HyperCell Strength and Conditioning | Businesses
HyperCell Strength and Conditioning
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24.01.2022 HUGE SHOUT OUT to Darcy who recently reached his weight loss goal of 90kg!!!! From 137kg to 90kg, Darcy is living proof that with a will and why... Any thing is POSSIBLE!!!!
23.01.2022 Deadlift the right way! . Starting position: The bar is above the feet, close to the shin bone. The shoulders are slightly in front of the bar. . Pulling the ba...r close to the body requires assistance and stabilization by the latissimus dorsi. Keep the core muscles activated and the back straight. . The deadlift can be divided into two stages. 12 . The first stage: 1Lifting the bar to knee level. This is done mainly through knee extension. The trunk remains in a forward-leaning position. . The second stage: 2Full extension of the hip and the knee until the body is fully straightened. . In this video we can see a common mistake which many people are doing. . Throughout the exercise, keep the back in a neutral position. In other words, even when we bend down, we will keep the same back position as when we are standing erect! . In this position the core muscles work together with the greatest efficacy, and protect the spine . Share this important tip, and login to the Strength Training App for more great videos, click on the link in our profile page @muscleandmotion https://www.muscleandmotion.com/prod/strength-training-app/
20.01.2022 IF YOU NOT GETTING STRONGER YOUR NOT PROGRESSING.....Client and friend Danny smashing through his plateau though the power of strength training. Its a pretty simple concept to grasp that most dont take into account when desighing or creating a gym program. Strength training or work at high intensity especially through major compound lifts (bench, squat, dead) has gained a bad rep due the amount of injurys and issues people have faced yet when done correctly can be one of the best tools to gauge and track progression. Before i go off on a huge rant ill just keep it simples and say... include all three big compound lifts in your program record your total volume/weights being lifted as a record if your unsure on how to perform compunds such as deads, squats, bench just ask either me or any other dude. 9/10 people are happy to help
19.01.2022 BENCH PRESS VARIATIONS Most people perceive the bench press as just a bench press, however your technique and grip width determines the muscle fibres being activated and stimulated. The three variations I shall be discussing are: . 1 - CLOSE GRIP: Tricep dominant. This variation of the bench press can be performed by griping the bar shoulder width apart and strictly bending through the elbows to lower the bar towards the chest. ... . 2 - STANDARD/MEDIUM GRIP: All round chest,anterior dry and tricep stimulus. This version of the bench press is the most commonly known variation and is what is considered the norm. The medium grip bench press can be performed by griping the bar a thumb width distance away from the rough surface of the bar. The medium grip bench when performed should be lowered at a 45 degree angle as shown in the video which will deliver maximal power output. . 3 - WIDE GRIP BENCH PRESS: Chest dominant. This variation of the bench press is the one that almost individually targets the chest muscles. Through a greater range of motion and little elbow flexion, the tricep and anterior deltoid have a minimal power output. However it is important to experiment first with this variation as it can cause severe muscle tears, as the pecs are taking the full load and going through a larger range of motion then normal. So start off light and work your way up with this one!! See more
18.01.2022 Super proud of my clients Darcy and Sam who have teamed up in order to take on the powerlifting world and train towards a comp dated in late September. . Each session there constant hard work and passion for changing their life's for the better inspires me and reminds me why l love doing what l do To help others achieve their goals, be confidence in and outside the gym and providing knowledge so that they go help others in the process. Cheers boys for putting in the work. @ Derrimut 24:7 Gym
15.01.2022 FASTED CARDIO VS REGULAR CARDIO. . At the end of the day in all comes down to the one key factor... calories in vs calories out. However, Fasted cardio is often prescribed to people/clients going down the weight loss journey, simple because of the benefits when actioned at steady state (lower intensity). Although there have been studies showing that fasted low intensity exercise can have a benefit in burning more fat per calorie WHEN IN A CALORIE DEFICIT. It is realistically ...only required in the later weeks of your weight loss journey. Below are some realistic examples of why you should include fasted cardio into your training protocol... . 1 Put yourself in a greater calorie deficit and therefore loss more weight 2 Get your metabolism going first thing in the morning 3 Good for mental wellbeing 4 Added fat loss benefits when in a calorie deficit See more
15.01.2022 POWERbuilt The ultimate guide to power-building. A revolutionary style of training that will allow you to not only gain strength, but also muscle mass! Registration is now open for our POWERbuilt program commencing May 14th!... With access to three semi-private training sessions per week, over a 10 week period: Learn the in's and out's of training for both size & strength - all under the guidance of a fully qualified strength & conditioning coach. For only $60 / week you can action an aesthetic and strong physique! Feel free to contact for any further information or to sign up now!
