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I am Loretta

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25.01.2022 Entry # 159 The Evil of Comparison Do you get triggered when you see someone achieving the level of success that you want to achieve.... Do you get set off when you see someone that you want to be like? This is a strong sign that you need to work on your self esteem and confidence. Rule number one: Never compare yourself to anyone else, their circumstances are different to yours. No two people are the same and can never be. You were born perfect you just need to keep striving to be the very best version of you. Get strong around - Your values Your beliefs Your best efforts Never try hard to impress others, it’s something you’ll never be able to do. Envy is a poison, you can certainly respect the other person and look for inspiration but envy and jealousy will eat you alive. If you’re worried about people not liking you or having to impress someone to get their attention then maybe you need to rethink if you really want those people in your life. If you remember to tell yourself the room is always better when your in it, you will the learn to switch your mind to what qualities do you bring to the table. Be proud of who you are Stand tall Love all of you Those who love you will be drawn to you because of that. If your struggling to get results, focus on amplifying your best qualities and unique persona. The key is to stand in your power. Stand up and take ownership for you. Ignore what anyone else is doing, they have their own journey. Focus on your journey, be inspired by yourself. Be your own motivation. Love yourself Be at peace knowing you were created perfect. Accept yourself for where you are and what you are now and focus on what you need to become to get you where you need to be. You’ve been given a gift, work with what you’ve got and improve on those foundations. It’s like working on an old car, the body is there you just need to fix it up, it sand, it buff it and give it a shiny new coat of paint. You are amazing, go out there and show everyone just how amazing you are. Learn to accept and love yourself and show up authentically. Much love Loretta

25.01.2022 Entry # 156 The fundamental key to business success and it’s not the money. If your focusing on anything else besides your truth, you will become a slave to the rest.... What I mean by this is that if your focusing on money, clients, all those external things in your business this will drive you and your business in the wrong direction. Just the same as we need to be fully aligned with what we want and where we are going our truth the same goes with any business. Look at the likes of people such as Steve Jobs, he didn’t worry himself about anything other than his mission, his truth, and his vision. He was fully aligned and unwavering in his conviction. You know why? He knew what he wanted, what he stood for, his mission and fought tooth and nail for it. He didn’t worry about all that other stuff that would take him off course, or when it got hard give up. If you let the amount of money dictate to you the action you will or won’t take or you let your clients dictate to you how to run your business, your creation will never be authentic, it will always be diluted with other people’s demands, with the restrictions around money. Money is a byproduct of having a clear mission and precise execution. Number one key in business (and many things for that matter): Have a crystal clear vision and mission and do everything that lines up with that no matter the sacrifice. It’s not about anything but you creating your dream and seeing it through to completion with full integrity to your creation along the way. Only you can articulate what that means, how it’s to be done and how it’s to happen. If you birthed it, you know what it needs. So if you allow the external things to that rule you, your creation will never be of its purest form. In my experience this fundamental rule can be applied to pretty much everything in life because if it’s in alignment with your values and mission then the rest just falls into place. Much love Loretta

24.01.2022 Entry # 150 Everything you need is within you. Security ... Safety Love Connection Fulfillment Happiness All the important things.... Why do you then continue to hold things on a pedestal, looking outside yourself for safety, for validation and approval. Worshiping things that can never complete you. You will never feel complete until you accept that you are all you’ll ever need. You are whole, powerful and all loving just as you are. Nothing outside of you can make you feel this, not anything that’s sustainable anyway. No amount of money, stuff, people or places will fill the hole. You must fill yourself up with you. Find that true authentic part of you that’s inside yourself and expand that out, right through every part of your being. This is where you will find deep peace, love, happiness, connection, all the things you really need at your core. There you will feel complete and content with you. Wherever you are Whatever your doing Whoever you are with Whatever you have Cars Houses Money Places People Will never be able to complete someone who isn’t whole to start with. They will never be able give you what you can give to yourself. It’s completely and totally up to you to complete yourself. To be rock solid within just as you are. External things come and they go like the wind, don’t allow yourself to be reliant on these things on anything other than yourself to make you feel whole. You are whole just as you are. And if you don’t feel like you are, go and fill yourself up with you. Much love Loretta

