Icarus Skin Cancer Clinic in Koo-Wee-Rup, Victoria | Medical and health
Icarus Skin Cancer Clinic
Locality: Koo-Wee-Rup, Victoria
Phone: +61 1800 422 787
Address: 4/352-354 Rossiter Road, 3981 Koo-Wee-Rup, VIC, Australia
Website: www.hotdoc.com.au/medical-centres/koo-wee-rup-vic-3981/icarus-skin-cancer-clinic/doctors
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25.01.2022 ? If you have come in an see Dr Mike Inskip at our clinic today. Call to make an appointment or book online 1800 422 787... Located at: Suite 4, Ground Floor, Hollander House, 352 Rossiter Rd, Koo Wee Rup, VIC 3981 #booknow #skincheck #sundamagedskin #protection #sunscreen #noreferrals #healthfirst #oddspots #icarusskincancerclinic #sunprotection
25.01.2022 ? Dont wait until its too late, no GP referrals required! Call Dr Mike Inskip or book online, link in bio. 1800 422 787 ... Suite 4, Ground Floor, Hollander House, 352 Rossiter Rd, Koo Wee Rup, VIC 3981 #icarusskincancerclinic #skincare #appointmentsavailable #noreferrals #preventionisbetterthancure #besafe #skindamage #cancerprevention #consultations #kooweerup
24.01.2022 Get in for your appointment now before the holiday season! Call now or book online, link in bio. 1800 422 787 Located at: ... Suite 4, Ground Floor, Hollander House, 352 Rossiter Rd, Koo Wee Rup, VIC 3981 #icarusskincancerclinic #healthfirst #skincancerawareness #noticethesigns #diseaseprevention #scanyourskin #cancerprevention #nogpreferrals #drmikeinskip #buildabear #australiansummer #christmas
24.01.2022 make sure you check UV levels daily
23.01.2022 ! Ensure you make an appointment to have your skin checked call or book online to see Dr Mike Inskip. We are open on the following days - 23rd December 11.00am - 6.00pm 24th December 11.00am - 1.00pm... We return to normal hours after Christmas and New Year break on 2nd January 2020 11.00am - 6.00pm We wish everyone a safe and happy holiday and look forward to seeing you in the New Year 1800 422 787 Located at Suite 4, Ground Floor, Hollander House 352 Rossiter Rd, Koo Wee Rup VIC 3981 #icarusskincancerclinic #drmikeinskip #spotschecks #appointmentsavailable #nogpreferrals #skindamage #healthchoices #health #skincancer #skincare
19.01.2022 ? Keratoacanthomas are a variant of squamous cell cancers of the skin. They present as firm domes or balls containing a central plug of keratin (dead skin). They grow alarmingly quickly and can get to a centimetre or more in diameter in a matter of weeks. They are most common on sun exposed sites of the body in people over 50. Find out more with Dr Mike Inskip, call now or book online.... 1800 422 787 Located at: Suite 4, Ground Floor, Hollander House, 352 Rossiter Rd, Koo Wee Rup, VIC 3981 #icarusskincancerclinic #keratoacanthomas #healthfirst #skincancerawareness #noticethesigns #diseaseprevention #scanyourskin #cancerprevention #nogpreferrals #drmikeinskip
18.01.2022 ! If you have any concerns dont take a risk. Get it checked out, we dont require a GP referral! Call or book online to make your appointment.... 1800 422 787 Located at: Suite 4, Gorund Floor, Hollander House 352 Rossiter Rd, Koo Wee Rup VIC 3981 #icarusskincancerclinic #medicalcheckup #melanomaawareness #skincancerawareness #nogpreferrals #knowthesigns #earlydetectionsaveslives #drmikeinskip #medical #skincancer
17.01.2022 Just because the cold winter months have arrived doesnt mean skin cancer will disappear. If anything you need to be more vigilant during the winter because the issues developed over the summer may finally be starting to rear their ugly heads.
17.01.2022 Dr Mike uses the most up-to-date digital imaging system each time he conducts a skin check. . The FotoFinder medicam 1000s provides the sharpest Full HD CrystalView quality images, and contains D-Scope IV precision optics to enable polarisation. . This gives Dr Mike the clearest view of any concerning lesion, anywhere on your body.... . . To book an appointment online, visit icarusskincancerclinic.com.au or call us on 1800 ICARUS No referral needed. See more
16.01.2022 The provision of primary care skin cancer care is definitely NOT Non Essential and we will remain open for business as usual. The detection and management of skin cancers remains a priority and we will continue to provide this service for all our patients throughout this time of disruption and uncertainty.