15.01.2022 EAT SWEETS TO GET SWOLE! . Well not entirely . By definition high GI foods measure the amount of insulin that is secreted 2hrs post consumption. ... . However High GI carbs are normally in the form or everyone's favourite cheat meal. Examples being donuts, skittles, or my personal favourite gummy bears. Yet high GI foods do have there time and place in everyone's diet whether your trying to lose weight or build muscle. Here's a how and why you should include your favourite High GI cheats meals regularly into your diet. . FAST TRACK MUSCLE RECOVERY - eating high GI carbs post workout signals the pancreaus to secrete maximal amounts of the insluin into the blood , singalling muscle cells to open there gates allowing aminos acids (protein), glucose (carbs) and creatine to freely travel into the muscle cell. The more nutrients a cell absorbs the faster you can recover. . MENTAL HEALTH/SLEEP - Looking to sleep better? High GI carbs signals the body to secrete serotonin. Serotonin is an amino acid that has been found to improve depression, anxiety and even targets neuro receptors in the brain that help mprove sleep patterns. Improving sleep means that you recover quicker, loss fat faster/ more efficiently and everyday mental clarity . PERFORMANCE - High GI carbs replenishes muscle glycogen faster than low GI carbs when consumed post workout. Therefore the faster you restore stores the more frequent you can perform at maximal levels, the more frequently you can perform at a high level/ high intensity, the greater total volume your body or muscles are exposed to, the greater progress you will make. See more
15.01.2022 BENEFITS OF THE SUPERFRUIT KIWIFRUIT!! Chinese in origin, the kiwifruit also known as the Chinese gooseberry contains ingredients that are highly beneficial to anyone's diet. Benefits of eating Kiwi include 1. POWERHOUSE OF VITAMINS AND MINERALS - ... Kiwi fruit contains more fibre, vitamin c, vitamin e, vitamin k and has a high concentration of potassium and copper in comparison to oranges, apples, bananas, strawberries and blueberries per 100g. 2. CONTAINS ACTINIDIN - Actinidin is an enzyme that causes protein to be broken down and absorbed quicker and more efficiently. 3. MOOD IMPROVEMENT - regular consumption of kiwi fruit has been linked to increased release of feel good hormones within the body 4. IMPROVED SLEEP - a 2013 study by Taipei Medical University showed that consuming two kiwifruit before bed improved sleep duration and sleep quality. 5.FIGHTS CANCER - the large amount of vitamin c acts as powerful antioxidant that fights off free radicals that cause inflammation or cancer. Vitamin C also assists the immune system in fighting of harmful pathogens.
13.01.2022 Creatine - what is it and how does it influence performance? Creatine has been known to rapidly increase strength and improve recovery between sets and heres why! Simple when a muscle contracts it uses ATP, our primary fuel source and therefore when used creating a by product of ADP which is useless to the body unless converted back into ATP to be used for further muscle contractions. . . Thats where creatine phosphate comes in....it simply gives the ADP another phosphate to resynthesis/produce more ATP ready for the next set or exsplosive movement, therefore in fact thar it increases your recovery time between sets/exercises. In summary supplementing creatine is truly an essential for anyone trying to perform at their absolute maximal efforts whether it be for weightlifting through to sprinting.
12.01.2022 CLEINT SPOTLIGHT! In the last 8 weeks David and l have destroyed training and improved his overall total to a massive 525 from the following.... Bench 110 - 142.5kg... Squat 160kg - 190kg Deadlift 170kg - 192.5kg NEW TOTAL 525kg Congratulations David and I look forward to what the near future brings!
12.01.2022 Clients @bran_ocdp and @corey_bee blasting through there weekend cardio session! . Not only have studies shown positive benefits of fasted cardio in regards to weight loss but name a better way to kick start the weekend then kicking ass!