24.01.2022 Entry # 219 People have this underlying fear that they have to display a facade to be liked or so they don’t get found out. To many walk around in so much fear, instead of just dropping into their true authenticity and then showing up that way without fear.... Imagine if you dropped the facade? The fear and just showed up as you? What would you discover? What would you experience? It’s exhausting trying to hold up a barrier or a false exterior, you’ll never be able to relax doing that nor will you really get what you want out of life. Relax into yourself, drop the facade and be willing to experience an authentic life. You’ll attract more of what you want and less of what you don’t and you’ll enjoy life more because it will be more congruent and in alignment. So many are so busy holding up a facade that they fail to really stop and listen to another, to be really present and engaged. Constantly somewhere else thinking of how to be, what they should do. It’s all consuming and soul destroying. Eventually there will come a time where you will have had enough of being incongruent and will step into who you really are. Then you’ll really experience freedom and peace. Much love Loretta

23.01.2022 Entry # 153 Are you ready to face your shadow to get to your light. There are two parts to us all, our shadow and our light.... The shadow is often what we deny we have within us, we stuff it down, ignore it, pretend it doesn’t exist within us, project it onto others or we are just too afraid to even go there. We deny what lurks in the shadows. Then there is our light, the higher frequency we all want to step into, where we reach our potentiality, love, joy, health, wealth, happiness, all the good stuff. What happens is that the shadow within us, that we deny has this tricky way of keeping us in a low vibrational state, pulling you back into the shadow every time you try to reach up to the light. Sucking you back in, it’s the patterns running in your subconscious that are sabotaging your life. Over and over again keeping you stuck in holding patterns and stunting your progress. To stop this we must be willing to face off with our shadow in order to fully step into our light. Yes it’s confronting AF, it’s painful and yes it’s work, but what’s worse is denying it, stuffing it down with material things, food, alcohol, sx, excuses, behaviors or whatever addictive thing you can get your hands on to keep your shadow hidden. When you are prepared to look your shadow straight in the eye, work through it, process it, clear it and allow yourself to transcend it you will open up to a whole new level of possibilities, you unleash your light. I’m not saying it’s easy however I promise you it’s worth it. If this speaks to you message me. Much love Loretta

22.01.2022 One more day, will I be seeing you 5:30am tomorrow morning? Join me at the Shevolve Online Unfollow Summit, 28th September 12:30pm, PST, and for all the Aussies, 29th September 5:30am AEST. The Unfollow Summit is a 5-Day digital summit for visionary female leaders, impact entrepreneurs, conscious brands and light-workers.... I’ll be delivering a transformational session Stepping into the Matrix with Emotional Freedom Technique 29th September 5:30am AEST. You can get your FREE tickets here: So what is the UNFOLLOW SUMMITT you ask? It’s a conscious rebellion for womxn on the front-line of the world’s awakening. A new paradigm marketing + leadership summit delivered over 5 Days: Day 1- Industry, Individual + Collective Shadow Work Day 2- Grounding into purpose + intuition Day 3- Skill expansion, conscious marketing for a new earth Day 4- Skill expansion, sales without selling your soul Day 5- A new paradigm of leadership Get your free Unfollow Summit ticket- a new paradigm of business + leadership with five days of workshops, truth talk panels, keynotes, meditations + healings. See you on the inside. Much Love Loretta

21.01.2022 Entry # 215 You can manifest all of what you want if you will align with it. If you are prepared to do the work to get it.... Some are fortunate to have conditioning from a young age setting them up for what they want. The rest have to work damn hard to make the shifts. It’s not a matter of luck it’s a matter of choice and aligned action. This means becoming that which you want to be. That person who aligns with what you want. Embodying the identity. Creating the habits. Changing your vibration. Your energy. Ask yourself what type of person has what you want? I mean all of their essence? Then, work out a plan completely become this down to your core. Not a coat or a costume but a complete transformation. From the inside out. Clearing old patterns Old blocks Old behaviors There is work, lots of work, painful, uncomfortable work, forming new habits, beliefs, a totally new identity in some cases. It’s not just a matter of saying what you want a few times and bam it shows up. Or showing some superficial changes, it’s aligned, consistent and focused work day in day out until you’ve shed the old and completely transformed into the new. It’s about taking aligned action. Being the complete package. This is the foundation of it all, of manifesting your hearts desires. Are you prepared for what it takes? It’s like transforming your body except your doing it to your mind.... Shift your patterns and you’ll shift your results Much love Loretta

