Veronica Bennett in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Medical and health
Veronica Bennett
Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 411 953 918
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20.01.2022 No matter how hard your situation is at the moment... It will change. You may be struggling financially. You may be struggling with health.... You may be struggling emotionally, either missing a relationship or your relationship is falling apart. You may be wanting to have a baby and it's not happening You may just need a miracle. No matter what you are going through, find the blessings that you have in front of you and know this is a season. Don't give up but instead lean into your desires. One moment you may be suffering and the next you may have everything you desire. It's what you do at this moment, that determines your next. Take a chance, believe in yourself, back yourself, and go after whatever you desire. Spend time with your kids. Spend time laughing. Spend time in nature. Spend time working on your health. Spend time helping other people and seeking nothing in return. Spend time making your dreams and desires come true. Just spend time, before it's too late and you're living with regret that you didn't take a chance. Much love from my heart to yours. AND don't forget to have a dance and shake what your Mumma gave you x God's got your back and loves you unconditionally, no matter what you are going through. Thank you to every person who read this and commented, I appreciate you. #therelationshipqueen #veronicabennett #relationshipcoach #faith #christian #women #love #nlp #coach #friendship #courage #growth #mindset #life #motivation #inspiration #thoughts #wisdom #coachlife
20.01.2022 IT'S TOO GOOD NOT TO SHARE WITH EVERYONE!!! 10 CARDINAL RULES OF LOVE. SINGLE OR COUPLED THIS APPLIES TO YOU... 1) Never question the intent or the identity of the person with whom you’re in a relationship with or the nature of the relationship itself. Just because you’ve experienced a problem today doesn’t mean the relationship itself is a problem.... 2) Don’t correct your spouse. Instead, interrupt the pattern in a fun and effective way. 3) Don’t get stuck in a repetitious pattern. If things aren’t working, change your approach your perception, actions, responsibility frame, etc. 4) Never threaten the relationship. 5) Commit to CANI: constant and never-ending improvement in your relationships. It’s the key to fulfillment. 6) Each day, take pride in your consistent ability to notice, appreciate, and compliment all of the great, wonderful, fantastic, awesome, exciting, and unique aspects of your partner. 7) Never compare your relationship to that of others a sure formula for disaster. 8) Remember that all upsets with another person are rules upsets. Decide to value your relationship over the rules. Create a fun pattern interrupt that you and your partner can use in order to change states easily. 9) Reinforce your sense of connection through positive anchors such as family rituals or annual traditions. 10) Decide that it’s more important to be in love than to be right Light and Love! And thank God it's #Friday! #therelationshipqueen #veronicabennett #relationshipcoach #Intimacy #energy #SelfAwareness #Linguistic #acceptance #faith #spreadpositivity #positivity #love #nlp #coach #courage #growth #mindset #life #tgif
18.01.2022 The secret of making dreams come true can be summarised in four C’s. They are: #Curiosity... #Confidence #Courage #Constancy ...and the greatest of these is Confidence! Not to mention energy. We are energetic being attracted to each other frequency... Find your frequency and unlock your destiny. Much love darling, #youvegotthis x #therelationshipqueen #veronicabennett #relationshipcoach #faith #christian #women #love #nlp #coach #friendship #courage #growth #mindset #life #motivation #inspiration #thoughts #wisdom #coachlife
18.01.2022 'In some way or another love changes us each and every time. It makes us who we are in the present. Our experiences and trials of love and lost love are what make us unique individuals. It can bring us to some very dark places in our lives, but it can also lead us onto an even better path. When I’ve fallen in love, it’s always been this overwhelming feeling of bliss and freedom. The feeling of freedom is in the person I am and in my potential in life. When love does change yo...u because it can and it will, choose the right path and realize that the good path is the right kind of love. Embrace it at full speed ahead and always remember who you are on the way there. Never let love define you, instead let it shine through you.' #life #lifequotes #motivation #motivationalquotes #inspiration #inspirationalquotes #thoughts #wisdom #quoteoftheday #dailyquotes #coachlife #therelationshipqueen #veronicabennett #relationshipcoach #faith #christian #women #love #nlp #coach #friendship #courage #growth #mindset
