HYPA Richmond NSW in Richmond, New South Wales | Community organisation
HYPA Richmond NSW
Locality: Richmond, New South Wales
Address: 1A Bourke Street 2753 Richmond, NSW, Australia
Website: http://www.parishofrichmond.org.au/
Likes: 99
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25.01.2022 Well done to our HYPA Richmond Young Adults
25.01.2022 This is on TONIGHT Friday, 29 November 2019!
25.01.2022 HYPA Richmond Christmas Raffle Tickets will be available this weekend after the St Monicas Masses. *Raffle will be drawn at the HYPA-R Christmas Party after the 6:30pm Mass on Saturday, 30 November 2019 at St Monicas Catholic Church.
24.01.2022 This Friday, 6 December 2019 will be the First Friday Adoration at 7pm. The adoration will be on John the Baptist followed by the Rosary . All welcome.
22.01.2022 HYPA-R Young Adults Night on this Friday night 29 November 2019
22.01.2022 Holy Hour Benediction and mass is on tomorrow Friday 6 November 2020 at 7pm. All welcome See you there
21.01.2022 Thank you to everyone that came to our HYPA-R Christmas Party last night. Also a special thank you to Fr Clifford, the HYPA-R Team and volunteers to make it a special and fun night! Congratulations to our RAFFLE WINNERS*: 1st Prize: Connie Sultana 2nd Prize: John Farrugia ... 3rd Prize: Sam Cauchi *winners have all been notified. Thank you for supporting the HYPA-R Youth Group. God bless
20.01.2022 Today is All Souls' Day, an opportunity to commemorate the faithful departed. We pray for the souls of people who are in Purgatory - the place in which those wh...o have died atone for their less grave sins - before being granted the vision of God in heaven. Pray for us Prayer for the Dead God our Father, Your power brings us to birth, Your providence guides our lives, and by Your command we return to dust. Lord, those who die still live in Your presence, Their lives change but do not end. I pray in hope for my family, relatives and friends and for all the dead known to You alone. In company with Christ, Who died and now lives, may they rejoice in Your kingdom, where all our tears are wiped away. Unite us together again in one family, to sing Your praise forever and ever. Amen.
19.01.2022 Congratulations to our HYPA-R Young Adults!
19.01.2022 ALL SOULS DAY MERCIFUL FATHER, hear our prayer and console us. As we renew our faith in Thy Son, Whom Thou raised from the dead, strengthen our hope that all ou...r departed brothers and sisters will share in His resurrection, who lives and reigns with Thee and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen LORD, have mercy on us. CHRIST, have mercy on us. LORD, have mercy on us. HOLY SOULS, pray for us. For the souls of our families, we pray Thee, O God. For the souls of our friends, we pray Thee, O God. For the souls of our enemies, we pray Thee, O God. For the souls of all pagans, we pray Thee, O God. For the souls of all priests, we pray Thee, O God. For the souls of all religious, we pray Thee, O God. For the souls of the just, we pray Thee, O God. For the souls of all sinners, we pray Thee, O God. For the Holy Souls in Purgatory, we pray Thee, O God. For those who have none to pray for them, we pray Thee, O God. O Almighty and Eternal God, we beg Thee to have mercy on the Holy Souls in Purgatory, especially those for whom we are bound to pray; and we ask Thee also to listen to the prayers of the Blessed Souls in our behalf. Amen.
18.01.2022 Saturday, 16 November 2019 will be the Youth Mass at St Monicas Catholic Church at 6:30pm followed by supper and games in the Old Church. All welcome.
18.01.2022 Merry Christmas
18.01.2022 Today is the feast day of St Valentine, the patron saint of love. A kind-hearted Roman priest, St. Valentine was imprisoned for marrying Christian couples and a...iding Christians being persecuted. While imprisoned, he converted 46 members of a guards family to Christianity and was sentenced to death. St. Valentine was martyred and then buried on the Via Flaminia to the north of Rome. In 1969, the Roman Catholic Church removed St. Valentine from the General Roman Calendar, because so little is known about him however, he is still recognized as a saint. He is also the patron of young people, engaged couples and happy marriages. St Valentine, pray for us. #saintvalentine #valentine #saint #feastday #love #valentinesday See more
18.01.2022 HYPA Richmond Christmas Party Saturday 30 November 2019 after the 6:30pm Mass. Christmas raffle tickets will be on sale this weekend. Raffle will be drawn at the Christmas Party.... All welcome! Hope to see you there!
