Hygge Home & Vintage in Greenock, South Australia, Australia | Gift shop
Hygge Home & Vintage
Locality: Greenock, South Australia, Australia
Phone: +61 437 628 587
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25.01.2022 Another 'ooohhh' moment... How good does this gorgeous new Sunshine Barossa Unisex Leather Satchel look with my shoes?! I'm in leather heaven dreaming about adding this divine buttery soft durable bag to my personal collection...but I really shouldn't! Pleeeease somebody come into Hygge H&V this weekend and treat yourself to it so I don't keep pondering! Or at least come in and have the chance to admire our talented local craftsmanship before somebody else gives this be...autiful piece a forever home Happy hyggelig long weekend folks! OPEN SATURDAY 10am - 4pm SUNDAY 11am - 4pm MONDAY 11am - 4pm
24.01.2022 What a roller coaster ride! I must admit I had (un)planned out my six lockdown days with HYGGE (hoo-gah) in mind...these pandemic times are regularly bringing us opportunities to embrace 'hygge' even if we don't know what it is or how to say it...being in the moment...discovering the wonder of happiness in the most simple of things...finding contentment in slowing down and connecting with people and what we are doing...feeling comfort in the little things...being mindful an...d grateful... belonging and embracing this moment. Well now I must hurriedly reasses my (un) plan and get my butt into gear and back on track! I can't ignore those pallet loads of new stock boxes any longer and must prepare all these lovelies for all of you lovelies to see in Hygge HQ sooner than planned! I shall open earlier on Sunday at 10am - 4pm and will open Monday 10am - 4pm too! So many little and not so little gift ideas for teachers (geez they've earnt it this year!) and loved ones (gosh they've earnt it too!!)...plus those tricky kris kringles and our beloved littlies...and what about a well earnt gift for your lovely self too!!! As we head back into some more normality please remember our careful covid safe practises...we've been doing so well so let's keep it this way so we can head into an unrestricted festive season...and let's also remember the silver linings...and HYGGE See more
23.01.2022 How's this for turning a simple little house into a gorgeous hyggelig home...? I found myself in a rush to find something to gift my dear lifelong friends retiring into their new suburban home after their 50+ years living on their farm...it didn't need to be big, but it did need to be heartfelt So taking a breath and grounding myself in the moment, I poured love and some succulents from my garden into this cute little pot...so simple and yet so much joy and contentment to b...e found in the little things My apologies for being a little absent on socials of late...being a one (wo) man show I've been concentrating on ordering loads of wonderful new stock and creating Hygge H &V's signature hyggelig Christmas window display (pronounced hoo-gah-ly for all those new to this beautiful Danish word ) So keep posted for exciting days ahead in Hygge headquarters as I unpack stacks of gorgeous new stock...plenty of gorgeous little pots (including these sweet little elephants with their lucky uplifted trunks ) stunning new @sunshinebarossa leather goodies, decor, home pieces, scarves and jewellery... plus an exciting new appearance of casual bags and totes, vintage styled baby toys ....AND....wait for it ...CLOTHING!!! YES!!! Some free size and simple size gorgeous tops and stunning kimonos...OMG!!! Where will I fit it all?!!!! You'll have to come in and see!!! See more
22.01.2022 Oh the joy of receiving gorgeous local natural handmade @thenakedsoapcompanyau goodness, hand delivered by the lovely Elise and her happy Christmas helper (aka hubby ). I was preparing this post wishing to note disappointment for our local artisans due to the cancellation of the Barossa Made Christmas Market, and how we could continue supporting their creative hard work by continuing to buy their products from local retail stores...well that message has abruptly changed ...in the last hour! Although we're now currently unable to go out and support local financially in this lockdown situation...we can stay in...knowing that we are supporting not only local, but our broader communities by being diligent in stopping this crazy virus spread And let's hope the silver lining will be that SA will get on top of this nasty virus fast and be back on track for a more normal life well before Christmas! My hopes and prayers are for you all to feel supported as we work through this together See more
18.01.2022 Good Aussie Sunday sunshine vibes! A glorious day to be enjoyed whatever you choose to do!
17.01.2022 ....Yes there's more! Yet another delivery yesterday with some new goodies plus some old faves... Hygge HQ's has been bursting at the seams but I've been blown away by all your thoughtful support shopping locally...helping clear some space for Hygge HQ's new arrivals For all those patient peeps... more jewellery is priced and in store now...and if you're interested, just ask about spin rings and some extra pretty earrings which I'll be working on getting out Tuedsay ... The countdown is on...only three more sleeps...errr shopping days to go in Hygge H & V!!! OPEN TUESDAY 10am - 5pm WEDNESDAY 10am - 5pm THURSDAY 10am - 4pm
16.01.2022 Sooo looking forward to these lovelies being personally delivered Thursday...and sooo looking forward to seeing our lovely local Mel!!!