07.01.2022 Bench Pressing your way to a NEW JOB!! . . In client Kai's case, it sure is!! In order to get promoted in his current line of work Kai needed to pass a specific fitness test and bench his own body weight for 5 reps! When kai and l first meet he struggled to bench 5 kg Under body weight (72.5kg) for one repetition. . Since day one 6 weeks has passed and with a few form adjustments/tweaks alongside a hybrid strength specific program he has increased is overall 1RM by a GIANT... 25.4%. Smashing his goal and benching his bodyweight for not 3, not 5, but a huge total of 9 reps in just 6 weeks while also achieving a new one rep max of 92.5kg! . . Obviously with the added benefit of chucking an extra 1.5inchs on the arms . . Don't believe it's possible to add 25.4% on your bench press?!... . Chuck me a DM and let me prove you wrong! . I look forward to making some serious progress together, Kyle See more
06.01.2022 TOP FOUR V TAPER BUILDING EXERCSIES!! Here are my favourite go to exercises that l include in my programming in order to build an aesthetic V-shaped physique (big shoulders, tight waist). 1) Leaning Lateral Raise - slightly harder than your regular cable lateral raise as it gives an extended range of motion, therefore a longer concentric and eccentric phase causing increased muscle stimulation.... 2) Straight Arm Pulldown - with your triceps in a locked position, keeping your chest up and pulling through your Lats this exercise is perfect for supersets with any combination of a pulldown. 3) Cable Rear Delt Fly - the rear deltoids is like the middle child of the deltoid muscle group. Often forgotten about and underdeveloped, the rear deltoid is a great one for building a well-developed shoulder joint. What people commonly don’t release is that one of the rear deltoids primary roles is to stabilize and the support the joint from injury. 4) Dumbbell Shrugs - great exercise for building the upper area of your traps. Personally l see a lot of people shrugging heavy yet with poor form. In contrast l always go light with this exercise and really squeeze and feel the contraction.
04.01.2022 Struggling to meet your daily protein requirements? . . Give protein synergy a go! With 6 different types of protein therefore acting like a casein, protein synergy is probably one of my favourite meal replacement shakes to support recovery in order to achieve my fitness goals. @international_protein
04.01.2022 CLIENT SPOTLIGHT! From 137kg to 95kg! Pushing limits, achieving goals and making every workout count is exactly what Darcy has done!. Could not congratulate you enough my man! #itsonlythebeginning
03.01.2022 2 MONTH TRANSFORMATION . George has been destroying gym since day one of PT, with his ability to push past the pain threshold, George is able to take his physique to the next level! With a combination of programmed muscle hypertrophy and strength based exercises, George has shown improvements in not only size but has made major strength gains as well... while lowering body fat percentage. . This combination has allowed George to add a massive 60kg onto his initial deadli...ft 1RM, 20kg onto his squat 1RM and 10kg onto his bench press 1RM through the teachings of correct form and accessory movements. . Here at HyperCell S&C we enjoy and have fun with training but always making sure we get the work done! See more
02.01.2022 MAXIMISING PROTEIN SYNTHESIS Protein synthesis is the process in which your body converts and creates new protein/muscle tissue from the food/nutrition ingested. In the bodybuilding world it is pinnacle to keep protein synthesis at an optimal level in order to rebuild and gain muscle tissue back after damaging it nearly every time you step foot in the gym!. . Although weight training itself can be used as a technique to ramp up protein synthesis time periods within the body, ...in contrast weight training also causes muscle degradation (muscle tissue breakdown). Therefore without the right nutrition at the right time, any potential muscle gain from increased protein synthesis could be cancelled out by protein breakdown. But add in an intense training session combined with the correct nutrition to recover from such workouts and the end result will be an accumulation of muscle protein over time. (MORE GAINZ and BIGGER MUSCLES).. . These are my top three tips in order to ignite protein synthesis and maximize gains and results from resistance training. . 1 - HIGH PROTEIN POST WORKOUT SHAKE/MEAL - defiantly the key most important point is to consume in-between 20-50g of protein 20mins - 1hr 30 mins post workout from in either an isolate or hydrolysed form such as chicken breast (isolate) or a protein isolate shake. Hydrolysed protein is a more pure form of protein powder however does not significantly benefit recovery any more than an isolate protein shake.. . 2 - BCAA'S - BCAA's simply give the body a protein source in which it can use and begin the repair process during a workout. BCASS's also prevent muscle degradation especially for those who train fasted. (no food consumed within the past 6 hrs).. . 3 - HIGH GI CARBS - high GI carbs are great to be consumed intra and post workout as they quickly replenish expended glucose from within the working muscles. High GI carbs when combined with BCAA's or a protein isolate shake post workout act as a pickup truck that carry's protein needed for recovery directly to the damaged muscle tissue. . #Fitness#Personaltrainer#Gethealthy#Fitnessmotivation#Exercise#Trainhard#Workout#Goals#Bodybuilding#Educate#HealthyLife#EatClean#
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