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HypnoQuit in Rosebud, Victoria, Australia | Medical service

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Locality: Rosebud, Victoria, Australia

Phone: +61 418 272 695

Address: 1/30 McCombe Street 3939 Rosebud, VIC, Australia


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24.01.2022 What thoughts are you thinking in Covid Iso? Are they based in frustration, anger, fear, hopelesness, lonelyness or deep sadness? Sometimes we don't even recognise our negative bias until we have embeded that pattern of thinking. Memories are one way to trigger emotions. These times of isolation, fear and financial and emotional stress can so easily trigger ruminative thinking which gets us replaying the same disturbing and often distorted thoughts, feelings and images. When ...we repeat those upsetting thoughts we are practicing just like Emily is doing when she learns this song. Learning a song filled with lyrics that trigger uplifting thoughts and memories will help embed those happier more uplifting emotions. I'm going to take this heart warming lesson of Emily and Paul's and use my voice, memories toughts, feelings and focused concentration while drawing and doing things to remember some of my favourite things and of course this song will help trigger my own memories. Why don't you try it. It may just help you feel brighter, happier and a little calmer. Stay safe and happy. Please share some of your favourite things they may just trigger a happy memory for someone else.

23.01.2022 Secrets whispered on the breeze and daiseys danced to the rhythm of spring. #naturalabundance #flowerenergy #tuneinmindbodysoul #listentotheearth #mindfulmoments #mentalhealthrenewal... #resurectyourmind #renewal #mindrestored See more

22.01.2022 And so begins another day infused with magic! A fresh delishious harvest from my patch. The earth gives back in abundance and for that I am so grateful. #ingratitude #thrive #sharetheabundance #morningrituals #eattherainbow #livingluminesence #thankyou #smilefrominside

21.01.2022 Artfully Calmer after an hour of ceramics with this gorgeous lady. No words as she is deaf and mute, all about body language and touch. Mindfulness at its best. Tuning in on a sensory level. Feeling grateful.

21.01.2022 Liquid gold in motion each moment more magic than the last. Nature perfectly choreographed.

19.01.2022 Lockdown walks - Bubbles at the eadge of the ocean, whisper "nothing is permanent". Enjoy each bubble while it's there and allow the memory of it's beauty to linger long after it's gone.

17.01.2022 FEAR, ANXIETY and WORRY cannot exist at the same time as CALM, HOPE, SERENITY and CONFIDENCE. The choice is yours. Meditate or Medicate.... This is what the end of my morning ritual looks like. ARTFULLY CALM everyday. What kickstarts your day calm serene and at peace?

17.01.2022 Surreal skyshow = fully meditated #lovingthelight #setthemindfree #skydreamer #fullymeditated #washyourhands/washyourmind #artfullycalmer #focusisfreedom #setyourmindfree #letyourmindsfly @ Cape Schanck

17.01.2022 Sunday Loving. Nothing like schmoozin with a pooch. Unconditional Love. I think that'll set the tone for my week. News off the agenda for me this week.... How about you? #livethelove #poochsmooch # lingeronlove #magicmoments #beinbliss #animalmagnetism #livelongerlovemore #immuneboosterlove #hugsboostimmunity #hugmore

16.01.2022 The constant media coverage of the Covid pandemic has caused a huge increase in the number of people experiencing an escalation in Anxiety and stress related mental health issues. Mindfulness, meditation and Hypnosis are non invasive, with very little likelihood of negative side effects. Learning self hypnosis techniques with a suitably qualified Hypnotherapist could give you a life long skill that will help you maintain a calmer and more productive lifestyle that builds your self confidence. With the increased interest in natural drug-free complimentry treatments we are seeing more research into the efficacy of Hypnosis as an effective treatment for Anxiety, panic and other stress related disorders.

16.01.2022 The art of deep calm? Freshly picked Camomile Heaven to look at, heaven to hold. Looking forward inhaling the fragrance of a steaming cup of camomile straight from the garden followed of course by some deep peaceful sleeps and beautiful dreams. Nothing more gratifying than the abundant gifts straight from the earth. ... #camomilecontentment #herbalicious #artfullycalmer #livinginthemoment #harvestingabundance #sweetdreams

15.01.2022 Lockdown walks. Today's message from mother nature "Finding balance and symetry whilest enjoying the beauty in the wobbly edges!" I'm finding that walks in nature are the perfect opportunity to take my cues from the natural world.

14.01.2022 2020 What a year! My first response as this year began was 2020 vision but as the year unfolded I began to doubt my initial gut response with the enormity of political events natural disasters and to top it off a pandemic. On the final day of this remarkable year I find myself embracing a surprising sense of gratitude to have lived through the emotional ups and downs to have had the opportunity to slow down and observe more deeply the way we as humans live on mother earth, ba...rely ever considering the impact we have on ourselves our community our country and the entire universe? 2020 has defiantly been a year of 20/20 vision. A time to reevaluate, recalibrate and see in new ways. Lives lost, grief, suffering and torment has lefts a scar on the psyche of humanity. My hope is that we remember that we are one. Time to do what we can to mend the gaping wounds inflicted on humanity by devisive policies designed to fragment societies. Lets starts with little acts of kindness. Give back to yourself (say NO to things that no longer serve you and YES to the ones that do), Give back to the earth (Plant a tree or start a forrest!), HONOUR your family, friends and the wider community (The smallest compliment or even just a smile can go a long way to make someones day). Start the ripple and watch it grow, we can heal one small step at a time. Share your ideas here and perhaps others will take them on board? I'm going to start with more cleanup beach walks, what will you do? See more

14.01.2022 Jump on Amazon on 1 Dec and be first to get my new eBook Artfully Calm for FREE for 2 days only. If you love what you read you can purchase the more interactive paperback edition that you can write and draw in. #Amazon

13.01.2022 As a child I remember hearing people say "talking to yourself is the first sign of madness!" I never really believed that! As an adult I know how important it is to listen carefully to my body and find that having dialog with any part of my body that feels painful or out of balance is sufficient to bring it back into balance and frequently just by engaging in a compasionate kind conversation with that body part will give me some insight into what needs to change in order for ...the body and mind to return to a harmonious balance. Try it yourself, I hope you find it as satisfying as described in this article. Your body is a self healing mechanism but only when the mind becomes aware of the problem. If you never spend time with yourself how will you know that something is out of sync? Tune in.... Mindful moments are opportunities for the body to recalibrate and restore the balance.