16.01.2022 Have an expert examine those abnormal spots youve been noticing lately. Dr Mike is the best in the business call in or book your appointment online, to have your check-up before the holidays begin. No referrals required!... 1800 422 787 Located at: Suite 4, Ground Floor, Hollander House 352 Rossiter Rd, Koo Wee Rup, VIC 3981 #icarusskincancerclinic #drmikeinskip #skincare #checkuptime #skindamage #healthfirst #noticethesigns #diseaseprevention #australiansummer #scanyourskin
15.01.2022 Do not neglect your health. Make sure you continue to have your regular skin checks. Early detection is essential
13.01.2022 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=q6kyXtChVJ0
12.01.2022 ! Bookings are available, call now or book online and have your skin checked. We dont require a GP referral either so hurry and make your appointment now! 1800 422 787... Located at: Suite 4, Ground Floor, Hollander House 352 Rossiter Rd, Koo Wee Rup, VIC 3981 #icarusskincancerclinic #drmike #dontriskyourhealth #skincancerawareness #skinexamination #medicalhealth #healthcare #healthfirst #skindamage #nogpreferrals
11.01.2022 We would like to wish everyone a Safe and Happy New Year. Make sure you look after yourselves and book your skin check in. We hope to see you soon
11.01.2022 Just because the cold winter months have arrived doesn’t mean skin cancer will disappear. If anything you need to be more vigilant during the winter because the issues developed over the summer may finally be starting to rear their ugly heads.
10.01.2022 WE'RE STILL OPEN!
10.01.2022 Hand Sanitiser is available to all our patients and we continue to follow strict protocol to ensure the safety of everyone. Our clinic poses extremely low risk and we continue to sanitise all touch surfaces continually. Try not to defer your regular skin check or treatment, unless you suspect you have the virus or have been exposed to it. We look forward to seeing you.
10.01.2022 Is it time for your skin check? We are open !! Call and book an appointment todayIs it time for your skin check? We are open !! Call and book an appointment today
10.01.2022 Its business as usual and a reminder your skin checks are still important.Its business as usual and a reminder your skin checks are still important.
09.01.2022 ? Coming in and have your skin examined before the holidays. Call or book online today and have Dr Mike Inskip examine you. ... 1800 422 787 Suite 4, Ground Floor, Hollander House, 352 Rossiter Rd, Koo Wee Rup, VIC 3981 #icarusskincancerclinic #skincare #appointmentsavailable #noreferrals #preventionisbetterthancure #besafe #skindamage #cancerprevention #consultations #kooweerup
08.01.2022 hand sanitiser readily available to all our patients and we continue to follow strict protocol to ensure the safety of everyone. Our clinic poses extremely low risk and we continue to sanitise all touch surfaces continually. Try not to defer your regular skin check or treatment, unless you suspect you have the virus or have been exposed to it. We look forward to seeing you. #skincancerprevention #skincancerawareness #sunsense #sanitize
08.01.2022 No Excuse To Delay!
07.01.2022 WE ARE OPEN. Please don’t put off the early diagnosis of skin cancers. We look forward to seeing you soon. Book your appointment today. www.icarusskincancerclinic.com.au
07.01.2022 A dedicated skin cancer clinic, where you can book an appointment exclusively with Dr Michael Inskip who is considered an expert in his field, is highly trained and works exclusively in Skin Cancer Medicine. Dr Inskip will check your entire skin surface, using special diagnostic equipment to locate, treat and monitor suspicious lesions. You can enjoy peace of mind with a trustworthy skin cancer diagnosis, treatment and aftercare. Book your skin check today www.icarusskincan...cerclinic.com.au #promotelocalkooweerup #pakenhamnoticeboard #Arenaresidentscommunicationgroup See more
07.01.2022 2 3 How common are they? Squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs) are more common than melanomas but less common than basal cell carcinomas. They are unusual in younger people and generally start to occur above the age of 40 on sun damaged skin.... Who is affected? In Australia SCCs start to appear in people in their 40s and become increasingly common as people get older. They usually occur on the most heavily sun exposed sites especially the lower lip, nose, face, upper trunk, lower arms & lower legs. The back of the hands and forearms are a particularly common site as are the scalp & ears of bald men. They are most common in people who have had a heavy lifetime UV exposure such as outdoor workers particularly if they have a paler skin type ( red / blonde hair). REMEMBER any nodule (lump), ulcer or persistently pink / red patch on the skin should be reported to a doctor sooner than later, especially if it bleeds. The sooner SCCs are detected the fewer problems they will cause. If you've seen something like this don't wait! Call Dr Mike Inskip or book an appointment online no GP referrals required, 1800 422 787 Located at: Suite 4, Ground Floor, Hollander House, 352 Rossiter Rd, Koo Wee Rup, VIC 3981 #icarusskincancerclinic #sundamage #healthfirst #skincancerawareness #noticethesigns #diseaseprevention #scanyourskin #cancerprevention #nogpreferrals #drmikeinskip
07.01.2022 5 ? The sun is out today, dont forget to protect yourself from harsh UV Rays. Its always better to be safe than sorry so give us a call and book an appointment today or book online. 1800 422 787... Located at: Suite 4, Ground Floor, Hollander House, 352 Rossiter Rd, Koo Wee Rup, VIC 3981 #sunprotection #slipslopslapseekslide #skincare #icarusskincancerclinic #sundamage #cancerprevention #protectyourskin #scanyourskin #getaskincheck #skinprotection
06.01.2022 Book an appointment today www.icarusskincancerclinic.com.au or call 1800422787
06.01.2022 ! The sun is out don't forget to put on some sunscreen on to protect your delicate skin. Call now and book your appointment for a skin check-up or book online today! Ph: 1800 422 787... Located at: Suite 4, Ground Floor, Hollander House, 352 Rossiter Road, Koo Wee Rup, Vic 3981
06.01.2022 Happy Easter to everyone, look after yourselves and keep safe
06.01.2022 The team at Icarus Skin Cancer Clinic would like to wish everyone a safe and happy Easter long weekend, it is a great opportunity to unwind. It is important to stay safe and look after our families in these difficult times. Please note we will be re-opening at 100% capacity on Tuesday 14th April.