17.01.2022 THE LAST TIME I SAW MY FRIENDS... 8 WEEKS, I AM TAKING YOU WITH ME ONE ON ONE. Last night I realised I have not seen two or more friends since Jan 2020.... The last event was a church event 218 days ago if I am not mistaken. Long time hey... I saw two of my best friends in May for a playdate and then nothing since. But, I thank god I went to the Tony Event last week and I am now in the process of organising the next months, planning ahead connecting with friends, writing programs and so much more. I HAVE FELT THE FOLLOWING EMOTIONS.... I felt lonely. I felt trapped. I felt hurt. I have cried. I have missed my friends, going to the beach, dinners, dancing and just hanging out. I HAVE ALSO FELT... I have felt empowered I have allowed this time to heal from my separation, as damaged people, hurt others. I levelled up to the best version of me. I have gone inward to the dark places to find the blessings. I gave up drinking, drugs and abusing my body. I have fallen in love with all parts of me. I have used this time to create and write. I have the network and been involved in some of the best masterminds work with the best leaders online. I have worked with clients to get out of there funk and grown my business. I have cultivated this beautiful relationship with my creator and made new friends at church. So, I am launching today... 2 8-week programs one for couples and one for mindset. I am taking 10 applicants and I am offering these program at 60% off due to COVID. Times between 7-9pm Monday to Friday (AEST) I want to help as many people as possible. I know there are people financially suffering at the moment. I know there are couples who are fighting. I know there are couples who have stopped having sex. Stopped talking to one another. Considering separating. I know there are people who are considering committing suicide Feeling lonely Have lost their mojo. Feeling overwhelmed IN MY OPINION.... Use this time over the next 2 months and become the best version of yourself. It's never too late to change your life and in one moment, your life can change.... Trust me on that one. See you tonight at 8pm AEST for a live with me. Light and love from me, have a blessed day and if you want to jump on a call, send me a message.
17.01.2022 Treat others how you want to be treated. That is the mantra for today. Everyone is doing the best that they can we the resources they have. ... #therelationshipqueen #veronicabennett #relationshipcoach #Intimacy #energy #SelfAwareness #Linguistic #acceptance #faith #spreadpositivity #positivity #love #nlp #coach #courage #growth #mindset #life #Wednesday
15.01.2022 HAPPY THURSDAY EVERYONE!!! Whatever is happening in your life in this moment, is not permanent. You can change any situation once you find the right resources, strategies, beliefs, values and attitudes. ... Don’t stay stuck: get resourceful! Enjoy Positivity! Spread it! #therelationshipqueen #veronicabennett #relationshipcoach #Intimacy #energy #SelfAwareness #Linguistic #acceptance #faith #spreadpositivity #positivity #love #nlp #coach #courage #growth #mindset #life #Thursday
14.01.2022 Do we choose whom to love? Or is it love that chooses us? Can we teach our hearts to love? ... Or must we let ourselves be taught? If there is one thing that I am certain about, love is both a feeling and a decision. What happens next is always up to you. Love awakens something in you, something beautiful and beyond the power of words to ever tell. But you must decide to keep that beauty from fading away. You must work hard for it every day. Love is not a mere feeling that keeps your head above the clouds. True love plants your feet firmly into the ground. It is a seed that we should nurture until it becomes a sturdy tree to lean on to and to shelter us from life’s fiercest storms. #therelationshipqueen #veronicabennett #relationshipcoach #faith #christian #women #love #nlp #coach #friendship #courage #growth #mindset #life #lifequotes #motivation #motivationalquotes #inspiration #inspirationalquotes #thoughts #wisdom #quoteoftheday #dailyquotes #coachlife
13.01.2022 It’s your time now.
13.01.2022 IF YOU ARE LACKING INSPIRATION. HERE ARE 50 TEXT MESSAGES TO SEND TO YOUR BETTER HALF OR BETTER STILL YOU COULD LEAVE THEM AS MESSAGES AROUND THE HOUSE. If you are in a new relationship or long term one, here are 50 loving messages you can send to that special person in your life. 1. I love everything about you, your smile, your hair, your lips, in fact, you are just perfect....Continue reading
12.01.2022 HAVE YOU HEALED BEFORE YOU MOVED INTO YOUR NEXT RELATIONSHIP? Personally, It took me 18 months before I said I was ready to allow the King to enter my life and 6.5 of those months I was locked inside the house. LOL!!!! NOW!!!... Everyone takes a different amount of time time, don't rush the process otherwise you'll miss the learning, blessings and growth. You miss what is truly designed for your conscious growth. Light and love from me, share with someone who needs this.
