at the Fitness Show in Sydney !! I’ll be there for a meet and greet and will also be running some lifting demonstrations about my program BUILD This will be at 11.15am-1.00pm on the 13th + 14th of April The Fitness Show is a must see for anyone in the area that’s interested in training I’ve also been given a code for you all to use and receive a discount with any ticket purchases FITSTEPH https://fitness-show.com.au/special_guests/stephanie-sanzo/ . Any questions .. ask below . Song Legna Zeg & Nekro G Black & White https://www.stephaniesanzo.com/
13.01.2022 we need nature to sooth our souls
13.01.2022 Stretching the Hip Flexor muscles, while lying on a foam roller The aim of this exercise is to improve the flexibility of the muscles involved in APT (anterior ...pelvic tilt). The foam roller is placed under the sacrum. Bring one knee close to the abdomen to flatten the lumbar lordosis. Main points: Posterior pelvic tilt will create a chain reaction of stretching the hip flexor muscles of the second leg. Holding the stretch for a while will make it more effective. When you know how to distinguish between the ideal condition and a posture problem, nothing will stop you from providing a professional solution to help others You are one click away from significantly raising your professional level! Subscribe Now for Full Access: https://www.muscleandmotion.com/pricing_posture/ Or Try the Free Version: https://www.muscleandmotion.com/posture/
13.01.2022 This is worth reading
12.01.2022 This workout was for the shoulders and back Great session for anyone wanting to sculpt their upper body and improve the definition in these areas . . This wa...s the full workout: 1. Cable External Rotation 3x12 2. Military Press 3x8 3. Chin Ups 5,4,3,5,4,3 4a. EZ Bar Curl + Press 3x8 4b. Sir Charles Raise 3x8 5. DB 1 Arm Rows 3x10 . Wearing @gymshark . SONG Summit by AISIONS Full Program below https://www.stephaniesanzo.com/
12.01.2022 Here is a set of exercises for a great core .
11.01.2022 We at @bodybossmethod aim to empower all our women to workout to be the best versions of themselves. Working out is fun and amazing, when you know that you’re d...oing it for yourself and your body, and nobody else As a tribute, we’ve crated a new program catering to EVERY BODY that has supported us, and contributed to the amazing energy in our BodyBoss Facebook community. Take part in our waitlist and take part in our latest challenge this July 8. Head over to http://bit.ly/FitChallengeWaitlist to get more details on our latest program!
10.01.2022 SHOULDER WORKOUT Did you know that the shoulders are the most mobile joint in the body? This means that it can move in more directions than any other joint ...So it’s important to include a variety of exercises to hit the shoulders from various of angles This will ensure that the shoulders stay healthy and improve the symmetry of the muscle Here’s a full workout (as well a warm up routine) which will have you stimulating the shoulders in a variety of different ways: WARM UP COMPLEX A) 90deg External Rotations x 10 External Rotations x 10 C) Bent Over Rear Delt Raises x 10 D) Lateral Raises x 10 E) Front Raises x 10 X 2 Rounds STABILITY - Windmills 2x5ea WORKOUT 1. Single Arm Landmine Press 3x10ea 2. Z Press 5x5 3a. Barbell Front Raises 4x8 3b. Barbell Behind the Neck Presses 4x8 4a. Single Arm Cable Reverse Fly’s 3x10ea 4b. Single Arm Cable Lateral Raises 3x10ea SONG Rhythm In You by Fassounds https://www.stephaniesanzo.com/app
10.01.2022 how did you all cope in the cold this morning
10.01.2022 If it's important to you you will find a way. If it's not you will find an excuseIf it's important to you you will find a way. If it's not you will find an excuse
10.01.2022 External Oblique in Motion Learn strength & stretching exercises for each muscle in the human body! Get Full Access to the Strength Training App.... Subscribe Now for Full Access: https://www.muscleandmotion.com/pricing/ Or try our free version: https://www.muscleandmotion.com/prod/strength-training-app/
09.01.2022 Landmine Squat to Rotational Press. This exercise is a combination of landmine squat with rotational press. This is a functional exercise that combines two plan...es of movement simultaneously. The target muscles are the quadriceps femoris, gluteus maximus and anterior deltoid (colored red) The anterior deltoid flexes the shoulder while the spinal erectors with the other core muscles stabilize the thorax. Rotation is performed mainly through the hip joints, by the hip rotators. If you are a fitness professional, then learning never ends. Log in to the STRENGTH TRAINING app to increase your knowledge! Watch just 3 videos a day. That's all it takes to become a pro in your field! Use code 4thSale Thanks for watching! For more info, click the link below https://www.muscleandmotion.com/prod/strength-training-app/
08.01.2022 Health is not about the weight you loose . its about the life you gain
08.01.2022 Glute Workout: 6 Moves To A Better Butt Learn crucial nuances for every exercise with our unique library of 3D videos, more than 700 Exercises + common mistakes... for each one!! Subscribe Now for Full Access: https://www.muscleandmotion.com/pricing/ Or try our free version: https://www.muscleandmotion.com/prod/strength-training-app/
08.01.2022 Our girl Elena is at it again! Ready for a quick home burn? "So again another fiery drill working on the core and some upper body strength too. TIPS Think of... drawing your feet and elbows together. So don’t push away with your feet & forearms, get the feeling you’re sucking them in together. This helps keep your core on, good for balance & gives you a solid foundation. Have your arms shoulder width apart and elbows directly underneath your shoulders. If you find this a little challenging you can put a yoga block between your hands Core turned on!!! NO banana back aka dipping in the lower back. Think of lifting up and out of your shoulders. So really press down firmly with your forearms so your shoulders don’t come up by your ears. The aim is to get your knee to touch your elbow. That’s okay if they don’t touch! It just gives you a goal to aim for Your turn! Have fun "
07.01.2022 SHORT NOTICE !! I will be teaching a Back Injury Prevention class today at www.twelvesensesretreat.com in Encinitas, @ 4 pm- 5 pm !!! 1004 Nardo Road, Encinita...s CA 92024 $ 20 drop in Come join ! Direkt message me if you like to come or have questions See more
07.01.2022 start off light they said .
