i.am.sarah.d_ | Public figure
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25.01.2022 Friday feature with @sheridan.desbrow looking like a total boss in the double tabbed hoop from last terms fun week And this terms fun week is not too far away!
23.01.2022 Around the studio I often hear the struggle of remembering moves/combos/poses etc . And then receive a comment of how do I remember everything!? . And the truth is I don’t, and this video is proof of that, I went blank on which side I needed to go all because I chose a couple of different entries from what I’d normally do, as I’m trying to spice my training up ... . I have been doing this for long enough now that a good chunk is stored in the memory bank, however there are still times when I’ll draw a blank . Because there is no such thing as always being perfect, in fact there is no such thing as perfect if you think there is then you will never be satisfied or happy . So ask yourself what kind of learner and retainer are you? And how often do you practice to help retain what you are learning? . I’m a visual learner and retainer, if I cannot see it physically or mentally then I’ve got no hope . Some things I only need to practice a couple of times while other things can take multiple . The part where I’m just hanging is me literally figuring out which side I need to go, by running through the move mentally before I execute the move . And I’m probably going to have to do this a bunch more times before it finally sticks . And that’s okay . Creation isn’t from always knowing, creation also comes from the unknown, however having a solid enough foundation to know you will be okay whichever way you go See more
22.01.2022 Have you ever taken a scoop full of water in your hands and tried to keep it there, however you just watch the water drip out? . It’s impossible! . That is like motivation! No matter how hard you squeeze or how hard you try you will not be able to keep your motivational cup full all the time... . And when that motivational cup is half full, a quarter full or even empty you need to come up with strategies and tactics and habits to keep you going no matter what . So ask yourself what advice do you give to your best friend, family member, work colleague etc when they say they cannot do something or they are unmotivated to do something . Really think about this one because more often then not the advice and help we give so easily to others we struggle to give to ourselves!! . You’re not always going to be motivated, you cannot rely on motivation alone, it’s impossible . And you have to understand this from the very beginning because if you expect to always be motivated then you will not follow through . Because as soon as you’re not motivated, you’re going to find a justification and an excuse not to follow through most of the time . So, You are just gonna have to do it! Even and especially when you don’t want to.. . If you need some help with this DM me See more
22.01.2022 All the giggles.... . Isn’t it fascinating how the brain suddenly forgets which part of the body is what once you go upside down . However don’t worry, it eventually catches up
22.01.2022 Does anyone else revisit combos that were once second nature, only to find its become somewhat foreign . This happens quite regularly for me . I won’t revisit a combo or sequence for 6 to even 12 months depending on what else I’m working on, and then decide to whip it out again only to find I’m learning how it feels and how to move through it all over again... . The perks of how I choose to train haha . How do you choose to train? See more
21.01.2022 Do you still train whilst down with the sickness? . I must admit, once upon a time, depending on what the sickness was I would still train and instruct regardless because #fitlife #movementismymeditation . However with the current global pandemic home is where I’ve stayed with my common cold... . The doctors appointment was via phone, the gym was a straight out go home and rest and my chiro rescheduled my appointment . All of these things and more now done so different . Isn’t it amazing what a global pandemic does . Because if I wasn’t so stressed recently, I wouldn’t have gotten sick at all this winter . And as much as not moving my body is driving me slightly insane, it has been kinda nice doing the bare minimum of existing . What’s a positive you have found out of rona? See more
21.01.2022 #flashbackfriday Oh the difference 12 months can make! And it’s that time of year again! . Anyways, I am super excited to be heading to Albury next weekend to support 2 of my very own students performing for the in-house physipole comp Ignite for the very first time!!!
