Ida Sophia | Public figure
Ida Sophia
Phone: +61 431 439 070
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24.01.2022 Obsessively reading Jacques Ranciere’s - lock your eyes into this paragraph With so much ease did her rhythms alter as with her movements they passed from limb to limb; with such a show of calm did she unloose for us the thoughts of her breast; so gravely and so beautifully did she linger on the statement of her sorrow, that with us it seemed as if no sorrow could harm her; no distortion of body or feature allowed us to dream that she was conquered; the passion... and the pain were continually being caught by her hands, held gently, and viewed calmly. Her arms and hands seemed at one moment like a thin warm fountain of water which rose, then broke and fell with all those sweet pale fingers like spray into her lap. It would have been a revelation of art to us had I not already seen that the same spirit dwelt in the other examples of the art of these Egyptians. The Art of Showing and Veiling, as they call it, is so great a force in the land that it plays the larger part in their religion. We may learn from it somewhat of the power and the grace of courage, for it is impossible to witness a performance without a sense of physical and spiritual refreshment. Originally from an essay written by Edward Gordon Craig, The Actor and the Über-marionette, #edwardgordoncraig #jacquesranciere #artbook #aisthesis #ranciere #booklove #veil #unveil #bookrecommendations #performanceart See more
20.01.2022 Forget yourself. Become one with eternity. Become part of your environment Yayoi Kusama Travelling around NSW this past 2 weeks with my new husband has been revitalising artistically and physically. Seeing Kusama’s work ‘Narcissus’ at @sydlivmus , which she originally showed without permission at the 1966 Venice Bienale, was such a highlight! Considering vanity, otherness and economic systems of production/exhibition/circulation via the multiple of this silver sphere - this work was profound to experience in the real. We forgot ourselves.
14.01.2022 So happy to announce the opening of a new show by Ruby Chew and I, THE PAINTER AND THE PERFORMANCE ARTIST at The Mill - Opening April 7 click the link below for more details!
12.01.2022 Rest In Peace my favourite camera of all time, featured here in our last pic together before I fatally dropped her (thanks @rubychewart) This instax mini 90 has been bulletproof in 5 overseas trips.. endless parties and hazey spontaneous nights from Sofia to Rome and back to Adelaide. It has captured the faces of the iconic humans around me. Thousands of images, - and I’m not over exaggerating - have gone through this lens. Although I recently got an upgrade for my birthday - Mini90 you were my first love. In this little ode, what I’m nostalgic for is every shot I took with you, and overjoyed that I got to take all those sublime moments home with me.
10.01.2022 The Temporary Community Project An 8 person limit, participatory work that was active on a defined site area for 2 weeks only. The project has come to an end, and I had the joy of meeting up with 7/8 of the people who parted with their hair to become part of this community. ... Inside the bracelets was a small piece of paper that read: (note: all bracelets had different questions) Welcome. I humbly thank you for your contribution to this temporary community. Please wear this bracelet at all times on ACSA grounds, so that you are identifiable to your community. / When you find your community members, ask them when they remember first becoming aware of their mortality / Please keep this for your eyes only. In asking such questions on the topic of death, Participants were able to get straight to a deep matter of conversation. The effect was instant, even drawing in others who were around. Participants spoke candidly about death and dying, insomuch as having a momento mori effect upon them (Remember that you shall die). This work was about approaching the ideas of death collectively. I can not define the answers, only ask the questions. Critical art is an art that aims to produce a new perception of the world, and therefore to create a commitment to its transformation. This schema, very simple in appearance, is actually the conjunction of three processes: first, the production of a sensory form of 'strangeness'; second, the development of an awareness of the reason for that strangeness and third, a mobilization of individuals as a result of that awareness. Jacques Ranciere,Dissensus: On Politics and Aesthetics #participation #participatorypractice #artistprocess #temporarycommunity #haircut #exchange #artexchange #participateinart #seekyourcommunity #community #artcommunity #sitespecific #lockofhair #hair #socialbody #socialactivation #socialart #socialpractice #femaleartist @adelaidecentralschoolofart