16.01.2022 Entry # 158 It’s time to come up for air, you’ve been so deep in the trenches you can’t see clearly. When we become so immersed in something often we can fail to see the very things that are right in front of us, we start respond in a way that can be reactive because we can’t see clearly, we forget the why, the bigger picture.... It’s time to take a birds eye view and see what you’ve failed to notice being caught up in the depths of it. It may be a situation, relationship, business whatever that is for you, it’s time to get a fresh perspective. It’s in a new perspective that we are able to navigate our way forward with more ease and choose the right paths that are aligned with our purpose, whatever that is for you. So if you feel caught up or trapped in something right now and you can’t get a breath to make rational decisions time to come up for air. Take some time out and take a birds eye view of it all, this will help you get clear and make purposeful decisions. Often where you thought there was drama and chaos there is golden opportunities. A birds eye view will help you decipher which is which. Much love Loretta

16.01.2022 Entry # 162 Don’t read this unless you’re ready to receive the truth. When are you going to get out of your own way and stop believing the sabotaging stories in your head.... Don’t you get tired of your own excuses, theres always some reason for why you can’t or won’t do the thing. Some of these reasons why you can’t do the thing are so elaborate, you are becoming quite the master at sabotage. You are the only one getting in the way of what you want, nothing else is stopping you. You will continue to point the finger of blame until you finally acknowledge that you are the cause and effect. The first step to change is awareness. I’m going to give it to you straight, without a chaser because I’m tired of seeing and hearing your victim mentality when I know you have so much more potential. Just do the things you need to do to get to where you want to go, walk through the fear and step up to the challenge. That is the only way you will get what you want. If you want the magic of the universe to support you, you have to be willing to go for it with unwavering determination, the universe will only believe that. So today, agree that you won’t let your excuses sabotage your future and if you see one sneaking in choose to not buy into it this time. Much love Loretta

15.01.2022 Entry # 216 It’s easy to get sucked into the chaos and drama if you allow it. It’s all around us everyday. ... If you want to stay grounded and centered then you must protect yourself from external circumstances affecting you which means, staying in a balanced non-reactive space. We live in a world filled by drama it’s at every corner so we have a choice. We can engage and buy into it or we can hold our space and remain unaffected by it. We learn early in our lives that external circumstances are responsible for our emotions, that they control us and that’s simply not true. We are responsible for how we feel we hold the power. When understand this and accept it we regain our power, we know we can choose how we react in any given moment. What affects you is simply a choice away, you can be still amoungst the chaos or you can get swallowed by it, the choice is yours. We can choose to disengage from drama, just because it’s there doesn’t mean you have to buy into it, you can simply walk away with grace, hold your space and stay strong within yourself. It takes work and discipline however the rewards are a life of peace. Which will you choose? Peace or chaos and drama? Much love Loretta

15.01.2022 Entry # 164 Expecting that the next course, relationship, business or career to save you is childish thinking. No one and nothing is going to save you, ...Continue reading

15.01.2022 Entry # 218 Experiencing the depth of pain, of suffering can teach us so much more than anything else can. There is a beautiful gift in it.... Someone once told me, if you don’t allow yourself to fully love or to experience all life has to offer because of your fear of being hurt or making a mistake you will never know what it’s like to truly, deeply experience in all its layers. The depth of experience is our best teacher, it shows us all the layers. When we experience the disappointment of being hurt by someone we love, of losing something or someone or making a colossal mistake this gives us a depth of understanding that nothing else can. Pain, loss, mistakes shape us, mould us into who we are meant to become, there is no escaping it unless you want to always play if safe and then you miss the point. This depth of experience builds our character and helps us to understand perspective. Life is for living, for experiencing and for learning. We trip, we fall and we get back up again, from the moment we are learning to walk. Experience is the gift of life, the rich physical and emotional journey. Don’t shy away from the fear of being hurt, step into with full faith that there is a gift on the other side. I never regret any of the pain I’ve experienced because there has always been a wonderful gift come from it as much as it sucked going through it. Much love Loretta

14.01.2022 Entry # 269 The bravest thing you can ever do is stand up for yourself To believe in yourself.... To back yourself 100%. No matter the consequences. Even when forces are against you, even when your scared sh%#less. To forge forward and to courageously speak your truth, to be seen and heard on all levels to your desire. - To not keep quiet - To not been seen and not heard - To not dim your light for the sake of others. To avoid confrontation to keep the peace, to alleviate conflict. Because doing that crushes your soul, gives your power away, and let’s others walk all over you. You can graciously stand tall, speak truth with kindness on your tongue and hold loving boundaries. And yes there will be those that won’t like it, but you have a duty, a duty to hold respect. Respect for your standards For your values For your boundaries. You have an obligation to your own integrity to share your opinion because it matters to you. To speak up when you feel it’s wrong for you, to let yourself been heard on all levels. - No more hiding - No more keeping quiet - No more allowing others to walk all over you. Because you matter Your integrity matters Your self confidence matters There will be those that you are too much for. - To loud - To confident - To weird - To crazy - To outrageous As long as you are enough for you, that’s all that matters. And is okay if your opinion is not accepted, it’s okay if others can’t meet you where your at, you can just choose to walk away. In the end what matters is did you live your life according to your desires or did you live out someone else’s? Much love Loretta