19.01.2022 Creating at its finest! How do you create? . We have not come across a move like this, maybe it’s been done before, maybe it hasn’t, either way it was an accidental discovery from doing something else! . Our creating is a mix of does this look okay, point your toes, arch your back, smiles, maybe do this, maybe try this, shenanigans and laughter with a little bit of disappointment sometimes ... . And they say laughter is the best medicine to which I agree! . If you enjoy what you are doing then you are more likely to stick with it which will then turn into habit . And habit can then turn into addiction! . Exercise is one of them things that if you aren’t enjoying what you are doing, it’s going to become pretty monotonous which can ruin the motivation to begin with . I train myself predominantly on my own because it’s an addiction . However days like this day I really enjoy! It feels great being able to jam and create with others . And because we go through the highs and lows of creating together it builds the best relationships with people! . There are people in my life that I have met through this process and they are such amazing friends that I couldn’t imagine my life without them! . Super grateful for all of you wonderful human beings See more
18.01.2022 Psychology researchers found that it takes anywhere between 18 to 254 days for a new habit to become second nature The more hard work the habit was, the longer it can take to develop the habit So the key to adopting a new behaviour is to keep at it and not to feel disheartened if you still have to force yourself with your new habit... Making a habit is not easy our brains are hardwired to take shortcuts and to do what comes naturally to us so while you are telling yourself you want to create new habits, your brain is busy working out how it can revert to your old ways It’s important to remember why you made the pledge in the first place so that when, for example, your sub-conscious tells you to skip that workout because you couldn’t be bothered, you can pause, and bypass that urge and go for that workout instead Don’t lose heart if you fall off the wagon. Missing a day of your habit-forming behaviour does not have a significant effect on the formation of the habit Better to pick back up where you left off than to throw it all in thinking you’ve failed So, if you’re setting a new year’s resolution or just trying to be a better you, go you, you got this
18.01.2022 Unfortunately I do not have a photo from when I was 90kgs because let’s be honest, I didn’t want anyone taking my photo! Including me!! . However it is in my medical records, so anytime I do manage to see a doctor which isn’t often these days I always get the wow you were 90kgs!! . The only photo I could find was from when I was around 82kgs because it was around when I started to feel somewhat comfortable enough to actually track my progress... . And the reason behind my fat loss journey was because after a certain health checkup I was informed that if I didn’t get my shit together, I’d be on track to have a heart attack by my early 30’s . I have hypothyroidism which is almost nonexistent now . I had a bad cholesterol reading of 11.2mmol at my worst, I technically shouldn’t have even been alive apparently explains why my depression got so bad, however I now have a reading of 4.2mmol . My skin was always gross . The pressure on my heart from the amount of pericardial fat . Chronic depression and anxiety which is now GONE!!! . Lower back problems galore . And Kidney, spleen, stomach, intestine etc issues all the time from the amount of visceral fat! . I am not down for fat shaming, hell I had been bullied about my weight.... However given that I have been a bigger girl before, all the health issues just weren’t worth it for me anymore! . So I started my journey to a fitter and much healthier new me! . And honestly I couldn’t have done it properly without working on the health of my mind as well . Do not be ashamed of wanting to better yourself in both body and mind . We are so open to fitness plans for our bodies, well how about we start making mental health plans just as normal as fitness plans because both body and mind go hand in hand See more
15.01.2022 if there was a shortcut to getting the body, strength and flexibility you want everyone would be doing it Everyone would be able to handstand, straight leg invert, do pull-ups, a needle scale etc Life just isn’t made that way, the things we want from our bodies, and even our minds do not come from shortcuts... They come from putting in the work, big and small They come from not listening and giving in to your excuses as to why you can’t, and finding the why you can They come from the resistance to quit, especially on bad days The more we work on the things we want the easier they get, the better you get! Comment what you are getting better at below, I’d love to hear your story
13.01.2022 so true! I do not like ruining someone’s video because I know how it feels when it happens to me! . Especially when you are really working on something and not just faffing about haha . More often then not I like to wait until my students are finished doing what they are doing and then I’ll do a quick video bomb
13.01.2022 Did you know that there can be quite the difference between 2 flyers, even though they can be the exact same weight and height And a good part of it comes down to muscle engagement A flyer who is competent in muscle engagement is an active weight that works with the base, making the bases job easier... I quite like the saying light as a feather stiff as a board However a flyer who lacks muscle engagement is a passive weight that works against your base, which has the base working twice as hard because it's almost a dead weight they are having to carry How do I know this you ask? Well I used to be a base quite regularly and I literally had 2 flyers that were very similar in size One I could throw around all day! While the other I needed breaks And it literally came down to the difference in how they held themselves Plus, Rohan here who is quite experienced at basing used to fly a lady that weighed in her 40’s, however I am weighing in the 60’s and he explained to me that I’m a light 60’s So although I still feel kind of semi new to the flying side of doubles work, it’s nice to know I am active in how I hold myself and aiding Rohan and not dragging him down If you would like to know more comment below or send me a DM