16.01.2022 Hi all, With instructions from the Diocese it is with great regret that the Good Friday act rehearsal scheduled for this Sunday 22 March after the 9:30am mass is postponed due to the current COVID-19 restrictions. We will keep you all up to date if this will still be going ahead on Good Friday. ... Stay safe and God Bless
16.01.2022 St Pauls Feast 30th Anniversary Saturday 18 January 2020 St Monicas Catholic Church, 1A Bourke Street, Richmond NSW There will be lots of rides! Dodgem cars,... large slippery slide, jumping castle and tea cups. Wrist bands will be available for purchase on the night. There will be food and drinks also available for purchase. Fun for the whole family!!! All welcome!!! See more
15.01.2022 All welcome to join in for Holy Hour Benediction and Mass this evening. This will occur every first Friday of every month. This will commence this evening Friday, 7 August 2020 from 7pm til 8pm. All welcome **please see below regarding COVID-19 update for masks and masses.... Thank you
15.01.2022 This Friday, 8 November 2019 will be the Young Adults Movie Night for Youth aged 16 years+. 7pm til 10pm in the Old Church. It will be a fun night!
13.01.2022 Whats happening in October.... Friday, 4 October 2019 will be the First Friday Adoration at 7pm. This month the adoration will be on St Francis of Assisi followed by the Rosary. All welcome. Saturday, 19 October 2019 will be the Youth Mass at 6:30pm.... Friday, 25 October 2019 will be the HYPA Team Meeting at 7pm in the Parish meeting room. If you have any ideas or interested in joining the team please come along and join us.
11.01.2022 This Friday, 4 September 2020 you are all welcome to join in for Holy Hour Benediction and Mass from 7pm til 8pm at St Monicas Catholic Church. This occurs every first Friday of every month. All welcome, hope to see you there
11.01.2022 Attention all Youth aged 10 years +..... This coming Easter the HYPA-R Youth Group will be organising the Good Friday Stations of the Cross play on Friday 10 April 2020 at 10am. We need actors and readers. If you are interested come along tomorrow Saturday 14 March 2020 to the first rehearsal after the 6:30pm Mass in the old church. We will be having supper in the old church as well. ... Come along and be apart of something great!! The rehersal dates at St Monicas (in the Old Church) are as follows: - Saturday 14 March 2020 after 6:30pm HYPA-R mass, supper will also be served - Sunday 22 March 2020 after 9:30am mass - Sunday 29 March 2020 after 9:30am mass - Sunday 5 April 2020 after 9:30am mass We hope to see you then God bless
11.01.2022 HYPA-R Easter Raffle Support the the HYPA-R Youth Group. The prize is a $50 Westfield voucher accompanied by a beautiful indoor pot plant that is very hardy and needs next to nothing attention also some delicious Cadbury Easter eggs.... Tickets will go on sale this weekend before and after the masses. Tickets are $2 each or 3 tickets for $5. Raffle will be drawn after our next HYPA-R Youth mass on Saturday 18 April 2020. Thank you for your support
10.01.2022 Join us this Friday for First Friday Adoration at St Monicas Catholic Church 7pm til 8pm. All welcome
09.01.2022 Join us this evening for First Friday Adoration. Starts at 6:30pm at St Monicas Catholic Church. All welcome
08.01.2022 Wishing our Youth Leader Angelique Mackenzie a Happy 21st Birthday today
08.01.2022 Next Friday, 6 November 2020 you are all welcome to join in for Holy Hour Benediction and Mass from 7pm til 8pm at St Monica’s Catholic Church. This occurs every first Friday of every month. All welcome, hope to see you there.
08.01.2022 Hello and welcome back!! Lets kick start the new year with the following events for HYPA Richmond at St Monicas: This Friday, 7 February 2020: Will be a silent adoration commencing at 6:30pm all welcome to attend. At 7pm there will be a memorial mass for Sam Vella.... Saturday, 15 February 2020: HYPA Richmond Youth Mass at 6:30pm following by fun activities in the old church. All welcome to attend. Saturday, 22 February 2020: Mass at 6:30 pm followed by a Young Adults night (16 years+) in the old church til 9pm. Friday, 28 February 2020: HYPA Richmond Team meeting. If you have any suggestions, come along and share your ideas. Meeting commences at 7pm in the Parish meeting room. Thank you and God bless
08.01.2022 HYPA-R CHRISTMAS PARTY IS ON TONIGHT Saturday 30 November 2019 after 6:30pm mass at St Monicas Catholic Church - FREE SAUSAGE SIZZLE - all welcome
06.01.2022 This Friday, 2 October 2020 you are all welcome to join in for Holy Hour Benediction and Mass from 7pm til 8pm at St Monica’s Catholic Church. This occurs every first Friday of every month. All welcome, hope to see you there
06.01.2022 Next Friday, 2 October 2020 you are all welcome to join in for Holy Hour Benediction and Mass from 7pm til 8pm at St Monica’s Catholic Church. This occurs every first Friday of every month. All welcome, hope to see you there
05.01.2022 Last night we celebrated the HYPA-R Youth Mass. Afterwards we had supper and games for the youth in the Old Church. It was a very fun evening. Even the parents joined in the games and competed against the youth. Guess who won??