11.01.2022 Entry # 160 YOU’RE SO LUCKY It has nothing to do with luck it’s about making a choice and then lining everything up to match.... It’s all just a process, taking the aligned action and watching it all unfold for you, it’s not about being fortunate or magical, although when you have purpose and focus energy towards that, magic happens. When you align with your truth and then take action from that place everything lines up. Changing your outcome is a matter of deciding to take new action. It’s just a choice then aligned action. Choosing a new path A new identity A new set of actions A new set of values and beliefs Simple choices and actions in each and every moment. Initially changing one behavior for another and adding on and on until you discover you are the person who has all that you wanted and it feels like it naturally progresses into that which it did. It’s not like bam it happens overnight I think most striving for success think that. It’s just saying okay I’m not happy where I am, I’m going to fix that and then doing that. Not saying oh I wish I had that over there, but hey I’m just going to sit here and keep wishing I had that over there and complain how lucky they are over there because I’m not willing to put in the effort to change my life here so I never get to have that over there. And so it’s simply a choice to do or not to do, that’s it. Then that’s where the magic happens, when you step into your truth, take aligned action, let go of the fear of embracing your genius then the universal gravitational pull brings you into that reality. Much love Loretta

11.01.2022 Entry # 169 When someone gives you the truth, thank them. It takes real courage for someone to be honest.... It might sting, make you want to retaliate or make you dislike the other person However... There is such a gift in the truth, whether you like it or not. Painful to receive, life changing to accept and so useful to help us evolve. Most find when faced with the harsh truth will deny, turn away, push against. We do this in relationships, instead of looking within, we reject, push away and ignore, blaming externally for the issue. When we really open up and look at ourselves we have the chance to change, to let of our ego, to become who we are truly meant to be. The truth is love, when someone is unafraid to be honest with you, that is loving. It’s what you do with the truth that matters the most. Link in bio if you’d like some truth serum. Much love Loretta

11.01.2022 Entry # 272 When everything lines up I’ll be happy... The truth is when you’re happy everything lines up.... Nothing rings truer than this statement and something I have learnt myself. Pushing so hard, trying to be the best mum, wife, business woman, friend whatever it is I’m striving for. Reaching for happiness externally and feeling like it is always just out of reach. Striving so hard to the point of exhaustion, fatigue, overwhelm, stress trying to get to The Holy Grail Ultimate Happiness. What I have experienced is that until you find a way to reach happiness within you will never be able to have it all line up externally. It will always be just out of reach. You will always feel like something is missing, unfulfilled, wanting more. Happiness need is the key to all things. When you can finally reach a point of internal happiness you feel: Fulfilled Content Loved Peaceful Abundant Grateful All of these feelings set the vibration to attract more into your life. Once you teach yourself and it is something that you need to learn then you set the foundation for everything to fall beautifully into place. Teaching yourself how to be happy is just like learning anything else, it takes time, practice and patiences. Happiness doesn’t just happen, you need to make it happen for yourself, it’s an inside job. Much love Loretta

10.01.2022 Entry # 161 Do you want to be living a life of regret or a life of adventure, experience and excitement? Our life becomes the sum total of all the decisions we make along the way. Will you look back and be proud of how far you have come or will you be looking back with regret and disappointment for the life that could have been something different, more aligned with what you do want.... Making the change now, doing the things that are difficult now, taking the action now, towards what you want pays massive dividends in the long term. Even if you are just doing one little action each and every day, this will compound over time into big things. Have you ever experienced a circumstance where you wish you took the actions long before you did, or you let things drag out and over time they didn’t change or in fact they got worse, I think we all have at one point or another. This is why you must make a commitment to yourself to give your everything to showing up every f*#king day your absolute best. To take aligned action towards your desired outcome, to adjust, to learn, to grow, to fully drop into everything that you know you can be, because the alternative of just allowing life to happen to you doesn’t get to come into existence anymore. I’m sure you have been down that rabbit hole and it’s time to choose not to let your life just pass you by. Make that choice that this time you’re not going to look back with regret on what might have been and that you’ll look back with pride on your accomplishments. What’s great though is when we realise that we have the power within us to choose any destiny we want and then put into action the steps to get us there we know we can make a difference to our life. So my hope is that this will inspire you to make changes in your life, if there is something you want to do, achieve whatever that looks like for you, it’s not too late to take the action. Our life becomes the sum of all our decisions we make along the path of our life. Much love Loretta