12.01.2022 Alright who’s dad has gotten into the circus world?
11.01.2022 If only all aerial fails could end like this and what a boss for continuing on!
08.01.2022 Cross-training is both a challenge and exciting!! . Cross-training is the best thing I ever started doing. . It not only helps with my overall strength and performance, it also helps with my balance, form, stamina, hitting those smaller and harder to reach however important muscles, any injury I manage to give myself these days and my overall flexibility as well... . Between aerials, the gym, dance and starting Pilates this year I have never felt more comfortable with my body and it’s capabilities . And I’m finding that I’m getting a little addicted to see what more I can do, how far I can go . Definitely all about that functional fitness life, I love being able to do cool shit with my body See more
05.01.2022 Do you know your limits? . Knowing your limits is crucial for avoiding serious and even mild injuries that could bite you in the bum later on . I used to not really care about knowing my limits, however after 1 accident, 2 decent injuries and 1 minor injury later I knew it was time to take my body seriously!... . For example; Saturday the feels were tired and weak due to mental stresses . I have not been this mentally stressed in a good few years!! . So the doubles session didn’t go as it normally would . Silks wasn’t too bad although still somewhat a struggle . Attempted a few handstands, however just couldn’t hold it . So it was like let’s give a forearm stand a go even though the feels of confidence for them were not there as they are the nemesis stand! . So I gave myself one chance and if it didn’t feel good I was out... Then nek minit I’m up! This is the longest straight hold I have ever done! . Granted it could have done with a bit more pelvic tucking however what a win! A small win, but a small win is still a win . However it turns out I should have probably just rested instead of trained as I am now sick . Succeeded at protecting the muscles, tissues and bones, yet missed the immune system . My body was trying to tell me to take some time out from everything and I didn’t listen . So now it’s forced me to take some time out, which in one sense I am bummed about because fitness is such an important aspect of life! . However I am also enjoying literally doing the bare minimum at the moment, taking some time out for my mental health and re-evaluating my life See more
04.01.2022 Check out Charlie just casually hanging out Charlie is one of my intermediate/advanced Aerial Silks students And although he normally doesn’t even touch a hoop... I took a moment of opportunity to snap a rare photo!! Who else is a little anti-hoop?
04.01.2022 As an instructor I often hear things like I suck at this I’m not good enough I’m not strong enough This is too hard... I can’t do this The list goes on and on.... And it breaks my heart because I know exactly how it feels to be in that position! . So I like to remind my students of where they started, because I remember exactly where they all started . Some days they have big wins and other days they have little wins . Either way, more often then not, the big wins are actually created by all the accumulating little wins! . So if you ever find yourself struggling with something, if I’m not there to boost you up to help remind you of how far you have actually come, of how much you are a total boss . Then all I ask is for you to take only a moment to yourself, when you are feeling like you are sucking, and think about where you first started . Think about what used to be hard that is now like second nature . Think about what used to hurt that is now a walk in the park . Think about how you couldn’t even touch your toes and now you can! . Because I promise you, the thing that feels like it’s shit now, will end up just like all your other wins, with slow progress comes great result See more
02.01.2022 The fun and more often funny reality of doubles Acro trying to find that pose!!!! . I feel and see it from one view, Rhiannon feels and sees it from another, and then Charlie feels and sees it from a completely different view all together ... . However, the person watching/spotting is more often more accurate then us! . We do have a mirror, however certain moves can still be a mad mish to see and feel where we are at! . Either way I am really loving this journey of doubles with my feet on the ground, somewhat on the ground haha . And honestly could not have ended up with a better partner to be experimenting with! . @mrspilatescanberra not only has the knowledge and expertise, she is also an amazing human being . I am so grateful that our lives crossed paths and eventually came together for wicked poses and shenanigans See more
02.01.2022 Without dreams and goals there is no living, only merely existing, and that is not why we are here! If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy and inspires your hopes And if the plan doesn’t work, then change the plan, don’t change the goal... Because arriving at one goal is the starting point for another Be positive, patient and persistent with the process of each goal you set What goals will you be setting for yourself?
02.01.2022 Do you ever run through a routine that much that by the time you start to actually like it you’re beginning to fatigue? . That was this day, especially my pullovers, they were really starting to become a struggling mess . However that is the joys of routine run throughs ... . And granted, the next session will probably be even better then this one . However I wanted to get it spot on in 1 session . Because sometimes I do and other times I most certainly do not See more
01.01.2022 Are you comfortable? Great, now go get uncomfortable! . Everything that you have achieved in your life has been because at some point you have stepped out of your comfort zone and got things done! . This can be in both body and mind, and can often go hand in hand especially when in the Aerial/fitness world... . If you ever find yourself feeling so uncomfortable that you want to give up, take a moment to think about how far you have already come . Take a moment to think about a previous situation that had you feeling so uncomfortable, however you chose to push through . Take a moment to think about why you started in the first place and how amazing the end goal will feel should you choose to push through that uncomfortable feeling . 2 of my students on the weekend placed 1st and 2nd for an aerial competition, amazing right!!!! . However, around 2-3 weeks ago both of these ladies were considering pulling out . Things like the risk of COVID, travelling to a different state/studio and not being surrounded by the people you know and love had these ladies feeling all sorts of uncomfortable . Thankfully they both decided to still perform even after all the things that had them feeling so uncomfortable and so anxious . And look at the end result . This is non aerial/fitness related, however I am feeling super uncomfortable today as after an almost 10 year career in the aviation industry, I decided to resign to peruse a different industry while I’m still young, fit and healthy enough to experience all that life has to offer . The possibilities are endless! . So how comfortable are you feeling today? . And if you need some help, DM me today See more