09.01.2022 The Power of Performance: How Adelaide's experimental art scene is being reignited by Farrin Foster In it, I give my 2 cents to Farrin about being a performance artist in Adelaide, making work here, acknowledging/building on the history of performance art in Australia and being part of the reignited scene. I'm mentioned alongside incredible artists from Unbound Collective Faye Rosas Blanch, Natalie Harkin, Simone Ulalka Tur and Ali Gumillya Baker @ali_gumillya as well as Ray ...Harris @contemporayray Jill Orr (and many more!) and the fabulous institutions supporting live art including (but certainly not limited to!) @ace_open @fuma_museum @agsa.adelaide @fineprintmagazine @samstagmuseum @floatinggoosestudios @griffithuniversityartmuseum @adelaidecentralschool #femaleartist #liveart #adelaideart #liveartadelaide #artscene #performanceart #performanceartist #durationalart #artistinterview
08.01.2022 @posterestanteproject The mail in Participatory Project by Ida Sophia Where do they reside, the people that have exited from our lives? ... The people who have passed, the people who have passed through? ‘ ‘ is a notation written on mail, followed by c/o (care of) & an address. @idasophia_artist Together with @AirspaceProjects provide an address for you to reach the ones you grieve. Write here To: C/O Airspace Projects 10 Junction Street Marrickville NSW 2204 From the 5-21st of November 2021, Airspace Projects will display the letters in a box and provide the space and time for participants to write letters in the deep space gallery. On the 21st, @idasophia_artist will create a live performance to deliver the letters. You are warmly invited to write throughout the year, and if possible, attend this event It is an urgent question in my practise to reimagine processes of connection in a socially distanced era. Restrictions can negatively alter the ways we are allowed to deal with loss collectively, yet humans innately need ways to assemble. is one way we can continue to meaningfully and deeply connect post loss. The gallery becomes a c/o {care of} site of meeting and memorial; an anchor for connection and an orientation device for grief. - @idasophia_artist #postrestante #postrestanteproject #idasophia #mailin #mailinart #mailart #participatoryproject #communityproject #socialpractise #griefandloss #participatenow #participate #globalparticipation #submissions #callout #artsubmissions #mailing #griefjourney #griefsupport #grieving #grievingprocess #lossofalovedone #loss #airspaceprojects #envelope #letter #writeletters #letterwriting #letterwritingclub #letterwritingmonth
06.01.2022 I am inspired by Frida Kahlo for two reasons: 1, her work simultaneously seduced and implicated me. 2. She took her art to her body, not dressing for fashion, but for an embodiment of herself, her culture and her artist hood. Growing up observing this, I have come full circle, sewing deep into obsessive early hours until I come away with clothes that I have made by hand, as one would a sculpture or painting. #fridakahlo #bodysculpture #livingworkofart #sewistsofinstagram #sewnwithlove #sewn #handmadeinaustralia #handsewn #diystyle #diy #ootdinspiration #artiststyle #artistfashion #artistlook #fridakahlofashion #fridakahlostyle #orangered #silktop #styleselfie #artisticstyle #artistlifestyle #makeityourself
04.01.2022 With my Swedish sister and incredible artist @akvm at @museomaxxi in January this year, we were lucky enough to experience @yokoono ‘s ‘Add Colour: Refugee Boat’ just before the pandemic hit. Participatory, co created works like these acutely reflect the time, location and people that made it. I think of this iteration now as a time capsule of ‘before’. The work lives in the people that made it, and we belong to an anonymous community. From afar, the dark and mid blue, the w...hites all blend to make a calm sea. The closer you step however, the more chaotic - words overlap, hope and fear, fighting against the current to be heard. A brilliant work and I cannot wait to travel again to see and participate in others. For now, I reminisce. X #yokoono #participatoryart #participation #museomaxxi #yokoonoaddcolor #addcolour #refugeeboat #darkblue #lightblue #cocreate #handpainted #painttogether #paintingtogether #galleryvisit #beforecovid19 #yoko #romeart #romemuseum #contemporaryartrome #participate #femaleartist #artistfriends #akvonmalmborg #akvm #arttravel See more
03.01.2022 So lucky to have seen this work in person at the Art Gallery of South Australia and to speak with Stelarc after - an Incredible Australian Icon of Performance Art