10.01.2022 Entry # 155 If you feel out of your depth, keep going. Your fear only serves to hold you back from the very thing that you need to walk through to get you to where you want to go. ... No growth comes from being in your comfort zone, you must stretch yourself beyond your limits continually. If you buy into the story that comfortable is how you should feel then no growth will happen for you from that space. In my experience it’s those times where you feel really out of your depth, extremely uncomfortable and stretched beyond what you think you are capable of is where the magic happens. So today you have two choices: 1. Retreat to safety and buy into your own BS of why you should stay in your comfort zone. 2. Go out there and face your fears head on, challenge yourself and be prepared to get mud on your face. The answer lies in which one will your future self thank you for. Go out there and be your best self today, use your last best effort as your bench mark and see what new things you can discover today about your potentiality. Much love Loretta

10.01.2022 Entry # 152 There are always two ways we can look at things as a problem or as an opportunity to find a solution. To see the opportunities to work with the situations that face us, to grow to learn to operate in a different way.... To adapt to the changes we are facing instead of panicking and making irrational decisions. To focus on your internal state and find the calm in the chaos. We can let fear cripple us or we can look for the solution in every problem we face right now. Without coming from the reactive mind we can learn to go within, sit and be with our emotions, move though them and then come from a place of calm and practicality. How can we work with the root cause so that we can create something great instead of allowing our emotions to dictate the course of our lives. How can we learn mastery over our emotions so our triggers don’t keep sabotaging our results? What can we learn from our previous patterns and experiences to change our future. The moment we start buying into our fear is the moment we become reactive and as a result make poor decisions. Good decisions come from clarity, clarity comes from being grounded and centered. Take a breath and allow your system to calm, allow the storm to be outside you whilst you remain solid. Much love Loretta

09.01.2022 Entry # 167 If something is not aligned you will feel an overwhelming sense of disjointedness. You will feel it in every bone in your body, and the force will be so strong it will be almost unbearable. ... Your system is conscious, it knows when something is not right for you and where you want to go. You need to listen to what it is trying to say to you. The more you ignore it, the worse it gets until you reach a breaking point. You must listen, your intelligence is deep, beyond the physical, you know deep within. The more your listen to the messages the more you become aligned with what is meant for you. You thrive, you feel energized. The more you turn away from that wisdom, the more tired, lethargic and trapped you feel. Listen, follow the messages from within and without to live your best life. Step through the fear of it not making sense on the outside and go within to feel the wisdom of the truth. Observe, be aware of the intimate guidance, you know, it’s time you trusted that. The more you trust that infinite wisdom the stronger you become and the more aligned life is for you. Much love Loretta

08.01.2022 Entry # 271 The fire within you rages with passion for what your life can be like, you’re stuck in dreamland day after day hoping for a better future. Playing like a child in an imaginary world, hoping that some magical force will come and save you.... There is an element of universal energy that will serve your greatest good, it is your job to follow the cues, the subtle signs, take the aligned action, learn to lean into that voice inside of you that says to take action now. If you are unwilling to follow that inner guidance, the universe will not support your desires, because in order for it to be energetically delivered to you, you have to be onboard that ship 110%. To be willing to burn those bridges To say the unspeakable To take the terrifying action To live in full alignment with who you are at your core Until you are willing to sacrifice your fear for what you desire the universe will not heal to your command. Because it doesn’t believe you are all in, because you aren’t all in, you just think you are. But that voice inside of you knows the truth, you know the damn truth of the matter, that you absolutely are scared of taking the next step, to living your truth. So tell me, why should the universe give you what you’re asking for if you will not lean in, if you are only playing with one foot in and one foot out? Would you give someone something to support them if you didn’t believe they would use it wisely, hell no. If you knew they would trow it away, without a second glance, to take it for granted, to be unappreciative of the gift, you wouldn’t give it. That is how the magic of the universe works, that is how you get into alignment and how everything seemingly like magic gravitates to you. How you can quantum leap. Thought backing yourself and being 100% believable to yourself and the universe. That is where your energy needs to be my friend, not second guessing, not looking over here and over there, laser focus and aligned action. And why you will never get what you want? Because you won’t be honest with yourself about what it is you want, you won’t be consistent and you won’t take the action. Don’t be that person, be the person who 100% is in alignment with herself and the universal energy. Much Love Loretta