05.01.2022 HYPA-R Spiritual & Games Night There has been a change to this event. Unfortunately, we will not be having the HYPA-R Spiritual & Games Night on the 2nd Friday evening of the month, this includes for the month of September. We are now combining this with the HYPA-R Youth Mass (on the 3rd Saturday of the month). So we will start off with Mass then followed by the Spiritual & Games Night in the Old Church. The next HYPA-R Youth Mass / Spiritual & Games Night will be on Sat...urday, 19 October 2019, mass will commence at 6:30pm then followed by the Spiritual and Games Night in the Old Church, supper will also be served. All welcome and we hope to see you there.
05.01.2022 Join us this Saturday night for the HYPA Richmond Christmas Party!! Mass will commence at 6:30pm followed by the Christmas Party in the Old Church. There will be a FREE sausage sizzle, fun games and other treats. The Christmas RAFFLE will be drawn also SANTA will be making a special appearance. All welcome!
04.01.2022 Last Saturday night after the HYPA-R Youth Mass we had our first rehearsal for the Good Friday Stations of the Cross act. If you would still like to participate as there are a few roles left, come along to the next rehearsal this Sunday 22 March 2020 after the 9:30am mass at St Monicas. God bless
04.01.2022 Whats happening in November.... This Friday, 1 November 2019 will be the First Friday Adoration at 6:30pm followed by at 7pm a Mass for All Saints Day. All welcome. This Saturday, 2 November 2019 will be a Mass at 9am for All Souls day where we remember our loved ones who have passed away. All welcome.... Friday, 8 November 2019 will be the Young Adults Movie Night for Youth aged 16 years+. 7pm til 10pm in the Old Church. It will be a fun night! Saturday, 16 November 2019 will be the Youth Mass at 6:30pm followed by supper and games. All welcome. Friday, 22 November 2019 will be the HYPA Team Meeting at 7pm in the Parish meeting room. If you have any ideas or interested in joining the team please come along and join us. Friday, 29 November 2019 will be the Young Adults Movie Night for Youth aged 16 years+. 7pm til 10pm in the Old Church. It will be a fun night! Saturday, 30 November 2019 after the 6:30pm Mass there will be a HYPA Christmas Celebration in the Old Church. Sausage sizzle, games, Christmas raffle will be drawn and more. All welcome to come along.
02.01.2022 ALL SAINTS DAY November 1, 2019 A ray of Light enables us to see the dust that is in the air. In the same way, the Lives of the Saints show us our defects. If... we fail to see our faults, it is because we have not looked at the lives of Holy Men and Women. St. Anthony of Padua Here is a call for the endurance of the Saints, those who keep the commandments of God and their faith in Jesus Christ. Revelation 14:12 ALMIGHTY EVER-LIVING GOD, You have knit together your elect in one communion and fellowship in the mystical body of Your Son Christ our Lord: Give us grace so to follow Your blessed Saints in all virtuous and godly living, that we may come to those ineffable joys that You have prepared for those who truly love You; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who with You and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, in glory everlasting. Amen. Litany Of The Saints https://www.catholicculture.org//liturgi/prayers/view.cfm A PRAYER FOR ALL SAINTS IN HEAVEN By St. Teresa of Avila O HOLY SOULS that now rejoice without fear of losing your joy and are forever absorbed in the praises of my God! Happy indeed your lot! How right that you should employ yourselves ceaselessly in these praises! and how my soul envies you, free as you now are from the affliction caused by the grievous offenses which are in these unhappy days are committed against my God! No longer do you behold all the ingratitude of men and their blindness nor the multitude of souls being carried away by satan. O Blessed Heavenly Souls! Help us in our misery and intercede for us with the Divine Mercy, so that we may be granted some part of your joy and you may share with us some of that clear knowledge which is now yours. AND YOU, O MY GOD, make us understand what it is that You give to those who fight manfully through the dream of this miserable life. Help us, O loving Souls, to understand what joy it gives you to behold the eternity of your bliss and what delight to possess the certain knowledge that it will never end. O Blessed Souls, who knew so well how to profit by the gifts of God, and to purchase with this precious ransom so delectable and enduring a heritage, tell us how you won through Him such an eternal blessing! Assist us, since you are so near the Fountainhead. Draw water for those of us on earth who are perishing with thirst. Amen.
01.01.2022 HYPA Richmond Christmas Party!! THIS SATURDAY NIGHT 30 NOVEMBER 2019!! Mass will commence at 6:30pm followed by the Christmas Party in the Old Church. All welcome!
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