05.01.2022 Call or book online and make your appointment today! 1800 422 787... Located at: Suite 4, Ground Floor, Hollander House, 352 Rossiter Rd, Koo Wee Rup, VIC 3981 #icarusskincancerclinic #oddspots #appointmentsavailable #nogpreferrals #drmikeinskip #skincare #checkup #prevention #callorbookonline #kooweerup
04.01.2022 ' ! The days are starting to get hotter now. Dont forget to protect your skin from harsh UV rays since it will only cause more damage to your skin. If you are not sure about any of your odd spots appreaing on your skin dont be afraid, call or book online today and have your skin checked before Christmas Holidays at Icarus Skin Cancer Clinic! 1800 422 787... Located at: Suite 4, Ground Floor, Hollander House 352 Rossiter Rd, Koo Wee Rup 3981 #icarusskincancerclinic #drmikeinskip #summer #protectyourskin #skincare #sunscreenalways #skinexamination #skincancerexperts #slipslopslapseekslide #sunsmart
03.01.2022 ? The prevention of common skin cancers and precancers is possible by taking an inexpensive, widely available, tablet twice daily. The tablet, a vitamin B3 supplement called nicotinamide, cut the rate of new squamous-cell and basal-cell skin cancers by 23% compared with placebo after 1 year among patients at high risk for skin cancer. Nicotinamide also reduced the risk for developing actinic keratosis, a common precancer of the skin. These are the results ...of the phase 3 ONTRAC skin cancer prevention trial undertaken by the Dermatology Department at the University of Sydney and published in the New England Journal of Medicine in October 2015 N Engl J Med. 2015 Oct 22;373(17):1618-26. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1506197. The study included 386 patients aged 30 to 91 years who had more than two nonmelanoma skin cancers over the past 5 years, and were therefore deemed high-risk. The patients were randomized to oral nicotinamide 500 mg twice daily or to placebo for 12 months. The average age was 66 years, and 66% of the patients were men, many with ongoing chronic comorbidities. The patients were checked by a dermatologist every 3 months and suspicious lesions were biopsied. Nicotinamide reduced the rates of new basal-cell cancer and squamous-cell cancer diagnoses by 23% compared with placebo (P = .02). Nicotinamide reduced the rates of actinic keratoses (precancers) by 11% at 3 months and by approximately 15% after 12 months of treatment compared with placebo. No significant side effects were reported in the study. Want to know more? Call or book an appointment online to meet Dr Inskip and learn more about this study Dr Mike Inskip has written about 1800 422 787 Located at: Suite 4, Ground Floor, Hollander House 352 Rossiter Rd, Koo Wee Rup VIC 3981 #icarusskincancerclinic #drmikeinskip #skincancerstudies #learnaboutcancer #prevention #skindamage #earlydetectionsaveslives #medicalstudy #skincancers #healthfirst
02.01.2022 WE ARE OPEN. Please dont put off the early diagnosis of skin cancers. We look forward to seeing you soon. Book your appointment today. www.icarusskincancerclinic.com.au
01.01.2022 Keep Calm Its Business as usualKeep Calm Its Business as usual
01.01.2022 ! Call or book online for your skin check with Dr Mike Inskip! Only a few appointments left for this week. 1800 422 787... Located at: Suite 4, Ground Floor, Hollander House, 352 Rossiter Rd, Koo Wee Rup, VIC 3981 #icarusskincancerclinic #oddspots #appointmentsavailable #nogpreferrals #drmikeinskip #skincare #checkup #prevention #callorbookonline #kooweerup
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