07.01.2022 Entry # 165 Many people say they have integrity, priding themselves on it, many businesses have it as per of their fundamental value statements. But what really is integrity and do those that say they have it really live by that? ... Integrity comes on two forms integrity to yourself and to others. It simply means to do what you say you will, being honest, following through and having good morals. Here is the dilemma you see, morals are formed by the individual or the business and often are only shared by them. These moral encompass standards and values one holds for themselves or their businesses. See not everyone will share these same standards and values and what’s more, integrity can fluctuate depending on a given circumstance or ones perception at the time (people and business continue to evolve). I’ve come across many people and businesses who say one thing and do another in fact it’s so very common, look around and try it for yourself. I think the fundamental thing here is when starting any new relationship to get clear on your standards, values and what it means to hold integrity for both you and them, because it is different for everyone and this is where problems arise. Much love Loretta

07.01.2022 Entry # 273 Be patient beauty everything is coming to you but first you must become everything you know you can be, everything you have the potential to become. You need to fully drop into yourself acceptance, self believe and self love before everything can be delivered to you, you must be ready to receive it.... Everything you have experienced and are experiencing is readying you for it, all the trials, all the heartache is showing you the path back to self love. Showing you to trust in yourself and to know what you want 100%, it had to be this way, you had to be shown to learn what it is that you do want for your life, to find out what you don’t want. You were shown so you can be crystal clear, it’s painful and it seems unfair however you would have never learned any other way than through the experiencing and the knowing for yourself. As you move through your struggles, through the adversity you move more into enlightenment because of that. You are learning and you are slowly coming home to yourself, trust that you have the divine guidance supporting you along your path. You are getting stronger, hold on, what is coming for you is beyond your wildest expectations should you have the courage to follow your divine guidance, the messages that come through for you to take the leap of faith, to take the terrifying action. You are protected and loved on your path so step forward knowing that the universe is the next that will catch you. Follow the messages deliver to you through your intuition. You know what is for you and what is not, you just have to be honest with yourself and step through the fear. Everything has been lined up to support you in following this divine guidance. If you debate off the path you will be shown the way back and sometimes this will be painful but it’s the only way to get you back on course. This is only one sure path and that is the path of divine guidance, have the courage to follow it. Much Love Loretta

07.01.2022 Entry # 166 It doesn’t have to be difficult, life is for us. Might be time to check in with yourself and ask, am I making things harder than they need to be? Go deep within and ask am I making it bigger, harder, more difficult?... What is the truth? Could it be that things could be much simpler? Or is that something you can’t possibly imagine could happen? We create so much grief and pain for ourselves through complicating things, making things harder for ourselves, it really can be just plain and simple. Is it that your ego might be getting in the road? Is it that you need to show your value? Is it that you need to stamp your authority? Is it that you just love the drama or it all? Or Is it that you resist because it seems hard initially (what’s good for us long term is usually hard in the short term). Many can’t fathom that life can be really simple, and beautifully amazing, it’s just a choice. How many times have you pro-longed something (put it off) because it’s too hard only for it to end up blowing up making it far worse? What about the need to be right? Have the win to get the upper hand? Or push to make a point, is that ego taking over? What about creating drama when there really doesn’t need to be any? This practice creates so much more resistance than if you just let things go and allow things to just flow. Friction causes problems, flow is the solution. There is no shame in stepping down, in allowing love to be your guide. What is for the greater good of all, not what is better for right now, or what makes you feel good right now. You may actually find that letting go or making decisions from a place of love, for the grater good actually gifts to you longer term: Peace Happiness Fulfillment Ease Flow All the good things. You know how the saying goes, what we resist persists. What flows goes. So let go of resistance, release to the flow, make the decision from a place of love, for the greater good. Let go of ego. Allow yourself to be vulnerable. You don’t always need to be right. Sometimes you need to make the hard decisions now for the long term rewards. Much love Loretta

