Hypnologicsolutions | Medical and health
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25.01.2022 Hypnotherapy online The current Corona virus restrictions have created the opportunity/necessity for many therapies to move to a online service delivery. As a talk based therapy that does not require touch, Hypnotherapy is ideally suited to to modality and the benefits for the client are many. The first visit to a Clinical Hypnotherapist for most clients is often after seeking help from many previous therapies. the myths and misconceptions associated with hypnosis are many a...nd client , if not already anxious, are now faced with seeing yet again another therapist who doesn't know their story and in another setting that they are not comfortable or familiar with. Online therapy means that you can stay in the comfort and safety of your own home and generally online sessions have greater time flexibility as neither the client nor the therapist has to factor in travel time or parking challenges. Online sessions are safe and confidential with high levels of security developed by the various tele-health providers to ensure information is confidential. All you need is a good device (computer, laptop. tablet) or even your phone that has a camera and you are ready to go. use the Learn more button to access my website or call me now to discuss how I can help you resolve your issue. Kind regards Geordie Geordie See more
22.01.2022 Escaping the cage A building I worked in many years ago had a problem with feral cats getting into the roof. We would trap the cats then take then a few kilometres away and release them, or try to. It always fascinated me that even though they hated the cage, when we would open the trap door they would stay in the cage, and if we tried to get them out they would fight to stay inside. Perhaps the cage though unpleasant was familiar by then and freedom became the unknown. Over... the years I have worked with a number of clients who have created their own cages bar by bar and even though they express a desire to be free, they fight tooth and nail to defend their current trapped state. It take patience and compassion from both parties in the therapeutic relationship to encourage people to walk through the cage door to the freedom they want and deserve. This is the purpose of my work and I have the patience, compassion and skills to help people get out of their cage. If you know of anyone who could do with my help, please refer them to my website at hypnologicsolutions.com.au. Stay well See more
19.01.2022 A trip Home I recently returned to my home town of Christchurch NZ. The suburb I grew up in had been destroyed in the earthquakes and so had the first house I ever owned. these suburbs were now being turned into parkland as no houses will ever be built on them in the future. I could look at the empty space and choose to recall sad moments and upset myself at the loss or remember all the good times and be grateful for the things we had.In my minds eye I could still recall the ...whole street, I could imagine riding around the streets on my bike as I did when I was young and the fun we kids had playing street cricket, chasing and generally mucking around. I could also see the progress of walking and bike trails that many people will enjoy in the future and hope that somehow the spirit of fun and enjoyment my friends and family had was still contained in this place. The sadness of things lost can be let go but the gratefulness of good things past can enhance our present and our future. Keep safe See more
18.01.2022 A Walk on the Beach I recently went for a walk on the beach. When I got back to my starting point I tried to repeat it by stepping in my old footprints, well it only took about 3 steps before I was out of sync and smudging the old footprints. This made me wonder, if I couldn't accurately repeat a physical action I had only dome a few moments before, how accurate are my memories of the past and was I smudging and changing them every time I tried to recall them. I then tried to... walk backwards to see if I could make my stride but clearly it was slower and more dangerous as I tripped over driftwood I couldn't see. So walking backwards into the future with my eyes on the past was not a good idea. I wonder how many of us now are wishing for the past and walking backwards into the future. Turn around, point your toes to the front as that's how your feet work best, leave the past where it belongs and move forward onto the new smooth sand and create new clear, clean and calm footprints. Keep safe See more
16.01.2022 The Inner Committee I have worked a number of clients who struggled with their inner committee. that group of internal parts that never seemed to agree on a way forward and generally ended up like question time in parliament. We often find ourselves in internal conflict which takes a lot of our energy yet achieves very little in results. In some cases (remember this is a model) the issue is that the parts do not have clear roles nor is there a clear chairperson for the commit...tee. Who should be in charge? you! and you can use your imagination to take control. Now sit your committee members down one at a time, and ask them what their purpose is, what are they trying to achieve for you. If they have a clear purpose e.g.protecting you from physical harm, then OK let them sit on the committee. If the part just wants to complain and has no real purpose, delete them from the committee. Now this take a bit of time, but if you are going to have an internal committee then make sure they are working for you not against you. Once you have your committee in place you as chair determine the common purpose of the committee and set some short and medium term goals. You can even set you members some tasks and parameters e,g, yes you can advise me on potential harm but not to the extent that I have no fun or risk activity at all. Then meet with your internal committee only once a week or fortnightly and let them do their respective roles quietly in the meantime. Enjoy taking control. Keep safe See more