15.01.2022 So who else has a (bad ?) habit of doing things at the last minute at Christmas time? Well I happen to be one of 'those' people...and each year I 'think' I'm going to turn over a new leaf and get organised early Well I've discovered 2020 aint that year! But... it may be the year to acknowledge our resilience and flexibility as we navigate challenges in a different world...and embrace all those things that feed our soul, like our connections with others, finding happiness... in the little things and feeling grateful for so many simple blessings. All...just...oh...so...hyggelig! Well I did get some lights up in the nick of time before our village night of low key festivities is upon us Come along for a simply hyggelig time exploring Greenock's Xmas lights, soak up sights of yesteryear listening to the clip clop of horses in the village streets with Carols playing and that jolly big red fella sharing seasons greetings. And while you're at it pop into Hygge HQ's late night shopping and grab yourself a bargain...Hygge's Greenock Village Christmas Lights sale... ALL DAY FRIDAY AND NIGHT SALE 20 % OFF SCARVES - HATS - BASKETS 20% OFF SELECTED ITEMS CHRISTMAS OPEN HOURS FRIDAY 10am - 5pm SATURDAY 10am - 5pm SUNDAY 10am - 4pm MONDAY 10am - 5pm TUESDAY 10am - 5pm WEDNESDAY 10am - 5pm THURSDAY 10am - 4pm
14.01.2022 Ground control to Major Tom...are you floating 'round in your tin can far above the moon...? And my Greenock village neighbours too? Is planet earth blue...? Is there anything we can do...? Check ignition and may God's love be with you Oh how I do love a full moon...
14.01.2022 XMAS DECO SALE 30% OFF THIS WEEKEND 'Tis the season when those summer days meld into a blur and we can't remember which day of the week it is...all of them feeling like a Saturday ... Well Saturday the 2nd day of 2021 is already upon us and Hygge H&V will be re-opening that gorgeous old door ready (with bells on!) to welcome in this bright New Year full of hope Bright because we have successfully made it through that past crazy year of challenges together, shining our light learning more how to support and encourage each other along the way. We've not only survived, but thrived amidst adversity... showing that we've got what it takes to not only face, but embrace obstacles and to keep on going, even if at times it is just in the act of showing up Full of hope to be less tumultuous and more predictable than that crazy year we've just bid farewell to...even if it's because we are better equipped to expect the unexpected, more prepared to roll with the punches and more grateful for the little and larger blessings we are granted Welcome 2021...Bring it on! JANUARY TRADING HOURS MONDAY 10am - 4pm THURSDAY 10am- 4pm FRIDAY 10am - 4pm SATURDAY 10am - 4pm SUNDAY 11am - 4pm
14.01.2022 While school holidays may be coming to a close... I wish to announce this exciting bunch of gorgeous 'holiday' @holidaytrading jewellery has just arrived in Hygge H&G...just in time for sunny days and the lead up to the festive season! Happy hyggelig sunny days folks!
13.01.2022 LOVE...PEACE...JOY Such synonymous words with Christmas...and the feelings I realize I'm blessed with each day in this little home of HYGGE For the third year I have the honour of dressing this beautiful old saddlery store window in magical Christmas attire and I feel so grateful being the current custodian blessed with the privilege of sharing this enchanting scene with our lovely little village and our visitors Within these rustic old red brick walls I LOVE sharing... hygge with new and familiar faces...I am continually finding PEACE being in the moment gifted with the connection of beautiful souls generously sharing themselves and their own thoughts and feelings in this little home of hygge...and each day I have customers who share their JOY in feeling hygge... In this strange and unpredictable pandemic year of 2020 I think we're particularly embracing all things hygge without necessarily knowing of or realizing it. Having opportunities to slow down, re-assess our lives and connect in the moment has brought opportunities of finding happiness, joy and contentment in the little things...we've found comfort in going back to simple basics...enjoying baking, homemaking, creating, gardening and nature...and finding solace in sharing time with the special people in our lives, sometimes sadly not always being able to be physically with them, but making other opportunities for connection. We've felt grateful for our safety and shelter and so many simple things that we've often taken for granted. So in these crazy covid times we have been graced with the discovery of HYGGE (hoo-gah) without even having to know what it is or how to pronounce it...and as I so often like to share... 'it doesn't matter how you say it...it's how it makes you feel' So my wish for you all in this festive season approaching Christmas is to embrace all things HYGGE and feel PEACE...LOVE...and JOY Oh yes... on a practical note... come in soon for hyggelig Christmas deco treasures...some of these cuties are already selling out! OPEN THURS - SAT 10am - 4pm SUNDAY 11am - 4pm See more
12.01.2022 Love is in the air... Here am I... on a Valentine's Day eve enjoying my solitude hyggelig Saturday night in...yes, by myself...but feeling the love with my @urbanrituelle 'Love' and @meeraboo English Pear and Freesia candles burning bright and keeping me company...along with a bunch of hygge books and an episode of 'Outlander' Aaahh no beau for me...but life is good! So if you're unlikely to be gifted a little something on Valentine's Day, why not treat yourself to something a little special...and enjoy!
