QLD SES in Ipswich, Queensland | Community
Locality: Ipswich, Queensland
Phone: +61 132500
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25.01.2022 A small intense storm has again impacted the greater Ipswich area. We will have a couple of teams out in the field tonight but we won’t be able to get to every job. We will have teams out again tomorrow continuing to work through both the new jobs that have come in and jobs still outstanding from the storm on 31 October.
24.01.2022 On Sunday, members from the Ipswich City SES Unit worked with QAS on a patient retrieval from Flinders Goolman Conservation Estate. Well done to all the members involved. Our patient and companions were delighted with the care they received by the team. Winter is a beautiful time to visit bushwalking areas in our own backyard but it is important to ensure that you are always prepared when you are heading out. For information on how to prepare for bushwalking check out https...://parks.des.qld.gov.au/e/bushwalking/walk_safely.html Queensland Fire and Emergency Services - QFES #qldses #qfes #orangeangels #communityspirit #bushwalking #preparedness #winterwalking #teamworkmakesthedreamwork
24.01.2022 Are you heading to the Ipswich Show this weekend? Come and visit SES just inside the main gate. You will find us teamed up with members from Rural Fire Service at Flinders Peak. Find out how you can prepare your home before storm season. Queensland Fire and Emergency Services - QFES... #qldses #qfes #communityspirit #orangeangels #icsesu #areyouprepared #orangefamily #rfsqld #teamworkmakesthedreamwork
23.01.2022 Today members from across the Unit participated in #cleanupaustraliaday across the Ipswich area. Some crews worked around the Karrabin area and another crew worked both on the river and around the boat ramp at Goodna. The crews from one site alone collected approximately 700kgs of rubbish.
22.01.2022 While we weren’t able to be together to show our respects today our members joined their communities in lighting up the dawn. Even our members assisting with the border closure paused to remember. Lest we forget.
22.01.2022 Regular training is a part of what we do to keep ourselves ready to assist our communities. One of the areas we train in is Working Safely at Heights, this is a skill we use during storm damage operations so we can get on your roof to make temporary repairs. Yesterday ten of our newer members successfully attained this qualification. Congratulations to the members and thanks to the volunteer trainers who ran the course. #qfes #sesqld #volunteers #orangeangels #areyouprepared #bestormready #training #ipswichcityses #workingtogether
22.01.2022 Rosewood Group are all set up at the Rosewood Street Festival tonight. Promoting #getready and being prepared for an emergency. If youre out and about stop in and say Hi. #qfes #qldses #beprepared #areyouprepared #stormready #volunteering #volunteers #orangefamily #discoveripswich #icsesu #ipswich #rosewood
22.01.2022 Iso causing a storm in your life? Its not the only storm around by the sounds of it - Bureau of Meteorology says severe thunderstorms are expected across the... southeast today with damaging winds and hail possible. So, say iso got this by tuning into Bureau of Meteorology for the latest warnings. While youre at it, secure outdoor furniture and gardening items, and park vehicles under cover. See more
21.01.2022 Today we welcome some additional teams from NSW to assist in the work to be done in the local community. Thanks for the support. #SESfamily #teamwork #SES #RFS #FRS
21.01.2022 Today you will find members from across the Ipswich City Unit participating in a number of activities in the Ipswich area. A number of members are developing their Landsearch skills with an exercise alongside Queensland Police Service. Ipswich is also hosting a South Eastern Region Chainsaw course. This sees members from all units across the region come together to further develop skills in preparation for the upcoming storm season. As part of #operationcommunityconnect we... have members at Brassall State Primary School and St Francis Xavier Fete school fete celebrations, as well as Cooneana Historical Centre for there annual open day. It doesnt matter where you end up today, stop and have a chat to any of the guys or girls in orange. Queensland Fire and Emergency Services - QFES #qfes #qldses #communityspirit #upskilling #operationcommunityconnect #teamworkmakesthedreamwork #haveyouvolunteered #outandabout #ipswich #goodna #marburg #rosewood See more
21.01.2022 Over the weekend one of our volunteers had their car broken in to while it was parked at one of our facilities. Amongst the items stolen from the vehicle was some of our volunteers SES uniforms. If you have any concerns about someone acting suspiciously in an SES uniform or knocking on your door asking for donations to the SES etc please contact the Police and advise them of the details. All QLD SES volunteers are issued with an ID card so if you are concerned that the person may not be legitimate you can ask to view their ID card.