10.01.2022 WE ARE ALWAYS READY IN THE DIVINE MOMENT Every moment in the past is setting you up for this moment now. Embrace the journey for you are exactly where you are meant to be. ... AND REMEMBER If it happened a moment earlier, you may have missed it altogether. Light and love from me x #therelationshipqueen #veronicabennett #relationshipcoach #Intimacy #energy #SelfAwareness #Linguistic #acceptance #faith #spreadpositivity #positivity #love #nlp #coach #courage #growth #mindset #life #Monday
07.01.2022 WHAT YOU SEE IN OTHERS, LIVES INSIDE YOU. Beauty sees Beauty. Light sees Light.... When things are falling apart around you, turn inward, and find peace. Surrender, having faith, and finding a deep connection to your purpose is our greatest gift to ourselves. Our thoughts and energy are all connected. Let's wake up, rise us, and see the interconnected all of us. On a side note: your children our your greatest teachers. Personally, Mia and Charlotte grew me more than anything else. Much love, light and love from me. xxx #therelationshipqueen #veronicabennett #relationshipcoach #faith #christian #women #love #nlp #coach #friendship #courage #growth #mindset
07.01.2022 Feeling pretty excited... THE CHOICE IS YOURS... I literally just signed up another client who wants to take massive action while in lockdown. Someone who wants to elevate his life to the next level and make the most of this lockdown period.... Someone committed to 3 months of massive actions and willing to playout 110%. Someone who wants to be open to love post lockdown and understands what he does now will get him closer to his dreams when we get out freedom back. How you react in a pandemic, says a lot about the type of person you...... Some of you are watching Netflix. Some of you are putting on weight, I did, and hence I started the Hard75 today. Some of you are watching the tv and living in fear. Some of you are working on your health. ( Me) Some of you are creating business. ( Yep) Some of you are working with me privately and preparing yourself for the next season. Someone of you will find love via some of the strategies I am giving you. Some of you will come out more robust, and some will be left behind. You are the mastery of your destiny... The choices you make at this moment impact your future. Some of you will be brave enough to believe in yourself and pick up the phone and work with me. Some of you will read this post and do nothing. Some of you will think I am full of it. But in the end, you make a choice and create your destiny. Choose you... Light and love from me to you. x #therelationshipqueen #veronicabennett #relationshipcoach #faith #women #love #nlp #coach #friendship #courage #growth #mindset #life #lifequotes #motivation #motivationalquotes #inspiration #inspirationalquotes #thoughts #wisdom #quoteoftheday #dailyquotes #coachlife
05.01.2022 JUST FOCUS ON TODAY!!! So often, we get overwhelmed when we start a goal. Or, well, at least I know I do.... For example, I'm going on my health journey now, and I'm like, "All right, so I want to lose five kilos." I get so overwhelmed with the five kilos that I don't even start. But what if I just focused on today? I just focused on doing the things that I needed to do, eating the foods that I wanted to eat, exercising, and I got that right? Or alcohol. What if I've made a decision not to drink again, and instead of getting overwhelmed, like, "What would it be like on my wedding day, not having a glass of champagne, or not having a glass at New Year's?" I just stayed focused and got through today. One day at a time. Especially with the world and how it is at the moment. Or someone might be struggling with drug addiction, and you might be wondering, "Well, what if it's going to be like in three months? What if I have a relapse?" But what if we just focused on today. This rule applies to business, relationships, and every area of life. We also need inspired action. So, therefore, it's imperative to ask ourselves what we want to do and what inspires us. That could be a daily conversation that we have with ourselves. I know over 18 months ago when I wanted to be a Relationship Coach, I couldn't do it. I was in too much pain, and I had to go through my healing journey. As I went through my healing journey, the purpose just kept on showing up over and over again. As I got more and more connected with my inner self, my passion came out even further and further, and voila, I've created this coaching business, brand, and it's only up from now. But the same goes with my health, as I focus on that and other areas of my life, just focus on this moment. A decision was made, not to drink anymore... Doing the right things today takes me one step closer to my goals. So as I share with you, through vulnerability as always, it doesn't matter where the end goal is, it's just about getting through today. Sending you light and love. Much love x #therelationshipqueen #veronicabennett #relationshipcoach #faith #christian #women #love #nlp #coach #friendship #courage #growth #mindset #Monday
03.01.2022 #therelationshipqueen #veronicabennett #relationshipcoach #faith #christian... #women #love #nlp #coach #friendship #courage #growth #mindset #life #lifequotes #motivation #motivationalquotes #inspiration #inspirationalquotes #thoughts #wisdom #quoteoftheday #dailyquotes #coachlife See more