11.01.2022 Gorgeous set of bedside tables... just can't fit them in the shop! Beautiful wicker stool...same deal! Lovely new @urbanrituelle Natural range of pamper goodies...surely I can make them fit in the shop?! Just DM me for more details if you love these bedsides as much as I do Typically I'm finding it a challenge to unpack/price and fit into store all Hygge's new exciting stock...let alone find time for social media posts! I'm reminding myself it's a work in progress but I'm disappointed I'm not more organised! Oh well... I am blessed with lovely patient customers, so please just ask a price if you pop in and see something not priced yet! Keep cool lovelies! ps. Hyggge has great air conditioning thanks to Dennis the doer upper guru who prepared shop for me! NEW CHRISTMAS OPEN HOURS THURSDAY - MONDAY 10am - 4pm
10.01.2022 We're so lucky having so many talented local artisans...who not only personally deliver their beautiful goodies but brighten your day with a smile and a lovely catch up chat too...such a hyggelig way to do business!
08.01.2022 I spy... ....a little hyggelig shop through the Greenock Brewers garden on a Sunday night... after a busy glorious spring weekend...gotta love our Greenock village! Happy hyggelig Sunday night folks! Cheers!
08.01.2022 Welcome to the weekend lovelies! These pretties and more...new in store today
08.01.2022 Our opportunity to embrace our island home...Australia...and embrace Australian made How blessed are we in this lucky country?! So many new @urbanrituelle fragrances in Hygge H&V this weekend...so much Christmas stock to unpack and so much more on its way...where will I fit it all?! And keep an eye out for Hygge HQ's gorgeous Christmas window display...an incredible amount of Chrissy decorations coming into store soon! ... HaPpY hYgGeLiG weekend folks! OPEN SATURDAY 10am - 4pm SUNDAY 11am - 4pm
06.01.2022 Nothing like last minute deliveries ready for last minute Christmas shopping! Just arrived in the (Saint) Nic of time! All this enchanting rusted garden art including the much sought after singing bird wreath...pop in tomorrow to secure your little rusty gift or 'garden friend' OPEN... THURSDAY 10am - 4pm See more
06.01.2022 Aaawww... have a look at these cuties! New in store soft toys and the softest of plush baby throws! Oh yes...and there's matching adult size throws too for those who don't have bubbies to buy for! Perfect day for a visit to our gorgeous village! OPEN SUNDAY 11am - 4pm
05.01.2022 As I'm spending yet another ridiculously late night preparing my family's gifts I'm reminiscing so many little things that have become beautiful big memories...Christmases past wrapped up in hyggelig moments. I'm guessing Christmas 2020 will be one we'll all have memories of for many reasons I'm hoping for you all that amongst any challenges this Christmas may pose, that you still find many moments of joy, peace and love to hold dear in your heart as precious memories A...s Miek Wiking (the author of 'The Little Book Of Hygge') writes in another of his books 'The Art of Making Memories'... 'Create meaningful moments. Make meaningful moments memorable moments.' He also says... 'Capture peaks and struggles. Milestones are memorable but the struggle to reach one is unforgettable.' Well I feel so very blessed this past Covid year with the incredible support of all you lovely people... from near, far and wide...as a young small business I must admit that I've wondered at times if I will pull through these challenges, but you've been there for me encouraging, supporting and sharing the weight of this journey along the way. 2020 will definitely be an unforgettable year of which so many special little hyggelig moments with Hygge H&V customers play a veey big part. I would like to take this moment to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for actively supporting local and small businesses...every little bit makes a big difference From my family to yours... Happy hyggelig Christmas! xx Ps. I shall be closed from Christmas Day through to New Years, re-opening refreshed on Saturday 2nd January...looking forward to seeing you all in 2021! xx
01.01.2022 Hi guys! Here I am in my hyggelig (hoo-gah-ly) happy place! How lucky am I being blessed each day with beautiful new faces and re-visiting ones! Over time I've been blown away by the amount of people locally and from far and wide who have shared their Hygge experience with others and recommended visiting or have become regular customers themselves. You have no idea how grateful I am for that generous gift of thoughtful support! This week was no exception and I was... graced with so many newly introduced and familiar faces, like Hygge H&V's lovely customer who popped in this weekend but had snapped this shot a while ago on her birthday trip with friends Each day I am so grateful for hygge which reminds me to feel mindful about being in the moment and embracing connection with the people or things around me at the time. So easily we lose sight of this in our busy lives...often caught on that 21st century treadmill thinking we need to look ahead towards the bigger picture. Perhaps it's like a jig-saw puzzle, and the best way to create that bigger picture is to concentrate on the little pieces in this moment...and to have faith the rest will fall into place so much easier if we're conscious of placing each little piece with presence and connection right now I feel incredibly blessed being able to share HYGGE (hoo-gah) with others which has given my little business so much more purpose and meaningfulness than merely a retail store So let's keep finding happiness in the little things and connection in this moment...and happy hyggelig 'big picture' creating as we mindfully connect each of our 'little' puzzle pieces
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