20.01.2022 Today is Yellow Ribbon Day in support of our Rural Fire Service colleagues. We have worked hand in hand with them over the last 12 months through various emergency situations and as with all volunteers they are an exceptionally hard working group of people. Thank you for all that you do.
20.01.2022 Whilst weve been quiet on the Facebook front recently weve been fairly active. Several searches over the last few weeks including one today which saw a positive result with the missing person found alive and well.
20.01.2022 Hi All, if you were planning on heading hiking this weekend please check this update from Ipswich City Council. Due to the current weather a number of Councils hiking facilities are closed.
19.01.2022 Things have been a little quiet for us lately but rest assured we are still here to help. We are currently only undertaking operational activities such as searches, storm response and providing support to other agencies. All of our recruitment and regular training has been postponed indefinitely at this stage. Our main tasking at the moment is providing ongoing support to the Gold Coast SES Unit who are assisting Queensland Police Service at the border closure checkpoints. Members from Ipswich are supporting various shifts. The photos are from a 10pm - 6am shift on Saturday night.
19.01.2022 5 days ago, 10 members from the Ipswich City SES Unit departed Brisbane, Townsville bound. Last night all 10 arrived home, all with many stories to tell. Thank you all so much for putting your hands up to assist with flood cleanup in Townsville. You should all be extremely proud of what you have achieved over the last 5 days. Queensland Fire and Emergency Services - QFES #QFES #QLDSES #communityspirit #orangeangels #dedication #townsville2019 #ICSESU #goodnagroup #ipswichgroup #marburggroup #rosewoodgroup
17.01.2022 Today we made the most of the best classroom around and took our land search course outside. Some of our newer members experienced the potential realities of searching. Nothing like a great view when youre doing some book work. #qfes #sesqld #landsearch #bushwalk #tesmworkmakesthedreamwork #orangefamily #ipswich #getoutside
17.01.2022 If you still require SES assistance and haven’t already logged a task please contact 132 500 and log your request. #qfes #sesqld #storm #132500
17.01.2022 Shaun is a great supporter of all QFES crews, no matter what colour they wear. Don't worry Shaun, we are impressed by your agility. Now you just need a new uniform and a helmet. #SES #orangeangel #ipswich #workingatheights #youwish
15.01.2022 Even without any storms we are still quite busy at this time of year. We have a number of community events this weekend starting tonight in Rosewood with the Lions Street Festival. Tomorrow night you can catch us at Robelle Domain in Springfield Lakes for their Christmas Carols and Sunday at Redbank Plains Recreation Reserve for their Christmas Carols. If youre out and about stop in and say Hi to our members and find out about how to be ready for an emergency.... #qfes #qldses #beprepared #emergency #getready #stormready #volunteers #teamworkmakesthedreamwork
14.01.2022 A number of members from our Unit headed west today to assist our neighbouring Region with a search. Its always good to get out and lend a hand when were needed. #qfes #sesqld #workingtogether #volunteers #community #teamworkmakesthedreamwork
14.01.2022 The link below has some handy info regarding your tarped roof.
14.01.2022 Yesterday our flood boat operators gathered for a workshop to refresh their skills and ensure that all of our boats are in operational condition and ready for the upcoming season. #qfes #sesqld #ifitsfloodedforgetit #volunteers #ipswichqld #getready #AreYouPrepared
13.01.2022 Out and about training today. Members from across the Unit came together for a joint training exercise with QPS. We explored areas through the Flinders Peak Conservation area so that we are better able to assist members of the public who may become lost or injured. If youre planning on heading out bushwalking as the weather cools off make sure you take the time to properly prepare before you go. Was a great day had by all and good to spend some time out in nature putting o...ur skills to the test. #qfes #sesqld #training #jointtraining #landsearch #bushwalking #ipswich #discoveripswich #teamworkmakesthedreamwork
12.01.2022 ‘Iso’ causing a storm in your life? It’s not the only storm around by the sounds of it - Bureau of Meteorology says severe thunderstorms are expected across the... southeast today with damaging winds and hail possible. So, say ‘iso’ got this by tuning into Bureau of Meteorology for the latest warnings. While you’re at it, secure outdoor furniture and gardening items, and park vehicles under cover. See more
12.01.2022 Last night Commissioner Carroll and other members of our executive visited the Ipswich City SES. This was a great opportunity for members of all services to get together and speak with the Commissioner. #qfes #sesqld #rfsqld #oneteam #orangefamily #teamworkmakesthedreamwork
12.01.2022 There are storms predicting for the South East area this afternoon and whilst at this stage there is no specific information available please take the time to ensure that you have prepared your property just in case. Have you tied down your trampoline and secured any other loose items in your yard that could damage your property or your neighbours property?