06.01.2022 Entry # 151 Everything you seek is on the other side of the fear you walk through. Learn to embrace your love and light consistently in life and you will receive the abundance you want.... Love is the only way. You can’t preach abundance if you see or live in fear, learning to harness the power of love will ensure that you share the right message. Share and embrace love, fear is limiting, Love is expansive. All good things follow love and all the dark drops away. Those that are stuck in the dark will be repelled by your light, it is their choice to follow the path of love and light, you can lead and demonstrate however you cannot force it upon those who are not ready. Show the way of love and light my dear and you will receive your hearts desires. Follow the way of love, of source for the path has been laid before you. The path of love is the path of least resistance. Hand your life over to love to lead the way to peace, love ad light. Love is the way through your darkness. Love provides solutions, fear causes problems. Much love Loretta

05.01.2022 Entry # 270 Why choose conflict? What is the actual point? ... An endless battle between two people who just want to gain power? For what purpose? Harboring all that resentment and hatred for another. Holding onto that grudge, that anger, for what purpose does it serve? You’re only hurting yourself. Even if you’re looking to make things fair or seek retribution or whatever is your driver it’s still an attempt to transfer power. All your power resides within you, taking action against another, unresolved conflict, holding a grudge or giving someone the silent treatment is only damaging you more. Your attempt to gain power is a poor strategy, because nothing and no one has power over you until you let it. You are letting your conflict, your unresolved disputes, your grudge hold that power over you until you let go. Let go of the attachment, the need to win or be right or find some way to get even or make the other person pay. You are the only one you are hurting by doing this, you are prolonging the agony. You are hurting you and no one else. The healthiest thing you can do for your well-being is to let go and forgive. There will be a release, a lightness to your heart, a weight lifted from your shoulders. Because we aren’t designed to harbor these negative feelings to hold attachments to retribution for wrong doings, we are designed to release, live lightly and forgive. To flow through life with no attachments, just a thirst for seeking experience and loving purely. Imagine if you could do that? While you hold onto trying to gain power from another to try to right wrongs you remain in victim consciousness, you will never be free while you remain there and no amount of retribution will do that for you until you let go of its power over you. Much love Loretta

05.01.2022 Entry # 157 There is a fine line between staying strong and feeling like your loosing yourself. It’s simply a decision between two trains of thought and which one your going to let run the show. ... Which of the voices will you let consume you, take you over and send you down the rabbit hole. It really is that simple, you can do all the things, courses, healing work, the whole thing however in my experience until you address the voices in your head and decide which one is boss you’ve lost yourself. It takes inner strength, self mastery to choose positivity over negativity, sabotaging over loving thoughts. Our thoughts equal our emotions so if we think supportive, loving thoughts we will feel this way too. Will you let yourself fall deeper and deeper into despair, spiraling out of control or will you decide to choose self love. Today make a decision to choose love for yourself, choose strength, support and nurture yourself not drag yourself down. Listen to the voice in your head that supports you, that lifts you up and throw the negativity to the curb. Much love Loretta

04.01.2022 Entry # 168 To love yourself completely you must embrace your light and make peace with your dark. Denying what you have inside of you, repressing it will only create more incongruence and dim your light.... We all have light and dark within us, whilst we embrace our light we must also acknowledge the aspects of ourselves that we don’t like, that we wish we didn’t have, that we are not proud of and look at them from a place of love, of understanding, of kindness and grace. What was your conditioning? What was the situation? What were the influences? Did you do your best at the time with what you had to work with? How did it serve you at the time? All these questions are valid when addressing your darkness. You might not have known any better at the time or understood what you know now. It’s not condoning it, just understanding it so you can forgive. Acceptance is the first stage in allowing yourself to love you and all of you, your dark and your light. You must accept every part of you that was, that is and that will be into the future in order to fully love yourself. You cannot love completely nor can anyone completely love you unless you love all of yourself, fully, all in, darkness and light. Then forgive yourself for not knowing, for not understanding fully, for making mistakes, for poor choices, for it all because... None of us are perfect, yet we are all perfectly imperfect and we are all worthy of our own love, in its completeness. Until we can love ourselves, we cannot be free to allow the world to love us, nor can we love the world. Your beauty is in your darkness and in your light. Much love Loretta