13.01.2022 End of weekend Ready to bust out and BLOOM! Spring is a time of abundance and as we emerge from the Covid lockdown in Melbourne. I sure feel grateful for the shift to warmer weather, less restrictions and plenty of time to observe the natural world ready to flaunt it's beauty and become the magnet to polinators far and wide.... Hope you are inspired to share your natural magic with a world so ready to receive all the abundance you have to share. Here's to a Magic Monday. Dig deep and make someones day a little brighter with ........ A smile A compliment A little bit of help Send a letter to a friend Call someone for an overdue chat. What will you share? #bemagnetic #naturalabundance #sharingiscaring #burstintoflower #flourish #springmagic

13.01.2022 I love connecting with real people, person to person. Even just taking a moment to make eye contact and share a smile can make the world of difference to my day. Days later I find myself remembering this beautiful Cambodian smile with great pleasure even though it was only a brief moment. Make time everyday to turn off all electronic media and check in with yourself and other real people. You may find some beautiful moments in this human connection. #smilealittlemore #huma...nconnection #metimesharedtime #mindfulmoment #alittlelovingkindness #peopleunite #strenghtenyourconnection #human2humanconnect See more

12.01.2022 Artfully Calm special for the month of March. 10% discount on all Hypnosis consults to overcome FEARS and PHOBIAS. Saturday appointments available now at Samsara Dromana Book online at Or call 59823571

11.01.2022 Thank you to all my amazing, followers who downloaded "Artfully Calm" for free. We made it to #1 in the top 100 free books on Anxiety & Phobias. If you'd like to get a little more out of it, the paperback is much more interactive and has spaces to write and draw in. Go on share the love and lets see if we can spread a little more Calm over the festive season. Feeling Grateful for all the support and lovely comments. Thank you from the bottom of my heart Available on amazon books #artfullycalm #sharethecalm #attitudeofgratitude #sharingiscaring #creativecalm #affirmthecalm #alwaysdreambig #alwaysbelieveyoucan #yesyoucan

10.01.2022 What! Spring snow! No, that was last week! A sprinkle of little stars like the Foam at the edge of the ocean. Tune in to the world around you... Pause and you will find surprise gifts in each moment. Stop Look Listen Sense. #naturalabundance #fertilityinaction #fertilemind #springsensations #giftsofnature #essenceofnature #naturesstars #walkmindfully #peninsuladreaming #capeschanckcalms

10.01.2022 Sound has a profound effect on every cell in the body. Different frequencies tones and tempos can excite or calm the nervouse system. I love the way these medical professionals are incorporating the ancient Sufi healing wisdom into modern medicine. As a Hypnotherapist I find soothing sounds enhance my clients hypnotic experiences and transformative outcomes.

09.01.2022 Ladybirds know a thing or two about Love, Love, Love Flowers, flowers, flowers Wishing you all a day full of Passion, peace and above all... LOVE wherever you may find it. Happy Valentines Day #ladybirdlove #livelovelaugh #alwayssomethingtolove #flowerpower #bethelove #sharethelove #loveliveshere #lovelife #naturalabundance

09.01.2022 And the Moon said goodbye to the night as she silently slipped behind the clouds. EVERYDAY NATURE REMINDERS. Nothing stays the same. Do not morn the past.... Enjoy each moment for it too will change. Accept without judgement what is. Accept the pain because it intensifies the awareness of unexpected small pleasures. #naturenourises #movewiththemoment #acceptance #covidgiftstohumanity #patience=pleasure #livingtheslowlife #meditateonthemoon #fullmoonyogamorning #magnificentmornings

08.01.2022 Teatree Magic #naturalmagic #medicatedbyspring #satisfied #thankyouspring #fertileground #sensorysatisfaction #flowerpower #botanicalboost #meditateonthat

08.01.2022 Sky dreaming Focus on the things that give you the most pleasure and the universe gives you more! #attitudeofgratitude #keepcalm&carryon #artofcalm #artfullycalm #immunebooster #stressissickness

07.01.2022 STOP LOOK LISTEN FEEL There's magic in the air. ... Take a few moments to Listen to it's message. See more

07.01.2022 So excited by my first little harvest from my flourishing herb garden. Looking forward to sharing many nourishing cups of tea. Flavourful meals and shared stories infused with the alchemy of the earth. #theearthgivesback #labouroflove #nourished #naturalmagic #alchemyofherbs #alchemy #infusedwithmagic #healdbyherbs #fromtheheart

01.01.2022 The power of Pulpit rock. Mesmerized by the majestic strength of this rock. Buffeted by wild waves for millions of years and yet still standing tall and proud, rooted deep into the earth. Grounded for eternity. There's a certain dignity in courage and perseverence in the face of adversity. #inspiredbynature #naturalresilience #faceyourdarkesthour #courageofconviction #naturalsuperpower #artfullycalmer #betherock

01.01.2022 Shift your perspective and you will discover beauty in unexpected places. #attitudeofgratitude #simplybeautiful #naturalgrace #designedbynature #mindfullymoved #artofcalm #artfullycalmer

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