11.01.2022 Do you have what it takes? The Ipswich City SES Unit is looking for members of the community interested in joining a practical and professional organisation. We have an intake commencing in early August 2019. So if you want to challenge yourself and learn new skills in areas such as storm damage response, search operations and so much more then click on the link below and register your interest now!... https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/38QKPDX
11.01.2022 Members from Goodna, Ipswich, Marburg and Rosewood have arrived in Townsville to assist the community after the recent flooding. These members have joined with other members from the South East region who will be spending 5 days in Townsville. Queensland Fire and Emergency Services - QFES #QFES #QLDSES #ICSESU #goodna #ipswich #marburg #rosewood #communityspirit #townsville2019 #orangeangels #dedication #workingtogether
10.01.2022 With wet weather expected to continue affecting us there are some steps you can take to make sure your property is prepared. -Make sure any drains around your property are clean and functioning to allow water to move freely. - Keep your gutters clear, this reduces the risk of water backing up into your ceiling and causing damage... -Have sandbags, plastic and sand ready to sandbag your doors if required - Have tarps ready for internal use Going through theses steps can help to minimise the potential impact from rain events.
10.01.2022 A massive shout out to all the businesses who have supported SES and the community during this time - you are legends!! #localsupport #teamwork #SES # RFS #FRS
09.01.2022 We train every week in various aspects of our organisational response. Last night Ipswich Group undertook training in heights safety and temporary repairs. #qfes #ses #alwaystrainingalwayslearning #training #temporaryrepairs #workingatheights #teamworkmakesthedreamwork #volunteer #orangeangels
07.01.2022 While we werent able to be together to show our respects today our members joined their communities in lighting up the dawn. Even our members assisting with the border closure paused to remember. Lest we forget.
07.01.2022 Were currently experiencing some technical difficulties with out recruitment enquiry links so for the time being if you are interested in joining the Ipswich City SES please use the below link. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/YSZPDR3
07.01.2022 Holy storm and cyclone season, Batman! Look at the bat-signal! This International Batman Day, join Bruce Wayne and the people of Gotham City by saving the SES c...ontact number into your phone: 132 500. You can call this number to request flood and storm related assistance from the SES before, during or after wild weather hits. However, if the situation is life-threatening, please dial Triple Zero (000) immediately. Do NOT nanananananananana call Batman.
05.01.2022 Whilst we’ve been quiet on the Facebook front recently we’ve been fairly active. Several searches over the last few weeks including one today which saw a positive result with the missing person found alive and well.
05.01.2022 Are you prepared for storm season? Last night our Unit ran an exercise designed to test out our storm response skills and make sure we're prepared for the upcoming season. We had 8 teams working on various storm related scenarios which included simulated rain, experienced members supported a number of our newer members to build on some newly acquired skills Everyone involved had a great time and put their skills to the test... #QFES #sesqld #Volunteer #AreYouPrepared #getready #bestormready #ipswichqld #orangeangels
04.01.2022 Training is continuing for us to make sure all our members are ready for any challenge they may face. Today members undertook a land search course. Whilst we may be ready to come searching for people at any time it is important that if you're out hiking you take the time to prepare correctly; -Make sure you have enough food and water for the duration -Tell someone where you're going and when you're expected back... -Know exactly where you're going and what the difficulty/condition of the track is like These couple of basic steps will help lessen the likelihood of us needing to put our skills to the test. #qfes #ses #sesqld #ipswichqld #AreYouPrepared #hiking #bushwalking #bushwalkingready
04.01.2022 Lending a hand wherever we can. Today members of Ipswich and Scenic Rim units transporting trucks to support RFS operations. #qfes #sesqld #rfsq #workingtogether #lendingahand #makingadifference #volunteers #volunteering
03.01.2022 We are aware that there is predictions of further rain today however as you can appreciate our crews have been stretched very thin for the last two weeks and our volunteers may not be able to attend your property swiftly when you call to undertake work such as tarp retensioning. Please see the below link for information on how to re secure your tarp before raising another task for SES to reattend. If you see your neighbour's tarp is loose or know they may not be able to re ...secure it themselves consider lending a hand and securing it for them. We still have a number of tasks outstanding which we are working through as we have members available to do so. Our members have completed over 3000 operational hours since 1 November, this is a massive commitment from these members, many of whom are also still working their regular job on top of that. We appreciate everyone's patience and understanding through this