07.01.2022 happy new year to all
06.01.2022 Age is just a number
06.01.2022 As much as I love training shoulders .. I know that some people have difficulty performing a traditional overhead press This is normally due to a lack of mobi...lity or overactive traps So here’s some different variations of the overhead press that you can try See if you can find the one that best suits you - or - you could also alternate between some of these movements to keep your training interesting 1) Regular Shoulder Press 2) Arnold Press 3) Scott Press 4) Bradford Press 5) Landmine Press Let me know which one is your favourite in the comments below !! https://www.stephaniesanzo.com/sweat-challenge-2020 SONG Running Crazy by Ivan B
06.01.2022 there is hope for us all . just have to take up the challenge.
05.01.2022 When you take part in a fitness class or martial arts class .
05.01.2022 Want more killer workouts and exercise variations? Follow Redefining Strength on Instagram!
05.01.2022 Shredded at 54 Age is just a number
04.01.2022 so true when we are honest with our selves
04.01.2022 Plank With Side Step - Anatomical Analysis This exercise is intended to strengthen the core muscles, with an emphasis on the oblique abdominals and hip flexors ...of the supporting leg, breaking leg contact adds to the difficulty level of the exercise! Start with an elbow plank. Break leg contact from the floor and move it sideways. Bring the second leg to the first, and repeat the same movement with the second leg. The external oblique is dominant on the side of the lifted leg, and the internal oblique is dominant on the side of the supporting leg. All the muscles on the model stabilize the body. We chose to color the rectus abdominis and the obliques in red because they are the dominant stabilizers in this exercise. But this exercise is not intended only for the abdominals but for all the core muscles working in coordination. Characteristic mistake: Anterior pelvic tilt. The reason is compensation for weakness in the abdominal muscles or lack of awareness. Why is it preferable to maintain a STRAIGHT BACK/ BODY ALIGNMENT? Straight back or body alignment refers to a neutral position of the spine, which we have when our posture is ideal and the spine maintains its normative curves. In this condition, the core muscles are coordinated neurologically and have maximal ability to stabilize the spine! They have perfect ability to stabilize the spine and respond to even the smallest movement. When you understand better, you can explain and teach better! Subscribe Now for Full Access: https://www.muscleandmotion.com/pricing/ Or try our free version: https://www.muscleandmotion.com/prod/strength-training-app/
04.01.2022 real life has its ups and downs
03.01.2022 Muscle and Motion Posture App Learn simple techniques to help your clients break old movement patterns and develop a healthier posture. Subscribe Now for Full A...ccess: https://www.muscleandmotion.com/pricing_posture/ Or Try the Free Version: (Also on iOS & Android) https://www.muscleandmotion.com/posture/
03.01.2022 How many people would be interested in a fitness class similar to this ?
02.01.2022 Is a strong core how many sit ups you can do or how long you can hold a plank? Do we look outside the box and look at how we can make better connections! We say to that!
01.01.2022 Looks like a great piece of equipment to work out with .
01.01.2022 Upper Booty Workout with @ashleigh_jordan
01.01.2022 men and women can both benefit from weight lifting .
01.01.2022 need a break from regular push ups , try a few sets of these
01.01.2022 SHOULDER TIPS It’s not uncommon for people to experience shoulder issues (typically due to posture, mobility or overuse) The shoulders can also be a ...hard muscle to isolate / feel during training because there are so many other surrounding muscle groups that can often take over So I wanted to give you some alternative exercises that might help you overcome either of these issues In this video I’ll cover 3 classic shoulder exercises as well an alternative movement if needed: 1 Standing Barbell Shoulder Press ALTERNATIVE: Scrape the Rack Press 2 Dumbbell Lateral Raise ALTERNATIVE: Sir Charles Lateral Raise 3 Bent Over Dumbbell Reverse Fly ALTERNATIVE: Chest Supported DB Reverse Fly Being locked into specific exercises can be quite intimidating for the people that are considering trying out a training program .. but I’ve found that there is ALWAYS a way to work around restrictions or personal preferences For example .. you’ll find many different exercises in my BUILD Program - but you’re still more than welcome to individualise the workouts by substituting a similar movement pattern if you are unable to perform the prescribed exercise within the plan Make sure you check out the link in my bio if you’re looking for more information SONG Tell Me by WTCHOUT & Jewels http://www.stephaniesanzo.com/app
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