03.01.2022 #therelationshipqueen #veronicabennett #relationshipcoach #women #love... #nlp #coach #friendship #courage #growth #mindset #life #lifequotes #motivation #motivationalquotes #inspiration #inspirationalquotes #thoughts #wisdom #quoteoftheday #dailyquotes #coachlife See more
03.01.2022 My mind is playing tricks on me today!!!! I woke up, and I was just like, "I can't do it. This is not going to happen.... It's never going to work out." Negative, negative, negative. And I can go into this vicious cycle all day today, I could say: "When's it going to happen?" But I have to realised and remembered, there's a little needy girl inside of me. That four-year-old (Vee) and I've got to calm her down. "Everything happens at the right time, Vee, I told her." I know the right opportunities open when you're ready to receive them. I know God's got my back. And with this unshakeable belief system, it's what will get me through on a day like today, when I don't feel like doing anything, and I feel like giving up. I even didn't want to go for my first exercise session this morning, but I realised something. If I give up now where else am I'm giving up on myself? My day is full.... I don't want to do the things that I have to do. But I know, I need to go to deeper depths of my soul, give a little bit more than I've got. My message to anyone reading this is keep going, stay focused, hang in there: If you're a mum or dad with your kids at home all day, hang in there. If you are applying for jobs, keep applying. if you're someone looking for work, keep looking, hang in there. If you're waiting for that loving relationship to come into your life, it coming, hang in there. If you are struggling with illness at the moment, hang in there If you're living with uncertainty, remember God's got your back and we will get through this. Remember the best is yet to come, and whatever opportunity or whatever in life is meant to find you, it always will. Everything works out for the better. Somethings, you just don't know it at that time. Light and love from me. If this message resonates with you, reach out and let us have a private chat. On your own, it's hard than working with someone. Much love xxx #therelationshipqueen #veronicabennett #relationshipcoach #faith #christian #women #love #nlp #coach #friendship #courage #growth #mindset
03.01.2022 RELATIONSHIP TUESDAY--- LET US TALK. MASCULINE AND FEMININE ENERGY... DO YOU ALLOW WHAT IS YOURS TO COME IN. Allowing. I often talk about Masculine and Feminine energies, and in the below diagram, it depicts the wounded Masculine, Wounded Feminine, Divine Feminine, Divine Masculine.... We all have traits of each energy that drop into us at different times. Now, before I even go deeper, let me go back one step. Everyone has Masculine and Feminine energy within them. On average, a woman will be 70% in her Feminine and 30% in her Masculine, and vice versa for a male. Depending on whether you are coming from divine or wounded energy will depend on how you react and treat the world. How you are in your relationships and the dynamics of your relationship been playing out. Last night, a light bulb hit for me. As much as I play in the Divine Feminine, there was a part of me that wasn't completely allowing every area to unfold as it should. There was a part of me that was attempting to control. As I went to bed last night and I read the Book of Proverbs this morning, I realised that in every area the Divine Feminine woman is allowed to relax and receive. Trusting the goodness of love that we deserve, to allow to receive the abundance of opportunity, to allow us to receive how we need to be and want to be treated in a relationship, to allow a man or a husband to be the leader of the family in many ways, and to play out that beautiful masculine and feminine energy. Now, if this excites you and interests you, drop me a comment below and say PASSION, and I'll be happy to speak to you one-on-one about it because it's a topic that's dear to my heart. Today, Ladies, I allow you to allow all the goodness into your life. And Men, I encourage you to be the confident, daring, bold as you are beautiful creatures. Light and love from me Veronica x
02.01.2022 'Have you ever wondered why you keep repeating the same mistakes over and over again? Do you realize that if you change nothing, then nothing will change? You can want for the rest of your life, but if you don’t take action you're going to get nowhere. It’s not simply enough to want a better relationship with your kids. You have to take the steps to make the relationship better. You have to make it a priority and you have to decide how you're going to change, so you get the results that you want. Intentions are marvelous and all, but faith without works is dead.' #therelationshipqueen #veronicabennett #relationshipcoach #faith #christian #women #love #nlp #coach #friendship #courage #growth #mindset #life #lifequotes #motivation #motivationalquotes #inspiration #inspirationalquotes #thoughts #wisdom #quoteoftheday #dailyquotes #coachlife See more
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