03.01.2022 A number of members today took the trip to participate in the South Eastern Region rescue competition, as well as help set up the exercises and play as casualties. Well done to all members involved. Congratulations to our neighbours in Somerset who are now embarking on their next rescue comp stage. #qfes #qldses #teamwork #rescue #orangeangels #dedication #communityspirit #supportingtheteam Queensland Fire and Emergency Services - QFES
03.01.2022 We have a busy weekend here in Ipswich. This is where you will find us on Sunday, August 25 Brassall State Primary School is celebrating there 125th birthday with a fete St Francis Xavier Fete is also happening Ipswich Historical Society has there annual open day at Cooneana Historical Centre. Drop into any of these events for storm preparedness tips. ... #qldses #areyouprepared #teamworkmakesthedreamwork #haveyouvolunteered #qfes See more
02.01.2022 #WOWDAY2019 .... take a quick moment today to thank an SES volunteer, have an orange morning tea, or wear something orange. Thank you to all SES volunteers in the Ipswich City SES Unit, South Eastern Region and the rest of the State, what you do for your communities is outstanding #thankyou #qldses #icsesu #qfes #communityspirit #orangeangels #teamworkmakesthedreamwork #wowday #wowday2019
02.01.2022 Each year for SES week the Region hosts an awards day. There a variety of awards that are presented including Meritorious Service Medals and National Medals as well as individual SES week awards. This year our Unit was privileged enough to be awarded Regional Unit of the Year for embracing change, empowering a resilient community and providing significant support to other Units, Regions and services through training and operations. A massive thanks to all our members and their families because without them we wouldnt be able to support our community and receive this recognition. #qfes #ses #sesqld #sesweek2019 #volunteers #orangefamily #thankyou #recognition #community
02.01.2022 In amongst all the activities we currently have on supporting community events our teams were called out Saturday afternoon to assist some residents after a large whirly wind dislodged and damaged some tiles. When were making temporary repairs to tiles roofs we move some good tiles around so that we only have one area to tarp. Was a solid effort by the team on a warm day.
02.01.2022 The Bureau of Meteorology are predicting potentially high rainfalls across the South East area over the coming days. Take some time to make sure you are prepared for this type of larger rain event and stay informed. If you are impacted and require SES assistance call 132 500.
02.01.2022 Today, we celebrate the women who make a difference in others lives. To all the women in QFES who continually work hard to help their communities, thank you. T...hank you for empowering yourselves and others; for breaking boundaries, one leap at a time. To all the mothers, sisters, daughters, aunties, nieces, friends and wives, happy International Womens Day!
02.01.2022 Today members from across the Unit participated in a joint flood boat training session with Somerset Unit on Wivenhoe Dam. Training with our neighbouring Units helps us to refine our skills and work together when there is an emergency or disaster. #QFES #SES #volunteers #workingtogether #training #floodboat #ipswich #wivenhoedam
01.01.2022 To wrap up SES week each year there is a State awards day. This day brings together recipients of the regional awards which are held the week before as they have the opportunity to be recognised with State level awards. As we were recognised as regional Unit of the year we were invited to attend and were presented with a Highly Commended Award in the Commissioners Cup for our commitment to embracing changed and supporting a resilient community. The highlight of the day thou...gh was the recognition received by one of our long standing members. John was recognised with an inaugural life membership award along with only 15 other members from across the State. John has been a dedicated member of the service since 1976 showing drive and commitment to the Ipswich City Unit. John has been pivotal in ensuring the members of our Unit receive all the training they need to ensure they can serve their community to the best of their abilities. #qfes #sesweek2019 #ses #orangeangels #recognition #dedication #volunteer
01.01.2022 This weekend was a busy one for our Unit. We had 16 members complete a Land Search Course on Saturday, several members completed a Chainsaw course over both Saturday and Sunday. Then Sunday morning saw members head out to Mt Glorious in the early hours of the day to assist Somerset Unit locate some missing bushwalkers. All in all a successful weekend and big thanks to all our members for putting in the effort. #qfes #qldses #ses #orangeangels #ipswichcityunit #ipswich #bushwalking #thethingswedo #community #makingadifference
01.01.2022 Today on Wear Orange Wednesday we take a moment to say a huge THANK YOU! to all our amazing volunteers, past and present, for their tireless support to their community.
01.01.2022 Tonight members from across the South East Region are attending an organisational update at the Ipswich Unit. Fantastic opportunity for the members to understand more about where we are going in the future. #QFES #sesqld #future #direction #icsesu
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