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Ian & Tracy | Personal coach

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Ian & Tracy

Phone: +61 410 100 150


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25.01.2022 Win yourself some free relationship coaching! We would love you to join us next Monday at 7.20pm, to hear 3 powerful insights that we have discovered, which made a massive difference to the quality of our relationship and our levels of satisfaction, joy and love. Sign up to our webinar next Monday and one lucky person will be drawn out of a hat at the end to receive a complimentary 60 minute coaching session with us. ... We'd love to see you there! Ian and Tracy xx

11.01.2022 Are you struggling to get your needs met in your relationships with others? Are you keeping your needs and desires to yourself for the sake of keeping the peace and harmony in the relationship? We say that when you are not owning your needs, you come across as NEEDY. Being needy, and not owning your needs, can have a negative effect on your relationships. You may revert to manipulating, sulking or resigning yourself to the fact you are and will be unfulfilled.... If this is you, come and change that story for yourself... Fulfilling our needs is a fundamental requirement of being human. We teach you how to be strong in owning your needs so you don't have to feel embarrassed, shameful or guilty. Are you ready to shift from behaving in a needy way to powerfully owning and expressing your needs so you can create more fulfilling relationships? If so join us for our upcoming course Powerful, Real Relating - Course starts March 18th!

09.01.2022 I didn't believe I could have the relationship that I dreamed of. One where I was not only respected, loved and adored, but also fully encouraged to be myself and supported to fulfil all my needs. I spent years being the helper, the giver, the one who was always assisting others to get what they needed.... What changed? I took a chance to open up to someone that I normally wouldn't have. I let go of who I thought I needed to be with and any ideas of a 'dream guy' I trusted myself to follow my heart, even when my head said 'this is crazy...he's not for you'. I allowed myself to explore a relationship with someone even though he was struggling with leaving his ex wife and his 5 year old son - even though the timing couldn't have been worse! Opening up to someone takes courage, and I had no idea of the road it would lead me on... I trusted that if I followed my heart, it would eventually lead me to something good. I had no clue however, that it would lead me to experience something profoundly magical and special. I want you to have the same kind of experiences I have on a daily basis! Deep love, intimacy, care, respect and best of all - having a best friend that you can trust to support you to fulfil what you need and desire. Now that we are together and have grown so much over 9 years, our desire is to help people shift what is in the way of creating a great relationship. We know what it takes, and the answers are surprising simple! We'd love you to join us this Thursday to find out the 3 greatest realisations we've had, that keep taking our relationship to the next level. It's free, and you have nothing to lose (but possibly so much to gain ;-)) We hope to see you there!

07.01.2022 I remember the days when I experienced negative voices in my head That voice that told me I would never be good enough. I remember one day in Year 8, when I was trying to clear 1 metre 30 in my high jump practice after school (I was starting to get quite good at it) when the voice came in and said... "You are not going to make it" That voice filled me with fear. Absolute terror. It kept repeating what it was saying, in a whispered tone. I didn't make the jump and I walked off the oval with my head hanging down. I truly believed it was my voice, telling me that I would never be good at high jump or anything. I went through many years of self-doubt, self-consciousness and angst after that day. By the time I got to 19 that I was telling myself that I hated myself. And that's when it really hit me. I didn't want to hate myself. That's not who I was! It was then I turned to self-help books, to help me conquer my massive fears and self-doubts. Many years and tools later, I know that those negative words I hear in my head are often not my own. They are the words of society's fear, collective fear, of ancestral fear, and the echoes of traumatic times past that still affect us to this day. Of course I still feel fear, but it's now based in my body, where I can deal with it. I understand that primal fear is my body's way of keeping me safe. It's not illogical fear that lives in my head and arises for no apparent reason. It feels amazing to know that I am in charge of my mind, my thoughts and what goes on in my head That I am the guardian and protector of my mind, my thoughts and my mental wellbeing. I choose not to give any power or attention to any head based negative thought anymore. If you struggle with negative /anxious thoughts, consider that you always have a choice. Awareness is the key. Interrupt the voice and say no thank you, I choose not to believe in that. You can even laugh at that thought and say "Just try to stop me!!" We create our peace of mind. It's our choice. Always. If you need any support with negative thoughts or anxiety, reach out to those you love. Get the help and support you need so you can get back to living life with joy. Peace out for today! Love Tracy #positivemindset #transformationthursday #transformconflict

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