13.01.2022 Tipping Points Pressure can build quickly or slowly but regardless of which there is a level at which something needs to give to bring the system back to normal. Perhaps most challenging in our current circumstances is the slow build where we may feel fine or consider ourselves to be coping then suddenly some small trigger that we would normally ignore puts us over the tipping point. We all respond to stress and pressure in different ways so there is no magic strategy however... there are some common practices that will help. First, acknowledge and pay attention to the signals from your body and develop some responses like, exercise or talking to someone as these are present moment activities that reduce time for rumination and worry. Second, create new positive patterns and habits e.g. get up at a set time, even if you cant go to work imagine the day as a normal work day and create structure. Third, be curious about your responses, this means asking yourself how and what rather than why, e.g. how am I doing that and what specifically is that feeling. Then be even more curious about the times you didn't feel that way, how have you experienced calm in the past, or confidence, what was that like? Our bodies hold the memories of every state we have ever been in and with the right prompting can regenerate all the states we want. Keep well See more
13.01.2022 Quiet Desperation I wonder how many of us have been in this space. For me it was hoping a 6 foot snowfall would happen the night before a school exam knowing I was not prepared. More recently remaining in a profession that I didn't enjoy but hadn't been confident enough to move from until a significant event forced the move. The shame of not taking steps to change and the risk and vulnerability associated with moving from a known if not satisfying state can result in a kind o...f paralysis. We are all experiencing a significant event that is and will be, life changing, This is putting many of us into the state of quiet desperation, hoping things will get better but not sure what actions will keep us safe or make us more vulnerable. This is also a time of incredible opportunity because everybody is in the same situation to some degree. The fancy car is irrelevant, the list of properties is a liability, but the ability to create connection, show compassion for others and innovate as an individual and a community can become the new norm. So as you take action now you will not be risking moving from a known comfort zone, but creating a new exciting way of being. Hidden talents can emerge and people will respond to completely different values than they did 2 months ago. Growing your own food and slowing down to a more natural pace will help many. Others such as health workers will rise to the challenge with their skills and compassion suddenly being truly valued. So this is a great time to make your change, be loud, be bold, be brave, enjoy the challenge of becoming. Keep well
06.01.2022 Pain Pain go away Our unconscious communicates with us using sensations and emotions. It is limited ( in the model I am describing) to Pain, Fear and Fatigue. Imagine you have a best friend who does something you think is dangerous and you tell them to stop but they don't seem to get your message and keep doing it. So you then make your message bigger (more pain) but your clever friend smothers your message with a pain killer. So you try another tack and say booo and fright...en them every time they go to do the thing, but they still try to do it. So, now you pull out the big guns and make them really tired so they can't physically do it. Recognise the pattern here?. Clinical hypnotherapy helps you understand the messages from your body, how to acknowledge and accept and how to change so the body does not need to continue to give the signal. Chronic pain is often where there is not tissue damage but the unconscious mind is stuck on alarm mode. I can help you relearn the language of your unconscious mind and learn how to reset the alarm turning the pain, fear and fatigue down. contact me on my website hypnologicsolutions.com.au keep well See more
02.01.2022 A Simple calming Technique We are all responding in different ways to the stress of the current situation. Here is a simple technique to apply if you start to feel a bit anxious or overwhelmed. Get up and go outside... Take 5 deep breaths (you can only breathe in the present) Say out loud 4 things you can see (like tree, car, house) Say out loud 3 things you can hear (Like Lawnmower, music) Say out loud 2 things you can feel ( wind on face, clothes,etc) Say inside 1 key comfort word (like, calm, relax, slow down) Repeat and now with more detail in all of the senses e,g, The different colour of the leaves the sound is of a car moving away the wind is a bit swirly Same comfort word Repeat again with even more detail Then notice as that calmness stays with you. Keep safe
02.01.2022 Action vs Reaction The current situation is very challenging for all of us and it is difficult to determine how to act or react. One simple thing to hold in mind is, if you react then external stimulus in controlling you, if you act then you are in control. The ability to resist the instinctive reaction and allow time to develop and perform an action involves being mindful of your body's language (how does that feel in your muscles), and that of your emotions (how am i feelin...g e.g. anxious, fearful etc) as these two systems work together (physiology/psychology). If you can take a moment to be curious about how and what you are feeling this activates your higher level thinking, dissociates you from the sensations and allows you space from which you can then determine a positive action. Think of this simple key: Reaction -controlled by external stuff - may lead to regret Action - internally control (self) - will lead to achievement Please take a moment to take control and move from Reaction to Action Keep safe and touch base with everyone you know as physical distancing and isolation does not mean social isolation Regards Geordie
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