02.01.2022 Entry # 163 Do you know why you can never seem to reach the levels of success you want? Always seeming to get only so far. I know what it’s like to reach for a goal and time after time something happens seemingly out of your control to stop you from achieving it, causing that all too familiar feeling of frustration and defeat.... We all have these programs running in the background that can either benefit us or sabotage us, we don’t know how to get to these programs, like Trojan viruses hidden in our subconscious. Most of these patterns set up in our early years, passed down through our genes, trapped in our system destroying all the good we do, hurting us, stunting our growth. So how do we identify these sabotaging patterns and furthermore how do we reprogram them so that we can live more fulfilling lives and accomplish our goals? With someone that can facilitate a safe space for you to discover your patterns and help you tap into belief systems that sabotage you and assist you to re-imprint new positive beliefs. If you feel stuck and you don’t know why or you keep repeating the same things over and over or you just can’t seem to progress, I can help you clear your blocks to success and free you from what holds you back. Pm me if you want to work together, finally set yourself free from the painful patterns that keep holding you back from reaching the success you want. Much love Loretta

02.01.2022 Entry # 217 It’s coming.... Everything you’ve ever asked for is on its way.... I know your tired of doing all the things, of the waiting. You’ve got to let go and trust and get on with things. You can’t continue to hold yourself in suspense or keep doubting, this will push what you want further away. You can’t keep digging up a seed to check that it’s growing. You must hold the faith, the undeniable inner knowing that you will receive what you’ve ordered. Place your order and then just carry on. The trick to getting what you want is to trust, to know that what you’ve asked for is coming in perfect timing and then let go of the need to check or need it, that is what will push it away. The game of manifestation is to place your order and expect it will be received without any doubt. The universe supports us all, desire, order then let go of the outcome and carry on as usual. Don’t let waiting and neediness ruin the present and push away what you desire. Trust and let go and be open to receiving it in totally unexpected ways. The universe works in mysterious ways. Much love Loretta

01.01.2022 Entry # 149 It’s okay to have it all, to live in complete and total bliss and happiness without feeling guilty. It is perfectly okay to have everything you’ve ever wanted without feeling like you don’t deserve it or that it is only temporary.... You don’t have to feel bad because you have it all or feel like it will be taken away from you or feel like your undeserving. You absolutely can have it all, you are worthy, you are deserving and it is sustainable. It’s all a matter of perspective, you can either see the world as abundant, that you can feel and overwhelming sense of happiness, love, peace and prosperity all of the time or you can live in worry, in limitation, in disbelief. You don’t have to choose, you can have that and that and that. You don’t have to feel bad because you have it, you worked on getting yourself there, enjoy it, maintain that state. Have you ever been in that total high vibe state and then all of a sudden questioned how long will this last???? STOP IT... Happiness and abundance doesn’t have to be a temporary destination, it’s designed to be your lifelong home. We were created for happiness and abundance, we were taught lack and fear. Come back to the state in which you were created to be and stay where you belong. Much love Loretta

01.01.2022 HEAL YOUR HEART ONLINE EVENT Holding our first ever Heal Your Heart online event. This is for you if you have recently experienced a separation, divorce or significant life event that has you feeling loss, betrayal, grief and those intense emotions that can be crippling.... We will be starting with a sharing circle, journaling activity, emotional freedom technique and closing with a matrix mediation. I am committed to helping women heal their hearts and clear their blocks to love, come and join us at our next online event. If this sounds like something that would support you right now in your journey we look forward to seeing you there. Limited places available. Much love Loretta

01.01.2022 Entry # 154 Is focus and attention the new currency?? With technology and our fast paced world we are hyper active.... With access to social media and an array of information available online at our fingertips we are overloaded with information, often researched without any real depth. Today people struggle because they have access to too much information and too many choices. People overwhelm themselves with wanting to know everything about everything. Answering questions in real time by a quick search. Reading up on an subject of interest makes one an overnight expert. FOMO - Fear of missing out. Wanting to be the best. Wanting to show we are knowledgeable. To validate our worth in society, to ourselves. Through trying to be all things we in fact spread ourselves too thin. The real skill is to Focus on a specific topic or skill. Master that. Become the expert in just that. The new currency is focus and attention. Not only from a mastery point of view but also from a direct communication standpoint. How do we achieve this. Pick a topic, remove the rest and master that. Be present, engage and pay attention to what’s going on around you. Really be in each moment, be WITH the person your with, enjoy the depth of real life connection. Have a life of substance not a life of skimming, barely there and disconnectedness. This is the key to removing overwhelm, stopping you from going around in circles and confusing yourself. Remove yourself from the Vortex of confusion by: Paying attention Having depth to your work Give total focus to each moment Mastery of a craft Learn the skill of focus, attention and the patience of mastering a craft and this will pay dividends far beyond your expectations. Much love Loretta

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